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Soluzioni Ket

Paper 1 Part 1  1. f; 2. c; 3. e; 4. d; 5. b.
Paper 1 Part 2  1. a; 2. b; 3. c; 4. b; 5. c. 50
Paper 1 Part 3  1. a; 2. b; 3. a; 4. c; 5. b.
Listen to Jack talking about what he and
Paper 2 Part 1  1. c; 2. b; 3. a; 4. c; 5. c. his friends like doing in their free time.
For each question write a letter next to
each person.
Tapescript Jack: What did you do yesterday afternoon?
Jane: I did my homework. I had a lot to do.
You will hear five short conversation. Tick What about you?
the right answer for each conversation. Jack: I played videogames with Fred.
1. Jane: Does he always play videogames?
Lucy: When do you want to go swimming? Jack: Yes, you know he’s very fond of it.
Tom: Not on Sunday, let’s say on Saturday. Jane: Does his girlfriend Susan like videogames
Lucy: On Saturday? too?
Tom: Yes, on Saturday afternoon. Jack: No, she hates them. She likes reading.
Jane: Books?
2. Jack: Yes, books of course. Novels and poetry.
George: Have you ever seen this comedy? Jane: Her brother Bob doesn’t like reading.
Lisa: What’s the title? Jack: That’s true, he’s my classmate and he
George: “Betty”. always says that he hates books. He likes sports.
Lisa: Betty? No, I’ve never seen it. Is it an Jane: Does he still play football?
American comedy? Jake: Yes, he always plays football.
George: No, it’s British. Jane: And what about you?
Jake: I like movies, science-fiction movies.
3. Jane: Do you? I also like movies but I’m not so
William: Hurry up! Your train’s leaving. fond of science-fiction. I like comedies.
Julia: No, my train leaves at 8.15. Jake: I see.
William: And now it’s 8.10.
Julia: Oh yes, you’re right, I’ll hurry up.
Paper 3 Part 1-2  Open answers.

Henry: Do you like Mark?
Gloria: No, not at all.
Henry: What about Fred?
Gloria: Fred… No, you know that I love Jimmy.
He’s my boyfriend.

Shirley: How do you want to go to the shopping
Robert: By bus.
Shirley: But it takes longer than by car. Why
don’t we take the car?
Robert: Because there’s a lot of traffic.
Paper 2 Part 2  1. e; 2. a; 3. f; 4. c; 5. d.

Pagina fotocopiabile solo per uso didattico © 2012, Loescher Editore - Torino

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