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4 Do you play the guitar?

Exercise 1 Exercise 8
Answers will vary. 1. Ahead of Time: science fiction
2. House of Laughs: comedy
3. Coming Up for Air: crime thriller
Answers will vary.
Exercise 2
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Answers will vary.
1. future, travel, century, time, adventures
Exercise 3 2. different, funny, laugh, funnier
1. Hope Solo is an athlete. 3. action, catch, thief, gold, surprise
2. Fall Out Boy are a pop group. Exercise 9
3. Chris Hemsworth is an actor.
2. A: Do you like jazz music?
4. Luke Bryan is a singer.
B: I can’t stand it.
Exercise 4 3. A: There’s a soccer game tonight.
1. Ken: Do you like pop music, Janet? B: Great. Let’s go.
Janet: Yes, I like it a lot. I’m a big fan of Beyoncé. 4. A: Would you like to see a movie this weekend?
Ken: Oh, does she play the guitar? B: That sounds great!
Janet: No, she doesn’t, but she’s a great dancer. Exercise 10
2. Alice: What kind of music do your parents like, Jack?
Jack: They like country music. A
Alice: Who do they like? Jason Aldean? Accept? Yes No
Jack: No, they don’t like him very much. They prefer 2. Thanks, but I don’t really like animated films. ✓
Carrie Underwood. 3. That sounds great. Where is it? ✓
3. Harold: Kelly, who’s your favorite female singer? Do you 4. I’d love to, but I have to work until midnight. ✓
like Selena Gomez? 5. Thanks. I’d really like to. When do you want
Kelly: No, I don’t. I can’t stand her. I like Etana. to meet? ✓
Harold: I don’t know her. What kind of music does she
Answers will vary.
Kelly: She sings reggae. She’s really great!
Exercise 5 Exercise 11
1. Eva: Do you like pop music, Anita?
Answers to questions will vary.
Anita: Yes, I do. I like it a lot.
1. What kinds of movies do you like? I like . . .
Eva: There’s a Justin Bieber concert on Friday. Would you
2. What is your favorite movie? My favorite . . .
like to go with me?
3. What kinds of movies do you dislike? I dislike . . .
Anita: Yes, I’d love to! Thanks.
4. What kinds of TV shows do you like? I like . . .
2. Marco: There’s a baseball game on TV tonight. Would
5. Who is your favorite actor or actress? My favorite . . .
you like to come over and watch it?
6. What is your favorite song? My favorite . . .
Tony: I’d like to, but I have to study tonight.
7. What is your favorite rock band? My favorite . . .
Marco: Well, do you like basketball?
8. What is your favorite video game? My favorite . . .
Tony: Yes, I do. I love it!
Exercise 6 Marco: There’s a game on TV tomorrow at 3:00. Would
Answers will vary. you like to watch that with me?
Tony: I’d love to. Thanks!
Exercise 7
Exercise 12
2. Chad can’t stand country music.
Answers may vary. Possible answers:
3. I love soap operas!
listen to play watch
4. Celia isn’t/is not a fan of new age music.
music the drums a basketball game
5. Would you like to go to a soccer match?
R&B the guitar a movie
the radio the piano videos
Answers will vary.

Workbook answer key T-171

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