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Muhammad Iqbal


quotes for

Meta – Horizonscraper Dwelling

The housing problems of the 21st century that include continuous urbanization, overpopulation, pollution, energy
deficiency, land shortage and lack of affordable housing cannot be solved by applying housing solutions of the 20th
century. The paradigm shift initiated by the disruptive new technological development of the fourth industrial revolution is
offering substitution to the conventional understanding of housing design, its production processes and radically change
the way we live and work.

Le Corbusier said that cities consist of living spaces, working spaces, and recreational spaces connected by
methods of transport. Methods of transport should be re-examined as parts of the space in which we live. Here, the
important feature is not the road, which has the sole function of providing a place for vehicles to pass, but the street,
which is part of dailylife space and has many functions.

A terminal is the junction of different means of public transport, and a large number of people meet or at least
encounter each other there. Because such shopping and leisure facilities as department stores are usually built at
terminals, there are ample opportunities for a terminal to grow into enspace for common use for capsules.

In large cities of the future, a large number of new-style plazas and squares, a large number of new-style homes,
will come into being where individual capsules will be docked to each other and create a social space. Such space may
be called a haven within a city, as opposed to a haven outside the city, remote from the city.

The conventional community centres of public hall, park and marketplace will then lose their place as the centre
of city life . Independently of such spaces for daily life, a starting point of spiritual life - an information centre - will come
into existence, and a new type of community where individuals flock together ·wm emerge. Such a community may be
called a 'temporal community' as opposed to the conventional regional community.

The capsule is the ultimate form of a prefabricated building - an industrialized building. Industrial production of
buildings becomes possible when the production process is divorced from the conventional building construction
industry. The rolling stock industry, aircraft industry and motor vehicle industry are models for that process. Just as mass
production was revolutionized by the Model T Ford, so the capsule will make possible qualitative conversion of the
industrial production of buildings. As with the Ford Mustang, capsules will be mass-produced on a selective system
which combines parts, not a standardized mass-production system. The time will come when mass production will not
produce standardization but will ensure variety.

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