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Subject: ELA Teacher(s): SIBEL DOGA

Unit name: BOY IN THE STRIPED PAJAMAS Unit weeks & hours: 6

Summative Assessment Task

Vocabulary Quiz
Book Quiz
Essay Writing

Inquiry questions (teacher’s questions/ provocations as a starting point)

What are Nazis?

What is a Holocaust?
What are concentration camps?
What happened during World War II?
How does the main character change throughout the book?
Why is there war?
What are the positives and negatives of being innocent?

Learning Objectives of the Unit Skills to be developed and focused on Resources

To analyse plot development in a novel 
To analyse character depth and point of view 
Students will locate and interpret details in stories, internet , wor
To read for specific information and find evidence
in a text  articles, novels, poetry, or non media to respond
To reflect on equality and community  to a  range of tasks. 
To express personal opinions about a novel in Students will identify and explain connections
writing between new ideas and information and their
previous  beliefs, values and experiences.  
Students will demonstrate a willingness to
experiment with language and enjoy the ways in
which language  is used in pop culture  
Students will analyze the influence of language and
cultural diversity on themselves and their
communities.  Students will compose or create
works of communication for specific audiences and
purposes Students will  use language to explore
thoughts, feelings, ideas, and experiences. 

Week 1: Teaching and learning

Learning process
Learning experiences and teaching strategies
-( pre-reading activity)

Grammar: Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers (from grammar booklet)

Show PPT of different covers of the book. Ss write why the author chose many different illustrations to reach different
Read the City Mouse and the Country Mouse
and The Tortoise and the Hare
Then read about the Nuremburg Laws
Give research hw on World War II, Holocaust, present next week
Read ch.1
Answer Q’s
Writing: How to write an argumentative essay
1. Topic can be: Do violent video games make people more likely to be violent in real life?
Or Online learning can replace face to face learning.
Does nature or nurture play a bigger role in who we are?
SS start by writing down at least 4 ideas for FOR and 4 for AGAINST. (They will continue writing next week)
Achieve 3000: do an article together
Formative assessment

Comprehension worksheets. Speaking activities 

Writing activities. 


Week 2: Teaching and learning

Learning process
Learning experiences and teaching strategies

Review on Modifiers: watch Khan academy video about it. Show some examples, Let them continue doing
Examples on NoRedInk.
Literary Device: Writer’s Purpose, take notes in notebooks.
Reading ch.2 and 3. Do the PEE Chart activity. And comparison chart of Bruno’s house in Berlin and the new
One ‘out with’ (ch.4 is HW)
Vocab and comprehension Q’s, Quizlet, writing and learning about the characters in the book. Show video of
Movie characters interview.
Writing: continue argumentative/ persuasive essay. Each student has topic that was chosen from last week.
Achieve 3000 Article
Formative assessment

Writing activities



Week 3: Teaching and learning

Learning process
Learning experiences and teaching strategies

Monday: Literary Device: Writer’s Purpose, take notes in notebooks. Quizlet practice

Tuesday: Reading chapter 5-7, emotive language, alliteration

Wednesday is the Vocab Quiz., Quizziz
Thursday: Descriptive Writing
Friday: Achieve 3000

Formative assessment

Short answer questions about  major themes, characters, and  class discussions 

Verbal responses

Week 4: Teaching and learning

Learning process
Learning experiences and teaching strategies
Mon: Grammar: Voice of verbs pg.27 in book, read a little and start ch.8
Tues: ch.8-9, We talk about the themes of clothes and status and reread parts of ch.7, also show more examples of writers
choice of language/words.
Wednesday: Draw a picture of the camp. (Teacher will show pics from the slide first. Then also based on the book, students will
Make a sketch of the camp.
Thursday: descriptive writing
Friday: Achieve Article
Formative assessment

Short answers, written dialogue



Week 5: Teaching and learning

Learning process
Learning experiences and teaching strategies
Mon: review on emotive language, Take notes about it if not taken already. Students look at text and circle the emotive
language. Start with mini nearpod activity where they have to find some interesting words to use as emotive language to
describe their feeling when it is: their birthday, Christmas, getting a bad grade on a subject, your best friend moves away.
read a little and start ch.10 or quizziz
Tues: ch.10-11, We talk about tension built up and how it’s shown by the author, and repetition of words. (all on the slide)
12 is homework.
Wednesday: Do Comp. Q’s in groups and if there’s time Quizziz.
Thursday: writing using emotive language
Friday: Achieve Article

Formative assessment


Week 6: Teaching and learning

Learning process
Learning experiences and teaching strategies

Mon: grammar: who or whom?, take notes then do worksheet

Tues: read book 2x
Wednesday: Comparing Bruno’s and Shmuel’s journey to Out With. Describe exactly what is in the book and
highlight the adjectives. How are the adjectives used for Shmuel different than Bruno’s?
Thursday: Review for Quiz (modifiers),
Friday: Review Passive Voice
Formative assessment

Vocabulary Quiz


Week 7: Teaching and learning

Learning process
Learning experiences and teaching strategies
Mon: Review for Quiz (like word choice), read ch.15+16.
Tues: reading 19-20, Do comp. Q’s together or in groups.
Wednesday: Book Quiz, play kahoot or quizziz
Thursday: Watch movie!!
Friday: Achieve Article

Formative assessment


Write and preform a play based  on the story. 

Class participation, 

Speaking activities 
Week 8: Teaching and learning

Learning process
Learning experiences and teaching strategies
Mon: Finish watching movie
Tues: do improve with class as prep for Improv Challenge (after school activity)
Wednesday: practice for improve, and do a pre activity worksheet for Hunger Games (what items would you choose if you
were left in a forest)
Thursday: Free writing- Creative Writing

Formative assessment
Interview questions


Interview/ dialogue

Week 9: Teaching and learning

Learning process
Learning experiences and teaching strategies
Take the end of term English exam
Finish reading ch. 19 in The Hobbit and finish reading the entire book!
Watch the movie together.

Formative assessment
Comparing book to movie


Comparing book to movie

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