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Foreign trade – the activity of trading goods and services with other countries –
внешняя (международная) торговля

2. Merchandise – goods that are bought and sold in trade – товар

3. Cargo – goods carried by a ship, aircraft, or other vehicle – перевозимый


4. Certificate of manufacture – an official document that states that a manufacturer

has finished making a product and is ready for the buyer to collect or import it –
свидетельство об изготовлении

5. Certificate of inspection – a document which certifies the good condition of a

commodity (especially perishable goods) at the point of inspection, or prior to
shipment – акт контроля, проверки

6. Pro forma invoice – an invoice sent to a new customer, asking for payment before
goods or services are supplied – ориентировочный счет-фактура, проформа-

7. Letter of credit – a letter from a bank guaranteeing that a buyer’s payment to a

seller will be received on time and for the correct amount – аккредитив, денежное
обязательство банка перед плательщиком

8. Bill of lading – a legal document issued by a carrier to a shipper that details the
type, quantity and destination of the goods being carried – транспортная

9. Incoterms – International Commercial Terms – a series of pre-defined commercial

terms published by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) relating to
international commercial law – международные коммерческие термины

10. Free on board (FOB) – a term used for stating that the seller is responsible for
transporting goods to a ship at a particular port, and then they become the buyer’s
responsibility – «свободно на борту», международный термин,
обозначающий, что поставщик доставляет товар в порт и грузит на борт
судна, после чего ответственность за груз несет покупатель

11. Cost and Freight (CFR) – a legal term means that a quoted price includes the
cost of goods and transport charges to the destination port – базовое условие
экспортного контракта, по которому продавец оплачивает расходы на
перевозку товаров до порта назначения, но не платит за страхование
товаров во время их пребывания на борту морского или воздушного судна
12. Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF) – a legal term means that a quoted price
includes the cost of goods, insurance, and transportation to the destination port –
условия контракта, по которому продавец оплачивает расходы на
перевозку товаров до порта назначения и страхует их на этот период

13. Bonded warehouse – a place where goods are stored after shipping but before
the payment of duties on those goods – таможенный склад для хранения
товаров, не оплаченных пошлиной

14. Customs – the authority or organization that controls the flow of goods in and out
of a country – таможенная служба

15. Duty – a tax paid on goods that are bought or imported – таможенная

16. Customs broker – a person or business that helps importers and exporters move
their goods through Customs – таможенный агент/посредник

17. Export – goods and services that are produced in one country and sold to buyers
in another – экспорт/вывоз

18. Import – a goods or services brought in from abroad for sale – импорт/ввоз

19. Current account – a measure of the money going into and out of a country in the
form of exports and imports, income from interest and payments from foreign stocks,
and other payments – счет текущих операций (в системе национальных

20. Trade deficit – a situation in which the value of goods a country imports is
greater than the value of goods it exports, or the size of this difference –
внешнеторговый дефицит, превышение импорта над экспортом

21. Comparative advantage – an advantage a country has over another country

because it can produce a particular type of product more efficiently –
сравнительное преимущество

22. Absolute advantage – an advantage a country has because it can produce a

particular type of product more cheaply than another country – абсолютное

23. Exchange rate – the value of one nation's currency versus the currency of
another nation – обменный курс валют

24. Currency appreciation – an increase in the value of one currency in relation to

another currency – повышение курса валюты / ревальвация валюты
25. Currency depreciation – a fall in the value of a currency in relation to another
currency – обесценивание валюты / девальвация валюты

26. Floating exchange rate – an exchange rate that is allowed to change in relation
to the value of other currencies – плавающий (колеблющийся) курс валюты

27. Import license – an official document from the government that allows a person
or a company to bring certain types of goods into a country – лицензия на импорт/
разрешение на ввоз

28. Import controls – methods used to control the quantity of goods coming into a
country to be sold – регулирование импорта

29. Tariff – a government charge on goods entering or leaving a country –

пошлина, таможенный тариф

30. Exchange controls – government rules that limit the amount of a country's
currency that can be changed into another – валютные ограничения/ меры
валютного контроля

31. Export license – an official document that gives you permission to send
something out of the country for sale – лицензия на экспорт / разрешение на

32. Export declaration – a type of form submitted at the port, providing details
about goods that are bound for export – экспортная декларация

33. Bilateral trade – the exchange of goods between two nations promoting trade
and investment – двусторонняя торговля

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