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 Factors leading to formation of Muslim League.

 objective of Muslim League.s

 mention of Singnificance of Lucknow pact-1916.

 The Hindus and the Muslim had lived together in India for
 The uprising of 1857 made the British realize that in
order to continue their rule in India,they must divide the
two communities.
 Thus they sowed The seeds of dissention between Hindu
and Muslim.
 they encourage muslims to set up seperate political
organisation by telling them that the National Movement
For establishing Hindu Kingdom in India.
 thus it was British Policy OF Divide and Rule that led to
the formation of Muslim League.
1.Loss of sovereignty by Mughal rulers
 British established their rule in india by dethorning
Mughals, who were followers of Islam, which
made Muslim bitter enemy of them.
 Muslim take participate in Wahabi movement, This
makes unfriendly and Rude Towards Muslims
 but after 1870, british change their attitude
towards Muslims in order to control national
 This sowed the seeds dissension between two
2.British policy of Divide and Rule.
 in order to prolong british rule in india they
follow the policy of divide and rule.
 In 1871,a resolution was adopted which made
urdu the medium of instruction for muslim in
primary and secondary

 They tried to hatred between Hindu and

Muslim by describing Muslim as Plunderds
and Hindu ruler asCruel Kings towards Muslim

 They tried justify partition of bengal by

convincing Muslims that the partition was
made to create a new majority province
where wouldn’t dominate them.

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