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1st Poem of Words

By: Joshua Mel Aurelia

Looking back, I see myself crying, wishing that I could turn back the fast running time to where
it used to be. But I guess I was a bit late for it almost everything is impossible to return it. What's
left are the forgotten memories. I waited to release from my cage out of the pain of my mind,
heart, and even my soul.

Forgetting you is what I consider the greatest calamity I've encountered in my whole existence.
For every time I contemplate letting go of even the little inch of you, it equally makes me
remember those blissful moments and scenes I yearned to treasure.

It took almost four miserable years to vanish every bit of you; it felt awful. It was so excruciating
I struggled terribly to cross all the good memories both we've carefully shared. I can't blame my
devoting heart for it exactly performed its job, so my domineering mind did all the cleaning
work. It will be the solitary way of healing those cuts and bruises made from the past's
overwhelming chaos.

I fondly remember the first time you merely said 'hi' and I replied meekly a hello. I remember the
times we used to stay on the bench near the bay and talk together. I also recall your wry smile,
especially those thoughtful moments when you gave me a necklace on my seventeenth birthday.

And now it is just a faded memory. After that storm has passed, I chose to take a step forward
and be happy for myself. I mustered all of my strength enough to search for the light from this
path of darkness.

As if a musical rhythm that never stops and will faithfully keep on playing. Although, this
vibration had amended from its insistent beat. I have nothing to lean on except for myself.

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