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Activity 2: Let's check

1. Discuss and contrast the different beliefs based on religion, what are their

 Human beings have always tended to favour one race to another. Since the
first man learned reasoning skills and was able to classify individuals into
categories based on their physical traits, something has been going on. Three
of the world's most practiced faiths are Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. The
sub-themes are the only variations between these great faiths. For instance,
in Christianity, Jesus is considered to be the son of God, but in Islam, Jesus is a
noble prophet. The bigger picture of these sects is that Harmony is
encouraged. In the face of the Maker, no religion is superior to another, and
we are all equal. A good deed, considering who we pray to, is a good deed just
as a sin as a sin.

2. Among all mentioned and discussed Filipino Traits, based on your personal
experience, what would think the things Filipino have to change and how this
changes help us to be become better?

 In recent years, the nation has become one of the fastest-growing economies
in Asia. Internal efficiency of accuracy and mean inter-act associations for act
composites correlated with unique characteristics in each society and
whether personality characteristics forecast behavioral actions equally well.
It would help to encourage characteristic views over viewpoints in cultural
psychology. They know that if they did anything right, it would rightfully go
back to them, meaning they should expect positive things to happen to them.
Additionally, if they do anything wrong, they will even have bad things
happening to them. Because of their past acts, people would treat them
accordingly. The rightness and wrongfulness of their acts can be decided by

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