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E-Bazaar Shopping Store

E-Bazaar (E-Commerce Website)

Roll No FA17M2BA046
Prepared By Muhamad Waleed Shah Nawaz
BSCS 8th MORNING (2017-2021)
Supervised By Mr. Waqas Khan
Date 01-Sep-2021

Final Year Project Documentation

Version 1.0
Department of Computer Science

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Table Of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction 4
1.1 Purpose 4
1.2 Scope 4
1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations. 4
1.4 References 5
1.5 Overview 5
1.6 Product Perspective 5
1.6.1 System Interfaces 6
1.6.2 Interfaces 6
1.6.3 Hardware Interfaces 6
1.6.4 Software Interfaces 6
1.6.5 Communications Interfaces 6
1.6.6 Memory Constraints 6
1.6.7 Operations 7
1.6.8 Site Adaptation Requirements 7
1.7 Product Functions 7
1.8 User Characteristics 8
1.9 Constraints 9
1.10 Assumptions and Dependencies 9
1.11 Apportioning of Requirements 9

Chapter 2 Software Requirements Specification 10

2.1 Specific Requirements 10
2.2 External Interfaces 15
2.3 Functions 15
2.4 Performance Requirements 16
2.5 Logical Database Requirements 16
2.6 Design Constraints 16
2.6.1 Standards Compliance `16
2.7 Software System Attributes 16
2.7.1 Reliability 16
2.7.2 Availability 16
2.7.3 Security 16
2.7.4 Maintainability 17
2.7.5 Portability 17
2.8 Organizing the Specific Requirements 17
2.8.1 System Mode 17
2.8.2 User Class 17
2.8.3 Objects 22
2.8.4 Feature 23
2.8.5 Stimulus 23
2.8.6 Response 23
2.8.7 Functional Hierarchy 24
2.9 Additional Comments 24

Chapter 3 System Design and Architecture 25

3.1 Architectural Design 25
3.2 Decomposition Description 26
3.3 Design Rationale 33
3.4 Data Description 33
3.5 Data Dictionary 37

Chapter 4 Implementation and Testing 43

4.1 Code Modules 43
4.2 Database Connectivity 57
4.3 Overview of User Interface 58
4.4 Screen Images 59
4.5 Screen Objects and Actions 62
4.6 Test Cases 62
Chapter 1 Introduction
With increase in the number of buyer and vendors, better online shopping system is
required. The E-Bazaar (E-Commerce website) focuses on providing and improving the
online shopping system around the world. The customers can check the detail of the
products are available on the E-Bazaar and can buy the product.

1.1 Purpose
E-Bazaar provides the platform to buy or purchase the goods online. Final
Document gives the detailed description about the project's functionalities, features, uses,
architecture, behavior and characteristics of this E-Bazaar store.
This document will also help us to develop the E-Bazaar Store.

1.2 Scope
Online shopping is a current phenomenon which has developed a great importance in the
modern business environment. The evolution of online shopping has opened the door of
opportunity to exploit and provide a competitive advantage over firms. This project also provides
security with the use of login Id and Password.
This E-Bazaar Store will provide easy environment for the customers to purchase the
items. E-Bazaar provides following advantages:
 Save time
 Save fuel
 Save energy
 Comparison of Prices
 Hate waiting in lines
 Too ashamed to buy
 Easy to search products you want to buy
1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

1.3.1 PHP:
Individual Home Page, yet it currently represents the recursive backronym PHP:
Hypertext Preprocessor. PHP code might be implanted into HTML code, or it tends to be
utilized in blend with different web layout frameworks, web content administration
frameworks and web structures.

1.3.2 MYSQL:
MySQL, articulated either "My S-Q-L" or "My Sequel," is an open-source social
information base administration framework. It depends on the structure question language
(SQL), which is utilized for adding, eliminating, and adjusting data in the information


XAMPP represents Cross-Platform (X), Apache (A), MySQL (M), PHP (P) and Perl (P).
It is a basic, lightweight Apache circulation that makes it very simple for engineers to make a
neighborhood web worker for testing purposes.
1.3.4 GUI:
Graphical User Interface
1.3.5 Admin:
The person who is managing the website
1.3.6 SRS:
Software Requirements Specifications
1.3.7 DFD:
Data Flow Diagram
1.3.8 STD:
State Transition Diagram
1.3.9 SD:
Sequence Diagram

1.4 References

1.5 Overview
The life style of people is changing day by day. People feel uncomfortable and
time consuming for going crowed bazaar or markets. So, E-Bazaar is playing an
important role as it saves lot of time.
E-Bazaar is providing a platform to consumers or buyers to buy goods etc. from online
process without any intermediary service over the internet. Shopper can visit the website
through internet from the comfort of their homes and buy as by sitting in front of the
This website is usually available 24 hours a day and many consumers have internet
access both at work and home. So, it is very convenient for them to shop online.

1.6 Product Perspective

E-Bazaar store provides the quality items for the customers. The main
prospective of this product to be used to improve the way of shopping and provide
comfort to the customers.
The web-based application is a platform to be used to the safe the time, save fuel, save
energy, Comparison of Prices, Hate waiting in lines, too ashamed to buy, Easy to search
products you want to buy. Particular affirmations of accuracy, reliability, clear section,
data security, portions of future augmentation are also important
The administrator will update the information about the all products.
1.6.1 System Interfaces
At this Website is based on web application and we needs to it desktop server
require running and executing the services and functions and fetch the data from data
base to show it to the coustomer or users into the report formate and store the data of
different users or customers to stor the order of the users there must be a desktop
server. The secure admin login and and secure the login information of the admin into
database. The system interface must be friendly for the customers and admin.

1.6.2 Interfaces
User of the application will give the Graphical User Interface (GUI).
The user Interface must be user friendly and user feels no problem to use and work on
the system. Any user either he is more qualified or less qualified can use this system
and manage its information (Shopping) in a friendly manner. We tried our best to
make user Interface friendly and easy to use for our coustmors.

1.6.3 Hardware Interfaces

Hardware is a set of physical components which performs the function of
appliying appropriate and predefined instructions so we make our Website that can
run on any Electronic or Mechnical parts of Computer constitute of Hardware.

1.6.4 Software Interfaces

This Website is a set of procedure of coded information or a program when fed
into computer hardware enables the computer to perform various task. Software is
like a current inside the wire which cannot be seen but its effect can be felt. We make
our Website that can run or any Windows, IOS and Android easily. My SQL Server(XAMPP)

This Website must use My SQL as its database components.
Communication with the Database is through the server itself. So there must not
be any issue communicating with the database.

1.6.5 Communications Interfaces

The “E-Bazaar” Website mustt use the HTTPS protocol to communicate
through differnet users or customers in the world. There must not to be any other
protocol to be use in this system in order to avoid ambiguity. This is the standardlized
way of communicting through different coustomers throughout the world.

1.6.6 Memory Constraints

There are many constraints on this Website. Memory Constraints plays an
important role that the password of the coustomers of this system is stored in the plain
text in database. If a person tries to login into the system, But fails many times the
system will not be locked down. In this condition we must give the users autogenerate
option in password in username. Users of the system will not be forced to apply a
strong password (No Special Chracters). The user name of the account will be the
email of the users.
1.6.7 Operations
There are many kind of operations involve in this website.
Data processing support functions (Data processing is held at the both ends and fully
support functions for customers and admin)
Backup and recovery operations (Backup and recovery option are available as a
another backup driver) Admin Operation

The administrator performs the following function:
 Admin can login to admin panel
 Admin can add or delete
 Admin can edit or change products only
 Admin can perform, manage, control and update (Items) the website. Customer/Buyer Operation

The administrator performs the following function:
 Buyer can create an account
 Buyer can login to the account
 Buyer can view products
 Buyer can add products to the basket (Cart) and place the order
 After this Buyer can view automatically generated in voice of order
 Buyer can pay through secure payment method and give us the feedback about the
products and can see the billing information and shipping process.
Admin must update the remaining stock of every item.

1.6.8 Site Adaptation Requirements

Site Adaptation Requirements for this website are following:
 Minimum steps to make a purchase.
 Mobile-friendliness.
 Unique, recognizable design.
 Relevant, useful content.
 Email newsletter tools.
 Social proof.
 Shipping & payment systems integration.

1.7 Product Functions

This website provides the information about the products available in the store. The
main purpose of this project is to reduce the manual shopping. This website is capable of
managing products, returns of products, provide the availability and discounts.
The product functions are following:

1.7.1 User Registrations
Customers should have to register him on this website before want to purchase an
item. The site moreover gives a couple of features to the non-selected customer. Here they
can pick their id and all the experiences about them are assembled and a mail is shipped off
the email address for assertion.

1.7.2 Shopping basket (Cart Process)

Shopping basket module endeavors to emulate the working of a store where the
customer can see each structure, concealing, size and cost of the thing available. The things
they like can be added to the basket and can also change or also update in it. Charging and
other portion related issues are dealt with here.

1.7.3 Organization
The main motive of this organization is to satisfy the customers and provide the
quality and reliable products to the customers.

1.7.4 SEARCH
This website will give the opportunity to search the items both Register and
unregistered customers.

1.7.5 Messaging
Messaging module is stressed over progressions and handouts and is dealt
with by the director. This module is moreover stressed over sending authorization
and alerted sends.

1.8 User Characteristics

Many users can come to E-Bazaar Store is following:
1.8.1 Administrator:
The Admin has all the right to access the system he is one who has to view the all
details modify all the products and also keep a track of the current status of customers. The
admin of this website must have the sufficient knowledge of internet modules of the
Website and are able to rectify the small problems that may arise due to disk crashes etc.
Beside this the user must have the basic knowledge of computer, mobiles and internet
1.8.2 Global User:
The Global user must know about the basic information of computer and internet and
other things are followings.
 How to search the products
 How to create an ID
 How to login ID
 How to order a products
 How to pay the products
 Shipment Process
1.9 Constraints
There are many use of constraints in this web application such as mamory
constraints etc. Password of the user of the system in stored in the plain text in a
database. So, there is no highly security in storing the passwords of na users. The user
namewill be the email in login process.

1.10 Assumptions and Dependencies

It is assumed that use of this web based system has access to the computer with
all the necessary hardware equipment. Computer must be able to run the OS and proper
required software (any browser) and database software install necessary on it. The users
have access to working of the system and good speed of internet also available. The
users must know how the use the computer or other device, internet and opening of
Some of the assumptions are following:
 The admin add the items and information about it.
 The admin can be update and control the store easily.
 Only one admin can be available for the system.
 Another new admin can’t be created for the system.

1.11 Apportioning of Requirements

This Requirement engineering deaals with elicitations, analysis, communication and
validation of the requirmnet. As soon as error are indentfies in initial stage, It is easy to fix as
compared to latter identification of errors. And the cost of fixing these errors in initial stages is
much lower then fixing them in later stages of web application development. Metrics that can
be collected during requirment are the size of requirment and requirment completeness.
Chapter 2
Software Requirements Specification
2.1 Specific Requirements

2.1.1 Functional Requirements

Every new user registered him then he’ll login within the system. Sign
up/Registration is compulsory for online shopping.
For sign up users give details to the system like; Full Name, Email Id,
Password, Date of Birth, Gender, Contact Number.
Processing The system will process on it.

Output User will be register on the system for the shopping.

Error OSS (Operations Support System) shall handle expected and non-expected
Handling errors in ways that prevent loss in information and long downtime period.

Introduction Admin and user both use this system and perform its functions which system
allows him. They are a security measure designed to prevent unauthorized
access to confidential data.

Input Every user must have ID and Password to login himself in the system.

Processing The system will process on it.

Output Admin and user both use this system and perform its functions which system
allows him.

Error OSS shall handle expected and non-expected errors in ways that prevent loss in
Handling information and long downtime period.
Edit Profile
User can update his / her profile. He / She can change passwords and other details
Input User just uploads his/her picture of any format.

Processing The system will process on it.

Output System will update his/her picture on profile

Error OSS (Operations Support System) shall handle expected and non-expected
Handling errors in ways that prevent loss in information and long downtime period.

Add Category
Introduction Add Category define the addition of category of items/products.

Admin adds the items category. This feature only accessible by the admin user
can only view the category which he/she want to purchase
Processing The system will process on it.

Output Addition of categories of products.

Error OSS (Operations Support System) shall handle expected and non-expected
Handling errors in ways that prevent loss in information and long downtime period.
Add Items
Items added in the category from which it belongs. Only admin add the items
user can only view the item and purchase it.
Input Admin adds the items against these categories.

Processing The system will process on it.

Output Addition of items/products

Error OSS (Operations Support System) shall handle expected and non-expected
Handling errors in ways that prevent loss in information and long downtime period.

Manage Items
Admin manages (Update, Delete) the items, if some items are not available
then remove from the site and if some wrong entry had done then update it

Input Managing (Update, Delete) of items.

Processing The system will process on it.

Output Managed items

Error OSS (Operations Support System) shall handle expected and non-expected
Handling errors in ways that prevent loss in information and long downtime period.
Manage Orders
Admin manage order, see the details of the order that how much completed and
how much is pending.

Input Manage Order

Processing The system will process on it.

Output Orders are managed by admin show on website.

Error OSS (Operations Support System) shall handle expected and non-expected
Handling errors in ways that prevent loss in information and long downtime period.

View Items
Admin and user both view the details of items. All the items which are
available on this store user and admin view them.

Input View of items

Processing The system will process on it.

Output Items are viewable on the pages of website.

Error OSS (Operations Support System) shall handle expected and non-expected
Handling errors in ways that prevent loss in information and long downtime period.
Make Orders
The user makes the order; the user can select the category and then select the
item which he/she want to purchase. Users can make more than one order.

Input Select the Items, added it to cart and order it.

Processing The system will process on it.

Output Orders are done by customer.

Error OSS (Operations Support System) shall handle expected and non-expected
Handling errors in ways that prevent loss in information and long downtime period.

Make Payments
After the order is done, user makes sure that it pays the amount and system clears
its account.
After the order is done, user makes sure that it pays the amount through the
account (PayPal, Visa card etc.)

Processing The system will process on it.

Output Payment process is done by customer.

Error OSS (Operations Support System) shall handle expected and non-expected
Handling errors in ways that prevent loss in information and long downtime period.
2.2 External Interfaces
2.2.1 User Interface
The interface is given by this framework to the clients through whom the clients
connect with the framework.
 User interface must be friendly.
 Users can sign up that they don't have a record.
 Users should sign in with the framework on the off chance that they need to utilize
the framework.
 Users see the details of the items
 Users select items and given an order.
 User selects the payment method.

2.2.2 Hardware Interface

Hardware interfaces are those which help our software in running.
 Laptop or PC
 Good RAM
 Internet
 Storage Memory
 LCD or Monitor
2.2.3 Software Interface
Software Interfaces which incorporates with our system are;
 Operating System (Windows, Linux, Mac).
 Any Browser.
2.2.4 Communication Interface
The interface through which the users communicate with the framework or submit
its request. This framework give interface to user and user can get to this interface through
its browser via the internet.
2.3 Functions
2.3.1 Creation of New Record
This function creates a record for new items or category.
2.3.2 Deletion of Record
This function is use to delete the existing record of any item or category.
2.3.3 Updation in Record
This function updates the information in a record of any display item or
2.3.4 Data in Record
This function displays the record of data (Customers Items Admin).
2.3.5 Searching in Record
This function search the record of items.
2.4 Performance Requirements
The function describes how to perform to an effective project. This website will work
faster and more efficiently and weather multiple user can access this. The user can easily access
the website, view the products and buy products. The overall performance of the website will be
2.5 Logical Database Requirements
A logical database can stretch over multiple physical hard disks and information files.
The data storage unit is still a single database for information retrieval purposes. To
have a logical database, all given hard disks and information files must be accessible
from a single source in E-Bazaar. A personal computer able to access its information
files stored on multiple hard drives from a single user interface.
2.6 Design Constraints
2.6.1 Parent component
This is the website based system.
2.6.2 Standards compliance
Specify the requirements derived from existing standards or regulations. They might
 Accounting procedure
 Audit Tracing
 Report Format
 Data Naming

2.7 Software System Attributes

2.7.1 Reliability
Product reliability show that performance of our product is reliable and how it
works and the level of purification of all functions increases. In any case, it causes some
failure so that you cannot achieve your reliable goals in this system because of the problem
due to the reliability issue. This system should not fail in any case this system must be

2.7.2 Availability
Website services should be provides at all the times. The most available program is to
ensure that the system run long and available. The program is running at any time when we
use it always available. There is a higher percentage than the higher availability of the

2.7.3 Security
A lot of concerning protection of your website’s system and safety of its information
is compulsory. Only authorized/registered users can by the products with their Login.
Don’t discuss the solution (e.g. Password) to anyone. The activity may be expressed in a
very style of ways in which (Effort, Talent, Time …) to interrupt into the system.
Backups for database are available.
2.7.4 Maintainability
Maintainability implies that solutions change. The look and feel of an E-Bazaar site
often goes through high-frequency change, and the content of a website must often be
constantly updated. Maintenance of our products is to be done as soon as possible.
Maintenance of this website is our first priority.

2.7.5 Portability
Portability defines how a system and its element can be launched on one environment
or another. This website will be portable for any operating system and run on any hardware
and software or other performed platform specification. Put simply establishes how well
action perform via one platform are run on other. Also prescribes how well website may be
accessed and may interact from to different environment.
The portability of this website plays important role for the easiness of users.

2.8 Organizing the Specific Requirements

2.8.1 System Mode
This function descrie how to perform to an effective project. This website
should work faster and more efficiently and weather multiple user can assess this
system. The user can directly access the website and programe performance should
correct. Easy selecting, searching, managing, tracking of records, Purchasing process
and payment process for the customer.

2.8.2 User Class

Admin Sign-up Use Case Diagram
In this diagram, Admin can register/sign-up him/herself by adding username, password etc.

Figure 2.2 (Admin sign-up use case diagram

User Sign-up Use Case Diagram
In this diagram, User can register/sign-up him/herself by adding username, password etc.

Figure 2.1(User sign-up use case diagram)

User Login Use Case Diagram

In this diagram, User/Customer can login him/herself by adding username, password etc.

Figure 2.3 (User login use case diagram)

Use Case Diagram of Admin Profile
In this diagram, Admin can add his/her profile.

Search View Profile

Correction information



Admin Profile
Class Passw ord


Figure 2.4 (Use Case Diagram of Admin Profile)

Use Case Diagram of order

In this diagram, First of all customer will be login him/herself in the website and then
make the orders.


Search item

View Item

Add to Cart



Figure 2.5 (Use Case Diagram of Order)

Use Case Diagram Admin and User Functionalities
In this diagram admin can perform Login, Add Category, ADD Item, Manage Item, Manage Orders
and user can register, login, View Items, Make Order, Make Payment and Change Password of his/her

Figure 2.6 (Use Case Diagram Admin and User Functionalities)

Class Diagram

Web Customer Account Payment

Login_Id: ID: String Id: string Id:String Paid_Date: Date Total: real
String Password: String delivery_addres Description: String
Password: address: address
String s: address
Verrify phone: Phone
login(): bool Open: date Update_Accou
E-Mail: String closed: date
Profile_update() Deposite()
New Active Blocked or banned Linked
Order Card Id:int Product Id: int Quantity: int Date: Date

Number: String Basket

Date Add card() Update Quantity()
New Shipped Delivered Closed

Line Item
Price: Double Name

Class Diagram of E-
Class diagram describes the attributes
and operations of a class and also the
constraints imposed on the system.
This class diagrams are widely used in
the modeling of object oriented systems
because they are the only
UML diagrams, which can be mapped
Products directly with object-oriented languages.
Id: String Name: String

Figure 2.7(Class Diagram of E-Bazaar)

2.8.3 Objects

Attributes Functionalities
Full Name : String Registration ()

Email Id: int View Items ()

Password: String Make Order ()

Gender: string Make Payment ()

Date of Birth: Int Edit Profile ()

Contact Number: string


Attributes Functionalities
Full Name: String Add Category ()

Email ID: Int Add Items ()

Password: String Manage Items ()

Manage Order ()
Attributes Functionalities
Product Name : String Addnewproducts ()

Product Id: int deleteproducts ()

Price: String Displayproducdetails ()

Status: string inquiyproducts ()

2.8.4 Feature
 Manage the complete management of the entire E Bazzar Shopping
store with easy interface.
 This store will sale and return the particular products.
 Add update search and view products items online.
 Customer can check the availability status of a particular product online.
 Generate customize report of products.
 It removers manual processing of purchasing the products by easy and simplified way
of purchasing online saving time and effort.

2.8.5 Stimulus
In the face of today’s challenges managers, such as unreliability of process
conducted with in the compony, low quality of materials, to long time of unfulfilling the
customer orders and missing the deadlines of their implimentation, the role of dynamic
parameter of the study to be identify and analys the factors determining the effective
implementattion of the warehousing in the distribution center in the research there hasbe
adopted the following hypothesis: with the increase in the number of customer orders,
which is charctersizd by an increasingly smaller number of assortment items, the importace
of managing constants limiting the material flow with in the warehousing is increasing. The
above-mentioned hypothesis is veryfied in accordance with a test procedure including
litrature research and a case study. The research results show that the throry of constraints is
an excellent tool sipportting the tranformation of the warehouse management methode.

2.8.6 Response
The function describes how to perform to an effective project. This website will work
faster and more efficiently and weather multiple user can access this. The user can easily access
the website, view the products and buy products. The overall performance of the website will be
2.8.7 Functional Hierarchy
Functional Hierarchy shows the overall structure/ hierarchy of E-Bazaar online shopping store. Online
customer can browse or search items, view specific item, add it to shopping cart, view and update
shopping cart, checkout. User can view shopping cart at any time. Checkout is assumed to include
user registration and login.

View Item
Search Item
View Item Add to shopping cart

View Item

Not Found

Shpping Order Credit Card

Payment Confirm Order
Received Order COD

Figure 2.8(Functional Hierarchy STD)

2.9 Additional Comments

Although web application system is complex and expensive to implement and run, firms gain
benefits that can justify the complexity and costs.
Implementing a shopping website (E-Bazaar) can help an system reduce labour cost improve
inventrory accuracy, improve flexibility, resposiveness and decrease errors, shippng goods, and
improve customer service.
Chapter 3
System Design and Architecture

3.1 Architectural Design

The project is to create the website which is used to maintain the online. Database will contain
all necessary data for the customers, admin, visitor and the products.
The Structure or Architecture of E-Bazaar is given below:
1. Before Login
 Login
 Register
 Forget Password
 Administrator Login
 About Us
 Contact Us
2. After Administrator Login
 Edit Website Details
 Add Brands
 Add Category
 Add Items
 Delete Brands
 Delete Category
 Delete Items
 Manage User
 See Users
 Users Shopping
 Add Users
 Delete Users
 Logout
3. After User Login
 My Profile
 Edit Profile
 Change Password
 Buy Products
 Categories (Controlled by Admin. Which can be add it dynamically according to
their needs)
 Shopping Basket(cart)
 My Shopping’s
 Checkout
 Logout

 3 Layers Architectural Design:

Business Logic Layer

Data Access Layer
Presentation Layer Database

Figure 3.1(3 Layer Architectural Design)

3.2 Decomposition Description

Data Oriented Description

Admin: ID, Name, Password, Email, Contact.
Users: ID, Name, Password, Email, Contact, Last activity.
Products: ID, Name, Price, category, Image, Description.
Orders: ID, Client, Product, Quantity, Price, Date, Order Shipped.
Sequence Diagram
For Registration
This Diagram shows the registration Process of customers.

Entering Customer ID Authenticate Customer ID &

Customer ID &

Figure 3.2(Sequence Diagram for Registration)

For Login
These Sequence Diagrams show the login process for user or customer in three levels (0-2). The
user or customer just register him/her and enter the detail into the login page and get the authorize
login to purchase the items or products.
(Level 0)

Figure 3.3(Sequence Diagram for Login (Level 0))

(Level 1)

User Interface DataBase

1.Click login
2.Check values

3.Verifed values

Show main Menu

Click and Open Administration

Show main Menu

11.Adding values

Click and Open Teacher Menu

12.Showing Values
Show main Menu

Click and Open Student Menu

Show main Menu

Figure 3.4(Sequence Diagram for Login (Level 1) )

(Level 2)

Us System
Interface Database

Invalid retype

User id , pass Validity client side check Server side check State

Processing data
Main menu


Processing data
Storing Data
Teacher's Menu

Student's Menu

App Menu


Figure 3.5(Sequence Diagram for Login (Level 2))

For Online Shopping
This Sequence Diagram explains the online shopping process for the customers. First of all,
customers need to register him/her then get the login to the E-Bazaar. Customers or user can select
the items, select the quantity of items, color selection and then add to cart the items pay the
payment for his/her account and get the order.

Figure 3.6(Sequence Diagram for online shopping)

Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Figure 3.7 (Entity Relationship Diagram)

3.3 Design Rationale
We wanted to create such system that can be easily available to the end users
without the need of anything special to run this system. All the data of customers and
products will be stored on the SQL Server database, so that the user will not be worried for
the data storage in order to create website (E-Bazaar), we chose HTML,CSS, PHP,
MYSQL and Java Script to develop the project SQL server provide the huge facilities to
run the website easily and quickly. SQL Database will be use to with the server to store the
data of many products customer’s record and Admin information.

3.4 Data Description

The database of E-Bazaar consists of

 Users: Users and admin information are added to database with unique ID based on their roles.
 Shopping: Complete products information is stored in.
 Orders: Customer ordered products, status and delivery information is stored in the table of

MySQL is the world's most well-known open-source information base programming, with
more than 100 million duplicates of its product downloaded or circulated with its brilliant
speed, unwavering quality, and usability.

By using this language in E-Bazaar Store, all the data of the customer, Products information
and orders are inserted in the database, fetched from the database.

A significant number of the world's biggest and quickest developing associations use
MySQL to set aside time and cash controlling their high-volume Web locales, basic business
frameworks, and bundled programming — including industry pioneers, for example, Yahoo!,
Alcatel-Lucent, Google, Nokia, YouTube, Wikipedia, and

MySQL is a critical piece of WAMP (Window, Apache, MySQL, PHP) the quickly
developing open-source venture programming stack.

3.4.1 Data Objects

Admin: ID, Name, Password, Email, Contact.
Users: ID, Name, Password, Email, Contact, Last activity.
Products: ID, Name, Price, category, Image, Description.
Orders: ID, Client, Product, Quantity, Price, Date, Order Shipped.
Tables of Data Objects

Admin Users/Customer Products Order

ID ID Client/Cus
Name Price Image
Name E-mail Contact Password Name tomer
Contact Price
Last Activity
Address Quantity
E-Mail Date
Passwor Over-
d Shipped/
Last Activity Postal

Products Table

The product’s fields, types and keys etc are following in this table.

Field Type Null Key Extra

id int NO PRIMARY auto_increment

name char NO

price int NO

Image Image field NO

Order Table

The Order’s fields, types and keys etc are following in this table.

Field Type Null Key Extra

Id int NO PRIMARY auto_increment

Customer int NO FOREIGN

Price varchar NO

Email email YES

Name varchar NO

Contact int NO

Over Shipped/ int NO

Postal code

The Customer’s fields, types and keys etc are following in this table.

Field Type Null Key Extra

Id Varchar NO PRIMARY Auto_increment

Password Varchar NO FOREIGN

address varchar NO

Email email YES

Name Varchar NO

Contact int NO

Last Activity Varchar NO


The Administrator’s fields, types and keys etc. are following in this table.

Field Type Null Key Extra

Id Varchar NO PRIMARY Auto_increment

Password Varchar NO FOREIGN

Email email YES

Name Varchar NO

Contact int NO

Last Activity Varchar NO

3.5 Data Dictionary
Data dictionary for this website of online shopping is follow as:
1.1.1 Table of Admin
1. ID
 Integer Value
 Primary Key
 Will store the ID for the admin stored in the database
2. Name
 Varchar value
 Not Null
 Will store the name of admin
3. Contact
 Integer Value
 Not Null
 Will contain the contact of Admin
4. E-Mail
 Varchar Value
 Not Null
 Will contain the E-mail Admin
5. Password
 Varchar Value
 Not Null
 Will contain the Password of the Admin
6. Last Activity
 Varchar Value
 Not Null
 Will contain the last activity when the Admin logged in.

1.1.2 Table of Users/Customers

1. ID
 Integer Value
 Primary Key
 Auto Increment
 Will store the ID of the user
2. Name
 Varchar value
 Not Null
 Will store the name of user
3. Contact
 Integer Value
 Not Null
 Will contain the contact of User
4. Address:
 Varchar value
 Not Null
 Will contain the address of the user
5. E-Mail
 Varchar Value
 Not Null
 Will contain the E-mail User
6. Password
 Varchar Value
 Not Null
 Will contain the Password of the User
7. Last Activity
 Varchar Value
 Not Null
 Will contain the last activity when the User logged in.

1.1.3 Table of Products

1. ID
 Integer Value
 Primary Key
 Auto Increment of products
 Will store the ID of product.
2. Name
 Varchar value
 Not Null
 Will store the name of Product
3. Price
 Integer Value
 Not Null
 Will contain the price of product
4. Image
 Not Null
 Will contain the Image of product
5. Description
 VarChar
 Not Null
 Will store the detail about product
6. Category of Product
 Not Null
 Will contain the category of the products

1.1.4 Table of Orders

1. ID
 Integer Value
 Primary Key
 Will store the ID for the admin stored in the database
2. Client/user
 Varchar value
 Not Null
 Will store the name of customer
3. Product
 Integer Value
 Not Null
 Will contain the contact of User
4. Price:
 Integer value
 Not Null
 Will contain the price of product
5. Quantity
 Integer Value
 Not Null
 Will contain information of the quantity of product
6. Date
 Integer Value
 Not Null
 Will contain the date of order
7. Over Shipped
 Varchar Value
 Not Null
 Will contain the information of shipping process.
In this section, we take a closer look at what each component does in a more
systematic way. Software design document gave you a functional description in section
3.0 to 3.6; provide a summary of algorithm for each function in it. The data description
and summarization of each object member function listed in 3.1.1 and in data dictionary
3.2. Describe any local data when necessary.
In Component design, we also discuss the algorithms and pseudo code
of E-Bazaar (website).
step 1: Start
step 2: Go to PRODUCT_SEARCH()
STEP 1: Start
STEP 2: INPUT Product_name
STEP 5: OUTPUT Product_name, modelno, price, stock
STEP 9: Stop
STEP 1: Start
STEP 3: INPUT id, pass
STEP 4: IF id==login_id AND pass==login_pass THEN GOTO CHECKOUT ELSE DO
STEP 5: INPUTemail_id
STEP 11: Stop
STEP 1: Start
STEP 3: INPUTlocal_adrs, pin, cntry, cntct_no
STEP 4: IF pin, entry, cntct_no ARE NOT VERIFIED THEN GOTO STEP 3
STEP 6: INPUT card_name, cardno, cvc, exp_date, pin
STEP 8: INPUT paypal_id, paypal_pass
STEP 10: INPUT coupon_no, coupon_name
STEP 14: Stop
Pseudo code:
Get Product
Write "Input Product name:"
Search for Production inventory
If Product found
If STOCK<>0 AND Purcase is feasible
Add product to cart
End if
Go to F
End if
Write" Add an another product?(y/n)"
Read CH
while(CH<>'n'OR CH'N')
If customer has account
If EMAIL_ID present in database
Send LOGIN_PASS to Email address
Go to E
End if
End if
If LOGIN_ID already present in database
Go to G
Create new account and store details in database
Email Login link
Go to E
End if
End if
Finalize Products
If mode of payment is CARD
Else if mode of payment is PAYPAL
Else if mode of payment is COUPONS
End else if
If details verified
Conduct Transaction
Email Customer transaction details
Go to H
Go to 1
Chapter 4
Implementation and Testing

4.1 Code Modules



foreach($_POST['quantity'] as $key => $val){
.logo a h2, .items-cart-inner div span, .basket, .footer-logo .logo a h3 {
color: #ec8a48 !important;

<div class="main-header">
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-3 logo-holder">
- ============================================================= LOGO ===================
========================================== -->
<div class="logo">
<a href="index.php">


<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-6 top-search-holder">
<div class="search-area">
<form name="search" method="post" action="search-result.php">
<div class="control-group">

<input class="search-
field" placeholder="Search here..." name="product" required="required" />

<button class="search-button" type="submit" name="search"></button>

</div><!-- /.search-area -->
- ============================================================= SEARCH AREA : END ======
======================================================= --> </div><!-
- /.top-search-holder -->

<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-3 animate-dropdown top-cart-row">

- ============================================================= SHOPPING CART DROPDOWN =
============================================================ -->
<?php if(!
<div class="dropdown dropdown-cart">
<a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle lnk-cart" data-toggle="dropdown">
<div class="items-cart-inner">
<div class="total-price-basket">
<span class="lbl">cart -</span>
<span class="total-price">
<span class="sign">Rs.</span>
<span class="value"><?php echo $_SESSION['tp']; ?></span>
<div class="basket">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-shopping-cart"></i>
<div class="basket-item-
count"><span class="count"><?php echo $_SESSION['qnty'];?></span></div>

<ul class="dropdown-menu">

$sql = "SELECT * FROM products WHERE id IN(";
foreach($_SESSION['cart'] as $id => $value){
$sql .=$id. ",";
$sql=substr($sql,0,-1) . ") ORDER BY id ASC";
$query = mysqli_query($con,$sql);
$totalqunty=0; if(!
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($query)){
$subtotal= $_SESSION['cart'][$row['id']]['quantity']*$row['productPrice'
$totalprice += $subtotal;


<div class="cart-item product-summary">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-4">
<div class="image">
<a href="product-
details.php?pid=<?php echo $row['id'];?>"><img src="admin/productimages/<?php echo $row ['id'];?
>/<?php echo $row['productImage1'];?>" width="35" height="50" alt=""></a>
<div class="col-xs-7">

<h3 class="name"><a href="product-

details.php?pid=<?php echo $row['id'];?>"><?php echo $row['productName']; ?></a></h3>
<div class="price">Rs.<?php echo ($row['productPrice']+$row[
'shippingCharge']); ?>*<?php echo $_SESSION['cart'][$row['id']]['quantity']; ?></div>

</div><!-- /.cart-item -->

<?php } }?>
<div class="clearfix"></div>

<div class="clearfix cart-total">

<div class="pull-right">
<span class="text">Total :</span><span class='price'>Rs.<?php ec
ho $_SESSION['tp']="$totalprice". ".00"; ?></span>


<div class="clearfix"></div>

<a href="my-cart.php" class="btn btn-upper btn-primary btn-block m-t-

20">My Cart</a>
</div><!-- /.cart-total-->

</ul><!-- /.dropdown-menu-->
</div><!-- /.dropdown-cart -->
<?php } else { ?>
<div class="dropdown dropdown-cart">
<a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle lnk-cart" data-toggle="dropdown">
<div class="items-cart-inner">
<div class="total-price-basket">
<span class="lbl">cart -</span>
<span class="total-price">
<span class="sign">Rs.</span>
<span class="value">00.00</span>
<div class="basket">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-shopping-cart"></i>
<div class="basket-item-count"><span class="count">0</span></div>

<ul class="dropdown-menu">

<div class="cart-item product-summary">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12">
Your Shopping Cart is Empty.
</div><!-- /.cart-item -->


<div class="clearfix cart-total">

<div class="clearfix"></div>

<a href="index.php" class="btn btn-upper btn-primary btn-block m-t-

20">Continue Shooping</a>
</div><!-- /.cart-total-->

</ul><!-- /.dropdown-menu-->
<?php }?>

- ============================================================= SHOPPING CART DROPDOWN :
END============================================================= --
> </div><!-- /.top-cart-row -->
</div><!-- /.row -->

</div><!-- /.container -->

Top Header



<div class="top-bar animate-dropdown">

<div class="container">
<div class="header-top-inner">
<div class="cnt-account">
<ul class="list-unstyled">

<?php if(strlen($_SESSION['login']))
{ ?>
<li><a href="#"><i class="icon fa fa-user"></i>Welcome -
<?php echo htmlentities($_SESSION['username']);?></a></li>
<?php } ?>

<li><a href="my-account.php"><i class="icon fa fa-

user"></i>My Account</a></li>
<li><a href="my-wishlist.php"><i class="icon fa fa-
<li><a href="my-cart.php"><i class="icon fa fa-shopping-
cart"></i>My Cart</a></li>
<?php if(strlen($_SESSION['login'])==0)
{ ?>
<li><a href="login.php"><i class="icon fa fa-sign-in"></i>Login</a></li>
<?php }
else{ ?>

<li><a href="logout.php"><i class="icon fa fa-sign-

<?php } ?>
</div><!-- /.cnt-account -->

<div class="cnt-block">
<ul class="list-unstyled list-inline">
<li class="dropdown dropdown-small">
<a href="track-orders.php" class="dropdown-
toggle" ><span class="key">Track Order</b></a>


<div class="clearfix"></div>
</div><!-- /.header-top-inner -->
</div><!-- /.container -->
</div><!-- /.header-top -->

Side Menu

<div class="side-menu animate-dropdown outer-bottom-xs">

<div class="head"><i class="icon fa fa-align-justify fa-
fw"></i> Categories</div>
<nav class="yamm megamenu-horizontal" role="navigation">

<ul class="nav">
<li class="dropdown menu-item">
<?php $sql=mysqli_query($con,"select id,categoryName from category");
<a href="category.php?cid=<?php echo $row['id'];?>" class="dropdown-
toggle"><i class="icon fa fa-desktop fa-fw"></i>
<?php echo $row['categoryName'];?></a>
<?php }?>

Menu Bar
<div class="header-nav animate-dropdown">
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<div class="yamm navbar navbar-default" role="navigation">
<div class="navbar-header">
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<?php $sql=mysqli_query($con,"select id,categoryName from category limit

<li class="dropdown yamm">

<a href="category.php?cid=<?php echo $row['id'];?>"> <?php echo $row['ca

<?php } ?>

</ul><!-- /.navbar-nav -->

<div class="clearfix"></div>


My Account Side-Bar

<div class="col-md-4">
<!-- checkout-progress-sidebar -->
<div class="checkout-progress-sidebar ">
<div class="panel-group">
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h4 class="unicase-checkout-title">Your Checkout Progress</h4>
<div class="panel-body">
<ul class="nav nav-checkout-progress list-unstyled">
<li><a href="my-account.php">My Account</a></li>
<li><a href="bill-ship-
addresses.php">Shipping / Billing
<li><a href="order-history.php">Order History</a></li>
<li><a href="pending-orders.php">Payment Pending Order</a></li>

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<a href="index.php"style="font-size: 20px;font-
weight: 700;" >Ebazar Shopping Portal</h3>
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<p class="about-us">IUB final year Project </p>

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- ============================================================= CONTACT TIMING==========
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<div class="contact-timing">
<div class="module-heading">
<h4 class="module-title">opening time</h4>
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<div class="module-body outer-top-xs">

<div class="table-responsive">
<table class="table">
<tr><td>Monday-Friday:</td><td class="pull-
right">08.00 To 18.00</td></tr>
<tr><td>Saturday:</td><td class="pull-
right">09.00 To 20.00</td></tr>
<tr><td>Sunday:</td><td class="pull-right">10.00 To 20.00</td></tr>
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Brand Slider
<div id="brands-carousel" class="logo-slider wow fadeInUp">
<h3 class="section-title">Our Brands</h3>
<div class="logo-slider-inner">
<div id="brand-slider" class="owl-carousel brand-slider custom-carousel owl-
<div class="item">
<a href="#" class="image">
<img data-
echo="brandsimage/aoc.jpg" src="assets/images/blank.gif" alt="">

<div class="item">
<a href="#" class="image">
<img data-
echo="brandsimage/bajaj.jpg" src="assets/images/blank.gif" alt="">

<div class="item">
<a href="#" class="image">
<img data-
echo="brandsimage/blackberry.jpg" src="assets/images/blank.gif" alt="">

<div class="item">
<a href="#" class="image">
<img data-
echo="brandsimage/canon.jpg" src="assets/images/blank.gif" alt="">

<div class="item">
<a href="#" class="image">
<img data-
echo="brandsimage/compas.jpg" src="assets/images/blank.gif" alt="">

<div class="item">
<a href="#" class="image">
<img data-
echo="brandsimage/daikin.jpg" src="assets/images/blank.gif" alt="">

<div class="item">
<a href="#" class="image">
<img data-
echo="brandsimage/dell.jpg" src="assets/images/blank.gif" alt="">
<div class="item">
<a href="#" class="image">
<img data-
echo="brandsimage/samsung.jpg" src="assets/images/blank.gif" alt="">
<div class="item">
<a href="#" class="image">
<img data-
echo="brandsimage/hcl.jpg" src="assets/images/blank.gif" alt="">

<div class="item">
<a href="#" class="image">
<img data-
echo="brandsimage/sony.jpg" src="assets/images/blank.gif" alt="">

<div class="item">
<a href="#" class="image">
<img data-
echo="brandsimage/voltas.jpg" src="assets/images/blank.gif" alt="">

<div class="item">
<a href="#" class="image">
<img data-
echo="brandsimage/lg.jpg" src="assets/images/blank.gif" alt="">

<div class="item">
<a href="#" class="image">
<img data-
echo="brandsimage/lenovo.jpg" src="assets/images/blank.gif" alt="">

</div><!-- /.owl-carousel #logo-slider -->

</div><!-- /.logo-slider-inner -->

</div><!-- /.logo-slider -->

4.2 Database Connectivity
Websites can connect and work with majority of databases, The most common
being Oracle and My SQL server Database(XAMPP). But with every database, the logic behind
working with all of them is mostly the same in our project(E-Bazaar), we will look at working
the My SQL server database as our database.
In working with databases, the following are the concepts which are common to all data bases
1. Connection
2. Database name or Data Source
3. Credentials
4. Optional Parameters
5. Selecting Data from the Database
6. Inserting Data into Database
7. Updating Data into Database
8. Deleing Data From a Database

How to connect website to database?

define('DB_PASS' ,'');
define('DB_NAME', 'shopping');
$con = mysqli_connect(DB_SERVER,DB_USER,DB_PASS,DB_NAME);

For Shopping Website Portal

define('DB_PASS' ,'');
define('DB_NAME', 'shopping');
$con = mysqli_connect(DB_SERVER,DB_USER,DB_PASS,DB_NAME);
// Check connection
if (mysqli_connect_errno())
echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
For Admin Portal

define('DB_PASS' ,'');
define('DB_NAME', 'shopping');
$con = mysqli_connect(DB_SERVER,DB_USER,DB_PASS,DB_NAME);
// Check connection
if (mysqli_connect_errno())
echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();

4.3 Overview of User Interface

The user or customer will be shown the main page when he/she
opens the website. Main page consist of different options available on the websites.
 Login Button
 Logout Button
 My Account Button
 Search Bar
 Menu Bar Buttons
 Slider
 Products
 Categories
 Add to Cart Button
 My wish-list Button
 Payment Button

In this website, the user will see the details of the product, price, select and able to order
its. The Interface of the E-Bazaar is user friendly and very quickly, easily views the user is
4.4 Screen Images
4.5 Screen Objects and Actions
The main page or screen of E-Bazaar shopping store consist of a lot of
objects and actions such as home, Login, Logout, Create a new account, search a product,
select a product, Purchase a product and payment methode are following
The Admin can manage the products through inserting, updating, deleting and provide the
feedback of purchasing a product to customer. The screen objects and action are given
above in the screen images.

4.6 Test Cases

 System is appropriately connected or not: Whether they are diverted to wanted page or not.
 Information passed: If a page passes some boundary to another page then it ought to be
watched that the page get the right data, whatever is passed by the past page.
 Output ought to be right: Every function of the framework ought to be checked
appropriately if it gives the correct outcome by and large test is performed with known
outcomes. In the event that the yield of the framework is coordinated with that outcome the
framework is turned out great.

Testing is the way toward executing a program with the purpose of discovering mistakes.
In spite of the fact that product testing is itself a costly movement, yet dispatching of programming
without may prompt expense conceivably a lot higher than that of testing, particularly in
frameworks where human wellbeing is included. Compelling programming testing will add to the
conveyance of better programming items, more fulfilled clients, and lower upkeep costs, more
exact and solid outcomes. Programming testing is essential and significant action of programming
improvement measure.
Login for Admin:
Case Number#1

Test case ID TC:01

Website Name E-Bazaar
Purpose For managing Admin account
Scenario All controls are visible and button are
Environment Website(Internet based)
Test Data E-mail or Number and password
Strategy Click on button
Expected Result Successfully specific account
manipulates and redirect to main admin
Observations Screen width may be asking to you in
the case of running by the website size
Result No Bug
Re-Test As above
Case Number#2

Test case ID TC:02

Website Name E-Bazaar
Purpose For managing Admin account
Scenario All controls are visible and button are
Environment Website(Internet based)
Test Data E-mail or Number and password
Strategy Click on button
Expected Result Successfully specific account
manipulates and redirect to main admin
Observations Screen width may be asking to you in
the case of running by the website size
Result Incorrect Number or E-Mail and
Re-Test As above
Case Number#3

Test case ID TC:03

Website Name E-Bazaar
Purpose For managing Admin account
Scenario All controls are visible and button are
Environment Website(Internet based)
Test Data E-mail or Number and password
Strategy Click on button
Expected Result Successfully specific account
manipulates and redirect to main admin
Observations Screen width may be asking to you in
the case of running by the website size
Result System not respond

Re-Test As above
Test case for products/Items

Case Number#1
Test case ID TC:01
Website Name E-Bazaar
Purpose For managing information about items
and adding products
Scenario All controls are visible and button are
Environment Website(Internet based)
Test Data Item Name, ID and its information
Strategy Click on button
Expected Result Successfully specific item adds and its
information stored in the system
Observations Screen width may be asking to you in
the case of running by the website size
Result No Bug

Re-Test As above
Case Number#2

Test case ID TC:02

Website Name E-Bazaar
Purpose For managing information about items
and adding products
Scenario All controls are visible and button are
Environment Website(Internet based)
Test Data Item Name, ID and its information
Strategy Click on button
Expected Result Successfully specific item adds and its
information stored in the system
Observations Screen width may be asking to you in
the case of running by the website size
Result Errors occur while adding products
Re-Test As above
Case Number#3

Test case ID TC:03

Website Name E-Bazaar
Purpose For managing information about items
and adding products
Scenario All controls are visible and button are
Environment Website(Internet based)
Test Data Item Name, ID and its information
Strategy Click on button
Expected Result Successfully specific item adds and its
information stored in the system
Observations Screen width may be asking to you in
the case of running by the website size
Result System not respond

Re-Test As above
Test case for Customer/User Login
Case Number#1
Test case ID TC:01
Website Name E-Bazaar
Purpose For managing customer account and its
Scenario All controls are visible and button are
Environment Website(Internet based)
Test Data E-mail or Number and password
Strategy Click on button
Expected Result Successfully specific customers adds
and login to system
Observations Screen width may be asking to you in
the case of running by the website size
Result No Bug

Re-Test As above
Case Number#2

Test case ID TC:02

Website Name E-Bazaar
Purpose For managing customer account and its
Scenario All controls are visible and button are
Environment Website(Internet based)
Test Data E-mail or Number and password
Strategy Click on button
Expected Result Successfully specific customers adds
and login to system
Observations Screen width may be asking to you in
the case of running by the website size
Result Incorrect Number or E-Mail and
Re-Test As above
Case Number#3

Test case ID TC:03

Website Name E-Bazaar
Purpose For managing customer account and its
Scenario All controls are visible and button are
Environment Website(Internet based)
Test Data E-mail or Number and password
Strategy Click on button
Expected Result Successfully specific customers adds
and login to system
Observations Screen width may be asking to you in
the case of running by the website size
Result System not respond

Re-Test As above
Test case for search an Item/Product
Case Number#1
Test case ID TC:01
Website Name E-Bazaar
Purpose For checking that all products properly
visible and search in a system
Scenario All controls are visible and button are
Environment Website(Internet based)
Test Data Search of Item with its name and
Password, Model
Strategy Click on button
Expected Result Search successfully
Observations Screen width may be asking to you in
the case of running by the website size
Result No Bug

Re-Test As above
Case Number#2

Test case ID TC:02

Website Name E-Bazaar
Purpose For checking that all products properly
visible and search in a system
Scenario All controls are visible and button are
Environment Website(Internet based)
Test Data Search of Item with its name and
Password, Model
Strategy Click on button
Expected Result Search successfully
Observations Screen width may be asking to you in
the case of running by the website size
Result Incorrect Number or E-Mail and
Re-Test As above
Case Number#3

Test case ID TC:03

Website Name E-Bazaar
Purpose For checking that all products properly
visible and search in a system
Scenario All controls are visible and button are
Environment Website(Internet based)
Test Data Search of Item with its name and
Password, Model
Strategy Click on button
Expected Result Search successfully
Observations Screen width may be asking to you in
the case of running by the website size
Result System not respond

Re-Test As above
Test case for delete Items/Products
Case Number#1
Test case ID TC:01
Website Name E-Bazaar
Purpose For checking that all products properly
visible and delete in a system
Scenario All controls are visible and button are
Environment Website(Internet based)
Test Data Product ID and Name to be deleted
Strategy Click on button
Expected Result Delete successful
Observations Screen width may be asking to you in
the case of running by the website size
Result No Bug

Re-Test As above
Case Number#2

Test case ID TC:02

Website Name E-Bazaar
Purpose For checking that all products properly
visible and delete in a system
Scenario All controls are visible and button are
Environment Website(Internet based)
Test Data Product ID and Name to be deleted
Strategy Click on button
Expected Result Delete successful
Observations Screen width may be asking to you in
the case of running by the website size
Result Incorrect Number or E-Mail and
Re-Test As above
Case Number#3

Test case ID TC:03

Website Name E-Bazaar
Purpose For checking that all products properly
visible and delete in a system
Scenario All controls are visible and button are
Environment Website(Internet based)
Test Data Product ID and Name to be deleted
Strategy Click on button
Expected Result Delete successful
Observations Screen width may be asking to you in
the case of running by the website size
Result System not respond

Re-Test As above
Test case for Purchase Items/Products
Case Number#1
Test case ID TC:01
Website Name E-Bazaar
Purpose For checking that all products properly
visible and purchase in a system
Scenario All controls are visible and button are
Environment Website(Internet based)
Test Data Purchase of Items
Strategy Click on button
Expected Result Purchase successfully
Observations Screen width may be asking to you in
the case of running by the website size
Result No Bug

Re-Test As above
Case Number#2

Test case ID TC:02

Website Name E-Bazaar
Purpose For checking that all products properly
visible and purchase in a system
Scenario All controls are visible and button are
Environment Website(Internet based)
Test Data Purchase of Items
Strategy Click on button
Expected Result Purchase successfully
Observations Screen width may be asking to you in
the case of running by the website size
Result Incorrect Number or E-Mail and
Re-Test As above
Case Number#3

Test case ID TC:03

Website Name E-Bazaar
Purpose For checking that all products properly
visible and purchase in a system
Scenario All controls are visible and button are
Environment Website(Internet based)
Test Data Purchase of Items
Strategy Click on button
Expected Result Purchase successfully
Observations Screen width may be asking to you in
the case of running by the website size
Result System not respond

Re-Test As above
Test case for view the Items/Products for visitor
Case Number#1
Test case ID TC:01
Website Name E-Bazaar
Purpose For checking that all products properly
visible for the visitor
Scenario All controls are visible and button are
Environment Website(Internet based)
Test Data View of products for visitors
Strategy Click on button
Expected Result View Successfully
Observations Screen width may be asking to you in
the case of running by the website size
Result No Bug

Re-Test As above
Case Number#2

Test case ID TC:02

Website Name E-Bazaar
Purpose For checking that all products properly
visible for the visitor
Scenario All controls are visible and button are
Environment Website(Internet based)
Test Data View of products for visitors
Strategy Click on button
Expected Result View Successfully
Observations Screen width may be asking to you in
the case of running by the website size
Result Incorrect Number or E-Mail and
Re-Test As above
Case Number#3

Test case ID TC:03

Website Name E-Bazaar
Purpose For checking that all products properly
visible for the visitor
Scenario All controls are visible and button are
Environment Website(Internet based)
Test Data View of products for visitors
Strategy Click on button
Expected Result View Successfully
Observations Screen width may be asking to you in
the case of running by the website size
Result System not respond

Re-Test As above
Test case for Admin or User Logout
Case Number#1
Test case ID TC:01
Website Name E-Bazaar
Purpose For managing customers or admin
account and its information
Scenario All controls are visible and button are
Environment Website(Internet based)
Test Data E-mail or Number and password
Strategy Click on button
Expected Result Successfully specific customers or
admin logout to system
Observations Screen width may be asking to you in
the case of running by the website size
Result No Bug

Re-Test As above
Case Number#2

Test case ID TC:02

Website Name E-Bazaar
Purpose For managing customers or admin
account and its information
Scenario All controls are visible and button are
Environment Website(Internet based)
Test Data E-mail or Number and password
Strategy Click on button
Expected Result Successfully specific customers or
admin logout to system
Observations Screen width may be asking to you in
the case of running by the website size
Result Incorrect Number or E-Mail and
Re-Test As above
Case Number#3

Test case ID TC:03

Website Name E-Bazaar
Purpose For managing customers or admin
account and its information
Scenario All controls are visible and button are
Environment Website(Internet based)
Test Data E-mail or Number and password
Strategy Click on button
Expected Result Successfully specific customers or
admin logout to system
Observations Screen width may be asking to you in
the case of running by the website size
Result System not respond

Re-Test As above

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