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Anyone else remember learning massage techniques in primary school aye? What was
that all about?
Is this a scottish thing.....or a gen z thing? Or even a central belt thing?
I'm 19 years old and in Uni now - so an old goat, clearly.
I just had all these memories of being in primary school and having to partner up
to learn different massage techniques. I really want to know what the purpose of
this was or if this was / is common? It would be during class time and they would
teach us different massages - the butterfly (?) etc to do in turns with a partner.
The whole class would participate and if i remember correctly, there might have
been powerpoints or visual demonstration in the form of posters, whiteboard stuff,
etc, explaining what the particular method would consist of and how we would be
doing it. I went to a regular state school and was in mainstream classes, for
It didn't seem odd to us at the time. It was obviously something we had fun with,
and no one ever questioned why we were doing that - or being taught that in school.
I know we would have been under 12 (obv) - probably around 10. This might have been
a module during a particular age group or school year, but I can't remember. I also
can't recall how often this occurred, but it wasn't rare, we were all familiar with
what we would be doing during this time, but they didn't explain why. Hmm.....
Since it was taught to us in relative detail, I can't think what the purpose was.
I'm really curious if this is a part of our collective childhoods, or just
something which happened - and which may sound a little bit odd, but overall I
believe it might have helped us socialise, or something like that. Teachers might
have just been nonces, who knows.

My toxic trait? My fatal flaw? My Achilles heel?

I'm too trusting of bears. If a bear walked up to me I would smooch its little bear
face because I know in my heart of hearts it would never harm me. Except it
absolutely would and this will be my undoing someday.

The year is 2014. It's supper time.

Friend: How do we cook poptarts?
Me: So the instructions say you can put the poptarts in the toaster for 45 seconds
to a minute. Oh, and then here at the bottom it also says: if you are in a hurry
you can microwave them for 1 to 3 seconds. I'm not... well, I'm not exactly sure
why you'd do that. I suppose the option is there though.
Friend: "I can think of nothing sadder than someone having to microwave a poptart.
Imagine waking up, and you realize you don't have 45 seconds to spare in your life.
So instead you microwave a poptart, to make up for that. Imagine having to live
that life. I don't want to be a microwave-for-1-to-3-seconds kind of man. We can
amount to more than that, Lunchbox. I know we can do better"
Me: we can just go to bojangles actually
Friend: bet

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