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Flat Irons, Makeup and Mayhem

by Twi-Smile

A girls night at Ino's house in which, Sakura, TenTen and Hinata led by
Ino try to get the truth out of Temari about her relationship with
Shikamaru. Rated M for language. ShikaTema with implied Ino/Choji,
Rated: Fiction M - English - Humor/Romance - Temari, Shikamaru N. -
Chapters: 2 - Words: 16,576 - Reviews: 53 - Favs: 136 - Follows: 33 -
Updated: 7/29/2012 - Published: 5/28/2012 - Status: Complete - id:
Table of Contents
Table of Contents

1. Chapter 1 Flat Irons, Makeup and Mayhem

2. Chapter 2 Pillow Talk

Chapter 1 Flat Irons, Makeup and Mayhem
A/N: First and foremost these characters don't belong to me. I plucked
them out the Naruto-verse to play with for a while.
Secondly, this is more fluff. Third, thank you to all the Naruto fanfic
writers. I have trouble distinguishing between the canon personalities
and the lively personalities you have brought to the table. Lastly, this is
fluff. I know I said that but to be clear, you will not cry, your heart won't
break and this story will not change your life. Please enjoy.

"Ino, leave Temari alone. It was hard enough to get her to come over in
the first place." Sakura admonished her best friend but the smile on her
face totally ruined the effect of her words.

"What? I'm not doing anything?" Ino protested knowing full well what
she was up too.

Like a trooper TenTen stepped into the opening, "You keep trying to
imply that she's dating your teammate Shikamaru, just because this is
the first time she's managed to drag herself from his side to hang out in
four solid months of us badgering her to join in girls night. Evidently this
is the first time she could change plans with her beau." TenTen looked
up from her freshly painted toenails to grin at the room.

Hinata interrupted the teasing, "Be nice." She was genuinely fond of the
Suna princess and hoped this would be the first of many evenings she
would spend in her company. She feared her friends had only invited
Temari over to pry.

Temari unperturbed, answered, "Have you considered I have not

wanted to participate in girls night? Maybe I prefer Nara's
undemanding company." She sat at Ino's vanity plucking her eyebrows,
less because they needed it, but to have something to do in Ino's
garishly girly room. Her senses were bombarded with the pink
overload, ruffles and lace. She didn't think real girls has rooms like this,
especially not kunoichi. Even knowing Ino these past several years she
was still surprised by the cliche.

"She admits it. She likes his company. They are so dating." Ino grinned.

"If they were dating, Temari-chan would say so." Hinata spoke up, "She
is brave and would say so at once to the whole world. She would not
be afraid of us." Hinata giggled trying to picture a blushing Temari,
afraid of them.

"She does have a point. Unlike some girls, who shall remain nameless,
she wouldn't go around years and years with an unrequited crush. She
would pursue it." TenTen got the expected blush from Hinata but
cringed inside, knowing Neji would have her ass if he knew she put his
cousin on the spot.

"This is true. If I wanted Nara, he would be mine. Plain and simple."

Temari acknowledged to her reflection while taking time to check on
her blushing friend. Hinata worked her nerves with her timid personality
but Temari was genuinely fond of the girl. She met TenTen's eyes by
reflection to silently warn her to go easy on Hinata. "Besides, Ino you
and Nara are tight. Surely, if we were together he would have told

Sakaru, who was hard at work concentrating on carefully moving the

flat irons through Ino's long blond hair snorted loudly, "Hardly. Not
unless he felt the need for everyone to know."

It was Temari's turn to snort, "Why wouldn't he want everyone to know

he's dating me. All vanity aside," for Temari wasn't a vain girl, just a
brashly honest one, "I'm hot, dangerous and older, the boy would be
proud in his repressed lazy way." Temari eyes met her own in the
mirror, letting an affectionate smile slip into place, her features
softening as she thought about his mannerisms. He was the most
unique individual she had ever met. She didn't notice how the room got
quiet as they watched her think about him. It never occurred to her they
would watch for a tell to confirm this supposed romance. As a ninja she
knew about gathering information but as girl reared with brothers and a
power hungry father who disdained social relations she didn't know
anything about having girlfriends.

"So, umm Temari what were you and Shika going to do tonight until we
stole you?" Ino asked with as much nonchalance as she could bear.

"A movie. You know that new spy thriller? Well, not so new now but we
agreed to wait until I was Konoha so we could go together. The
reviews have been pretty bad so neither of us was particularly eager to
see it but it was something to do." Temari moved on to Ino's makeup.
She didn't wear the stuff, her life was too active and downright bloody
at times to be bothered. She picked up bottles, tubes and tubs looking
for a suitable foundation. Ino's coloring was lighter than hers but it
didn't surprise Temari to find a full set of summer makeup in darker
shades. If she had looked up she would have seen the gaping
expression on Sakura's face.

TenTen stage whispered, "They have a standing date but she denies
they are dating. What the hell?"

"I told you," Ino gloated.

"A standing date? Get real." Temari dismissed the girl. "Hey Ino, come
show me how to put this stuff on." Temari held up a tub of foundation.

Ino was surprised but agreed eagerly, ready to paint on a new palate.
Sakura called TenTen to the chair to take Ino's spot. She was in her flat
ironing grove and wanted to keep going.

Ino had inside knowledge and was not going to get off topic. "So
Temari what do you and Shika do after these non-date night movies?"

"Not much, have a few drinks, play some pool with the fellas.
Shikamaru is really good at it. He says pool all about the angles.
Sometimes I don't play but rake in the dough on side bets. It lines my
purse nicely. We clean up in Suna where people don't know him. He's a
bona fide pool shark." Temari's eyes were closed so she couldn't see
the incredulous looks on the girls faces.

"Are you bragging on your boyfriend? I mean, that sounded like a

boyfriend brag to me." TenTen stated from across the room.

"You mean like when you go on about how soft Neji's hair is?" Sakura
asked. TenTen turned to look daggers at her but Sakura snatched the
girl's head back in place and threatened to burn her with the flat iron if
she moved again and said, "It sounded just like that to me, a boyfriend

"No, its called giving credit where credit is due. He's good at pool.
That's all I'm saying." Temari remained relaxed giving Ino a reason to
keep going.

"So what comes after pool?"

"We go to my room at the embassy and hump like rabbits. No, on

second thought we don't. We say good night and see you tomorrow."

Sakura grinned but Ino held her hand up in a 'but wait' gesture. "Do you
always go back to your room?"

Unabashed Temari answered, "Though you probably know this already,

some nights I go to the Nara compound and spend the night, especially
if I've been drinking a lot. I sleep in the guest room. Surely you don't
think Shika would behave disrespectfully in his parents' house. Ino you
know he has more honor than that. As ass backwards as it might be,
he is truly a gentleman."

"Mmm Hmm, when a guy is not my boyfriend I constantly brag on him

too." Ino nodded then quickly dodged the half-hearted jab Temari threw
her way. "Be still. Besides I know Shika didn't invite you, Aunt Yoshino
"That's right. Finally you have something straight. Yoshino has invited
me to spend weekends with her whenever I'm in Konoha. She keeps
the room ready for me." Temari said this like it explained everything.

"Yo-Yoshino is nice to you?" Hinata stammered out. Yoshino was scary

like a dragon. She had never been rude to Hinata, most people
wouldn't dare with a Huuyga, but she knew the fear Shikamura had of
his mother and Yoshino's general reputation as a battle axe.

"Yoshino and I get along great. She has invited me to make her home
my home whenever I'm in Konoha but that wouldn't look right. I would
lose all credibility as an ambassador," Temari explained. She knew
Yoshino's reputation too but didn't bother to explain that, Yoshino,
beneath her current role as domestic goddess, was primarily a warrior.
Warriors respect strength. Once she realized Temari couldn't be bullied
or otherwise punked, they were fine.

Ino looked triumphantly at the room. "Are you all getting this. It's not
just me, right?"

"We're getting it all right, loud and clear. The future female head of the
Nara clan gets along with the current one." Sakura sang out.

"Shikamaru and I have been friends for years. In all this time don't you
guys think I would have met his parents? Why wouldn't I get along with
them? Anyway, Ino put some of that blue stuff on my eyes." Temari
approved of the work so far, liking the way the foundation smoothed
her skin and hid the tiny battle scars. She briefly wished she had more
medical nin in Suna provided they weren't as annoying as these girls.

"Ignore them Temari. Lee and I have sleepovers all the time cause
we're friends and boys love sleepovers. Oh wait, we don't because
Lee would try to fuck me, like any other teenage boy. Now Neji and I
do have sleepovers but we are fucking so..."

"Oh shut up already. You are not fucking Neji." Temari exclaimed.
"I want to though and if we ever have a sleepover at my place I WILL
have sex with him. Uh huh you betcha even if genjutsu is involved to get
his cooperation." TenTen fell silent staring off into space.

"Do you have this planned out TenTen?" Temari laughed at the girl
whereas Hinata made a mental note to warn her cousin that TenTen
was out to take advantage of him. She blushed at the very thought of
speaking of such with her cousin. Maybe she would only say Tenten
had designs on him. Yes, that was better. Hinata sighed with relief until
it occurred her Neji might like those designs, he might use what Hinata
told him to to get TenTen to into bed. Maybe she shouldn't say anything
at all.

"I don't have any specific plan, just to, you know, do him whenever the
slightest opportunity presents itself. Oh Neji-kun, did you cut yourself?
Let me blow you to make it better."

The girls guffawed doubting TenTen would never behave that way.

"Poor Neji has no idea what's in store for him." Getting control of
herself Ino returned to her topic with the tenacity of a pitbull. "But that's
old news. Temari I'll leave you alone if you tell us what you did for your

Temari groaned.

Ino was alarmed, "What? You don't like your makeup?"

"No, I like it. Do my lips next."

"Why'd you groan?" Ino asked.

"Because you're going to make something out of nothing again." Temari


"Oh that." Ino brightened. "Who came to see you on your birthday?"
"He was there on a mission." Temari answered aggravated.

"Uh huh. I know he was there on a mission at the Kazekage's request.

Wonder what that mission was?" Ino asked although she could care
less what the answer was.

"I am not privy to absolutely everything Gaara does. He and Nara

worked alone in his office."

"I bet the mission scroll read," Sakura abandoned TenTen's hair to
unroll her fake scroll, "Nara Shikamaru is requested to come to Suna
for my sister's birthday for it is known nothing would make her happier
than a visit from her longtime boyfriend who is a perfect gentleman
who'd never have sex with her before marriage, therefore he's safe
and kid brother approved."

Temari silently fumed and decided she wouldn't tell about Nara's visit.
She certainly wouldn't tell them how ridiculously happy she was to find
him there on her birthday. They couldn't seem to understand Shikamaru
was her first real friend outside her brothers. In fact she wouldn't
hesitate to say he was her best friend in the world. Her Dad was a
colossal asshole who planted a monster in her baby brother who in turn
was a homicidal maniac for years on end. Oddly enough this dynamic
duo ensured her peers avoided her like a deadly plague. These girls
took their easy friendship and camaraderie for granted. They had no
idea how fortunate they were.

"Birthdays are a big deal. I'm glad Shikamaru was there to celebrate
yours. What did you do for fun?" Hinata asked. Had it been anyone but
Hinata Temari would have said, "Go fuck yourself" but it was Hinata
and those words would have killed the poor thing. Temari could see
Hinata turning red all over and passing out dead on the floor. However
did that girl end up a ninja? Princess, she could see Hinata being
perfect for that job. Sit here, be pretty and drink tea. Hinata could rock
that in ways Temari never could. It was just as well Father wanted a
"We had a small family dinner. It was very nice." Temari answered.

"Eh, sounds dull to me." TenTen gave her unsolicited opinion then
asked, "What did he give you? Hey Sakura, the mission scroll did
remind him to bring a gift, right?"

"Absolutely. Shika would not have forgotten but Gaara included it all the
same." Sakura laughed at her own joke. "TenTen your hair is done.
Hinata you're up next."

'Har Har. Very funny." Temari crossed her arms on her chest, a clear
signal she was annoyed. "He gave me a dozen roses and a box of
chocolate just like last year and the year before!"

Jaws dropped around the room and eyes bulged. Sakura screamed,

"Forehead keep it down,"Ino yelled even louder than Sakura. "My

parents are home. I can't believe you fell for that. People think I'm the
dumb blond. So Temari-chan what did your non-boyfriend give you for
your birthday?"

Temari considered for a bit, "Um, how about none of your business."

"How can it not be my business? Everything is my business. You can

tell me easy, or if I must I'll wait for Kankuro to come to town. He will
tell my breasts anything. If he decides to hold out all I have to do is
bounce in place for no reason at all. He's got to be a serious security
problem for the Sand." Ino giggled at Temari's incredulous face.

Hinata tittered with a modest giggle of her own, "It's true Temari, ask
him what color my eyes are. I don't think he's ever seen them."

"Forehead, I guess that's a problem you don't have?" Ino baited


Sakura furrowed her brow and tore her mouth open to scream before
clamping it shut seeming to think better of it then unable to help her
self, hissed, "Ino-Pig you dress like a whore. I never wanted to have to
tell you that, but you forced me. You dress like a cheap whore at that!"

"Please, my clothes aren't cheap and you're just jealous. Breastless

wonder, even if you put them on you would still look like a dried up old
lady. I'm telling you, stop waiting for Sasuke and let someone sample
that youthful bloom." Ino winked at Sakura not in the least bit disturbed.
Temari gaped. She couldn't imagine letting someone call her a cheap
whore and not committing a justifiable homicide.

"Youthful bloom?", TenTen piped up, "Is that a Rock Lee reference?
You want Sakura-chan to hook up with my teammate. What he lacks in
being a twisted psycho he will more than make in loyalty and
enthusiasm. You want me to tell him to come see you? He would love
to have a sleepover with you Sakura-chan. Be warned he's going to
ineptly try to get in your panties because he's a normal teenage boy
unlike Shikamaru."

TenTen approached Temari with Ino's manicure kit,"You don't think we

forgot about you Temari? We still want to know what Shikamaru got
you for your birthday. I have breasts, two to the them, and I have no
fear of interrogating Kankuro with both. It might make Neji jealous. I
hope it makes make Neji jealous. Can I do your fingernails now?"

"Sure, knock yourself out." Temari didn't understand their insatiable

impulse to groom her, but saw no reason to stop them.

"Please leave Temari alone," Hinata pleaded. "She doesn't have to tell
us anything. It was very nice of Shikamaru to come on your birthday.
I'm sure whatever he gave you was thoughtful."

"He gave me an orchid. A potted orchid for my conservatory. Make

what you can of that."

Ino, the resident flower expert, intoned, "Orchids have many meaning;
love and beauty plus they are difficult to maintain. Shika lurves you and
he thinks you're beautiful and troublesome. Hah! Got it in one."

"It could mean I like growing plants, having seen my conservatory he

knows I didn't have an orchid so he got me one for my birthday. Do you
guys blow everything out of proportion?" Temari couldn't see anything in
the gesture except it was very kind and thoughtful.

Ino danced away from Temari to take center position in the room to
draw all eyes to herself, "Let the record show that Shikamaru
purchased one blooming orchid from Yamanaka Flowers, walked three
days caring for a finicky plant, protecting it from the elements including
a stretch of desert all because Temari said months ago, "I would like to
add orchids but the flower shop in Suna doesn't carry them." If a boy
who is not my boyfriend did that for me, you know what?" Ino stopped
for a dramatic pause.

"You'd blow him?" TenTen answered. Ino should have known better
than to give TenTen an opening.

"No! Maybe? Probably." Ino lost her momentum, "No, I was going to
say I would marry him. TenTen you ruined my speech and what's with
you and blow jobs? You bring them up at the oddest times. What the
hell was Guy Sensei teaching?"

"That one can become insanely hyperactive without regular sexual

release. See I'm trying to save Neji-kun from a life of ridicule."

"TenTen you're obsessed, you know that, right?" Ino squinted at the girl
but TenTen only smiled. "All I'm saying if a regular guy did that, you
should seriously consider him. If a guy as lazy and as unmotivated as

"Knock it off dammit!" Temari's outburst had the girls scrambling back
to put some distance between and them and the angry Suna warrior.
They looked from one to another knowing they had gone too far. "Stop
calling him lazy!" No one bothered to point out she called him that all
the time. ""Shikamaru is from a long line of deer keepers. He is patient
and gentle. It wouldn't do for him to be hyper or need constant activity.
What he lacks in drive he makes up with his active mind that's saved all
of your asses including mine on occasion."

Seeing her new friends sufficiently cowering, Temari asked where the
bathroom was and head held high, regally swept out the room.

Sakura almost burst open waiting for the door to shut to start up, "That
was unbelievable, fucking unbelievable. I don't know what to say..."

"Me either," TenTen was, for once, at a loss.

"I know what to say," Ino grinned, "Told you so."

"I can't say your point is proven, Ino." Hinata addressed the group. You
haven't gotten Temari-chan to admit to a relationship nor have you
proven one. It is evident they care a great deal for about each other
but don't we all care about each other. You all came to see me on my
birthday bearing gifts that were both thoughtful and kind. You are my
friends like Shika is Temari's friend."

"Hinata we are your friends and your birthday was a special occasion
but your house is three minutes from mine, quite a bit different from a
three day walk." Ino said.

"Be nice Ino you have already upset Temari and you risk upsetting
Shikamaru and through him Choji. Please lay off Temari. If she were
romantically involved with Shikamaru she would tell us."

Ino considered Hinata's words. "I don't mind pushing Temari's buttons
for all her kick-ass attitude she is pretty level-headed. Shika too, but I
would hate to upset my Choji-dumpling."

"Yeah, he thinks the sun sets on your narrow ass. I didn't see that one
coming. How did you come to choose him anyway." TenTen
unabashedly started stripping down to put on her pajamas. The other
girls were also changing but in more modest stances, backs turned and
Hinata was behind the open closet door.

Ino explained, "Choji has the one thing I require in a husband, a

complete inability to say 'no' to me. Besides I don't have to diet with

"You mean you're gonna quit your obsession with being skinny?" Temari
said from the door. She had scrubbed the makeup off, although she
fully intended to have Ino show her again in the morning. She was
wearing pajamas, a loose pair of brown cotton bottoms and a plain
olive green t-shirt.

"Choji would love me just the same even if I gained 300 pounds but I
meant when I'm with Choji its hard enough for me to get enough to eat
much less too much. The diet plan will built into the marriage." Ino
smiled dreamily either thinking about her much loved Choji-dumpling or
at being thin forever.

Temari knelt to prepare her bed roll and again the room fell silent.
Hinata was the first to speak. "Temari is that, is that the Nara clan
symbol on the back of your t-shirt?" Hinata giggled, "Temari-chan, I
would be honored to be your maid-of-honor." Hinata's giggle turned into
a full laugh. "You will need one soon."

"Hinata, you too?" Temari groaned.

"I'm sorry Temari, but you are wearing his clan symbol."

"So what? Its comfortable. I got it at his clan reunion a couple months
back." Temari explained. "Its just a night shirt. It's not like I wear it out."

"You went to the Nara Clan reunion?" Ino stammered.

"Yeah, what's the big deal?" Temari sat up to ask the room.

"I've never been to a Nara clan gathering!" Ino said.

"Have you ever asked to go?" Temari thought it was pretty simple, if
she wanted to go she should have asked.

"Do you mean have I ever asked my godfather, Uncle Shikaku or Aunt
Yoshino, the woman who delivered me, changed my diapers and calls
me very favorite niece, if I could attend? The answer is yes. Their
answer was no. Even when my father asked on my behalf the answer
was still no. Attending any Nara gathering is a medical nin's dream."

Sakura said, "Lady Tsunade asked if she, Shizune or myself could

attend and Shikaku said no to the freaking Hokage! But he said yes to
you. Wonder why that is? Granted you don't have our medical know
how so you wouldn't be able use any of the information they exchange
but they let you an outsider from another village into their inner circle."

Temari shrugged but didn't say anything. She had not asked to attend.
One morning over breakfast Yoshino remarked the annual clan
gathering was coming up and told Temari to put it on her calendar.
Shikaku said he would take care of the necessary paperwork to have
her in Konoha in plenty of time. She had not asked, nor had she been
invited, she had been told and she fell right in line. "Well, I could talk
about my non-existent relationship with Shikamaru all night but I'm tired.
Good night ladies."

She turned on her shoulder with her back to the room. She was certain
their eyes were boring holes into the symbol on her back. She could be
at Yoshino's right now in the guest room she regarded as her own
instead of sleeping on Ino's floor. She was convinced she had been
invited for no other reason than Ino was nosy. She had slept worse
places and in more hostile environments so Temari pitched herself into
sleep the same way she would on a mission when her turn as night
watch was over. The last thing her conscious mind heard was an
argument between Ino and Hinata. Ino challenged Hinata's claim to
maid of honor and with rare backbone Hinata defended her claim
stating, "Ino, Temari likes me better than you. You should stick to
arranging the wedding flowers." Temari's last thought was 'you tell her

Temari slept in relative peace but was awakened by deliberately

hushed voices. Hushed voices were always to be listened to when one
was gathering information. She did not stir as she slowly came to
realize where she was. "What if I've gone too far? It was good
entertainment but what if.." Ino trailed off.

"What if what?" Sakura urged.

"What if I've gone too far. You know how Shika is. He likes to take his
time and plan carefully. What if this 'thing' they're doing is all a part of
some grand scheme he has to be with her?"

Sakura asked, "Did you think that's possible?"

"It was all shit and giggles til she brought up that family reunion. That's
heavy stuff. I begged Aunt Yoshino to let me come and now they bring
in someone from outside the village. Shika might seriously trying to
make Temari a Nara and his parents are in cahoots."

That had Temari wondering too. She had never thought a great deal
about the meaning of their friendship. He was her first real friend after
all. She didn't see anything odd in their relationship until those girls
went on and on about it. Now she was second guessing her best

Was he hunting her, like prey? No, not quite like prey. He was stalking
her like a deer. She had spent days in the Nara Clan forest while
Shikamaru tracked a particular deer. He was patient, careful and
stealthy in pursuit. All deer eventually trusted him no matter how skittish
they started out they would end up eating out of his hand.

Nara was brilliant. She had seen him at work, for every strategy she
had, Nara had ten possibilities worked out. Did she stand a chance?
Temari thought back over all the time she has spent with Shikamaru,
hours and hours of shogi, chunin exams, missions, state functions,
cloud watching, she figured in that time she had told him absolutely
everything there was to know about her. She didn't mean to, but Nara
was easy to talk to and an awesome listener. He remembered all her
stories almost verbatim and more than that, he wasn't afraid to be
devil's advocate. Simply put he wasn't afraid to call 'bullshit' on her
interpretations of the past. After all the pandering Temari faced as
member of the Kazekage's family Shikamaru was refreshing. She had
revealed everything to him and she figured whatever she hadn't told
him he had figured out. If he wanted her there was probably nothing
she could do about it. In fact it be like when they played Shogi, every
move she made was one step deeper into the trap he set with his first
move. She could run to the ends of the earth but she'd end up in a
white kimono if he really was pursuing her. Why'd he have to be so
damn smart?

A smile dimpled her face thinking about it. She would be wearing a
Nara clan kimono with a string of dark haired kids following her to the
Academy in the morning. She hoped at least one had red hair like
Gaara's. She had always wanted red hair herself but...WTH! She had
never had a single maternal instinct and she was thinking about having,
she counted the string of kids in her brief fantasy, one girl with 4 black
pony tails like hers, there was one boy with a pineapple ponytail
followed by another girl with four dark red ponytails. Temari freaked at
the clarity of her own brood.

She had to get a grip. She had never even thought about Shikamaru
like that. He didn't think of her like that. Shikamaru looked her in the
eye, evidently unlike Kankuro was known to do. She had to have a talk
with her brother when she returned to Suna next week. Shikamaru
never made her feel like a piece of meat and most men did. He treated
her like a lady, no matter how much she protested his chauvinism he
always paid when they went out. Wait, did Shikamaru always pay... like
they were on a date? Temari thought back and realized he had been
paying so long she couldn't quite remember the cost of a movie ticket.
This was bad.
What about Shikaku and Yoshino? Temari missed her mom and as a
child longed to be a traditional family. Yoshino's nagging 'make your
bed', 'finish your food', 'drink your tea' drove Shikamaru crazy but
Temari ate it up. Yoshino kept her in bed for a week when she had
strep throat. For an entire week she had been petted, coddled, and
smothered with affection. For an entire week Yoshino had been so
occupied with Temari that she didn't have time to terrorize her husband
or son. Shikaku insisted Temari stay an additional week before
traveling back to Suna. She cooked with Yoshino, worked in Yoshino's
garden and helped in the Nara medicine lab. Yoshino taught her how to
make at least half a dozen medicinal teas. The woman was brilliant
with herbs and antlers. Nara men were reputed to be extremely
intelligent but Nara women were tasked with maintaining generations of
medicinal lore.

As a gift for staying an additional week Shikaku helped her develop an

entirely new way to use her jutsu. She had been beyond impressed
that he could see something in her and thereby coax a gentle wind out
of her. With stealth like control she could now guide an exploding tag to
a target while said target was busy dodging an in your face wind
attack. Shikaku was awesome, Yoshino was awesome. Was he giving
her his parents to sweeten the deal?

Was he giving her his entire extended family? She didn't know outsiders
weren't allowed to attend the annual gathering. The Naras welcomed
her with an utter lack of enthusiasm that was so Shika-like that it felt
natural, like coming home. When did she begin associating Shikamaru
with home? When did images of home shift from the desert browns to
lush greens? Gah! What was wrong with her. Temara huffed, rolled
over and punched the fluffy stuff animal Ino had offered in lieu of a

"Temari-chan, are you okay?" Hinata's sleepy voice interrupted Temari's


"I'm fine," Temari ground out and punched the fluffy stuffed deer again.
She bet that had been on purpose.

"Don't let the teasing bother you Temari. Shino and Kiba are my best
friends and they are just that, boys who are my friends."

"Are you sleeping in the Aburame or Inuzuka clan symbols tonight?"

TenTen asked from her own bed roll stretched lengthwise at their feet.

Hinata answered, "No, but I'm sure Shino keeps a bug on me.
Sometimes I see it, usually I don't but all the same I know its there. We
are very close."

Sakura sat up in the bed, "So let me get this straight. You have a live
bug on your person right now and you're totally cool with that?"

"Yes, everyday since we were genin Shino has been bugging me. It
means he cares." Hinata defended.

"No, it means he's creepy and you're insane." Ino sat up beside Sakura
to put in her two cents. "In all these years, are you telling me Kiba's
never tried to hit it."

Hinata was shocked, "Oh, no Kiba would never try to hurt me. Even
when we spar he goes far too easy on me."

TenTen groaned, "Seriously Hinata? She didn't mean does Kiba try to
bitch slap you, she meant does he ever try to tap that ass? Try to get
in your panties. Has Kiba ever tried to have sex with you?"

Hinata tittered, "Of course he has. He's a normal teenage boy," then in
an aside, "no offense Temari-chan. He's in his sexual prime it is not his
fault. It is hormones. He begs to smell me...well down there." Then
Hinata too sat up, tapping her fingers together as she debated. "Please
don't tell anyone this..." Hinata didn't wait long before rushing ahead.
"Kiba very much pleased by my smell when I am ovulating or in
heat as he calls it. It is enough for him. I don't know if I should but it
seems so little and he does not touch me." Hinata blushed prettily, not
that anyone noticed in the dark room.

"That is weird, freaky deaky weird. Shino keeps a bug on you and Kiba
sniffs you to get off. Yikes. Fucking yikes." Sakara voiced the thoughts
of all.

TenTen sighed, "Neji has never tried anything whatsoever with me. One
should hope he at least looks through my clothes to see my assets but
I seriously doubt I'm even getting the peeping tom byakugan action. I
even asked Lee what I should do to get Neji's attention."

"You asked the boy in the green leotard, soup bowl haircut, leg
warmers and the caterpillar eyebrows for romantic advice? Were you
that desperate?" Ino had to know.

"Leave Lee alone and yes I am that desperate." TenTen replied.

"So what advice did he give you?" Temari was curious and pleased that
the attention was off of her.

"He said my loveliest assets are my bounteous blossoms of rounded

youth. I said I didn't know Neji was a breast man to which Lee replied,
"TenTen, all men are breast men. Neji-san is no exception. Reveal the
vee of distraction so he see more than an accomplished shinobi and
comrade in arms. Let him see your overflowing wellspring of youth." So
yeah he said show some cleavage then he offered to go shopping with

"Lee is a pig!" Sakura huffed. "We are more than a collection of our

Ino interrupted, "Oh hush, you're just upset that he turned out to be a
boob dude and you don't have any."

"Don't be upset Sakura-chan," TenTen teased. "Lee likes your itty bitty
titties just fine. He said as a man he pretty much likes all breasts. He
thinks when he see them they will be the delicate pink blossoms of his
dreams." Secretly Sakura was pleased but hell if she going to admit it.

Temari relaxed on her bedroll thinking perhaps she had read too much
into their teasing. She didn't have any other female friends for
reference. It was she that was making something out of nothing. She
and Shikamaru were friends, his mother adored her and his father
would do anything to keep her around to keep his wife off his ass.
"Hey, what time is it anyway?" Temari asked no one in particular.

"It's about 4:15 a.m." Ino answered. "I'm shot for sleep. Anybody else
want to make pancakes?"

"I'm game." Temari volunteered and was soon followed by everyone

else as they trekked down to the kitchen. Temari got into it as the
teasing continued. Sakura was alternately razzed about Sasuke, the
psycho, and Lee, the breast enthusiast. Kiba jabs came Hinata's way.
To get Ino on a tear they simply called Choji fat, an undeniable truth but
she lost her cool all the same. When they went after Temari, she tried
a new tactic and owned the Shikamaru innuendo claiming that she was
going to marry him and repopulate Konoha with nin loyal to Suna. She
even named her fictitious future brood, Karura, Yashamaru, and
Shikachoji, then described them in detail. To complete the joke she
tried to give Gaara to Hinata claiming although her brother was odd
Hinata came from bugs and crotch sniffs so she would be fine with a
little sand stalking. Then she gave Kankuro to TenTen so he could show
her how to put on makeup because how could she not listen to Kankuro
if she took fashion advice from Lee.

They giggled up a storm until they woke up Ino's parents. Inoichi was
cool but Ino's mom made her go get the shop ready for opening. They
all pitched in and helped her out. By nine in the morning when the shop
opened Temari was willing to dismiss the supposed Shikamaru
attachment. Sure, he always paid when they went out, it was easier
than fighting him on it. They did have casual plans for every day and
night she was in Konaha including a standing Friday, Saturday and
Sunday all weekend long visit with the Naras. Temari didn't have a
reasonable explanation for why she enjoyed spending every free
waking moment with Shikamaru so she mentally glossed over it.
Yoshino was nice enough to make Gaara a tea to help him sleep.
Should she read anything the fact Yoshino only made a one month
supply, claiming the components would not keep longer than that.
Gaara made obsessively sure Temari was in Konoha in plenty of time
each month. There was no Nara conspiracy so when Ino asked slyly,
"So Tema-chan, you and Shikamaru aren't dating? Are you two really
are just friends?" Temari had no trouble saying, "Yes, we are only

"Hmm, I bet Shiho will be glad to hear that." Ino smiled smugly at the

Temari's hackles rose with warning, "Who the fuck is Shiho?"

Sakara damn near gloated, "She's the chunin kunoichi with a massive
crush on your non-boyfriend."

Temari attempted to shrug, "I don't see what that has to do with me."
She didn't quite pull off cool as she immediately asked, "What does she
look like?"

"She is about your height, blond, wears glasses," TenTen started off
only to abruptly break off and say, "Look now, she's across the street
right talking to your non-boyfriend."

Temari looked although she suspected they were just pulling her leg but
to her surprise she saw Shikamaru standing on the street. A blond with
disheveled hair and glasses stood in front of him.

As the door to Yamanaka Flower rattled on the hinges, Hinata sighed,

"I don't think we should have done that to Shiho."

Without thought Temari fisted the back of Shikamaru's flak jacket and
snatched him backwards putting herself directly in front of the other
blond nin. She stared at the other girl then flicked her eyes up and
down her trembling person, then scoffed, "Yoshino would eat you
alive." Temari turned on her heel dismissing the cowering kunoichi and
stalked off dragging Shikamaru behind her.

"Troublesome woman, let me go." Shikamaru protested. When she let

go he fell in step with his usual unhurried gait. "Where are we going?"

"Home." Temari bit out.

"S'okay. Mom sent me to get you anyway." Shikamaru yawned then

said, "You should have come home last night so I could have slept in
this morning. I was having the best dreams."

A smile touched Temari's lips, "Dreaming about cloud watching again?"

"You know it." Shikamaru laughed a little.

That was her laugh. He was her lazy nin. "Shikamaru, how long have
we been dating?"

"Ah, that explains it." He scratched the back of his head, "About a year
now, but its gotten serious the past four months or so."

"You were dating me behind my back." It wasn't the girls, it was she
who had it wrong.

"No, I was in your face the whole time and your participation was
willing." Shikamaru continued walking with Temari at his side. In the
distance she could see the Nara estate looming into view. "I don't have
it in me to force you into anything."

"We've never even kissed, held don't even see me like
that." Temari rasped.

Faster than she thought he could move Shikamaru pinned her to the
wall leading to the entrance gate. His hands cupped her face while his
lips slowly covered hers with gentle kisses that turned passionate as
soon as she responded. Her hands which were braced on his chest
circled his neck and his hands left her face moving lower to cup her
breasts. Before they could get out of control, Shikamaru broke the kiss
but did not release her. "Of course I see you like that, I am a man after
all." He swooped in for another kiss while her mind was still reeling.

Reviews are welcomed.

Chapter 2 Pillow Talk
A/N: First and foremost these characters don't belong to me. I plucked
them out the Naruto-verse to play with a little bit more. This is more
fluff, I freaking love the stuff. Third, thank you to all the people who
reviewed, favorited or followed the first chapter. It was meant to be a
one off but some of you, SerenaRose9, Nyoon, julia-reads asked for
more so here's more as requested.

Pillow Talk

Shikamaru's and Temari's engagement sparks consequences in

Konoha. Shikamaru's tactic of dating Temari without bothering with the
romance bit got lovelorn TenTen thinking and acting.

"Neji," TenTen approached Neji after a workout on the training field. She
adjusted her top pulling it down as though she was simply straightening
her clothing while knowing full well she was trying to display some
cleavage with the new shirt Lee had helped her pick out. "I was thinking
of catching that new flick and I hate to go to the movies alone. It
makes me seem like a friendless loser." It was so easy to be natural
with everyone else but as she became more aware of Neji, working
into this mega crush she was dealing with, it was harder and harder to
just be herself with him but she tried giving Neji an impish grin, "You
don't want me to look like loser do you Neji-kun?"

"No, TenTen that would be unacceptable." Neji replied solemnly,"Give

me an hour to make myself presentable and I will join you in front of the

Neji, I have to take my clothes off," she wriggled out his grasp and
looked at him oddly. Her date, non-date approach had worked well.
They watched the movie, stopped for ramen and as casually as
possible TenTen invited Neji to her apartment. It went better than she
hoped. The moment her door shut Neji's lips covered hers and things
had gone fast with Neji quickly carrying her off to her bedroom.

"Oh I'm sorry, I got excited I didn't notice you were still dressed." Neji

"What?" The strange statement had her confused.

"To me," Neji lifted her chin closing her gaping mouth. "You're always
naked. TenTen, I've been looking at you naked for years, watching you
bloom from the bud of a girl into the full blossom of womanhood . It has
been my greatest joy and distinct pleasure."

TenTen sputtered, confused and pleased, "But your byakugan isn't even

"The byakugan is for the hard stuff, seeing women naked is easy. It
comes to all Hyuga men at puberty. Hyuga women don't talk about
such." Neji's smile was barely perceptible but TenTen having been
obsessed with him for years knew that glint of a smile was the
equivalent of him rolling on the floor with laughter.

"Wait, wait, do you see all women naked all the time?" She wanted to
know that what they were about to do was special, that she was
special too. She accepted she was going to take him anyway she
could get him but it would be nice to know she was special, that way
she could look forward to a repeat.

"Yes and no. Well, I did at first and it was amazing but I quickly learned
how to turn it off and on. Seeing Hinata naked was slightly more painful
than a kunai attack. I protect her but you must understand that when I
saw her I realized her I love her like my mother or maybe even my
grandmother, or both combined." Neji cringed with remembrance.

TenTen giggled but her curiosity was peaked and she became less
concerned with behaving properly for Neji and slipped into her
comfortable self. "So who do you see naked? I mean, do you see the
Hokage in the nude?"

Neji considered the impropriety then gave in to the sheer pleasure of

talking to someone about long kept secrets. Hyuga men with their
strictly controlled nature didn't gossip. He and Lee were tight but Lee
was too...Lee. "No. Tsunade-sama is well endowed but has saggy bits
that are not pleasant to the eye."

TenTen laughed wanting more, "What about Sakara?"

Neji was embarrassed that he had been so indiscreet but making

TenTen laugh felt good. He couldn't remember making anyone laugh
before,"Sakura-chan binds her breasts to be more effective in combat,
which is wise. But she really has no need to."

TenTen laughed again delighted with the way Neji arched an eyebrow
when he gave his punch line. She made a note to kiss that eyebrow
and the other one too just to be fair.

"You should never bind yours." Neji flushed.

TenTen suddenly felt like teasing, "It is wise for Sakura-chan but not for
me. I am a weapons specialist. Some women have been known to
remove a breast to improve aim and efficiency." She jiggled herself in
exaggeration pleased to see his eyes move with her.

He mock gasped in horror. "That is a sacrilege, a crime against nature.

It is a wise for some well endowed women, therefore it is unnecessary
for Sakura but good for Shizune."

"Really, I had no idea she was stacked." She scooted back to lean
against the headboard. The intense urge to get him done had been
replaced with joy at finally being able to be at ease with him. Tonight,
although they long years of friendship behind them, had been awkward
at times.
As casually as he could Neji sidled up beside TenTen against the
headboard and lightly grasped her fingers. "I suppose not, that's a
Hyuuga secret much like who shaves what and when."

TenTen didn't take that bait, she was eager yet dreading knowing what
Neji thought of her friends and if she had any real competition. "What
about Temari? Is she really that stacked or is that a push up bra?"

"I don't look at that one. She is the woman of a close comrade." Neji
was emphatic in replying.

"You're trying not to answer. They just admitted their relationship. What
about before then?" Tenten pushed. Temari was taller and more
curvaceous than herself. She wanted to know what body type he was

"Yes, but you had to know they were a couple. It has been apparent
for a long time. Years ago Tsunade-sama asked those of us who had
made chunin at that time who would volunteer to escort the Temari on
her first visit as ambassador. I shot my hand in the air and had it
promptly snatched down. It caught me off guard then Shikamaru
volunteered by saying, "Tch, its a pain in the ass, she's loud and bossy
but you can trust me Godaime to keep my cool and represent the Leaf
in relations with Suna."

TenTen laughed again at Neji's impression of Shikamaru. He had even

slouched in the bed and ran a hand in his pocket to drawl out what
Shikamaru said. Neji pulled his hand out of his pocket to reclaim
TenTen's. "That's an unfair advantage you had in knowing they were
really a couple."

"He had an unfair advantage over us. We had to sit there while he held
us immobilized as though we were a bunch of hot heads. He diminished
my trademark Hyuuga cool. Besides he calls her troublesome all the
time. I have come to realize it's a term of affection with him."

"So there's been a Shika and Temari for a long time. What about Ino?
They are new, therefore you can't claim Choji loyalty." She wanted to
know if she was into blonds.

"Now that one does wear a push up bra and she stuffs it too. Please
don't share that."

TenTen guffawed, "I won't Neji-kun. You can trust me."

"I know I can." He kissed her lightly on the cheek. At least he tried to,
with dead on accuracy TenTen caught his lips with her mouth. Neji
broke the kiss which dismayed TenTen until he said. "I can see any
woman naked any time but when I close my eyes the only woman I see
is you."

With dead on accuracy again TenTen flung herself at Neji. The target
was pleased. This time their attempt at lovemaking was not awkwardly
fueled by hormones. There were plenty of hormones at work but now
they were at ease with each other and taking time and asking
questions rather than trying to just get it done as soon as possible.

When they were spent and TenTen was wrapped tightly in Neji's arms
she told him, "You're the only one I see naked too."

He kissed the back of her neck before saying,"I figured that out on my

"Ugh, I don't mean my recently changed virginal status. I mean, you're

the only one I want to see naked."

"Yes, TenTen, I figured that out on my own too."

"How long have you known about my massive crush on you?" TenTen
was beyond being embarrassed at this point with Neji's strong arms
around her. He showed no intention of leaving her home.

"Hinata warned me a month ago that you had designs on me however I

knew before then." He licked the back of her neck this time. "Now I
have a design on you." He blew the back of her neck chilling her wet

"Again when did you know?" TenTen longed to turn around in to see him
but Neji's hold was pretty firm. "I had my suspicions before Lee
approached me to let me know man to man that your heart was a
tender petal of youth's wondrous spring. He said I must tread lightly
lest he be forced to kick my ass in ways unknown to man."

TenTen laughed out loud shaking her whole body. "Lee so didn't say
that. He is incapable of speaking, you know, coherently."

"No, he's not. When it comes to you he can be explicitly clear. Men also
speak differently when there are no women about. He wanted to make
sure I understood him and I did. I am jealous of your friendship with
Lee. You never ask me to go shopping with you."

"Neji-kun you still haven't answered my question, when did you know?"
TenTen tried wiggling around again. This time Neji made a show of
adjusting her so they faced each other and every limb was carefully
placed to maximize comfort. Once in place she did her best to glare at
him in the darkened room because she knew he could see her with
crystal clear clarity. "Now Neji."

"I've known you were in love with me for as long as I've been in love
with you." Neji revealed to a stunned TenTen for although she knew that
wasn't an answer the impact of Neji saying he was in love with her was
enough to quieten even her indomitable spirit.

It was the next morning before such a distraction could be bothered

with again as they engaged in love rather than speaking of it. "Neji-kun
if you had such strong feelings for me since your injury at the hands of
Orochimaru's henchman, why has it taken so long for you to act on it?"
TenTen stretched languidly in the bed beyond pleased that he was still
there far past dawn and showing no sign of leaving.

"I didn't have anything to offer you. I am not of the main family." He
tapped the visible reminder of his servitude etched into his forehead.
Our children will never be free." Solemn Neji had returned.

"Dude, you have to slow down. We don't have to worry about kids and
marriage. We can simply date and get married later or never if it
stresses you out so much. I am in no rush. You're so serious." TenTen
forced a smile. She had always known she wanted Neji but her wanting
had been centered on the physical.

"Of course I am serious. It's part of my charm is it not? How would you
feel about marrying into a life where your kids are marked."

"Yikes, Neji. We don't have to cross that bridge for ages." TenTen
replied wanting to say more but she was interrupted by a insistent
pounding on the door. "I'm coming. Hold your horses!" She yelled while
scrambling for clothing.

She opened the door an inch leaving the chain in place only to have it
flung open wide by Gai holding a bouquet of flowers followed by Lee.
"Gai-sensei, what a surprise!" She left the unwelcome part unsaid. Gai
never visited her home, he said it wasn't proper, " What brings you
here this morning?"

"I am overflowing with the joy of combined youth. The fountain of

happiness runs abundant!" He swept her into a great crushing hug.
"Where is Neji-san?"

TenTen although somewhat embarrassed that Gai-sensei knew Neji had

spent the night really wanted to tell him none of his business. Alas, she
respected her former sensei far too much.

"Right here Gai." Neji answered walking forward from the bedroom
with nary a hair out of place. For a moment TenTen hated him for his
calm put together appearance as she stood there disheveled in a tatty
t-shirt and shorts.

"Good, very good. I am here with united with Team Gai to begin the
celebrations of your engagement." Tears streamed from Gai's eyes
and with great delicacy he dabbed them with a tissue. "Hurry TenTen
go get dressed."

Lee gave her a gentle nudge towards the bedroom virtually demanding
she stop and dig her heels in. "Hold up! Hold the fuck up," momentarily
respect for her sensei was suspended, "Aren't you all jumping the gun?
One night does not make an engagement."

Gai laughed loud and hard, much like he did everything," Of course it
does. As I said to Neji-san, after you started making cow eyes at him,
if you deflower the blossom the bloom will be yours forever more."
With an until now unheard menacing tone, Gai prompted, "You do
remember this Neji?"

Meekly Neji merely replied, "Yes, Sensei."

"And you have asked TenTen to join your clan, to be your most honored
wife and for once giving her a name." Gai went on.

"Not yet Gai-Sensei." Neji admitted.

As Gai started moving in on Neji, TenTen had to have a quick debate as

she placed herself bodily between the men. Give Lee and Gai and
earful for showing up at her home demanding Neji marry her like some
weak female that needed a man's protection or recognize Gai was off
his damn rocker like always and she had to save Neji's ass. "Gai-
Sensei he was just getting to it when you came to the door," she
replied honestly because it was easy for her to now see that's where
Neji was going.

"Ah my genius pupil, I interrupted your most special moment, but

perhaps I can make it more special with this. Gai dug through his flack
jacket with his one free hand while the other held the impressive
bouquet. He eventually had to hand TenTen the bouquet to continue his
search as they stood by waiting with the acquired patience one learned
when dealing with Gai on a routine basis. "TenTen, hurry and go get
dressed. Hurry!"

She handed off the bouquet and left the strange trio in the room while
she went to the bedroom thinking about all the times she had tried to
get Neji alone with casual invitations to ramen or bbq and he gently but
firmly refused. He had been saying "No, TenTen I'm not ready for
marriage yet." Had she been a pathetic waif waiting for him? She was
more pathetic than Hinata. She had wanted Neji and Neji had wanted
her but she didn't understand until now how big a commitment catching
a movie with him was going to be. When she clumsily asked if he want
to come to her place she had no idea it was the equivalent of asking
Neji-kun to marry her and damn if he hadn't said yes. She had to sit
down to digest that. She had proposed to Neji last night. And he said

She couldn't help but think, damn that was easy.

"So then what happened?" Ino demanded. "At some point you came
out the room."

"Be patient Baka! This is my story and I want to tell to the fullest!"
TenTen shouted.

"The fullest? It seems pretty darn g-rated to me. What happened to all
your big talk about blowing him first chance you got?" Temari stretched
languidly on the divan in Hinata's room. Girls night had a different
venue. Usually Ino's was the spot because her room was large and full
of girly things to play with, tonight Hinata issued the invitation. Her room
was large too, but had all the comforts of a museum. Ancient furniture
that was better suited to being looked at than actually used dotted the
room along with a multitude of figurines. Temari had one of the few
comfortable perches in the room. The Huuyga servants, more excited
about Lady Hinata's first sleepover than the lady herself, kept the room
stocked with delectable refreshments.
TenTen sniffed, "As I said be patient and I will tell you all about that
experience." She lifted one eyebrow adding, "Blow by blow," taking
great delight in seeing them flinch.

"TMI!" Ino screamed. "That's too much information. We don't need or

want a lick by lick re-telling."

Sakura launched a grape at Ino before hissing, "Hypocrite. Choji would

absolutely die if he knew how much you shared about his oral talents. I
swear everytime I see his tongue I feel like a pervert."

Ino, far from feeling chastised nodded, "You should, his tongue is
amazing or O-mazing rather." She sniggered at the uncomfortable
silence she created. "Sakara, don't let me catch you looking at his
tongue, it's mine."

"Never have I said this in a more fitting manner, Ino-Pig!" Sakura yelled.

"Umm Hmm, I'm my Choji-dumpling's favorite; barbecued pork and he

can't enough of me!" Ino stuck her tongue out at Sakura, who hurled a
pillow at her.

"Is there anything I can say to insult you? I'm trying my best over here."
Sakura threw another pillow at Ino.

Ino dodged the flying pillow and said, "You generally suck at
everything, so probably not. But I love you despite your incompetence."

"Is the Ino-Sakura show over? I was just telling my story of how the
finest, most gorgeous jounin in all the land succumbed to my charm."

"We are listening TenTen." Hinata assured her friend. She had heard
Neji's version but she really wanted to hear TenTen's. Neji's version for
instance never included him spending the night. TenTen had of course
omitted Neji's byakugan side effect, so her story up until that point has
been movies, ramen, he rocked my world and then Gai and Lee came
"I dressed and came out the room slowly and demurely in my best
kimono, dragging ass because at that point Lee was banging on the
door and jumping up and down. Petals were strewn across the floor
leading to a chair. Neji was on one knee waiting. Lee escorted me to
the chair to sit upon the cushion..."

"Oh Kami, that sounds so romantic!" Ino screeched earning a glare

from TenTen.

"It was romantic except for Gai-Sensei standing behind the chair
weeping. He was trying to be silent but failing. His tears were falling
down the back of my collar. But anyway, I sat down and Neji took my
hands and looked into my eyes and he said...Wait I wrote it down."
TenTen stopped, reached into her top, and extracted from her bra a
folded note. "He said, TenTen, I have loved you with the enthusiasm of
youth unbridled and it has grown to the passion and strength of a man.
I promise to love you all the days of your life, to protect and provide for
you, and to honor you forever. I give you my solemn promise. Will you
accept my hand in marriage?"

TenTen sighed pressing the paper to her chest. "Isn't that the sweetest
thing you ever heard?"

Hinata sighed,"I can't believe Neji-kun had it in him." She also couldn't
believe Lee and Gai were there however Neji's retelling had been at
the dinner table where he announced, with Father's permission, that he
had asked TenTen to marry him.

"I can't believe you wrote it down. Do you carry it everywhere?" Temari

"Absolutely everywhere. I don't want to forget a word."

Sakaru questioned, "With the enthusiasm of youth? I don't recall any

enthusiasm from ever." She paused for a moment searching
her memory, "Never. Not even slightly. Had he said dutifully, I could dig
it but enthusiasm. Lee has enthusiasm down pat. Naruto? Absolutely.
Neji, not even full of sake."

TenTen grinned and said, "I know right, but he was on one knee
proposing to me. I wasn't going to argue besides he showed me his
enthusiasm and passion in the bedroom so I was good." She laughed,
"I was real good."

"Wasn't it coming at you too fast?" Temari questioned from the divan
where she had been contentedly chewing her fingernails. "You talked
about blowing him, using genjutsu and crap, but you never said you
wanted to spend the rest of your life with him."

Suddenly all eyes were on Temari. The focus was shifted. Ino led the
charge to get all up in Temari's business. "Did Shika come at you too
fast? He did date you for a good little while before proposing?"

"Hey this isn't about me and Nara. Tonight is about TenTen's capture of
Neji. Right TenTen?" Temari tried redirection.

"Ha! Did you really think that was going to work?" TenTen fairly danced
over to the divan to nudge Temari back into laying down and in her best
soothing voice said, "Now Temari you are in a safe non-judgemental
zone and we, the four of us, promise complete confidentiality.

Sakura, Hinata and Ino swarmed over to crowd around the divan where
Sakura took the lead to say, "When we last met you contended that
you and Nara Shikamaru were only friends, yet his ring is on your

"And is his mother is telling anyone who will listen that she is getting a
princess for a daughter." Ino chimed in. "Aunt Yoshino is insufferable,
but even more so than normal."

Sakura went on, "It seems your engagement may have happened too

"Too fast, they dated for a year at least." Ino snorted.

Temari looked at the inquisitive faces surrounding her. Sakura knelt at
her head, next to the divan. Hinata sat on the divan at her feet. Ino and
TenTen sat on opposite sides. Temari looked into TenTen's eyes and
decided to share. "Okay, Shika and I dated a year, but I didn't know
that. Don't give me that look! I didn't think about him like that. Shika
was right, I had my responsibility as Gaara's advisor and bodyguard to
focus on. I didn't look at any man like that or even think about that path
in life. My path as the kazekage's sister was set. So you might have
seen a year of dating, but I had twenty minutes of knowledge before
this." She held up her hand to show off the intricate metal band
engraved with the Nara clan symbol.

"Poor Shiho, you scared her terribly." Hinata reminisced.

"If that scared her she has no business calling herself a ninja!" Temari
thought back to seeing that woman smiling into Shika's face, in memory
it made her blood boil. "She had better keep her distance." Hinata
wished she had kept her mouth shut.

"I can see how this is moving too fast you jealous witch." Ino intoned

"Look, don't get me wrong. Shika is mine and I dare anyone to

challenge my claim, but it still happened too fast. I ran across the
street to defend my right to bear his children, call his mother my own,
generally to be a part of the Nara clan, but even then I wasn't thinking I
sure would like to get buck naked with the dude standing on the
sidewalk yawning and scratching the back of his head."

"What are you saying, Temari? You don't want Shikamaru like that?"
Ino spoke defensively. Shikamaru was like a brother to her. Their
birthdays were a but a day apart. She had grown up with him and Choji
due to the closeness of their families.

"I didn't at the time, I do now. His body is like fucking perfection. His
cuts have cuts, its kinda hard to tell because his slouch has a slouch
but Nara naked is pretty much all I think about all day everyday. Not
completely naked, oiled up all over. But only if I do the oiling. Yeah, all
slick with oil and sweat. I want to oil him up then make him sweat.
Umm..." Temari's eyes glazed over.

Sakura screamed, "What the hell? You can't have it both ways!"

"Yes, I can too!" Temari screamed back. "I can want to fuck his brains
out, be a member of his family and it can all be too fast. TenTen

TenTen nodded but didn't say anything as Temari went on in a rush.

"Shika admitted to me that we were dating seriously on the walk back
to his house. We had our first kiss at his gate. Then before we went
into the house he said, "It will be be awhile before we can do this
again. He kissed me at the front door and it was sweet and perfect
until Yoshino opened the door and screamed, "She said yes! She said
yes! Shikaku get the camera! She said yes!" My mind was still reeling
from the shock that we were even together but I still had presence of
mind to say, "He hasn't asked me anything". By then Shikaku had
arrived to say, "Son, what are you waiting for?" Yoshino yelled at
Shika, "Get on one knee. Do I have to tell you everything?" Then she
wrenched off her own ring and pressed it into Shikamaru's hand. I
expected him to complain, everything is troublesome to the boy but his
parents ramming an engagement down his throat he says nothing but
sinks to one knee and takes my hand."

"Do you understand that not even twenty minutes before that I denied
we were together and to my mind it was the absolute truth. I pulled my
hand back saying that without the kazekage's permission I couldn't
accept a marriage proposal. Don't look at me like that." She addressed
the room. "As a member of the ruling family I can't marry without
Gaara's consent and that of the council.

"Yes but this is just the proposal." Ino pointed out.

"Don't worry about your precious Shikamaru. We are engaged are we

not?", Temari sucked her teeth and continued. "Shikaku said, "That will
not be a problem. Gaara and I have spoken of your union at length. It
has been apparent for years that you two are well matched and have
chemistry. The articles of marriage have been settled on both sides"

Then Shika interrupted Shikaku to one up him with, "I formally asked
Gaara for Temari's hand in marriage when I was in Suna for her
birthday. Gaara gave his permission. "

Shikaku argued, "You two have been obvious since the arena. As the
heads of your respective families Gaara and I have met with Tsunade
to handle the official matters. Son your request was a mere formality."

Shikamaru reclaimed my hands, but looked at his father to say, "Gaara

and I presented it the Suna council, which is more than a mere
formality. The council approves the union."

"Are you guys getting this, it seems everybody in two nations knew
Shikamaru was my boyfriend except me. Go figure right?"

"No it was pretty damn obvious if you ask me." Sakura disagreed.

"As obvious as your school girl crush on Uchiha?" Temari taunted back.

Sakura shrugged, "Yep, that obvious."

Temari continued her tale "Yoshino took over yelling, "You're both
brilliant, geniuses, blah blah get on with it already and make Temari my

"So you said yes because you were backed into a corner?" Ino asked
going on the defensive again.

"No, when I'm backed into a corner I come out swinging a giant tessen
and woe behold anyone in my way. I stood on Nara's doorstep with the
scent of Yoshino's mackerel wafting out, smelling delicious and I
normally don't even like the stuff, but the way Yoshino cooks it is divine.
She normally won't serve breakfast so late but she was waiting for me.
The whole family was waiting for me because I complete them. Then I
looked down at Shikamaru...and don't you dare tell anyone
heart melted and finally Shika said, "Will you marry me Sabaku no
Temari?" I cried like a bitch and said yes. Seriously don't share that, it
would ruin my reputation as a hard ass."

"He didn't say I love you?" Hinata questioned incredulously.

"When he stood up he said, "I love you", then Yoshino threw her arms
around me and said, "Me too!"

"So are you engaged to Shikamaru or Yoshino? Or are you engaged to

Shikamaru and Yoshino?" TenTen teased.

Temari clarified, "Don't forget Shikaku. I'm engaged to all of them.

Sometimes I feel like I'm engaged to become a Nara rather than his
wife. It was all so damn fast. Within minutes he went from being my
guy friend, okay maybe he is my boyfriend to being my fiance. Its a
little hard to adjust to."

"You could have said no or asked for more time. I'm sure they would
have understood." Sakura added reasonably.

"I did consider that but -and I don't suffer from any type of inferiority
complex-they are all so smart, like scary smart. All of them, especially
Shikaku. He's the smartest person I know and Shika is no slouch-well
he is slouch but mentally he's a triathlete-any way Shikaku thinks I
should marry Shika then its probably the best course of action-for the
entire world because he thinks on that scale." Temari shrugged and the
other girls understood having learned to never doubt Shikaku or even
Shikamaru for that matter when it came to strategy.

"Uncle is wise, but you do want Shika right?" Ino asked, then to make
herself understood added, "You want to see him naked."

Temari corrected, "Naked except for oil and sweat. You ruin the fantasy
if you leave out the oil and sweat.
"Wait, hold up-you haven't seen him naked?" Ino asked amazed.

"Nope, Gaara made it clear that a royal bride would be given pure in
marriage or he's going to kill my Shika. Frankly my brothers don't care
who does the dirty deed, they are putting Shika's neck on the line.
Fucked up, right? Maybe that's why he hangs around me all the time.
Keeping a watch on my ass-ets." Temari grinned.

"Wow, that's a surprise. You don't seem the type." Ino spoke before

"The type to knuckle under my brothers? I'm not really. Gaara may not
be a cold blooded killer anymore but he's nothing to mess with either. If
it were just me, I might take him on but its Shikamaru's ass on the line
so..." Temari explained.

Ino, still not fond of thinking replied, "No, you don't seem the type to
still be a virgin. What are you twenty-one?"

The other girls, thinkers, drew back, "What the hell is that supposed to

Ino continued, perhaps in a false sense of security in the heavily

guarded Hyuuga compound. "Well the way you dress for one thing"

"What's wrong with the way I dress?" Temari hissed.

Ino took the spot vacated by Hinata on the divan to sit with Temari, like
they were having a heart to heart, " You kinda set it all out there, low
cuts tops, push up bra and short skirts. Not that I'm knocking your
style. They are clothes I would choose myself but people call me a
whore, although strictly speaking, just between us, it's not too far off
the mark. I am a sexual being." Ino smiled at an incredulous Temari
who was rapidly processing Ino's remarks to decide what to react to.
Ino said Temari dressed like a whore. Ino called Ino a whore. Well fine,
Ino could insult Ino all day and twice on Sunday but she would be
damned if she'd let Ino insult Temari. Temari's eye darted around
quickly for her tessen but it was out reach so she let fly with her hand.
Ino's startled expression didn't change her mind.

Sakura's block saved Ino from a pummeling that TenTen, and

uncharacteristically Hinata, felt like she had coming. Sakura too thought
Ino had that coming fair and square but bestfriend duty required she
step in. "Temari, Ino is sorry for being a dumbass but she didn't mean
any harm."

"What?" Ino asked perplexed. "What did I say? People tell me I dress
like a whore all the time. You don't see me going around knocking the
shit out of them!"

Temari, no longer even vaguely angry at the girl responded, "You're

supposed to. Everytime. Everytime you hear it. What kind of kunoichi
are you?"

"The kind that would never hit my father." Ino stated pleasantly and

"Oh you have Daddy-issues too." Temari answered sympathetically.

"No, not really. Daddy says "Put some clothes on, Ino you're dressed
like a whore." Mama, who put the flower child in Yamanaka flowers
always says, "Inoichi lighten up let Ino enjoy her youth. She won't come
to any harm. At worst she will marry a fine shinobi who forgets what it
was like to be young and free. A strong sex drive is nothing to be
ashamed of after all you didn't ask me out for my demure manners"
Then Daddy usually says something like, "Must you share everything
with the child." Mama always says yes, then they reminisce about their
escapades and I run out before its time to cue the porno music."

"So, um your mama's a freak?" Temari said in the silence Ino's

comments created.

"Oh yeah. Well she was then she met my daddy and eventually
became the sedate flower lady leaving behind her carefree ways." Ino
shared happily. "Now, having sampled what Konoha has to offer I will
settle down with its best, my Choji.

Sakura, familiar with Ino's whole life story said, "Moving right along-So
TenTen your Neji obsession paid off."

"My Neji obsession? Oh you don't know the half about his TenTen
obsession. See I was really okay with just having him as a friend with
benefits, a booty call buddy, my smoking hot ninja toy boy, my sex on

"TENTEN, we get it." Sakura interrupted.

"Okay so I didn't expect to marry a Hyuga. I'm a teme, a bastard who

doesn't know her father, no one knows who he is not even my mother,
may she rest in peace."

"I'm am sorry, but what?" Temari questioned feeling every inch the

"My mother worked in a pleasure house before my birth. My father

was a customer but which customer? No one knows." TenTen shrugged
having grown use to the circumstances of her birth.

Temari, more than a little caught off guard, couldn't keep the shock off
her face.

"Now, don't fret Tema-chan. The circumstances of my birth no longer

have power over me. I have been in love with Neji for ages but I never
saw myself in the role of wife to one of the distinguished Hyuga clan. I
didn't dream it in my wildest fantasies."

Ino rolled her eyes at the ceiling and then blew her bangs up, she had
no patience for slow moving stories. "So what's this got to do with the
Neji TenTen obsession you were about to brag about?"

"You ever wonder why Neji is so driven? He got to jounin before any of
us. He takes on more solo missions than any of us too. He does it for
me!" TenTen gushed.

"He likes to be away from you as much as possible?" Ino asked with a

"No baka. Neji says he's been in love with me as long as I have been in
love with him."

"So that's still your obsession." Temari clarified.

"Neji almost died trying to bring that psycho Sasuke back home. Kami,
it almost killed me. If Neji had died, I would have died right along with
him. That was a scary revelation. After that Gai-sensei said I started
making cow eyes at Neji. He told Neji I was a blossom or petal or
some sorta flower crap but that he must be careful of my gentle heart.
So anyway Neji said he started looking at me different after that. He
liked my strength, wit and determination, yada, yada. I'm wonderful."

"Yada Yada -bullshit I bet you have that written down too!" Sakura
dutifully called TenTen on her blase attitude.

"So what if I do? I doubt you all want to hear how Neji worships my
utter perfection. So anyway, as I was saying before I was so rudely
interrupted; When Gai saw Neji making cow eyes, and yes he does
use that term, he took him aside..."

"Are you saying Neji fell in love with you at a suggestion?" Temari

"Look, I don't care how he fell in love, I'm the girl who was willing to
use genjutsu. Besides didn't you fall in love with Shikamaru at a
suggestion? See, it's not so bad to have someone point out what you
should have seen all along. Gai took Neji aside and told him if he
deflowered the blossom, no if he plucked from the bloom...maybe he
"Popped the cherry...", Hinata volunteered with some trepidation but it
seemed to fit the category.

"Really Hinata? Really? Have you ever heard Gai say anything
remotely to the point?"

"No, but it was cherry blossom related and it seemed in keeping..."

Hinata defended.

"Good point, but whatever it was Gai said came down to this; Neji was
warned that sex with me would be a lifetime commitment and you know
how Neji is all fate and destiny?" TenTen clapped her hands together
with joy of the memory Neji holding her. "He said, "TenTen you are my
fate and my destiny, you are my reason for being. For you I began to
work harder, trying to excel in the ninja arts to increase my income to
provide a proper home for you. Gai said I had to give you a home of
stability and respectability." He rushed to become a jounin to save up
for our future. He takes on solo missions to bring home more pay for
our nest egg. I couldn't think past the bed and he was buying the
house. Everything he does, he does for me." TenTen was lost in her
romantic musings.

"Aren't the Hyuga's loaded?" Temari questioned wondering what she

had missed.

TenTen leveled her gaze and unabashedly explained. "They are, but as
I said, my father is unknown and my mother was less than respectable.
It was very likely Neji's choice would not have been approved by the
main family in which case he was preparing to sever all ties in choosing
me. Gai-sensei impressed upon him that this was his life's most
important mission, therefore he would need to prepare. You have seen
Lee's impressive yet overdone work-out regime and the ridiculous
weights? Neji had fiscal calisthenics and investments portfolios to cope

"Wow that is deep. Neji has been planning longer than Shikamaru. That
is something in and of itself." Temari reflected.
"I know right? It makes my interest in him seem trivial. It wasn't, but I
felt like Neji and I were finally getting somewhere and here comes Gai
and Lee to cram it down my throat..."

"Oh, you're getting to that part of the story." Ino teased leading all the
girls to guffaw with laughter.

"No! No! No!" TenTen declared laughingly. "We haven't gotten to that..."

"In the story," Ino asked, wanting to get to the juicy stuff so she could
top whatever was said with Choji tales. "Or do you mean after all your
big talk you and Neji haven't gotten that far?

TenTen rolled her eyes hating to admit that after all her talk, "We
haven't gotten that far, and if Neji has his way we never will."

"So let me get this straight? He turned down a blow job?" Sakura was
surprised. From what she gleaned from Kakashi's books, men never
said no.

"Yes, my Neji is uber proper, and I think because of my mother's past

he is too diligent in observing proper respect for me. He said, "TenTen,
it is not dignified and you can not derive any pleasure from it therefore I
must say no." Seriously, we were in my room, I was naked and
kneeling at his feet and he formally declined oral sex. So I said, "I hope
you don't think this means you get a pass because I have certain
expectations and I damn sure expect you to meet them."

"So did he?" Ino questioned liking the turn of the conversation.

"Oh hell yeah." TenTen grinned a self satisfied grin before volunteering,
"Neji can see my g-spot. He says it glows. He would be worth a small
fortune in a brothel."

Ino was ready to brag, "Choji can use his partial expansion jutsu even
on his tong..."
"Weren't you about to say you felt rushed." Temari interrupted Ino's
track. She was missing out, she knew she was missing out. Shika
kissed her, held her hand, felt her up but otherwise never did anything
that might get him killed by pressing for more. Temari wanted more,
she wanted more all the time. She literally thought about it all the time.
The words 'cat in heat' now evoked a sympathy in her she never knew

"Oh yeah, I was rushed but knowing Neji-kun wanted me enough to

sever ties with his family has made it easier..." TenTen started only to
be interrupted by Temari yet again.

"Obviously," Temari gestured to the room ,"the Hyuga's have accepted


Hinata who had been naturally quiet, obviously not wanting to

participate in a conversation about her dear cousin Neji giving or
recieving oral sex claimed a moment to speak, "TenTen is a welcome
addition to our clan. The bride price negotiated reflects her value to

"Bride price? She has no family." Ino remarked with a startling lack of

"She has Gai-Sensei and that was more then enough for Father to deal
with." Hinata informed them.

"Yes but the bride price is paid to the family losing a daughter. My
father waived the notion, I think out of relief, to have me settled with
Choji" Ino interjected, "Gai can't collect a bride for a price for a student
getting married. He must be out of his mind...I mean more so than

"My sensei is the best." TenTen defended, "He's not conventional or

sane anything of the sort, but he is dedicated and loyal. The bride price
he negotiated was more like... I don't know to explain it.."
"I do." Hinata interrupted, "Gai wanted the Hyugas to demonstrate the
value of adding TenTen to our family. As he said, the money will be
used as TenTen's security should Neji disappoint her by dying because
he did not fight brilliantly. Gai's words not mine. Father," Hinata swept
her lashes down, "did not initially approve of the match. He was most
reluctant to pay a bride price as traditionally Hyugas accept substantial
dowries when males marry and receive handsome sums in bride
prices." She blushed bright, "It is the foundation of the Hyuga fortune."

The other girls looked surprised at this revelation but didn't say
anything as Hinata continued. "Father shared his expectation with Gai
by saying, "I'm sure TonTon is a wonderful girl, but that is not the Hyuga
way." It went downhill from there."

TenTen popped up to exclaim, "He called me TONTON?" TonTon the

fucking pig? TONTON!"

Temari pulled her back down, "Relax. It does sorta sound alike."

"Father made an honest mistake the first time. The second time he did
it to anger Gai to make him reckless. Several hours and several
thousands later Father said, "It is easy to underestimate Gai because
of his general buffoonery, but it was a mistake to do so." Then he went
on to say, "Let that be a lesson for you girls, never underestimate your
opponent" as though we were the ones who called TenTen a pig."

"So let me get this straight, Gai outmaneuvered Hiashi? Doesn't seem
possible." Temari commented.

TenTen known to be embarrassed by Gai explained, "Gai-sensei

finished the academy at the tender age of 7 and made chunin by 11.
None of us can boast that feat. Naturally, he did it because Kakashi did
it, which is pretty much the reason he does everything. You can't take
him lightly and you can't take him too seriously. As Gai-sensei would
tell you, "You don't have to be the smartest, fastest or most skilled, you
just have to want it more. He wanted Hiashi's money more than Hiashi
so he came away with it." TenTen shrugged then gloated, "I'm rich

The girls shared a laugh before Hinata shared, "He could have gotten
more. You have no idea how badly father wanted Gai to leave. It is a
wonder he didn't offer me or Hanabi as a bride for Rock Lee."

"Why was it so important to Gai?," Sakura started before pausing then

going on anyway, "Do you you think he's your father? I mean, we know
he's Lee's, but could he be yours too?" Then getting excited with her
conspiracy knelt on the bed and whispered, "Lee is his most precious
student and he wasn't trying to pair you off with him. Its because that's
your brother. Omg! I can't believe I just figured that out. I'm so getting
hair samples." Sakura rubbed her hands together with glee before
snatching a hair from TenTen's head and asked, "Ino are you down?"

"Bitch are you fucking crazy!" TenTen yelled rubbing her sore head and
jumping up to once again be restrained by Temari who stayed silent
while thinking 'inquiring minds want to know' and acknowledging TenTen
and Lee did resemble each other. Lee of course was a no brainer, no
way could two people have eyebrows like that by coincidence.

"I'm crazy like a fox. Gai's your daddy and Lee is your brother!" Sakura
held the hair in triumph. "I should have no problem getting a sample
from Lee. If I asked him to he would shave his head bald. Gai will be a
piece of cake too, a little flattery and he'll snatch a one out for me."

"You are crazy like a cat lady! What do you think Team Gai never
addressed, 'hey sensei why does this kid look like your clone?' For
your information Gai has never had sex! Not with a woman, a man or
even his hand. He has a religious code of belief that energy begins in
the sexual organs, they are the well spring of youth and vigor. To
release the fountain of youth ie, bust a nut is to begin the path to death.
So there! Gai didn't father me nor did he father Lee and please think
about this; Gai is only thirteen years older than me and Lee. My
mother, may Kami rest her soul, would never have seen a client that
young. Now Lee could be my brother, Gai said his father was known to
be a kimono chaser."

"Why...why do Gai and Lee look alike?" Hinata asked tentatively. She
was intimidated by TenTen's attitude, but she was far too close to
knowing something that had bugged her since the Academy. "They
must be related."

TenTen shrugged,"Their families originate from the same village. They

came to Konoha together many years ago after the village was first

"The Village of Bushy Brows? What?" No way." Temari asked sure

TenTen was bluffing.

TenTen smiled slyly then volunteered, "If you think the brow is bushy
you should see Gai's back. He's like a bear and his legs. He gets
everything waxed, religiously. It must cost him a fortune, but once when
we were on a long mission he grew out." She laughed then laughed
some more saying, "You know eyebrows that bushy never start as two
separate brows. Forget caterpillar, untamed its like a freaking ferret."

Then she lowered her voice knowing it was wrong to share, "Lee's
mother has a beard, she keeps it shaved but when we've walked home
with him in the evenings her 5 o'clock could have rivaled Asuma's full

"So Lee's part Yeti?" Sakura asked.

"Apparently." TenTen confirmed. "Too bad he's going to father your


The pillow Sakura launched caught Temari full in the face when TenTen
ducked. Temari was dazed momentarily by the unexpected blow of a
pillow launched with chakra fueled force. Hinata quickly defended her
friend with a throw pillow barrage aimed at the pink haired kunoichi.
For once Hinata was glad of the mountain of unnecessary fluff that
adorned her bed. Ino was not passive, she owed Sakura for saving her
earlier. She returned the volley aiming at their timid hostess. When
Temari shook off her daze she used her wind control to batter the best
friends with the pillows that were already airborne.

TenTen's eyes darted from one side to the other to spot the perfect
opening. When it arrived she dashed for her pack and with no further
delay drew forth a scroll and let fly her own impressive volley of pillows
bringing everything to a screeching halt.

"You have a pillow scroll! Are you fucking kidding me!" Temari

"Hello, sleepover! Pillow fight-duh." TenTen said by way of explanation

before giving warning, "Duck and cover!"

Temari, who wasn't a duck and cover sort of girl, grabbed a decorative
fan from Hinata's wall to turn the tide from TenTen's second pillow
scroll. This was war.

Team Himari was effective at turning aside and redirecting pillows.

Hinata was primarily on recovering ammunitions and getting them
airborne for the powerhouse winds released by an ancestral fan that
had hung untouched on her wall for the past twenty years.

Team Sakuno's aim was to maim with pillows launched hard enough to
break bone. Ino kept her friend supplied while not hesitating to take
hold of the oppositions minds in turn to make sure they got a good
pummeling. In the by and by their team won due to the other two
teams needing medical attention proving although Sakuno were not the
the most skilled fighters present, everybody needs to see the doctor.

Injuries treated by the victorious team, the girls eventually settled down
for the night. Hinata invited Temari and TenTen to share the her massive
bed and although she was still a little pissed with Sakura and Ino for
thrashing her she had servants bring in cots to spare them the floor.
She did however ask for the 'special' cots.
"Hey TenTen you never did tell us what Gai had in his flak jacket. You
know the thing to make it more special." Sakura remarked from her cot
placed at the end of Hinata's grand bed. She wanted to keep the
conversation going regardless of her tired companions. The decisive
victory had her too pumped to sleep.

"What do you think it was?" TenTen asked.

Ino volunteered, "A bowl to give Neji a proper haircut?"

"No, that was a pretty good guess though. Gai has gotten over that
phase of trying to turn Neji. No, this is what Gai had in his flak jacket,"
TenTen raised herself to her knees and pulled on a delicate chain
around her neck. "Gai gave Neji this ring to properly propose. Its a
pearl and onyx meant to represent yin yang, the harmony of male and
female. Sweet right?" She showed it off. The girls oohed and ahhed
appropriately. TenTen stuffed the ring back in her bosom.

"So Gai gave you a ring, coached Neji to financial success and this has
what to do with...Kakashi?" Sakura asked then explained, "Kakashi is
the reason Gai does anything."

"Oh that? Gai wants grandchildren first." TenTen explained.

"Does Gai know how grandchildren work? I can easily believe he's
never had sex but he should know enough of the basics...He's not your
dad..." Temari started off.

"Nor Neji's" Hinata chimed in.

"So how does he expect grandchildren? Temari finished up

"You want me to explain leotard wearing Gai's logic? Okay, he calls us

his fatherless brood. Neji has given up on correcting him that he had a
father, but Gai always says, "He is dead much like Lee's father, then
he goes on about how he is charged with being a proper father figure
to us, to guide our path into being good shinobi and good people and
blah blah blah and then some more blah blah blah that eventually led to
Gai giving Neji his grandmother's ring to propose to me. So no matter
how flawed his reasoning, he is serious about it. He intends to be
grandfather to our children."

"The curse mark, TenTen, your children..." Hinata didn't finish her

"Hinata how many times have you been kidnapped?"

"Three that I can remember and one that I don't." Hinata remarked
thinking of the most recent attempt in which her captor's plan involved
forcibly making Hinata a wife of a daimyo in a far off land. She knew
she wasn't as strong as some but she was a kunoichi, neither of her
would be abductors were even ninja. Frankly, she had been insulted.

"Like I was saying, I'm okay with my children wearing the 'Stop no
kidnapping' sign." TenTen replied groggily.

"Did the shirts work?" Sakura asked still not ready to settle down to
sleep on the iron springs and scratchy blanket trying to pretend to be a

"The shirts?" TenTen asked.

"The one's Lee helped you shop for, the boob shirts meant to catch
Neji's eye." Sakura reminded her.

TenTen laughed sleepily thinking back. After she and Neji were engaged
and were out for dinner, i.e. their second date she wondered out loud if
her new shirts had gotten his attention.

Neji looked confused and asked, "What shirts?"

She gestured to the one she on and said, "Shirts like this one Neji. I
bought a dozen meant to catch your eye. "Come on Neji, tell me you
"TenTen, you need no adornment to catch my eye..."

"Cut the crap, Neji did you or didn't you notice?"

Neji sat in silence, dropped his eyes and the truth dawned on TenTen,
"You really do see me naked ALL THE TIME!"

TenTen fingers grasped the ring, sighing happily she drifted off the
sleep. She liked wearing her ring where Neji was sure to see it.

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