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Linux Fundamentals Post-Course Assessment

You have set up a TFTP server to support PXE booting of several workstations. Which of the following
protocols would this setup make use of?

Answer: UDP
Mike has changed directory into one subdirectory after the next and has lost track of where he's at in
the directory tree. Which of the following commands can he use to tell him the full path to the
current subdirectory he is in?
Answer: pwd
Which of the following commands can you use to search available repository information? (Choose
Answer: apt-cache and apt
Which of the following files contains the encrypted passwords for users on a modern Linux system by
Answer: /etc/shadow
Which of the following commands can be used to schedule very frequent recurring tasks, such as
running once every minute?
Answer: Watch
Which of the following files does a TCP wrapper check before starting a network daemon?
Answer: /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny
Which of the following can be used preceding a command to prevent a process from terminating
when the parent process terminates?
Answer: nohup
Which of the following will take output from a command and append it to the end of a file?
Answer: >>
What is the complete path and filename for the database that is used by the locate and mlocate
Answer: /var/lib/mlocate/mlocate.db
A government office wants to secure a few of its Linux systems so that they can only use certain USB
devices. After plugging in a USB device, which of the following commands could be used to detect
certain identifying information that can be used to only allow that type of USB device?
Answer: lsusb
A system administrator wants to allow most users to be able to run cron jobs, but wants to
specifically prevent a couple of users from doing so. Which of the following files could the
administrator edit to disallow these users from creating cron jobs?
Answer: /etc/cron.deny
Which of the following commands can be used to only show jobs that have been paused.
Answer: jobs -s
Jo has received a text file which contains multiple instances of his name spelled correctly as well as
multiple instances spelled as Joe. Which of the following commands would search a text file for any
occurrences of either spelling and display them out to the terminal? (Choose three.)
Answer: grep -E “Joe?” document1.txt grep “Joe*” document1.txt grep -E “Joe*” document1.txt
Which of the following package managers are used to install RPM packages on the SUSE or
openSUSE distributions by default?
Answer: Zypper
If a process state is currently showing as uninterruptible sleep, which letter will show in the output of
the ps command?
Answer: D
Which of the following is a type of software that allows a piece of hardware to host multiple operating
Answer: hypervisor
Leonard wants to find detailed information about the Bluetooth kernel module. Which of the
following commands can he use to display this information?
Answer: modinfo Bluetooth
Which of the following constructs can be used in a shell script to determine whether two values are
equal and if so run another set of commands?
Answer: If
If a Linux system is running as a virtual machine, it may be using a bridge for the virtual network
adapter within the virtual machine to the physical network adapter. Which of the following
commands can be used to view or modify the bridge configuration used by the Linux kernel for your
network adapter?
Answer: brctl
Which of the following are true of the echo command?
Answer: All options are true

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