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Data Science with R

Learn R following the tidyverse & tidymodels workflow
for business analysis in the R For Business Analysis (DS4B 101-R)
course through Business Science University.

Click the links for


ggplot2 (CS)
plotly (CS)

dplyr (CS)
stringr (CS)
lubridate (CS)
forcats (CS)
Base R (CS)
Transform purrr (CS)
Import Tidy (iteration) Communicate

readr (CS)
RMarkdown (CS)
readxl / writexl tibble (CS)
odbc / DBI
Model Shiny (CS)
tidyr (CS)
Plumber APIs

recipes tune
RStudio IDE (CS) fs (file system) reticulate (CS) rsample yardstick
parsnip dials
CS = Cheat Sheet

Important Resources
R For Data Science Book:
Rmarkdown: Book and Cookbook
More Cheatsheets:
tidyverse packages:
Connecting to databases:
Reproducible Environments:

Business Science University

Learn the Tidyverse & Tidymodels

version: 3.4
Data Science with
Web Applications & the "Shinyverse"

Start Concepts Testing Publish
& Themes

Shiny (CS) Widgets crosstalk profvis

Flexdashboard shinyWidgets shinyrouter shinytest Shiny Server
htmlWidgets Async (promises) shinyloadtest Connect (Enterprise)

Flexdashboard Apps Shiny Apps

Flexdashboard is an RMarkdown-based dashboard tool that can be Shiny is an R-Package that enables web app development from R.
used to integrate shiny components at runtime. Development is fast Contains R functions for common HTML structures, UI Controls
and efficient, but layouts are not as open to modification as building (Components/Widgets), and web framework tools. The framework if
an app using Shiny. highly flexible, but users require more knowledge of HTML & CSS.

Shiny Themes & Dashboards Web Frameworks & Tools

Bootstrap 3
Flexdashboard Shiny Gallery Bootstrap 4
Gallery Bootstrap Bootswatch
shinythemes & Themes
Themes shinydashboard bslib
Layouts shinydashboardPlus thematic

Semantic Bootstrap 4 Font Awesome

Fonts & Icons Google Fonts
semantic.dashboard bs4Dash

Shiny App - AWS Multi-User App Argon ShinyMobile (CS) Chrome Browser Chrome DevTools
Built in Expert Apps Course (Demo Our App Gallery)
Start Learning Today with 5-Course R-Track Bundle!

Business Science University

Learn Shiny Apps, AWS, & Docker
Data Science with Text Analysis & NLP Machine Learning
Special Topics AutoML: H2O (CS)
Text Mining with R (Book): tidytext
NLP: textrecipes ML (Tidymodels):
parsnip - ML
recipes - Feature Engineering
Time Series Analysis tune - Hyperparameter Tuning
rsample - Resampling
Time Series Data Wrangling: timetk yardstick - Accuracy Metrics
Time Series Visualization: timetk ML (pre-Tidymodels): caret (CS)
Feature Engineering: timetk Network Analysis MLR: mlr & mlr3
Convert between classes: timetk & tsbox MLVerse: mlverse
Generating Future Series: timetk Network Data Transformations (Tidy): tidygraph

Network Data Transformations: igraph Deep Learning
Prophet, ARIMA, Boost, ML: modeltime Network Viz R Interface to TensorFlow
Keras (CS), TF Estimators, TensorFlow (Core)
Ensembles: modeltime.ensemble Torch for R
Resampling & Backtesting: modeltime.resample Static:
Deep Learning: modeltime.gluonts ggraph - Graph plotting utilities for ggplot2
H2O AutoML: modeltime.h2o Interactive (JavaScript):
networkD3 - D3 Networks in R
Speed & Scale
Anomaly Detection plotly (CS) - plotly.js (network graphs) in R
Faster than dplyr & pandas: data.table (CS)
Identify anomalies: anomalize, timetk Combine dplyr + data.table: dtplyr
Parallel Processing w/ purrr: furrr
Larger than RAM: sparklyr (CS), Disk Frame
Geospatial Analysis
Exploratory (EDA)
DataExplorer, skimr, correlationfunnel
Geocoding (getting lat/long, bboxes, & sf's):
ggmap - Google API (requires key)
osmdata - OpenStreet Overpass API Python: reticulate (CS) Java: rJava
tmaptools - OpenStreet Nominatum API C++: Rcpp D3: r2d3
Simple Features (sf objects): sf (CS) (tidy)
Financial Analysis Spatial Objects (sp objects): sp (non-tidy, pre-sf)

Getting financial data: tidyquant & quantmod Miscellaneous Tools

Quantitative Analysis: tidyquant & xts/TTR
Portfolio Analysis: tidyquant & PerformanceAnalytics Geospatial Viz Production:
plumber, targets, renv
Static: Building R Packages: R packages Book
Financial Viz ggmap - Google API (requires key) devtools (CS), usethis, pkgdown
Static: osmplotr - Impressive Maps via OSM Advanced Concepts (Advanced R Book)
tidyquant - Financial ggplot2 geoms tmap - Thematic Maps rlang & Tidy Evaluation (CS)
cartography (CS) - Thematic Maps Making Blogs & Books:
highcharter - highchart.js in R Interactive (JavaScript): blogdown, bookdown
dygraphs - xts plotting leaflet (CS) - leaflet.js in R Posting Code (GitHub, Stack Overflow):
plotly (CS) - plotly.js (financial) in R plotly (CS) - plotly.js (maps) in R reprex

Business Science University

Learn High-Performance Time Series Forecasting

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