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Santa Teresita Educative Institution

Text interpretation with Future with will
Van a leer al Doctor Ian Stanley, presidente de terapias alternativas de la sociedad de los EEUU, dando una charla sobre
el futuro de la medicina alternativa.

Good afternoon,
ladies and
gentlemen, and
welcome to my
talk on the future
of alternative
To begin with, I’m sure that in the future there will be many more alternative therapies available, which will work alongside
conventional Western medicine.. I believe that in 50 years’ time, we will find doctors who practice both western and
alternative medicine.

For example, I think doctor will use iridology, that is, looking ate the patient’s eyes to diagnose the illness, as part of a
standard procedure.

I feel sure that more and more doctors will accept the importance of homeopathy, which , as you know, is a therapy that
uses medicines to actually produce the symtomps of disease. These then help the body to fight the illness.

I think many doctors will feel that alternative therapies are safer than some of today’s conventional treatments, which
often have side effects. The doctor of the future won’t just be concerned with physical illnesses.

He, Or she will also be more concerned about a patient’s mental health. There are many therapies which can help people
feel calmer and more relaxed. Aromatherapy, which uses perfumes, is one example, and I am sure it will be used widely
to treat stress and stress-related diseases.

Pain too, can be relieved with alternative therapies. Acupunture is a good example. Here, needles are put into the body
at certain points to cannel the body’s positive energy to areas where it is needed to fight pain. I am sure doctors in the
future will use more of this kind of therapy and fewer drugs.

To dignose: to discover what is wrong with a patient.
To accept: ( in this context) to agree with.
Symptoms. Signs of disease which you can see or feel.
Side effects: the negative effects of taking a medicine.
Stress: tensión, anxiety.
Pain relief: treatment to stop pain.
To cannel: to move something in one direction.

Read the text again and complete the following sentences

1. Ian Stanley says that alternatives therapies will be used….

a. Instead of Western medicne.
b. Together with western medicine
2. Iridology will help …
a. Discover a patient’s disease.
b. Cure a patient’s disease

3. Homeopathy…

a. cures the Symptoms of the sisease.

b. uses medicines to produce the Symptoms of disease.

4. New technologies sometimes…

a. has inside effects on the patient

b. does not work

5. Aromatherapy…

a. can cure cause stress

b. can help you relax.

Match the two halves ( a-g) and ( i – vii) to make sentences about life in 50 years ’time .

i. So cars will all run on solar power

a.People will talk to each other ii. All our garbage
iii. To do their house work
iv. On the moon.
b.We won’t go to the beach anymore v. By videophone
vi. On the planet Mars.
c.We will recycle vii. As there will be too much pollution

d.People will have robots

e.We will all take vacations
f.Man will land a rocket
g.There won’t be any more oil.

Now write each sentence

a. People will talk to each other by videphone




Now: Think about the next 100 years,

How will medicine and our health change? Look at the topics below And make predictions:

-men having babies

- human clones

- life expentancy

- people’s health, generally

- serious illnesses such as cáncer and heart disease.

Now write your predicitions using future with will






Look at the sentence

Doctors won’t use drugs all the time

Subject +won’t +verb infinitive + object

How will medicine change in the future?

Question word + will + Subject + verb infinitive?

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