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Weekly Time Sheet

[Street Address] Employee:
[Address 2] Manager:
[City, ST ZIP Code] Employee phone:
Employee e-mail:
Week ending: 22/8/2021

Day HM Awal HM Akhir HM OP Keterangan Total

Monday 22/8/2021 Add any Sunday date to this cell and the dates for the
previous Monday through Saturday will be entered
Tuesday automatically. If the date you enter is not a Sunday, the 0.00
automatically entered dates will be incorrect.
Wednesday 0.00
To delete this comment, right-click cell D8 and click Delete
Thursday 18/8/2021 0.00

Friday 19/8/2021 0.00

Saturday 20/8/2021 0.00

Sunday 21/8/2021 0.00

Total hours 0.00 0.00 0.00

Employee signature Date

Manager signature Date

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