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Estados unidos de Venezuela

1.) Did you know that the flag of the United States of
Venezuela went through several modifications?
(¿Sabías que la bandera de los estados unidos de
Venezuela paso por varias modificaciones?)

2.) The United States of Venezuela was the official name

adopted by the constitution of 1864, during the
government of Juan Crisostomo Falcón.
(Los estados Unidos de Venezuela fue el nombre oficial
adoptado por la constitución de 1864, durante el
gobierno de Juan Crisóstomo Falcón)

3.) José Eleazar López Contreras was the thirty-second

president of the United States of Venezuela from 1935 to
(José Eleazar López Contreras fue el trigésimo
segundo presidente de los Estados unidos de Venezuela
de1935 hasta 1941)

4.) In the 1953 constitution, the name of the United States

was changed from Venezuela to the Republic of
(En la constitución del año 1953 el nombre de los
Estados unidos de Venezuela fue cambiado a
Republica de Venezuela)
Oraciones del libro PAG32
3.) What was the first name given to Venezuela?
R: Venezuela’s first name was the United States of
2.) How much ground was lost with the treaty that
President Eleazar López Contreras signed?
R: We lost 108,000km2 of land
3.) Who was the thirty-second president of the United
States of Venezuela?
R: Was Eleazar Lopez Contreras


1- The first capital of the Republic of Venezuela was the

capital of Valencia

2- The official name of Venezuela in 1864 used to be The

United States of Venezuela

3- Venezuela separated from Gran Colombia in 1830

1.Venezuela was previously called the United States of
2.No. Eleazar López Contreras did not gain territory for
Was it Eleazar Lopez Contreras who proclaimed
Venezuela as the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela?

Platos tipicos venezolanos

1.) Arepa: This cornmeal delight can be filled with
anything you can think of, from cheeses to beans, meats,
chicken, pork, cold cuts, canned.
2.) Pabellon criollo: The pavilion is the result of the union
of rice, stewed shredded meat, beans and fried slices of
ripe or yellow banana, in the same dish.
3. Hallacas: The traditional one has the yellow dough
made of cornmeal with a stew of meat, leg and chicken,
capers, raisins, olives, onion, red and green paprika, salt
and pepper, and the banana leaf with string to wrap this
explosion of flavors.
4.) Cachapa: traditionally it is made from a mixture
composed of corn, filled with hand cheese and whey (the
remaining liquid of the cheese, with a sour and sweet
flavor). It is eaten hot so that the cheese melts
5.) Quesillo: It is a Venezuelan version of flan, so its
texture is soft and very sweet.
6.) Asado negro: The cut of the meat in the back of the
cow is called "round boy" and is used to prepare the roast.
Bathed in a dark and sweet and sour sauce, this dish from
the country's capital is exquisite. It is usually served with
rice and fried banana slices.
Platos internacionales
1. Wiener Schnitzel (Austria): They are veal scallops
battered with flour, egg and breadcrumbs that are fried in
the pan.
2. Pizza (Italia): Pizza is probably the international star
dish par excellence, the one you can find anywhere in the
world, however remote it may be.
3. Mole (Mexico): It is not exactly a dish, it is more of a
sauce that is made as an accompaniment to all dishes that
have meat. Its most famous version is guacamole, which is
made with avocado.
4. Papa a la huancaína (Perú): The most typical
Peruvian dish is made with potatoes, ground chili, milk
and oil, and is usually accompanied by black olives and
hard-boiled eggs.
5. Hamburguesa (Estados Unidos): It varies greatly
depending on the area of the country, both in the type of
meat and in its preparation or consumption.
6. Sushi (Japón): based on rice seasoned with rice
vinegar, sugar and salt and combined with other
ingredients such as raw fish, shellfish, vegetables

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