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Submitted By:

Amna Subhani

Malik Umar

Muhammad Hassan Ansari





Service Marketing


Jahanzeb Ahmad Khan


14 January 2021
Assignment 4

Develop a product in terms of following.


Brand Strategy

Selecting the target market, and then identifying the needs and wants of the customers there.

Below are some of the points that our brand strategy will be covering. Purpose, consistency, emotion,
flexibility, employee Involvement. Cafes and other expensive restaurants seem to be very popular
nowadays. Our main goal in opening a cafe is to provide a place where young and old people can come and
hang out with their loved ones. As always, when people look to go somewhere to eat, they often take into
account price, quality, and the environment. We intend to provide all of these to our customers. And there
is no such cafe in the area we have chosen. People have to go to the inner parts of the city and so this will
be our main advantage, they will prefer to come to our place when they have a cafe nearby. Our aim is to
take advantage of this and provide customers with quality healthy food, sports stadiums such as a billiard
area, a stage for entertainment music and other performances, and a well-decorated living room. A sports-
based theme will be our unique selling proposition.

The business is a both product and service business. As we will be providing the service of dining and other
sports facilities, and our product will be the edibles that we are offering.

Our main line of food products will be fast food, assorted hamburgers, pizza, French fries, pasta, lasagna,
spaghetti, sandwiches, steaks, etc. there is takeout and it also accommodates our seating arrangement.
Various types of cakes, cookies, cakes, ice cream, brownies, etc. in desserts. We focus not only on the
quality and consistency of our product, but also on the service to provide, we plan to hire personnel
according to certain values. We also plan to train them in dealing with customers and there will be a monthly
workshop where staff will be taught to present trends and customer relationships. We will arrange live
events and create a healthy and competitive environment where people will feel part of the event and their
morale will be lightened, if both teams have fans.


There is no website at the moment because it is a start up and we do not have any technical team at the
moment, but we are working on it and will soon establish a website which will be used to take online orders
as well as to deliver the orders at the door step.

Digital Marketing

We will be using various platforms to market the brand. For the marketing of our business, we will use
different strategies such as making a page on social sites and advertising on google and various websites.
Everyone will want to come and try our coffee to make sure we are on the phone and we are the most
viewed and visited page, many people will want to come and try our coffee, everyone will be excited to try
a new place and such services are not easily accessible to the most people. Second, we would put our
brochures in magazines and newspapers and distribute them. Apart from these, we will give a 15% discount
during the opening week and a live music performance of a group where we will recruit enough groups that
they will need a platform to showcase and show their talents, the performances will be placed by them. We
will try to ensure that our services are in line with the demands of our customers so that they are satisfied
with our services and products, and in this way, they will spread a good word of mouth about our coffee
and other people will want to come. site. There will be free meals for children under 10 if they come with
their families on weekends, and the biggest attraction will be that our customers get a 20% discount on the
playground. This makes them loyal. Together with the FCB and Real Madrid social accounts of important
events such as El-Classico, we will organize live broadcasts on the giant screens and we will give discounts
to our clients and their followers, as they already organize this type of event in different cafes in Lahore
and in This broadcast participates a large number of people. There will be special promotional packages for
customers at the beginning of each season. Over time and according to trends and demand, new
opportunities and packages will be introduced.


The pricing strategy will depend on the market rate, as we are focusing on maintain the customer trust and
a good quality so we will be focusing on the relationships with customer by giving them the best product
at economical rate, even if it means losing some profit, as once the customers become loyal then we will
have strong market position and the profit will be increased eventually.

Customer Service

The main aim of our café is to provide excellent customer service to the customers it will have both the pre
sales service and the after sales service. For pre sales service we will have a set of process which will be
followed and the product and service will be delivered accordingly. And for after sales service we will take
customer feed backs and try to make our service better and overcome the gaps if any. We will receive
regular feedback from our customers and will try to make appropriate improvements to maintain a healthy
relationship with them and make their experience enjoyable.


The employees will be properly trained before giving them a permanent job, they will be hired on a
probation period first and then given some workshops, and after going through all the workshops and
learning the skills required to do the job then they will be hired, we will arrange incentives like ‘employee
of the month’ to increase their moral, and to assure that they work efficiently. After that they will be
rewarded with bonus and other incentives on giving their best performance.

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