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Student Rag / SAP Code: 70075382 Student Name: Anam Awan

Course Instructor: Dr. Soniya Munir Section: A

Course ID: SS04201|11 Course Title: Environmental Sciences

Time: 8:00 am – 10:30 am Date: 22th June 2020 (Monday)

Question 1: You are the CEO of a multinational company. You need to develop ISO 14001:2015
in your company. Explain steps to make your business sustainable and Green by implementing
ISO 14001:2015.

Ms. Anam Awan is the CEO of Soft Notebook Company. Soft Notebook Company manufactures paper
from raw material by tree extraction (wood yard) and process it into finished goods (notebook). In the
whole process, there is output as waste material from every department. The waste material is in the
form of solid or liquid waste. To protect the environment and protect the name of the company, a Soft
Notebook Company has taken some precautionary measures to fulfill the phenomena of zero waste.
ISO 14001 is the best option to create a green image of my company as it will define the responsibilities
and initiate and maintain the regulation. Simultaneously it will give a competitive advantage to my
company which is very beneficial in the sense of profit.

It will provide a green image to company E and show that their products are produced from ecofriendly
material and are not harmful to the consumers as well as for the environment. It meets the triple bottom
line to achieve all the desired goals whether they are economically non-economical. It meets the triple
bottom line to achieve all the desired goals whether they are economically non-economical. First, we
need to understand the international organization for standardization and its importance.


The most popular EMS standard is ISO 14001. Every country has a different EMS. It is a set of
processes that enables an organization to reduce its environmental impacts and increase its production
efficiency. ISO stands for international organization for standardization.

There are different standards like health and safety water quality waste wastewater housekeeping and
drinking water. They all are voluntary implementable and are not by law. Companies adopt this type
of standard because they are profitable for organizations long run. It creates a green image. In other
words, it gives a good image among international consumers that this company is providing the best
quality products. More than 300 companies in Pakistan have licenses of these standards. After

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licensing, regular monitoring is there to check if those companies are following the standards or not.
ISO 14001 latest voice version is 2015. Now we need to know how this standard can be beneficial for
my company concerning image and profit.

Advantages of ISO-14001:

• Improve the management of environmental impacts.

• Define key responsibilities.
• Initiate and maintain regulation.
• Competitive advantage.

ISO 14001 Process:

1. Environmental policy.
2. Planning.
3. Implementation and operation.
4. Checking the success rate.
5. Management review (reviews to mitigate the flaws).

✓ Environmental Policy:
In this step, the company needs to generate a policy that will help to apply the standard on it. It
means that ISO 14001 has set off rules that must be followed because there is a regular checking
in the company to make sure that all the policies are being followed properly. My company will
establish a logical policy that can be e applied to the company so that the standard can I sure that
it's not harmful to the environment.
✓ Planning:
Secondly, the company will plan according to the set of rules and instructions en ISO 14001. It is
not a very easy task to apply ISO 14001 but you need to do certain changes to enjoy your company's
way of doing things.
✓ Implementation:
Now the company will implement all the rules and requirements of ISO 14001. All the
requirements must be fulfilled and it is necessary to make sure that they are implemented correctly.
✓ Checking Success Rate:
It is just not that to implement and get the ISO 14001 standard, there is regular checking of all the
policies that should be implemented on that certain company. My company needs to check the

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success rate and to make sure that all the policies and rules are being followed so that my company
will not face any penalty in the future.
✓ Management Review:
After that whole process, my management will review to eliminate the flaws in the implementation
or processing. it may look difficult to apply ISO 14001 but it is very beneficial for the company
concerning profit as it gives a green image and attracts international will be profitable
for my organization in the long run. Astra licensing regular monitoring is there to check that if my
company is following the standards or not so I need to check it by myself (management of my
company) to avoid the risk of penalties.
The company can follow these strategies to fulfill the requirement of green business:

Use of waste-derived fuels:

• Waste derived fuels, such as used oils, spent solvents, used tires, packaging, and refuse-derived
fuel or expensively used in cement industries in Europe.
• It avoids the use of fossil fuels.
• It simultaneously helps in solving the problem of waste disposal as well.
• By giving high kiln temperatures this is a great opportunity to burn harmful and hazardous

Installation of energy-efficient equipment:

• The company can introduce the installation of energy-efficient equipment such as efficient
electric motors and boilers with heat recovery systems to reduce operational cost and air

Question 3: Discuss the major industries that lead to wastewater issues in Pakistan.
According to the case study, the major source of water pollution in Pakistan is due to industrialization.
The major industries include the textile industry, pharmaceuticals, tanneries, cement, electrical
equipment, glass and ceramics, pulp and paper board, petroleum refining, fertilizer, and pesticides.
Such industries generally have no mechanisms for treating wastewater before disposal either into the
municipal sewage network or directly into a nearby drain. Water pollution is an undesirable change in
the state of water contaminated with harmful substances. It can be caused by industrialization
anthropogenic activities like drawing single-use plastic bags and emission of harmful waste chemicals
into the water. It can damage underwater species as a one case study with that that people found a baby

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turtle bleeding and when they investigate further there was a plastic straw in its nose. The incident is
heartbreaking and there are thousands of incidents like this there are causing that extinction of different
species especially underwater species. It is very harmful to human beings as well as the water is scarce
in Sindh and lack of drinking water is becoming a big issue day by day.

The main reason behind water pollution is due to man-made activities, the heaps of garbage ultimate
reason behind this destruction. There is an untidy collection of plastic in the rivers and canals
throughout the country include plastic particles soda bottles caps disposable shopping bags discard
fishnets etc. the greatest can centration can be found on the beach of Karachi. Absolutely a great danger
for flora and fauna. Plastic fragments lead to destruction in their digestive system and cause death. It
also causes slow starvation in the Ecosystem. The garbage contains fast food, boxes disposable
shopping bags, plastic bottles cap, straws, and other wastages which are dangerous for the environment
as well as for human beings.
According to the case study, the major issue is in Singh Province. There is getting a lack of drinking
water day by day. People are suffering from it. There are political issues as government changes and
no one looks forward to this serious issue. People are not being provided with clean drinking water
however, there is a policy that appeared in Punjab province that a person will have Rs. 1000 fine if
wash his car with tap water/Drinking water. The remedial measures include widespread cleanups of
Canal Rivers and seashore in Karachi.

✓ Wastewater from Pakistan’s cities mostly remains untreated and is poured directly into nearby
water bodies.
✓ Industries are another major source of Pakistan’s surface and groundwater pollution.
✓ Agriculture is also recognized as one of the major sources of water pollution in Pakistan.
✓ The population of many areas in Pakistan lack acceptable water supply and even more people has
inadequate sanitation.
✓ Pakistan’s water and sanitation sectors improved dramatically in the last several years, but large
shares of the population still do not have access to safely managed service.

Question 4: Identify the loopholes in the implementation of Environmental Laws in Pakistan.

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So far, the performance of ETs has been hampered by periods of inactivity, often due to lack of expert
staff, legal loopholes, and a lack of mechanisms for collecting imposed sanctions. The first loophole
is politics and the consistency of implementation. There are controversy and political games to blame
each other. Secondly, as Pakistan is a developing country, there is a lack of budget to implement all
the possible laws. However, the current government is paying special attention to this issue and many
policies are emerging to implement these laws in our country. More than 300 companies in Pakistan
are certified by different ISO standards. Generally, the reasons are overall poor governance in the
province, fluctuating business performance of the industry, low level of societal demand for better
environmental quality, and low level of capacity of environmental agencies for the enforcement of
environmental laws.

Another issue includes the lack of awareness as most people do not know the huge consequences of
ignoring environmental protection law. It is very harmful to the sake of the different species and also
for human beings as well as it results in different issues like climate change, global warming, pollution,
and much more. Our university has assigned top teachers to teach and give us awareness about all this
and the advantages of applying these strategies in our company in the future. The companies from the
private sector can reduce these impacts by applying certain strategies in their company. Few adaptation
measures are given that all companies have to take to mitigate these problems that can be adopted by
companies as well as at the individual level:

• Measure and analyses greenhouse gas emissions:

• Must control green emissions, especially carbon cap it all limit it.
• Use plans to control these emissions and clean it before discharging it in the atmosphere.

Reduce energy consumption:

• Turning lights off in the office in the evening.

• Slightly lowering heating and air conditioning.

Give renewable energy a go:

• Prefer renewable energy sources like solar energy etc. rather than natural resources.
• Renewable energy sources include solar energy, geothermal, hydro, biofuels, and water power.

Reduce waste and flight obsolescence:

• Control waste generation.

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• Discover new ways to reuse the produced waste in your company egg. Bagasse for power
• Avoid using single-use materials.

Optimize employee’s transportation:

• Transportation is one of the largest sectors of greenhouse emissions.

• Why sources of transportation like bus etc. can reduce greenhouse gas emissions that work cost
before my way of transportation.

Promote environmental friendly ways of working:

• Videoconferencing avoids employees traveling a car for meeting other employees of clients.
• Prefer computer work instead of paperwork as the paper had a strong impact on our

Question 5: Give a brief account of the evolution of Pakistan’s Environmental Protection

Legislations. Also, identify how the 18th amendment brought a radical change in
improvising these Legislations?

Ministry of Environment and Environment Protection Agency, which are now under the authority of
the MoCC. Previously, federal laws could override provincial legislation, and environmental oversight
was the responsibility of the Federal Ministry of Environment.

✓ There were institutional and capacity limitations, difficulties in adjusting between government
agencies and between levels of:
✓ Government.
✓ Gaps in the regulatory framework
✓ Limited incentives
✓ Public accountability for environmental management.

However, each province in Pakistan has its environmental legislation and institutional structure
and each has created a provincial EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). District level agencies
are responsible for the detailed implementation of provincial act.

Radical Change by 18th Amendment:

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The incidents of the 18th amendment can be covered in the following points.

• This amendment has exerted a far-reaching impact on environmental protection in Pakistan in

general and on the legislative and regulatory structure and power of the Ministry of
Environment and the former federal EPA in particular.
• In the pre-amendment era, federal and provincial governments shared authority over
environmental pollution and ecology, allowing them to frame laws governing natural resources
and environmental management.
• PEPA 1997 operated as federal law and held the superseding power to cancel any difference
or opposition among the federal and provincial governments regarding the environment.
• After 2010, most federal attributions regarding environmental management were handed over
to the provinces, with provincial environment departments becoming directly responsible for
overseeing the implementation of international rules, projects/programs, standard-setting and
benchmarking, as well as execution and implementation.

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