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Reylan R.

Camallere 3-12-2021
GE5b- Purposive Communication Dr. Cherry C. Bertulfo

“The true beauty is in the eye of the beholder!”

1. Fibonacci.

In this artwork, it can be seen vividly the

Line, Color, shape and form, value and texture. We
can depict that lines that are used by the artist are

curved and straight lines. In terms of color, it will

leave us the feeling of happiness because of its
warm color, in the form and shape, the artist uses
different geometric and organic shapes to

emphasize 2D and 3D. lastly, the value, as I learned

in my MIL class that it is the most crucial and
important element of art because, it sets the tone
of our desired art. and in this creation, it can be
seen that the hue and saturation make the artwork
depicts to us simplicity but full of beauty.

Balance can be seen in this artwork because it has symmetry and asymmetry and also by
combining similar related elements such as color and shape. Pattern could also be portrayed in
the artwork because it uses shapes that are recurring and the same. And it gives us idea that is a
Renaissance artwork because of the style used in the pattern. It also having rhythm as it
represents an element that is repeated over and over again like the lines, or shapes or colors.

The whole composition is perfectly laid out by two Fibonacci spirals, which follow the line
of the spotlight dance floor, the skirts and arms of the artists, and even the bend of the central
lady’s neck, and put the center superbly on the two first couples. This complex, unique
composition makes it exceptionally simple to see the Fibonacci arrangement at play, following
the strong lines because it does, be that as it may, it can moreover be found in other, more
naturalistic compositions.

2. The Rule of Thirds

In this artwork it can be shown the Color, lines,
shape and forms, value, and texture. Color is one
of the most element that titillates our sense to
engage more in depiction with this art. Lines are
there also and it is the basic in forming this photo.

Followed by the shape and form which is the main

focal point of the photo, it is where the center of
interest can be found. Value it sets the tone of our
desired art. and in this creation, it can be seen
that the hue and saturation make the artwork
depicts to us simplicity but full of beauty. And
lastly, the texture is also part with this photo
because it portrays that our photo is smooth one.

The whole composition of this photo is perfectly shown as what the rule of thirds is. The
focal point of this photo is the shell and it is the main attraction of the photo it is covered with the shape
and form that is why it is creatively seen through a 3D object. Color stimulates our sense because color
adds emotion to this photo. The balance and harmony are also portrayed to this art it shows asymmetry it
collates the good vision to the audience. Proportion also plays a big factor because proportion can be
used to draw attention to an object be playful and it creates unity in the work. Emphasis is also shown
because the shell is being highlighted to draw attention. Contrast is also present in this art as it uses
harmonizing colors. Perspective is also present, as we have seen this photo with much interesting and
refreshing outlook of the object. Lastly, we perceive thing differently, that is we are different in acuity and
insights, so let me leave this quote to you “The true beauty is in the eye of the beholder!”

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