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A Proposed Veterinary Hospital: A study on Energy-Efficient Building Envelope through

Bioclimatic and Passive Design Strategies


In the present times, it is evident that the planet earth is experiencing global warming

and climate change and people, animals and other living organisms are already

experiencing its effect towards the environment. Indeed, there is already very low

possibilities of reviving the planet back to its original condition even to the extent of science.

But people, developers, and designers can do something to help decelerate the rapid

deterioration of the planet by reducing carbon emission usage, design techniques and

strategies, conforming with nature and a lot more.

The proposed project is a Veterinary Hospital, with the intent of combatting climate

change and global warming through energy-efficient building strategies using nature and

various passive design strategies as agents towards a more sustainable environment. The

study will focus on achieving an energy-efficient institution with the aid and application of

bioclimatic design strategies, its effects to the environment and passive design techniques

The study will be supplemented through qualitative and quantitative way of

gathering data. Surveys, interviews, questionnaires and case studies will be used as an aid towards

providing best solutions. The study aims to determine the best solution in combatting global warming

and climate change problems and become a model for future building development.

PAULO, Michelle Ann A.

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