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1) Firstly, one of the medical inventions invented in the 19 th century is the Stethoscope.

invention of the stethoscope is significant to the medical world today as it has greatly contributed to
the accuracy of disease diagnosis in patients as it enables physicians to listen to the sounds made by
internal organs with better ease. Since the stethoscope’s invention, physicians no longer need to
examine their patients by solely listening to their conditions with their ears. Physicians can now use
the stethoscope to diagnose conditions, especially ones that may not be able to be heart by the ear
alone, such as sounds made by valve leakage in the heart and even arrythmias.

Next, another medical invention that is significant to the medical world today is the invention of
aspirin. Aspirin was discovered in 1899 by Felix Hoffman and is significant to the medical world as it
is an effective painkiller and is effective for the treatment for a variety of ailments such as bodily
pains, colds, and fevers. Aspirin is also incredibly significant as it works in the body as an anti-
inflammatory agent and can be easily used by patients as it is relatively safe and non-toxic.

Aside from aspirin, the discovery of X-rays is also a medical invention that is significant to the
medical world today. The invention of X-rays is significant as its discovery has enabled physicians to
now be able to detect issues or conditions that are internal and diagnose ailments tumours or
fracture bones. The painless and non-invasive nature of x-rays, as well as its ability to create images
of structures within the body are what make it an invaluable tool and a significant invention to the
medical world.

Another 19th century medical invention that is significant to the medical world today is the
ophthalmoscope. The ophthalmoscope was discovered in 1851 and is an important medical
invention as it has enabled physicians to examine the structures of the eye and determine whether
there are any eye diseases or damage present. The ophthalmoscope is also significant because by
using it to examine the eyes of a patient, physicians are even able to determine whether a patient
has any illnesses that affects the blood vessels, such as diabetes.

Lastly, another medical invention that is significant towards the medical world is the discovery of the
clinical thermometer. This invention is significant as physicians are now able to take the temperature
of their patients in a much shorter amount of time. This has enabled physicians to determine the
temperature of patients more effectively and accurately.
2) Firstly, one significant person who has greatly contributed towards the development of medicine
is Hippocrates. Hippocrates, who was also known as the father of medicine, was a physician from
Greece who was well known for this medical school, as well as his medical texts and theories.
Hippocrates was a physician who understood the functions of the body through the theory of
humours and encouraged disease prevention through the use of a proper diet and activities such as
exercise and adequate rest. One invention contributed by Hippocrates is a book called the
Hippocratic Corpus, which contributed greatly to the medical world as it contained a compilation of
research, essays, and lectures by Hippocrates, as well as some of his followers. Hippocrates has
greatly contributed to Greek society due to his theory of the four humours and his discovery of
knowledge on a wide variety of conditions such as haemorrhoids, fractured bones, and female
infertility. Hippocrates and his followers were the first to describe several diseases such as the
clubbing of the nails and fingers, which he described was an indication of pulmonary issues.

Aside from Hippocrates, another individual who has contributed significantly towards the
development of medicine is Galen. Galen is a Greek physician from ancient Rome who was also a
well-known physician of the time. Galen was a pioneer towards a variety of concepts in physiology
and anatomy, and was the first person to discover that blood was carried in the arteries instead of
air. Galen contributed greatly to the society of Ancient Rome due to his contributions on knowledge
of the circulatory system, as well as the understanding on the body systems that his society had at
the time. Galen’s work in the field of anatomy on various animal models helped deepen the
understanding of that time on anatomy and this knowledge was used in the creation of volumes of
medical texts and discoveries.

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