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Name: Christian Peralvo

NRC: 3365

Listen to the previous audio and answer the questions below in a word
document and attached it here when you finish.

1. What three basic things are needed by "the 90%"?

They need electricity, drinking water and shelter.

2. Which two of these do the above innovations help with?

The above innovations help in the consumption of drinking water and in obtaining

3. What does the Portable Light Bag include?

It includes a solar panel a reading light and a mini USB.

4. How can it help support local industries?

It can help to obtain energy for free and in an eco-friendly way.

5. What kinds of water can people drink form using the Life Straw?

With Life Straw, you can drink any type of water.

6. How can the LifeStraw save time?

The LifeStraw will be highly beneficial to rural communities, allowing people to

access drinking water without having to walk miles to find it.

7. How long do you have to cycle to get 30 minutes' talking time on the phone?

10 minutes

8. Which countries is it particularly useful for?

For countries without reliable power supply and where people use cell phones for
more than just chatting.

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