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Climate change

Causes, Effect & Solution

Chito Jose L. Pabilona Grade 9


The Sun makes our earth habitable. While 30% of the sunlight gets reflected back to space by the ozone
layer, approximately 70% sunlight passes through the atmosphere of the earth where it is absorbed by
the land, ocean and etc. The heat is then radiated into the form of infrared radiation, some continou on
to space but some gets absorbed by manmade and natural gases and are then redirected back towards
earth, causing further warming, this proccess is known as Greenhouse Effect.

As humans started burning fossil fuels and etc. Manmade gases like co2 and other naturally-made gases
have started to accumulate into the atmosphere which causes greenhouse effect that results to global
warming and climate change.

What is Climate Chang & its causes and effect

Climate Change is a long-term change in the average weather patterns. It is incoporated with the two
phenomena, the global warming and large-scale change in weather patterns which are mainly cause by
human activities, such as burning fossil fuels for energy and etc. Deforstation is also another primary
cause of co2 release by destroying trees which are commonly known to store co2 and called as "carbon

Effects of Climate Change

Global climate change has already had observable effects on the environment. Here are the following

-Floods -Melting of ice in poles

-Rising sea levels -Death of f\auna and flora

-Drought -Heat waves

-Hurricanes -Wild fires

-Extreme weather phenomena

Solutions to solve

Climate change

Prevent co2 emission

Drive less. Walk, take public transportation, carpool, rideshare or bike to your destination when
possible. This not only reduces CO2 emissions, it also lessens traffic congestion and the idling of engines
that accompanies it.
Renewable Energies

Changing our main energy sources to clean and renewable energy. Solar, Wind, Geothermal and
biomass could be the solution. This also helps us replace burning fossil fuels into something
environment-friendly and renewable.

Climate change

Causes, Effect & Solution

What is Global Warming?

Global warming is the slow increase in the average temperature of the earth’s
atmosphere because an increased amount of the energy (heat) striking the
earth from the sun is being trapped in the atmosphere and not radiated out
into space.

The earth’s atmosphere has always acted like a greenhouse to capture the
sun’s heat, ensuring that the earth has enjoyed temperatures that permitted
the emergence of life forms as we know them, including humans.

Without our atmospheric greenhouse the earth would be very cold. Global
warming, however, is the equivalent of a greenhouse with high efficiency
reflective glass installed the wrong way around.

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