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International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science

ISSN 2347 – 8616
Volume 6, Issue 12
December 2017

Overview of Neural Lace: Connecting Computer to Brain

Rama Satyanarayana Motukuri

Pragati Engineering College
Vasudheswari Medepalli
Pragati Engineering College
N. Leelavathy
Professor, CSE Dept. Pragati Engineering College

ABSTRACT–This report is an introduction to modern technology often treated a science fiction called as “NEURAL
LACE”. It is a way to connect our brains to computer and competing with the modern world. This is an era of artificial
intelligence and machine learning and basically termed as 21stcentury the century of artificial intelligence. The name
which is popularin critics when the word AI comes into mind is “ELON MUSK” the creator of neural lace and the
modern age legend of AI. In this paper the total brief description of neural lace is elaborated. The description is totally
the overview of neural lace. It starts with introduction of neural lace, working, challenges, pros and cons and with final
KEYWORDS: (NeuralLace, Artificial Intelligence, brain, Elon Musk)

“Is artificial intelligence smarter than our intelligence?” the profound debate over some years can probably
come to an end with the inclusion of artificiality to naturality. Then arises a doubt “does our brain really need
an artificial thinking?” but based on the modern examinations on the brain it lacks remembering capacity, it
deals with limited and asymmetrical input and output and biologically diseases are frequent to the brains.
Making a brain to a computer seems like a science fiction. But days near prove it to be science creation. The
theory of upgrading the brain into computer is in news from years. At last the AI legend ELON MUSK
proposed a theory called “NEURAL LACE[7]” which connects computers to our brain, so we can keep up with

Fig.1: Understanding neural networks

Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts wrote a paper in 1943 on how neurons work. They developed a simple
Neural network using electrical circuits. The neural networks understanding is shown in figure 1. The first
artificial Neural network was invented in 1958 by psychologist Frank Rosenblatt. Called Perceptron, it was
proposed to model how the human brain processed visual data and learned to recognize objects. The research

421 Rama Satyanarayana Motukuri, Vasudheswari Medepalli, N. Leelavathy

International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science
ISSN 2347 – 8616
Volume 6, Issue 12
December 2017

started from there to inter mix Brain and Computer. The subjects deep Neural networks and artificial
networks, artificial intelligence, machine learning, many advanced concepts had grown to its peaks after that
stage. Then the method “Neural Lace” came into the lime light. A mesh to the brain.

According to Iain M. Banks who coined the term NeuralLace, humans in future install devices on their brains
called “NeuralLace”. A mesh that grows with the brain, it’s simply a wireless brain-computer interface as
shown in figure 2. But it’s also a way to program the neurons to release certain chemicals with a thought.
NeuralLace is an ultra-thin mesh that can be implanted in the skull, forming a collection of electrodes capable
of monitoring brain function. It creates an interface between the brain and the machine. It is a biomechanical
computer implant.
It started fromNeuralink which is Musk’s latest venture that aims to connect computers to the brain using
“NeuralLace” such that humans can keep up with technology amid rapid AI.

Fig.2: Neural lace

A group of chemists and engineers who deals with nanotechnology published a paper in Nature
Nanotechnology about an ultra-fine mesh that can merge into the brain which appears to be a seamless
interface between machine and biological circuitry. Called “mesh electronics”, the device is so thin and agile
that it can be injected with a needle.In 2016, there was an amazing scientific breakthrough including
electronic brains made of conductive polymer and mice. A team of scientists from Harvard wired upa soft,
flesh like material out of conductive polymer and nanowire, rolled it up, and placed it in a hollow needle that
was then injected into brains of mice with fake brain tissue and able to monitor individual neurons and made a
mouse brain. The material unfolds and is embedded in the brain tissue so that the nanowires can interact with
the neurons without irritating them. The nanowires can record and spark activity in the neurons with extreme
precision, creating the first part biological, part electron brain. Basically Cyborgsas shown in figure 3[8].
Currently, the mice need to be connected to computers for the nanowires to transmit information, but the
future model of the NeuralLace is wireless. The cyborg injections would help cure countless
neurodegenerative disease by sparking action in areas where the brain cells are dead.

Fig.3: Neil Harbisson, Human Cyborg

422 Rama Satyanarayana Motukuri, Vasudheswari Medepalli, N. Leelavathy

International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science
ISSN 2347 – 8616
Volume 6, Issue 12
December 2017

Neural Lace is a device that, when injected, grows along an organism’s biological Neural pathways. Once
matted with the neurons, it allows the biological form to be connected to external computing devices. It is a
technology, which deals with the neuron which is very complex structure with spines, dendrites, axons and the
differential expression profile of different ion channels and synapse. It’s a small piece of mesh wiring that gets
injected via a syringe into brain tissue expanded to make room for needle then fills the void in between the
conductive meshLike stitches that dissolve over timeas shown in figure 4.1. It has zero immune rejection
response, which is the most surprising aspect of these findings.

Fig.4.1: A 3D microscope image of the mesh merging with brain cells

The nanowires are made of a 10-nm-wide core of germanium, surrounded by a 2-nm-thick shell of silicon.
The chief innovation was to cover those wires with a three-layer dielectric, first aluminum oxide, then
zirconium oxide, then another layer of aluminum oxide. The three-layer material lets the wires trap charge
carriers, allowing them to act as a nonvolatile memory, holding a positive or negative state even when no
current is applied. The nanowires are laid out parallel to one another, with a source and drain on either end. A
series of metal gate electrodes crosses the wires perpendicularly. Each nanowire contains multiple transistors,
because each cross point between the nanowire and metal gate makes an individual transistor.
The working can be classified as:
Laces may freely regulate the flow of gland secretions to enhance the body responses and functions. Laces
may go to sleep with their host, and awaken from an adrenaline rush. They may wake to their host in response
to urgent communications. The interface is called as Neural Tourniquet as shown in figure 4.1

Fig.4.1: Neural Tourniquet

423 Rama Satyanarayana Motukuri, Vasudheswari Medepalli, N. Leelavathy

International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science
ISSN 2347 – 8616
Volume 6, Issue 12
December 2017

Voice and data may be transmitted directly to and from the brain via the Lace. The communications function
is optional. Laces functioned as internal versions of terminals in the Cultureas shown in figure 4.2. A person
communicating through a Lace, or deeply involved in a Lace-supported replication, tend to develop a vacant
look on their face, as well as being silent. Laces may be constructed with apredicament facility for a one-way
one-use emergency transmission from the Lace.

Fig.4.2: Communication in Neural Lace

A Lace improves memory retention and recall. It actively manages memory to minimize lossesas shown in
figure 4.3. However, it does not prevent noticeable loss or change of personality in long-lived persons.

Fig.4.3: Memory Storage in Neural Lace

A Lace may be used for general information retrieval and connecting to data. Laces may negotiate
connections with data of alien states. A Lace may create virtual screens over the eyes. A screen over one eye
requires attention of only half the brain; the other half may continue to handle interactions with the real
worldas shown in figure 4.4. Virtual representations of data may also be created, with the presented
information being based on the Lace's predictions of its host's needs. The experience provided by a Lace may
feel more "real" than the real world due to its detail and alluringness. A Lace also served as a timekeeping

Fig.4.4: Display mode

424 Rama Satyanarayana Motukuri, Vasudheswari Medepalli, N. Leelavathy

International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science
ISSN 2347 – 8616
Volume 6, Issue 12
December 2017


The Laceis used to interface with machines.Data from a spacecraft's sensors may be routed into a
Lace.Culture Lace was sufficient to perform space navigation within a light year or two of an Orbital.The
Lace - in conjunction with glanding may raise awareness speed to at least near-AI levels. This facilitates
machine interfacing and control, and data processing. The total structure of neural lace is shown in figure

Fig.4.5: Carbon Fibers Fig.4.6. Flexible Polymer Probes Fig.4.7: Micro-ECoG

A full back-up-capable Lace may produce high-fidelity mind-states after many years. The mind-state may be
quickly extracted from the Lace at any time.
The Lace grows from an implanted seed, interpenetrating and coexisting with the host. An existing Lace could
be quickly modified with outside help, but it could take a few days for it to fix in properly afterwards. A Lace
resembled a three-dimensional mesh of fine wires that was slippery and light to the touch. A full Lace
increased the bulk of a brain by less than 0.5%. The wires could appear as silvery-blue in coloras shown in
figure 4.8. Laces are mostly constructed using bio absorbable material, only a few particles of exotic matter
may be present. The largest filaments of the Lace were hollow and filled with fluid or brain matter when
implanted. The smallest filaments were invisible to the naked eye. The largest filaments could survive here
would cremate organic matter, although the smallest filaments would be burned away.

Fig.4.8: Chip on the Brain

Laces may be removed without ill effect. One method of removing a Lace takes a year. The Lace gradually
withers and shrinks, its minerals and metals are absorbed by the body, and the exotic matter is excreted
through urine.

The fundamental challenge is the slow outbound bandwidth from our brain. While there is a relatively high
upper limit on how much information the brain gets per second, our neocortex is great at interpreting huge
streams of realtime inputs from our eyes,ears, somatosensory system and constructing a model of reality based

425 Rama Satyanarayana Motukuri, Vasudheswari Medepalli, N. Leelavathy

International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science
ISSN 2347 – 8616
Volume 6, Issue 12
December 2017

on that. The fastest the brain canget is severely constrainedas shown in figure 5.1[6]. Now reading neurons is
another problem, as to interface and get info in and out of the brain, one needs to know is howit stores and
processes information. A typical human brain is estimated to have a raw computational power between 10^13
and 10^16 operations per second, a calculation based upon the brain’s energy consumption requirements.
“NeuralLace” would need to overcome these energy constraints by tapping a different power source or
operating more efficiently than a neocortex. Similar orderofmagnitude analyses has estimated the total
memory capacity of a human over a lifetime at only 10^9 bits, or a few hundred megabytes.

Fig.5.1: Biologic Intelligence Seizure

Another big challenge is biocompatibility. Delicate electronics tend to not do well inside the brain. And the
human body tends preventing foreign objects in it. But the brain interfaces of the future are intended to last
forever without any problems. This means that the device will likely need to be sealed and healthy enough to
survive decades of the discharge and shifting of the neurons around it. As shown in figure 5.2[4][5] the mice is
implanted with graphene and its components are shown in it. And the brainwhich treats today’s devices like
invaders, eventually covers them in scar tissuewill need to somehow think that the device is just a normal part
of brain doing its thing. Then there’s the space issue. Where exactly are they want to put the device that can
interface with a million neurons in a skull that’s already dealing with making space for 100 billion neurons? A
million electrodes using today’s multielectrode arrays would be the size of a baseball. So further
miniaturization is another dramatic innovation to add to the list.

Fig.5.2:(Left) Representation of the graphene implant placed on the surface of the rat’s brain. (Right)
microscope image of a multielectrode array with conventional platinum electrodes (a) vs. the miniature
graphene device next to it (b). Scale bar is 1.25 mm.

426 Rama Satyanarayana Motukuri, Vasudheswari Medepalli, N. Leelavathy

International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science
ISSN 2347 – 8616
Volume 6, Issue 12
December 2017


Some diseases that could be prevented using Neural Lace are:
 Parkinson’s disease (PD) and PD-related disordersas shown in figure 6.1.
 Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and other dementias.
 Motor neuron diseases (MND)
 Huntington’s Disease (HD)
 Spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA)
 Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA)
 Prion disease.
Some other uses are
 True Next-Gen Gaming device
 Control Own (or Someone Else’s) Brain
 One Don’t need to Control a Robot Arm instead of it one can Have a Robot Arm
 Emotionally Aware Technology
 Control Computer with Mind

Fig.6.1: Prevents Parkinson’s disease

There are a few use cases that are possible aside from the simplistic brain to machine communication
interface. Some of these include:
 Inject the mesh into the corner of our eye, have it unfolded onto our retina and have it record. Now that’s
some live streaming that would disrupt Apple’s latest iPhone.
 Stimulate the Neural circuits to organize themselves the same way they were when onewas younger. A
fountain of youth to reverse aging, but also potentially reverse the life experiences?
 Regrow damaged brain tissue by coupling the mesh with stem cells.
 Rewire theNeural connections the way one want. That might just help one learn Organic Chemistry,
Calculus, mathematics etc.

However, there are also some disadvantages to electronic brain:
 The idea of being controlled by a computer or a dictator beyond the control is terrifying. It would be
like that scene in divergent where the children are injected by a chip that lets the controller turn them into
brain-dead soldiers. That futuristic, dystopian sci-fi might be closer than they think.

427 Rama Satyanarayana Motukuri, Vasudheswari Medepalli, N. Leelavathy

International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science
ISSN 2347 – 8616
Volume 6, Issue 12
December 2017

Fig.6.2: Clumsiness and Stress in Brain

 The balance between work and life would be extremely off balanced. There would be no way to
separate them from electronics for a day and enjoy themselves in natureas shown in figure 6.2. One would
constantly be getting emails, reminders, etc.

A battle for the "soul" of the global economy is underway. The next few decades will likely decide whether
capitalism survives or is replaced with robots doing most of the jobs while humans live off government
support, likely a designated guaranteed or basic income. Many experts believe wide-scale automation is
inevitable. Even the world’s largest hedge fund, Bridgewater Associates, recently announced it’s building an
AI to replace its managers, many of whom are highly educated and previously thought invulnerable to
automation. A nextgeneration technology, likely to arrive in 5 to 10 years, is being credited as the savior of
President Obama’s BRAIN initiative, announced in 2013, allocated $70 million to government-funded
DARPA(Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency) to jumpstart the field of brain implants. For humans
to beat the machines, or at least be competitive, they’re going to have to follow this path; to connect with them
directly. One California startup founded by entrepreneur Bryan Johnson is called Kernel. Kernel wants to
build a Neural prosthetic that would allow humans, among other things, to keep up with the machines in real
time, like a human mind literally being connected to the internet and all its algorithms and search functions.
Elon Muskas shown in figure 7.2 recently announced plans to start a NeuralLace company called
Neuralink[13]as shown in figure 7.1.

Fig.7.2:Neuralink company dealing Neural Lace

Musk said in Dubai, in March: “Over time I think they will probably see a closer merger of biological
intelligence and digital intelligence.” He hopes to have success with his new company in just five years' time.
A future motto of humanity and capitalism might be: "If you can’t beat a machine, become one." As a radical
science and technology advocate, that’s a philosophy he could support.

428 Rama Satyanarayana Motukuri, Vasudheswari Medepalli, N. Leelavathy

International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science
ISSN 2347 – 8616
Volume 6, Issue 12
December 2017

Fig.7.3: Elon Musk the Genius behind Neural Lace

Recently, the Wall Street Journal reported that Neuralink has already raised $27 million from investors with
plans to raise a total of $100 million and states the company has gathered 12 investors since August 15.
Neuralink is already raiding research labs and universities for engineers and neuroscientists to build its
technology, according to the Journal. Its goal is to upgrade the interface between the digital world and human

Some doctors are planning to connect us to the internet with a Brain implant.Eric Leuthardt[9]as shown in
figure 8.1 a 44-year-old scientist and brain surgeon, has spent a lot of time imagining.

Fig.8.1: Eric Leuthardt

In addition to his duties as a neurosurgeon at Washington University in St. Louis, he assumed 90 percent of
human beings will get computer hardware implanted directly into their brains. This allows a seamless
connection between people and computers, and a wide array of sensory experiences without leaving home.
Leuthardt believes that in the next several decades such implants will be like plastic surgery or tattoos,
undertaken with hardly a second thought.
Scientists have long known that the firing of the neurons is what allows us to move, feel, and think. But
breaking the code by which neurons talk to each other and developing the capacity to listen in and make sense
of how cells allow us to functionhas long stood as one of neuroscience’s most scary tasks.

429 Rama Satyanarayana Motukuri, Vasudheswari Medepalli, N. Leelavathy

International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science
ISSN 2347 – 8616
Volume 6, Issue 12
December 2017

Apart from NeuralLace there are some other technologiessuch as tensorflow, brain team, Google’sNeural
networks etc. also competing with it.

Fig.8.2: Testing it on Mice

It works by injecting a mesh across the brainas shown in figure 8.2 that hopefully gives a new way to
communicate with the computer. Instead of speaking to Siri or typing on MacBook, this theoretical
technology allows one to move at the speed of thoughtas shown in figure 8.3. It’s the opposite approach of
emulating an animal’s brain and nervous system in software.One can learn new things easier, and get things
done faster. Imagine all the time one could save or how much farther one could get going after the dreams.But
the reality is that this is dangerous. And it has nothing to do with cracking open the skull and implanting some
metallic mesh over the top of the neocortex. Rather, it has everything to do with the amount of energy being
pushed from the computer into the brain.

Fig.8.3: Working of Neural Lace

Based on our research and development over the last 6 yearsthey consider themselves inventors and
entrepreneurs who rally around those who create things that never existed, they felt it was our responsibility to
at least bring some new knowledge to lightas shown in figure8.4.Any animal’s Biologic Intelligence is very
sensitive to the amount of energy flowing through the system. If they plug themselves into a computer and
that machine dumps a buttload of energy into the brain because of some software bug or felt like uploading
the entirety of the internet into their consciousness, they’ll be in for quite a shock.
Force too much energy into the brain and they will have convulsions.
Before ending up let’s recall Isaac Asimov’s “Three Laws of Robotics”
 A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm
 A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First
 A robot must protect its own existence if such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
Until one lacks one’s wisdom no robot can harm him. Same as in the case of Neural Lace even it increases our
intelligence, cures many brain diseases when it falls in the hands of layman or Hitler nevertheless it would be
more worse than Hiroshima Nagasaki, a neuro biological war would certainly suit to the debate of keeping the
name of that war.
So, one would urge the folks who are going after this problem set and attempting to spend 15 years or more
developing the technology to consider some real simulations of animal connectomes.

430 Rama Satyanarayana Motukuri, Vasudheswari Medepalli, N. Leelavathy

International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science
ISSN 2347 – 8616
Volume 6, Issue 12
December 2017

Brain does not manufacture thoughts. Thoughts shape Neural networks.

This should be kept in senses before going into the solutions.

Fig.8.4: Neural lace prototype

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Web Reference:
[9], MIT Technology Review, The Surgeon Who Wants to Connect You to the Internet with
a Brain Implant
[10] , GIZMODO, Scientists Just Invented the Neural Lace.
[11] , Neural Lace.
[12] , Elon Musk enters the world of brain-computer interfaces.

431 Rama Satyanarayana Motukuri, Vasudheswari Medepalli, N. Leelavathy

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