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Tuck Everlasting

Summary by : Saad Muath 7S

Chapter 1 Summary:

The route of the road to Treegap was developed long ago by a herd of
cows. The road meanders pleasantly over and around hills and meadows
until it gets to the wood, at which point it makes a sharp turn to go
around the wood. On the other side of the wood, the road loses its
pleasantness as it leads into the village of Treegap. It becomes
straight and the grasses on either side look sad. The first cottage it
passes has an iron fence around a cropped lawn, and it looks imposing
and cold. The narrator says that this cottage, the jailhouse, and the
gallows are the only things in Treegap that matter to the story.
Chapter 2 Summary :

Mae wakes up at dawn on the first day of the first week of August and
remarks that the boys will be home. Angus, Mae's husband, doesn't
respond; he's fast asleep and in this state, the sad lines on his face are
relaxed and he smiles. Mae wakes him and Angus's smile vanishes. He
sighs that he was dreaming again of being in heaven, but Mae tells him
that the dream won't change anything and he should be accustomed to
things by now. She announces that she's going to ride to Treegap to
meet Jesse and Miles and when Angus expresses concern, she insists that
nobody will remember her since it's been ten years since she was last
there. Angus goes back to sleep.
Chapter 3 Summary :

At noon that day, Winnie sits on the closely cropped grass inside her
fence, talking to a toad outside. She tells it that she might run away
tomorrow, but she can't tell if the toad is listening or not. Winnie's been
at the fence for a while. She came out earlier feeling annoyed and
angry, so she threw some pebbles in the toad's general direction. When
she ran out of pebbles, she started to talk to it. Now, Winnie tells the
toad she can't stand it much longer. As she does, a window in the
cottage opens and Granny tells Winnie to not sit on the grass, while
Winnie's mother calls her for lunch.
Thank you

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