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Kind Of Text

Written By: 1.Adela Ervinia

9A (01)

2.Afifan Ahmad Faisal

9A (02)

3.Ainun Nikmah

9A (03)

4.Alfan Dwi Cahyo

9A (04)

5.Alfin Ayiya


List of Contents


I. Text Narrative
1. The Legend of Rawa Pening
2. Snow White and Seven Dwarfs
3. The Tree Little Pigs
II.Text Recount
1. Holiday in Semarang Waterfall
2. My Very Busy Day
III.Text Procedure
IV. Text Report
V. Text Descriptive

List of Contents


VI. Text Invitation

VII. Text Announcement
VIII. Text Advertisement
IX. Text Letter

Text Narrative
By : Adela Ervinia

The Legend of Rawa Pening

Once upon a time, there was a little poor boy came into a little village. He was very
hungry and weak. He knocked at every door and asked for some food, but nobody cared about
him. Nobody wanted to help the little boy.
Finally, a generous woman helped him. She gave him shelter and a meal. When the boy
wanted to leave, this old woman gave him a lesung, a big wooden mortar for pounding rice. She
reminded him, please remember, if there is a flood you must save yourself.
Use this lesung, as a boat. The lesung was happy and thanked the old woman.The little
boy continued his journey. While he was passing through the village, he saw many people
gathering on the field. The boy came closer and saw a stick stuck in the ground. People
challenged each other to pull out that stick. Everybody tried, but nobody succeeded. Can I try?
asked the little boy. The crowd laughed mockingly. The boy wanted to try his luck so he stepped
forward and pulled out the stick. He could do it very easily. Everybody was dumbfounded.
Suddenly, from the hole left by stick, water spouted out. It did not stop until it flooded the
village. And no one was saved from the water except the little boy and the generous old woman
who gave him shelter and meal. As she told him, he used the lesung as a boat and picked up the
old woman. The whole village became a huge lake. It is now known as Rawa Pening Lake in
Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia.

Snow White and Seven Dwarfs

Once upon a time in a great castle, there was a beautiful princess. She was very pretty,
with blue eyes and long black hair. Her skin was delicate and white, and so she was called Snow
White. Snow White had a step mother who was always jealous of Snow White's beauty. Her step
mother too was very beautiful, and the magic mirror told her this every day, whenever she asked
One day, the step mother asked the magic mirror who the loveliest lady in the land was
and the magic mirror answered Snow White was the loveliest in the land. The step mother was
very mad. Then he asked her trusty servants to take Snow White into the forest, far away from
the Castle and killed her. But the servant didn't kill Snow White, He led the innocent little girl
In the forest, little Snow White was alone and scared. She didn't know where she should
go. But suddenly she saw a small strange cottage. She wondered who lived there, then she
entered the cottage.
Inside the cottage, there was 7 beds and a kitchen. Snow White was to tired to explore the
cottage, and suddenly fallen a sleep. In the afternoon, the seven dwarfs who lived in the cottage,
came home. They surprised to see there was a young lady there. One dwarf woke her up and
asked who was she. Snow White told them her sad story. The seven dwarfs understood the
feeling of Snow White and asked her to live with them in the cottage.
Meanwhile in the castle, the servant came back and told to the step mother that Snow
White was killed. Then the step mother asked the magic mirror once again who the loveliest in
the land was and still the magic mirror answered the Snow White who lived in the small cottage
with seven dwarfs was the loveliest one in the land. So the step mother was angry and she planed
something bad to Snow White.
Then the step mother disguising herself as an old women who sold a basket of poisoned
apples and went to the cottage. In the cottage, the seven dwarfs warned Snow White to not open
the door to the stranger.
The step mother finally arrived to the cottage and began to offer Snow White an apple.
Snow White refused to open the door but the step mother kept persuade and finally Snow White
opened the door and brought an apple then he ate it. So Snow White fallen down with the
poisoned apple beside her
In the afternoon, when the seven dwarfs came home, they were surprised with Snow

White who laid down on the floor with pale face and a poisoned apple beside her. The seven
dwarfs were sad seeing the Snow White was dying but not die yet. Then the seven dwarfs
decided to make a beautiful bed made from a crystal coffin to make Snow White keep alive.
Day by day, the seven dwarfs waited for the miracle came when Snow White suddenly
woke up. Then one day, there was a wanderer who actually a prince from far away kingdom saw
a beautiful lady was laid down on crystal bed. The wanderer asked the dwarfs what was
happened and the dwarfs told him the story.
Heard the Snow White's story, the princes decided to carry her to his Castle and asked the
doctor to help her. Then the prince kissed her to show his intention. But suddenly Snow White
was back to life. The fact was that the prince's kiss broke the spell. Then the prince asked Snow
White to marry him.
From that day on, Snow White lived happily in a great castle. But from time to time, she
was drawn back to visit the little cottage down in the forest.

The Tree Little Pigs

Once upon a time there were three little pigs, who left their mummy and daddy to see the
All summer long, they roamed through the woods and over the plains, playing games and
having fun. None were happier than the three little pigs, and they easily made friends with
everyone. Wherever they went, they were given a warm welcome, but as summer drew to a
close, they realized that folk were drifting back to their usual jobs, and preparing for winter.
Autumn came and it began to rain. The three little pigs started to feel they needed a real home.
Sadly they knew that the fun was over now and they must set to work like the others, or they'd be
left in the cold and rain, with no roof over their heads. They talked about what to do, but each
decided for himself. The laziest little pig said he'd build a straw hut.
"It will only take a day,' he said. The others disagreed.
"It's too fragile," they said disapprovingly, but he refused to listen. Not quite so lazy, the
second little pig went in search of planks of seasoned wood.
"Clunk! Clunk! Clunk!" It took him two days to nail them together. But the third little pig
did not like the wooden house.
"That's not the way to build a house!" he said. "It takes time, patience and hard work to
build a house that is strong enough to stand up to wind, rain, and snow, and most of all, protect
us from the wolf!"
The days went by, and the wisest little pig's house took shape, brick by brick. From time
to time, his brothers visited him, saying with a chuckle.
"Why are you working so hard? Why don't you come and play?" But the stubborn
bricklayer pig just said "no".
"I shall finish my house first. It must be solid and sturdy. And then I'll come and play!" he
said. "I shall not be foolish like you! For he who laughs last, laughs longest!"
It was the wisest little pig that found the tracks of a big wolf in the neighborhood.
The little pigs rushed home in alarm. Along came the wolf, scowling fiercely at the
laziest pig's straw hut.
"Come out!" ordered the wolf, his mouth watering. "I want to speak to you!"
"I'd rather stay where I am!" replied the little pig in a tiny voice.
"I'll make you come out!" growled the wolf angrily, and puffing out his chest, he took a

very deep breath. Then he blew with all his might, right onto the house. And all the straw the
silly pig had heaped against some thin poles, fell down in the great blast. Excited by his own
cleverness, the wolf did not notice that the little pig had slithered out from underneath the heap
of straw, and was dashing towards his brother's wooden house. When he realized that the little
pig was escaping, the wolf grew wild with rage.
"Come back!" he roared, trying to catch the pig as he ran into the wooden house. The
other little pig greeted his brother, shaking like a leaf.
"I hope this house won't fall down! Let's lean against the door so he can't break in!"
Outside, the wolf could hear the little pigs' words. Starving as he was, at the idea of a two
course meal, he rained blows on the door.
"Open up! Open up! I only want to speak to you!"
Inside, the two brothers wept in fear and did their best to hold the door fast against the
blows. Then the furious wolf braced himself a new effort: he drew in a really enormous breath,
and went ... WHOOOOO! The wooden house collapsed like a pack of cards.
Luckily, the wisest little pig had been watching the scene from the window of his own
brick house, and he rapidly opened the door to his fleeing brothers. And not a moment too soon,
for the wolf was already hammering furiously on the door. This time, the wolf had grave doubts.
This house had a much more solid air than the others. He blew once, he blew again and then for a
third time. But all was in vain. For the house did not budge an inch. The three little pigs watched
him and their fear began to fade. Quite exhausted by his efforts, the wolf decided to try one of his
tricks. He scrambled up a nearby ladder, on to the roof to have a look at the chimney. However,
the wisest little pig had seen this ploy, and he quickly said.
"Quick! Light the fire!" With his long legs thrust down the chimney, the wolf was not
sure if he should slide down the black hole. It wouldn't be easy to get in, but the sound of the
little pigs' voices below only made him feel hungrier.
"I'm dying of hunger! I'm going to try and get down." And he let himself drop. But
landing was rather hot, too hot! The wolf landed in the fire, stunned by his fall.
The flames licked his hairy coat and his tail became a flaring torch.
"Never again! Never again will I go down a chimney" he squealed, as he tried to put out
the flames in his tail. Then he ran away as fast as he could.
The three happy little pigs, dancing round and round the yard, began to sing. "Tra-la-la!

Tra-la-la! The wicked black wolf will never come back...!"

From that terrible day on, the wisest little pig's brothers set to work with a will. In less
than no time, up went the two new brick houses. The wolf did return once to roam in the
neighborhood, but when he caught sight of three chimneys, he remembered the terrible pain of a
burnt tail, and he left for good.
Now safe and happy, the wisest little pig called to his brothers. "No more work! Come
on, let's go and play!"

Text Recount
By : Ainun Nikmah

Holiday in Semarang Waterfall

On Sunday, I and my best friend, Sari, visited Semirang Waterfall in Ungaran. It was the first
time for me to visit the waterfall.
When we arrived at the hill, I felt so fresh and I could enjoy the scene. The air was so pure and
all I could see only green and green.
In Ungaran, we took a little bit trekking to find Semirang Waterfall. It was too bad for me
because the distance to see the waterfall was too far.
After taking so far distance, we found Semirang Waterfall. What a beautiful waterfall. We
enjoyed the nice water in the rain forest surrounding the waterfall.
Hearing the sound of falling water made me peace and relax. It was also excellent drowning out
background sound. Playing with the water made me feel so happy.
Finally, the time was over. It was time for us to go home. It was an unforgettable moment. I
really enjoyed it.


Last Monday was a busy day for me. I spent my time to do a lot of activities from college to my
First, at the morning, I did my presentation's assignment with my partner, she was Nurhidayah. It
took 3 hours. And then we went to the campus for joining lecture. But, the lecturer said that our
presentation would be started next week. It made us disappointed. The class was finished at
After that, I had to go home because my grandmother was in a bad condition. She was
hospitalized. So, it was a must for me to back home at that time. When I got there, there were so
many members of my family. There were about 10 people. My aunt, my niece, my uncle and
some of my cousins. We all hoped that our grandmother would get better soon.
Those activities made my day busy.


One day, my sister said to me that she really wanted to go to the beach. So I promised her that
the next day we would go to Maron beach in Semarang.
The next day, we prepared many things in the morning. We brought some foods and beverages,
such as fried rice, chocolate wafers, potato chips, water and orange juice. Before going to the
beach, I ask my boyfriend, Kiki, to join us going to the beach. He agreed to join and he came to
my house. After that, we went to the beach. We went there by motorbike. It took 25 minutes to
arrive there. Then, we bought tickets in the entrance gate. Before swimming, we changed our
clothes first. We swam there for more than one hour. We felt so tired that we decided to eat the
foods that we had brought. Next, my boyfriend and I created a very big sand castle, while my
sister continued swimming. After that, we decided to go home because it was getting dark.
On the way home, we still felt hungry. So we stopped at a Javanese restaurant to eat something. I
ordered gudeg, while my boyfriend and my sister ordered rames rice. After finished eating, we
paid our bills. Then, we went home. We arrived at home at 6 oclock and we were absolutely
That was a very exhausting day, but I felt so happy that I could have a vacation with my sister
and my boyfriend.

Text Procedure
By : Alfan Dwi Cahyo

How To Make Fruit Ice

Ingridient : -Mango


-sugar water





-Jackfruit -Sugar
Material : -Knife


Procedure - Steps :
1. First, Cut the fruit round or
2. then, Scratching the flesh of
a melon.
3. then, Boil sugar with water
until cooked for about 30
4. Next, Put in serving glasses
that have been cut round
pieces or dice.
5. then, to taste Pour the sugar
water, put ice cubes and put
milk on ice fruit.
6. Last, put the decorations on
the glass with a piece of
strawberry on it.


Beef rips fried rice

1. White rice 500 grams
2. Young beef rips, 250 grams and cut into cobes
3. vegetable oil, 3 tablespoons
4. Cumin oil, 1 teaspoon
5. Cabbage, 3 sheets and cut into rough
6. Tomato, 2 pieces and cut into rough
7. Green onion 2 stalks and cut into rough
Subtle seasoning:
1. Granulated sugar,
2. Salt,
3. Soy sauce, 3 tablespoons
4. Red pepper, 2 pieces
5. Red onion, 6 grains
6. Garlic, 4 cloves
7. Pepper powder, teaspoon
8. Cayenne pepper, 8 pieces.
1. Raw pickles (cucumber, chili pepper)
2. Basil leaves
3. Fried onion
How to cook:

1. Heat the food oil, saut spices until fragrant

2. Put beef rips, cabbage, and cumin oil, stir gently.
3. Cover the frying pan, and cook them until the beef rips is soft.
4. Add the other ingredients and stir well,
5. Add the white rice and stir well for a minute and lift.
6. Serve it warmly and decorate it with some complementary materials prepared.

How to Make a Cheese Omelet :

Ingredients :
1 egg, 50 g cheese, cup milk, 3 tablespoons cooking, oil, a pinch of salt and
Material :
Frying pan, fork, spatula, cheese grater, bowl, plate.
Steps :
1. Crack an egg into a bowl
2. Whisk the egg with a fork until it is smooth
3. Add milk and whisk well
4. Grate the cheese into the bowl and stir
5. Heat the oil in a frying pan
6. Pour the mixture into the frying pan
7. Turn the omelet with a spatula when it browns
8. Cook both sides
9. Place on a plate; season with salt and pepper
10. Eat while warm.

Text Report
By: Afifan Ahmad Faisal

Tiger (Panthera Tigris) is mammal that belongs to Chordate phylum (having spinal cord),
Vertebrate subphylum (vertebrates), Felidae family (cat), Panthera genus, and Tigris species.
They are the biggest cat that lives on earth. Even they are bigger than a lion. Besides being the
largest cat, they are also the second fastest cat in terms of running, after cheetah. In the class of
carnivorous animal, they are the third largest carnivores after polar bears and grizzly bears.
They have nine sub- species of which three species have been declared Vanished. The subspecies
which still live on earth are Siberian tigers, tiger South China tiger, Indochinese tiger, Bengal
tiger, and Malayan tiger. In general, male tigers weigh between 180 and 320 kg, while the weight
is between 120 and 180 kg for females. Their body length is between 2.6 and 3.3 meters for
males, while females body length is between 2.3 and 2.75 meters. Among the surviving
subspecies, Sumatran tigers are the smallest and Siberian tigers are the biggest tiger in the world.
They have stripes on its body. The stripes are usually used as identity because each tiger has a
different striped pattern. Besides used for an identity, it is also useful for camouflage from its
prey. Commonly, colors of the stripes are orange and black while its hair chest is white.
Nevertheless, Siberian tigers have pale stripes while Bengal tigers body is white.
In general, tigers have a white mane on the bottom of face. Unlike lions, their mane is less. Just
like other species of big cats, they have a white spot on the back of both ears. They are a meat
-eating animals (carnivores). They usually hunt fairly large prey such as forest cattle, elk, deer,
and pigs. They belong to solitary animals. They prefer to live and hunt alone. Although come
from the same family, they are different from ordinary cat. They really like to swim.
Tigers reproduce by whelping. They usually breed in November until April. They have a
gestation period about 3-4 weeks and can produce 3 to 4 cubs.


Kangaroo is Australian animal. This animal belongs to mammals that have pouch (marsupials).
Kangaroo can be found throughout Australia main land, especially in the Savanna and eucalypt
forests area. Kangaroo eats grass which is still fresh and green.
When viewed from the physical characteristics, kangaroo has unique characteristics which
different with other animals. Kangaroo has a small head size but has pretty long ears. These long
ears can hear voice from a great distance to help them out of danger, especially from predators.
This animals body is covered by a fairly dense fur. Kangaroo has a snout like a rabbit whereas
female kangaroo has a pocket in front of its body. The pouch serves to keep their children away
from danger.
Their hind legs have a larger size than the front legs. These hind legs are very strong and size of
the palm is so big which make them easier to jump. They can leap so fast. It could reach 70 km /
h. While their front legs are used to attract or to hold food and to dig. Then, their tails are very
long and strong which serve as a tool for balancing the body while standing. They can survive up
to 9-18 years in the wild. But there is also a kangaroo who reached the age of 28 years.
Based on the color and distribution, they are divided into three species. The first is Red
Kangaroo. This species is the largest marsupial animals which are still alive on the earth. When
standing, their height can reach more than 2 meters and weigh up to 90 kg. This kind of
kangaroos lives in large groups. Red kangaroo is very dependent on the weather and water. They
are more active in cold weather and become passive in hot weather. The next one is eastern gray
kangaroo. This species has a gray fur color. They are smaller than the red kangaroo. This type of
kangaroo is found in eastern Australia, and the last is western gray kangaroos. This species is
found in the western and southern Australia. They are very numerous in nature.
They reproduce by bearing its child. Time period of pregnancy in female kangaroo depends on
every species. In gray kangaroo ranged 18-38 days, while for red kangaroo species (Macropus
rufus) experienced a period of gestation about 33 days. After the baby kangaroo is born,
kangaroo raises the child inside its pouches.

Breakfast Make Children Smarter

Nowadays, many parents are busy. They have no time to take care of their children especially in
the morning before their children go to school. They prefer to give money to their children rather
than making breakfast before going to school. They consider making breakfast is an activity that
is wasting time. However, these parents do not realize that having a breakfast has so many
advantages for their children. In this essay, the author personally says that providing breakfast for
children in the morning can increase their intelligence. To be more concrete, here are two
paragraphs that discuss the reasons of statement above.
The first reason is breakfast can improve childrens concentration while studying at school.
Breakfast can prevent them from hunger and sleepiness while learning so that they will focus on
lessons delivered by teachers. By having a large concentration while studying, they will more
easily understand what they are learning in school.
The second reason is the nutrients and minerals contained in the breakfast makes children more
active in participating in learning activity. This is because they get energy from the combustion
process inside their bodies. Students who are more actively study harder than passive students.
Active children tend to have a desire in study than the passive one. So that is why active children
are cleverer than the passive students
Therefore, providing breakfast to children before going to school could make them become
smarter. This is because the breakfast can make them concentrate on learning and more active in
participating in learning activities at school. So as a good parent dont forget to make breakfast
for your child before going to school.

Text Descriptive
By: Alfin Ayiya

Mrs. Debby Magdalena

Mrs. Debby Magdelena is one of the successful carrier woman. She is the new sales manager
for Jakarta sales office of Le MerideanNirwana Golf and Spa Resort.
Mrs. Debby Magdalena holds her new position as from Marc 2nd, 2009. Prior to her
assignment at Le MeredianNirwana Golf and Spa Resort, she was the sales manager at Novotel
Nusa Duas Jakarta sales office. Prior to that, she worked at a number of reputable hotels such as
Radison Hotel Jakarta, Aston Hotel Jakarta, and Novotel Nusa Dua Bali.
Born in Jakarta, she is a graduate of BPLP Bandung majoring hotel management and of
DwipaWacana University in majoring management. With her strong background in reservations,
front office and sales she will be a valuable asset to Le Meridian Nirvana Golf and Spa Resort.
As the sales representative in Jakarta, she will be based at Le Meridian Jakarta Hotel.

My cat zedva
Zedva is my beautiful gray Persian cat. He walks with pride and grace, performing a dance of
disdain as he slowly lifts and lowers each paw with the delicacy of a ballet dancer. His pride,
however, does not extend to his appearance, for he spends most of his time indoors watching
television and growing fat.
He enjoys movie in Television , especially chanel those for vichanel and cinemas 24. almost
every day of my cat zedva Always watch television, after the feed and Sometimes he ate while
watching television.
Zedva is as finicky about visitors as he is about what he eats, befriending some and repelling
others. He may snuggle up against your ankle, begging to be petted, or he may imitate a skunk
and stain your favorite trousers. Zedva does not do this to establish his territory, as many cat
experts think, but to humiliate me because he is jealous of my friends.
After my guests have fled, I look at the old fleabag snoozing and smiling to himself in front of
the television set, and I have to forgive him for his obnoxious, but endearing, habits.

Mount Ceremai
Mount Ceremai often mistakenly called " Ciremai " is a volcanic cone that is administratively
included in the three districts , namely Cirebon , Kuningan and Majalengka, West Java Province.
The geographical position of the peak is located at 6 53 ' 30 "latitude and 108 24 ' 00 " East,
with an altitude of 3,078 m above sea level. This mountain is the highest mountain in West Java.
is mountain has a double crater. Western crater radius 400 m east of the crater that was
interrupted by a radius of 600 m. At an altitude of about 2,900 m above sea level on the southern
slopes of the eruption are former Gowa called Swallow.
Ciemai now belongs to the National Park area of Mount Ciremai (TNGC), which has a total area
of approximately 15,000 hectares.
The name is derived from the word mountain ciremai ( Phyllanthusacidus, a kind of small
fruiting shrubs is rather sour ), but is often called Ciremai , a hiperkorek symptoms due to the
many place names in the region Pasundan use the prefix 'ci -' for naming the place.

Text Invitation
By: Alfin Ayiya

Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Durand

request the honour of your presence at the marriage of their daughter
Sophie Lynn
Jeffrey Matthew
son of
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lautrec
Saturday, the eighth of March
two thousand eighteen
at two o'clock in the afternoon
Fox Green Country Club
2621 Hunter Avenue
Atlanta, Georgia


Our joy will be more complete if you can share in the marriage of our daughter
Susette Ann
Jordan Jake Alletts
on Saturday, June twenty-first
two thousand eighteen
at three o'clock in the afternoon
12997 Riverdale Way
Little Falls, Virginia

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall


With joyful hearts, we ask you to be present at the ceremony uniting
Jessie Hall
Bill Chalk
on November twenty-second
two thousand eighteen
at five o'clock in the evening
St. Patricks Church
206 Montague Court
Denver, Colorado

Tim and Janet Hall

By: Alfan Dwi Cahyo

: All students of English Department in Teacher Training and Education Faculty
University of Lampung
In commemorating the anniversary of Teacher Training Education Faculty University of
Lampung, We want to invite you to participate in many competitions such as English Debate,
Story Telling, News Casting, Speech, and Scrabble.
The competition will be held on:
Day / date

: Saturday, 27th of April, 2013


: 09:00 a.m. 05:00 p.m.

: English Debate will be held in Aula K, the story telling in F room, the news
casting in c4 room, the speech in E3 room, and the scrabble in F2 room.
All students have to register before 1st of April 2013. The winner of competition will get trophy
and amount of money.
For further information, you can contact 08128070003.
Thanks for your attention and good luck!

Our school will have Some Competition that will be held on 17 August 2016 to celebrate
Indonesians Independence day. There are Running, swimming, and many other competition.
Registration will be held on 10th-15th August at Osis room.
Free Registration and full of prize!

For More Information contact our Osis chairperson.

to all grade 9 students to attend additional lessons that will hold on the date of 24/09/2016. For
those who have not enrolled are expected to fill the registration form in the Office.
All students are required to take an additional class to be successful in national exam.

By: Ainun Nikmah

Vianesia Hotel
Kramatwatu31-39 road nursepi
phone: 421465
Room rate:
Economy: Rp 150.000.00
Standard: USD 200.000.00
Suite: Rp 490.000.00

For a card that has a vianesia hotel, rental prices can be discounted by 20%, vianesia hotel
card can be purchased for RP. 150.000.00
Air conditioning, swimming pool, restaurant, children's playground, a computer room, a
bookstore, a golf course, and much more.

for a 85% discount Monday

check out time: 13 noon

Staff Administration and Receptionist

- Male / Female, Age minimum 18 years
- Minimum high school education / vocational equivalent
- Interesting look
- Honest, Discipline, and Responsibility
- Ability to work in Individual or Team

Send complete application along with latest CV to email:

(Include a recent photo)
Or sms the data themselves (name, address, education) to the mother Sunarti 089-616-913-767

Sold 1 unit of Honda motorcycles Beat PGM FI in 2014 (not in 2013, because there is no choice
in berniaga 2014) red color. Reg& complete vehicle registration. Tax length up to 4 bln new KM
2015 2800 Good condition rarely used motorcycle. Price nego until finished.

Text Letter
By: Afifan Ahmad Faisal

Dear Fauzi,
Let me introduce myself . My name is Afifan Ahmad Faisal , just call me Ifan . I am from
Semarang , Jawa Tengah . I read your profile in BOBO magazine and would like to be one of
your friends .
I am the first child in my family . My parents have two children . I am study at SMPN 1
AMBARAWA . Now, im in the nine grade. I have many hobby,like futsal,shuttle cock,play
guitar,play games,etc.
I would love to know you better , would you tell me more about yourself too.

Jl. Plamboyan No. 89 Jakarta

2nd Pebruary 2009

Dear Indah

Indah, sorry I havent written to you for so long. We moved into a new
apartment last month and weve been really busy getting settled.
Its a nice apartment. It is bigger than our old one. Its big so there are
a lot of rooms to work in. It has a big living room, two bedrooms and two
bathrooms. Another thing I like is the kitchen.
The apartment is on a quiet street in a good neighborhood. Theres
also a shopping centre just down the street with a supermarket, some quite
good restaurants and some stores.
We really enjoy living here. Do come over and have a look next
time you are in the town. Ill wait.

Jerowaru, 1st February 2014

Dear Ivan
How are you? Hope everything is okay with you. Im all right here.
We are going to have the national examination, arent we? Are you well
prepared for it? Well, to be honest, I just have some difficulties in preparing
for it, especially in science. There are extra lessons in my school and I take
them all. But, I feel that they dont help. Im still confused in solving
mathematic problems. Im just worried that I fail the national examination.
Do you have any suggestion for me? I really appreciate your help.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Your buddy

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