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SITU BAGENDIT = Short story
The Goose that Laid Golden Eggs = Short story
The Wolf and The stork = Fable
The Lion and the Mouse = Fable
The Prince and His Best Friend = Short story
Little Brother, Little Sister = Short story

Orientation: SITU BAGENDIT A Long time ago, there was a widow named Bagendit.
She lived by herself. Her house was large and beautiful. Bagendit was a miser
Complication: Bagendit was a miser woman. Her wealth was plentiful but she never
shared her wealth with other people in her village. She mocked everyone who came
to her house for some help. And she always lent people money but with a high
interest. One day, an old man came to her house to get a pail of water. Bagendit
came out from her house and hit the man with a pounder.
Resolution: “I curse you, evil woman!” shouted the old man. “You are a ruthless
woman!” said the old man sharply. Suddenly, the well water gushed out and drowned
Bagendit and her whole house.
Re-orientation/Coda: The village disappeared and nothing was left. There was only a
wide and deep lake. People called it Situ Bagendit Lake.

B.The Goose that Laid Golden Eggs

Orientation: Once up on a time, there lived a happy family in a village. A man and his
wife lived happily on a little farm, tending their flock of geese and selling their eggs at
the market. They were not rich, but they were happy with their life together.
Complication: Then one day a new goose flew in among their flock. The couple was
surprised to find a shiny golden egg in her nest. Each and every day after that, the
goose laid another egg of solid gold. The couple was soon richer than they had ever
dreamed of, but they were not happy. They grew impatient with only one golden egg
a day.
Resolution: The farmer said to his wife, “Our goose must be full of gold. Why should
we wait to have more eggs?” “If he cut her open,” his wife agreed, ”We can get all the
eggs at once .” So they killed the goose! They were very surprise to find that it was
just like any other goose inside.
Re-orientation/Coda: Even worse, there would never be any more golden eggs!

C.The Wolf and The stork

Orientation: A long, long time ago, the wolf asked the stork to come to his house to eat.
Complication: When the stork arrived at the wolf’s house, the wolf put two bowls of soup on
the table. The wolf ate his bowl of soup so quickly. When he finished, he asked the stork, “Did
you like my soup?”
Resolution: but the stork was angry because he couldn’t eat the soup. His beak was to long.
When the stork went home, he was still hungry
Re-orientation/Coda: The wolf laughed and laughed.

D. The Lion and the Mouse

Orientation: A lion was sleeping one day when a little mouse came along and ran up and down
over his face.
This awakened the lion and made him very angry. He put his paw over the mouse and said,
“What do you mean by waking me? You shall pay for this,” and he opened his big mouth to
swallow the mouse.
Complication: “Oh, do not kill me, Mr. Lion!” squealed the mouse. “I did not mean to waken
you. Do let me go and I will never trouble you again.”
“No, I will not let you go,” roared the lion.
“Please do,” cried the frightened mouse. “If you let me go perhaps I can do something for you
This made the lion laugh. “You do something for me,” he said. “What a joke! Well, you are such
a little fellow that I will let you go this time, but never let me see you about here again,” and he
lifted his paw.
As the little mouse scampered off, he said, “Thank you, kind lion, I shall not forget your
Some time after this, the lion was caught in a trap. The hunters tied him to a tree then they
went to get a wagon to carry him away.
Resolution: The lion roared so loud that the ground shook. The little mouse heard him.
“That lion is in trouble,” he said. “I will see what I can do to help him,” and he ran to the lion.
When the mouse saw that the lion was tied with ropes,
Re-orientation/Coda: he said, “Cheer up, Mr. Lion. Be quiet and I will set you free,” and he
began gnawing the ropes. He worked long and hard and at last, the lion was free

E. The Prince and His Best Friend

Orientation: Once upon a time, there lived a kind young prince named Jonathan. He was
loved, and adored by his people. His two close friends were Peter Piper, the servant of the
palace and Franklin Greedy, the son of an Aristocrat.
Complication: One day, The Prince, Peter Piper, and Franklin Greedy were walking through the
forest. Suddenly a group of bandits attacked the three boys near an old house. They entered
the old house and blockaded the gate doors. The three boys were trapped inside the house.
Franklin was very terrified and asked the Prince to surrender immediately, but Peter was not
afraid. He urged and supported the Prince not to give up. The Prince decided not to surrender
because he realized that he would become a hostage for the bandits to ask for ransom to his
father, but Franklin was scared and wanted to make a deal. It made Peter suspicious about
Franklin’s behaviour.
So, he quietly made up a plan for him and the Prince to escape.
Resolution: Early at dawn, Franklin opened the front gate and unlocked the doors. The bandits
entered the house in search of the Prince. When they came to the room where the Prince was
supposed to be sleeping, no one was there. Suddenly they heard a horse running outside the
house and saw over the window that Peter Piper and the Prince were riding on one of the
bandit’s horses.
Re-orientation/Coda: It turns out. Peter Piper sneaked out of the house and waited in the
yard, while the Prince was hiding behind he house. The bandits were very angry at Franklin and
took him with them while the Prince and Peter went safely going back to the Capital.

F. Little Brother, Little Sister

Orientation: Maltreated by their stepmother, who was a witch, a little brother and sister fled
into the woods. After running for a while, the brother said, “I’m so thirsty. Let’s find a spring
and have a drink.”
Complication: However, as the young boy bent down to drink, his sister heard a voice which
said, “Who drinks from me will turn into a fawn.” It was the witch! Too late, the sister tried to
prevent her brother from drinking. The young boy hanged at once into a fawn. In tears, the
little girl made a lead and collar out of her belt, and led the fawn off into the woods. There they
found an abandoned cottage and lived together, far from any danger.
One day, however, the king was hunting in he woods, and he spied the fawn, which could
not resist the urge to wander away from the cottage. The king and his hunters chased the fawn
all the way back home. There, the king followed it into he cottage, where he found a young girl
stroking the frightened animal.
Resolution: She was so beautiful and gentle that the king fell in love with her at once. He
asked her to be his wife, and his words caused the maiden to cry for joy. When one of her tears
fell on the fawn, it changed back to her brother once more.
Re-orientation/Coda: Their goodness and love had overcome the witch’s evil spell, and they
lived safely and happily with the king for ever after.

Tentukan grammar yang digunakan dari setiap text

Text 1: Past Tense, Direct Speech, Complex Sentences
Text 2: Past Tense,Direct Speech, Complex Sentences
Text 3: Past Tense,Direct Speech, Complex Sentences
Text 4: Past Tense,Direct Speech, Complex Sentences
Text 5: Past Tense,Direct Speech, Complex Sentences
Text 6: Past Tense,Direct Speech, Complex Sentences

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