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The Twelve Success Principles

The Twelve Principles for Successful Achievement was based on the research conducted by Dr.
Sidney N. Bremer on the “success secrets” of 588 of the world’s successful men and women, as
written in his books “Successful Achievement”. These success principles, if studied, reflected
upon, and applied, would certainly help you achieve your goals in life and be acknowledged
subsequently as a successful person.

1st Success Principle - Know Thyself

God is the Creator of the Universe and of man.

He created you in His image and likeness.

God has a purpose for your life on earth.

He gave you certain talents and powers to achieve that purpose through the realization of your

For God loves you and like a good Father of a family, He will give all the help you need, for He
wishes your success!

But it’s up to you... it’s your choice!

Elevate your consciousness toward God, to understand that His support in the furtherance of His
Creation, through your achievements, is limitless.

​Restbe assured that, with more achievements, more support will be forthcoming from Him; and
you will have abundance.

​Surelythen, you can accomplish a lot of things, for you are meant to become successful upon
God’s grace and according to His plan and for His greater glory.
2nd Success Principle - Goal Setting
Pray to God-the Father of all Creation, for enlightenment to know the purpose of your life on
earth, and which goals you should aim for.

Ask for His guidance when writing down your goals toward that purpose. Only then will you
know the right things to do.

Endeavor to write down your short-term, medium term and long-term goals.

Or just write down your primary and secondary goals, or your major and minor goals.

After setting said goals, make good and well-studied plans which you will follow in order to
realize those goals.

Afterwards, put those plans into ACTION!

Act with persistence to implement said plans to ultimately achieve your goals.
3rd Success Principle - Organized Effort
When you have started implementing those plans to realize your goals, you should organize your

You should work hard, very hard.

See to it that your efforts will be concentrated towards those goals.

Ideally, focus your energy on one goal at a time.

And in exerting those efforts, you should go the extra-mile, or render extra effort over and above
what is ordinary, usual or required.

Further, you should love your work, because if you do, you’ll enjoy it and it’s quality improves.

Furthermore, its quantity and results increase with less exertion.

Apply this principle of organized effort and you will achieve your said goals easier and faster.
4th Success Principle - Perseverance
To achieve your goals, consider that along the way, you will experience a lot of
discouragements, frustrations and hardships.

But you should endure the pain.

Do not give up. No surrender!

If you fall down, rise up. If you fall down again, rise up again and again. In other words, try and
try until you succeed. This is perseverance.
Going up the ladder of success is a step by step process. Do not hurry.

If you happen to suffer from some failures, study the causes, then make adjustments, innovations
and solutions.

Further, consider said failures as stepping stones to achieve your goals.

Bear this in mind, do not be afraid of the possibility that you might fail. Have faith in yourself.
Have courage.

Have a strong commitment and determination to succeed in your said goals.

5th Success Principle - Mental Training

In achieving your goals, know the importance of mental power.

That your thoughts could spell success or failure.

What you think and feel, you bring into form.

Antidote negative thoughts with positive thoughts. Fight hate thoughts with thoughts of love and
understanding. Be forgiving.

Visualize the ideal man you are determined to be. Never accept mediocrity for you are meant to
be superior.

All happenings are the products of your thoughts.

Understand the law of cause and effect; and that what you sow, you reap in return.

In making conclusions, examine first all the facts to achieve accurate thinking.

Control your passions and desires.

Resolve to have a positive mental attitude.

Develop good habits to neutralize the bad ones.

Be submissive to intuition, the voice of your soul.

6th Success Principle - Creative Imagination
Use creative imagination to achieve your goals by applying former experiences in the creation of
new ideas and images different from those previously experienced.

This way, you discover, invent and create new things for your benefit and that of others.

Then pursue those creative ideas and images with relentless action.

For the present is but the sum total of the dreams, the imaginations of the past made real.

There is a room for improvement in every profession, occupation or business.

The world needs men who can do things in new and better ways through creative imagination.
Such imagination is actually a wonderful gift from God! Rather than let it idle, use it to achieve
your goals.
7th Success Principle - Balanced Budget

To successfully achieve your goals, you should properly budget money and time.


Learn to economize. Control your expenses. Live within your means.

Incur debts only when necessary.

Save a portion of your income, and place part of your savings in profitable investments.


Properly use and manage your time.

There should be time for your:

a.) body nourishment and rest;

b.) work and study;

c.) hobbies and recreations;

d.) family and spiritual activities.

Finally, budget your money and time in such a way that the excess would be used by you to help
uplift the life situation of your fellowmen and for the common good.
8th Success Principle - Physical Wholeness
To become truly successful, you have a responsibility to maintain a healthy mind and body.

To have a healthy mind, apply those principles on mental training. Avoid especially anger and

To have a healthy body, take nutritious food, vegetables and fruits, vitamins and minerals.

Sleep regularly. Relax to ease your bodily or mental tensions and/or stress.

Avoid self-destruction through drug-abuse and drunkenness. Go with wholesome companions.

Observe hygienic practices. Drink sufficient water daily.

You should have a regular exercise like brisk-walking or swimming. Do deep breathing.

Upon these considerations, could you truly attain a healthy mind and body or physical
9th Success Principle - Pleasing Personality
In the achievement of your goals in life, it is unavoidable that you would be dealing with all
kinds of people. People with different characters, values, manners, lifestyles and physical

It is therefore imperative that you should develop the traits and assets for a pleasing personality
which include the following:









Emotional Control


Fondness for People


Good Grooming














and others).
10th Success Principle - Friendly Cooperation
To achieve your goals faster and easier, you need the friendly cooperation of others. Value their

Having friends supportive of your efforts and goals, will be of great help. Friends are good
sources of encouragement.

Seek the cooperation of others to help you succeed, but before you do so, endeavor to develop
first, cooperation and harmony at home.

Employers and employees should cooperate with and feel the importance of each other, to
achieve their goals.
Secure the services of dedicated and competent persons to help you with their special skills or
expertise; and then work together as a team and in the spirit of perfect harmony towards the
attainment of your said goals.
11th Success Principle - Applied Knowledge

Knowledge is power only if it is digested, organized and applied.

Put that knowledge into action!

You should know how to apply your acquired knowledge; then apply it toward the attainment of
your goals in life!

But don’t be content with that knowledge. Continue to listen, read and study to better your
chances for achievement.
Whether the knowledge you acquired is through a school for learning or through self-education,
does not matter much, for man’s intellectual faculties are essentially the same.

At this juncture, your knowledge of the twelve principles for successful achievement, if
thoroughly reflected upon, cultivated and put into action, would be a powerful means to achieve
your goals, and therefore, your success!
12th Success Principle - Happiness and Peace of Mind

To be acknowledged as successful in the achievement of your life goals, and that you are truly a
successful person, you should exude happiness and peace of mind.

Hence, you have to conquer fear and worry, for they stand as mental obstacles towards the
efficient realization of your goals. Instil in your inner-self : courage, hope and confidence.
Affirm to yourself: NO FEAR! NO WORRY!

Learn from your failures and disappointments, but more importantly, stop fearing and worrying
about them, for they are now past, and your life has to move on!
After all is said and done, you will realize that a person cannot find true happiness and peace of
mind through all the material things in this world, but rather, through LOVE, FAITH AND
oneness with God.

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