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Dettol: TikTok #HandWashChallenge

Source: MMA Smarties, Gold, APAC, 2020

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Dettol, a cleaning supplies brand, launched a handwashing challenge on TikTok in Southeast Asia to
promote good handwashing techniques among consumers.

As the COVID-19 pandemic swept the world, Dettol wanted to play its part by promoting correct
handwashing habits to help curb the spread of the virus.
TikTok provides a unique platform and environment where users welcome engagement with
brands and actively take part in trends and challenges.
Dettol launched the #HandWashChallenge on TikTok and complemented it with TopView and in-
feed ads to reach a mass audience.
The campaign reached 42 million people, garnered 303m impressions and 135m video views, and
44,000 videos were created as part of the challenge.

Campaign details
Brand: Dettol
Agency: Publicis Media Indonesia
Region: APAC


Dettol first started 80 years ago, where it was first used for the cleaning and disinfection of skin during surgical
procedures. In line with how they have started, every year, Dettol pledged to do more for the health of families
across the world.

As the unfortunate COVID-19 situation hit the world, Dettol wanted to do its part by promoting the correct
handwashing habits to help curb the spread of the virus. The campaign was rolled out in Southeast Asia in
Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. With this simple objective in mind, Dettol looked to TikTok to
enable this purpose-driven marketing initiative.

Target Audience

This is a campaign that truly targets a massive audience as everyone has a part to play in curbing the virus. It
taps into the unique characteristic of the channel being a platform driven by young people who enjoy taking part
in trendy challenges. Moreover, the platform also represents the new age consumer who is familiar with the
culture of participation on digital platforms.

Creative Strategy

TikTok provides a platform and environment that is unique. Where users are familiar with, welcome and actively
take part in trends and challenges. A challenge to educate the masses about the right handwashing method was
a smart move as users would repeat the steps. The integration of music made a mundane chore all the more fun
and it is hoped that users would derive joy from washing their hands. As users were having fun doing this,
watching thousands of others are doing this challenge also brought much joy to people who were stuck at home.

As Dettol saw the importance of having the messaging spread as fast as possible, it complemented the creative
idea with both TopView and In-Feed Ads to reach out to the masses on TikTok and to encourage them to
spread this positive message through taking part in this challenge.


This is Dettol's first global campaign on this scale with TikTok.

Overall Campaign Execution

The challenge is done on a platform where the audience is familiar with brands and welcome brands to engage
with them. The challenge is all the more meaningful as it simply promotes a hygienic habit that benefits
humanity. Users had fun both taking part in the challenge and also watching others replicate the challenge.
Creativity ran wild while individuals found more and more creative ways to take part in the handwashing

Mobile Execution

Not relevant as the campaign ran on TikTok

Business Impact (Results)

The campaign ran against the backdrop of the pandemic. The initiative started a movement where people saw
the importance of informing others of the right way to wash their hands. The very fact that the initiative is
participatory and urged users to repeat the correct handwashing movement ingrained the right habit in the

Moreover, for those stuck at home, it was entertaining to see different demonstrations of how to wash your
hands correctly in a fun and engaging manner which further contributed to the top-of-mind recall of the


The campaign achieved all its KPIs it set itself out to achieve with:

>303m impressions
>42m reach
>153m video views
>44k videos created for the challenge!

Beyond simple views, reach and impressions, what the campaign achieved is overwhelming participation and
views of the handwash challenge. A total of more than 44k videos were created from the grassroot with more
than 153m views for these videos. It created the awareness that Dettol needs to encourage the correct
handwashing habit.

Market Impact

Market impact went beyond this outstanding participation and awareness of this purposeful movement. Dettol,
as a brand with long history managed to connect with a younger audience and showcase that even a serious
brand can be fun. This positive influence on the brand is immeasurable and will definitely help to contribute to
Dettol's longer term brand image.

A welcomed side effect of this is how Dettol, as a brand with long history managed to connect with a younger
audience and showcase that even a serious brand can be fun. This positive influence on the brand is

Diversity of audience reached in ID

Diversity of participation from different cities

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