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Job Aid: Dealing with a Difficult Boss Dealing with a difficult boss ean be a challenge, but there are some techniques and methods you can use to manage the situation so that your work environment can still be enjoyable, rewarding, and productive. Difficult boss type Micromanager Absentee boss Incompetent boss Workaholie boss Strategies for dealing with the boss Prove that you can handle responsibility, work independently, and deliver quality work on time Provide regular progress updates. Af interrupted constantly, try to find an alternate work location, Build relationships at work, ‘Communicate with other work leaders and seek their input. Schedule regular times to meet with ‘your boss, ‘Move forward with your ideas and keep your boss on your side with regular progress updates. Help your boss understand why a decision makes sense. Avoid responding to non-urgent requests after working hours. Use out-of-office replies to establish boundaries, Difficult boss type ‘Over-communicator boss Under-communicator boss Negative communicator boss Controlling communicator boss Passive-aggressive boss Strategies for dealing with the boss Refocus on the main topic by asking specific questions, Avoid reacting and use body language to indicate a conversation is heading in an inappropriate direction. Excuse yourself from the conversation if necessary, Ask for specific, detailed information. Reach out to colleagues or team ‘members to confirm your understanding, With empathy, figure out the source of your boss's frustration and try to address it by identifying common ‘ground and redirecting conversations 10 positive dialog. Keep conversations short, Express yourself clearly, stay on topic, and offer concise explanations, Listen to concerns and offer positive solutions. Anticipate your boss's needs and be prepared, Be non-judgmental and respectf Focus on the facts and reframe or restate your ideas to get your points Difficult boss type Strategies for dealing with the boss Manipulative boss + Maintain your self-confidence and focus on excellence, + Politely refuse tasks outside of work responsibilities. + Schedule regular meetings and document your interactions. Narcissistic boss + Maintain your self-control and don't take things personally. + Adapt your work style to their preferences. + Provide regular progress updates, Aggressive boss + Set boundaries. + Push back in a non-aggressive + Document your interactions. + Seek out allies in your work team, Staying mindful under a difficult boss One approach to dealing with difficult boss sto take charge ofthe situation and develop strategies for managing it Strategy for staying mindful under a Description difficult boss Strategy for staying mindful under a Deseription difficult boss Deal with your boss's behavior + Identify specific weaknesses in your boss's leadership skills. + Look at their strengths and understand their expectations, + Try to understand and appreciate the source of your boss's frustrations. Manage your own behavior + Be empathetic instead of complaining cor being critical of your boss. + Be mindful of your boss's preferences and be respectful + Show you are a capable employee, and be punctual, enthusiastic, and dedicated, + Work around your boss's weaknesses Dealing with an abusive boss Working under a difficult boss is challenging. But if difficult should tum into abusive, there are some steps you should, take to protect yourself. Strategy for dealing with an abusive boss Description Direct communication + Stand up directly to abusive behavior by being assertive, but respectful + Enlist the support of other colleagues to address the issue with your boss. Strategy for dealing with an abusive boss Description Inform a higher up + If the issue is a serious one, report it to a higher up. + Offer workable solutions if possible, Speak to Human Resources + Ifyou are confident that HR ean address the issue effectively, report it + Document all incidents of abuse and include details such as dates and times. Leave your job + If the abusive conduct continues, consider looking for another job. + ‘Try to limit direct communication with the abusive boss until you are ready to move on.

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