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Mammals - 1

So hello and welcome back. So far we have been discussing the Animal Kingdom
and we spoke about several classes of Animals including Molluscs, Insects,
Spiders, Reptiles, Birds and today we will talk about the Mammals.

We will begin with a case.

Case Example – 1
This case is already discussed in Talk 16 in condensed form and today we will talk
about it in more detail. So we can understand Mammals a little better.

Case Example-2
(Lac defloratum)

A twenty-nine year old woman consulted me in June 2002 for migraines. She had
been bringing her son to me for sometime before.

L: Now as soon as she sat down in the consulting room, she said:

P: You know Doctor, I went with my son to his school and you know how they
crowd these kids together? They really put 50 children into a classroom and there
is so much chaos; and they added another fifty more so that there were a total of
hundred children together in the same classroom at the same time.

L: Now this was even before we had begun to speak about her case and I noted
this that many beings hurdled together, crowded together in a narrow place and I
think if these kinds of observations of what people say spontaneously that really
makes a difference in Case Taking. I said to her:

Talk 43 Animal Kingdom – 7 : Mammals - 1 1

D: Tell me about your problems.
P: I get a throbbing on the left side of the head. And also I get pain in the lower
abdomen during periods. If I over-eat then there is bulging towards evening. The
headaches are really bad.

D: Talk about the headache.

P: It starts about noon and with the headache, I get so angry I can even beat my

D: Describe the headache in maximum possible detail.

P: (she shows the frontal area) It’s here and then goes back to my neck. It’s a
throbbing pain. It’s a shooting pain. It becomes an unbearable pain and then it’s
like a circle. It goes here and then it goes here, it goes there and then it goes
there. And this is the way the pain goes. This is a vicious circle. It starts from one
point and goes somewhere then comes back to the same place.

L: This was a very peculiar description of her headache that I have heard in my
practice for the first time. So I asked her:

D: Describe to me this vicious circle.

P: it is …. I am not able to express myself so freely she said. It’s a vicious circle. It
is like a never ending pain. It doesn’t seem to stop. There is no resting period for
me. It just goes on for the whole day. My son troubles me a lot; and he has this
dirty habit of keeping the food in his mouth; his meals he takes one hour. I get
very impatient. Every time I think of a solution a new problem comes up. And the
whole cycle it goes on again. A new set of problems comes up. Life comes back to
square one.

L: Now what is interesting is that one of the things that really irritates her most
about her son is that he keeps food in his mouth and it remains there for a very
long time. That’s very interesting. Later on when we understand her remedy to be
Lac defloratum which is the cow, the milk of the cow, the significance of the
sensitivity of keeping food in the mouth for a long time. This is so interesting. So
she says:

Talk 43 Animal Kingdom – 7 : Mammals - 1 2

P: Like if I have a problem with my husband and then I think of a solution, it goes
okay. But it comes back again. The whole circle keeps coming back again and

L: So the second thing about her sensitivity to having things crowded in one place,
the sensitivity to keeping food in the mouth and the idea that there is things going
in circles, there is no end, there is no stop to this. And she says:

P: It feels as if I have travelled and come back to the same point. The whole effort
is wasted. So much effort, so much fatigue, and they just won’t let me go.
My body and my brain don’t function together. I feel dull, lazy, depressed as if I
have got nowhere, as if I achieved nothing.

And then I say to her:

D: What stops you then from moving ahead?

L: Because she says I don’t move ahead. And she says:

P: It’s a lot of factors because my family and my child demands lot of time from
me. I have never sat idle in one place, not doing something, and this is what I feel
troubles me. I can’t even sit down and read a book without somebody calling me
and asking me to do something.

I feel they are not allowing me to do what I want. You are troubling me. I don’t
get my space. I need that space. I need some time by myself. I am always going
somewhere. I have no leisure. It’s just this circle over and over again. (Hand
gesture showing a circle). The process is always on, the daily jobs, constantly
moving [Shows same hand gesture] and you are in the circle.

L: Now what is interesting is when you point to the circle and in the circle same
process is repeating, she says:

P: It’s somebody who is doing this to me, somebody who doesn’t let me go
forward, somebody who doesn’t give my space. So again you bring it back to the
theme of me versus somebody else. And I say:

Talk 43 Animal Kingdom – 7 : Mammals - 1 3

D: Tell about this circle.
P: It’s like the wheels of car. The tyres of a car. When I see a tyre she says then I
feel tired. I feel the tyre gets tired, it gets dirty and it gets tired. It’s constantly
moving. I feel it needs rest.

L: So she puts herself in place of tyre who has to keep going round and round,
dirty and tired and no rest at all because then she says:

P: Life is boring. It is dull; and I feel I should be doing something on my own and
not keep on doing what others want me to do.

Then I say:

D: What is it that stops you from doing on your own?

P: Because I am so very dependent on others. I need help with my son. I hate
being dependent, I hate being dependent on my maid, on my mother-in-law, on
my husband, on anything emotionally and monetarily. I hate dependency but
then I am.

D: What is the feeling there when you say you are dependent? What is your
L: So what she brings us to is that this doing things for others, being for others and
not for herself comes out of a feeling that I am dependent on others and
therefore if I had to be with them, then I have to give up my own identity, my
own space, my own needs in order that I fulfil needs of the other people and this
is where slowly you are coming from Animal Kingdom to the class of Mammals
because one of the themes of Mammals, we will see is group living and in the
group living one has to sacrifice one’s personal space to a large extent.

So when I ask her:

L: Feeling About her dependence

Talk 43 Animal Kingdom – 7 : Mammals - 1 4

D: Can you tell me something more?
P: I feel claustrophobic, can you please open the window. I feel completely

D: What is claustrophobic?
P: I feel cannot sleep near a wall, it’s too close to me. I can’t be in a car with too
many people.

And then the feeling is when will I become independent?

D: What are the dreams you get?

L: So this theme of Claustrophobia, this theme of narrow places is very strong
feeling also in many of the Mammals but particularly. So later on we will see in
Lac defloratum.

D: What are the dreams you get?

P: Dreams of snakes and lizards, dreams about being choked. I felt the lizard is
running behind me, I’m running with all my energy and then somebody is pulling
me back.

L: I find that in many Mammal patients there is dreams of snakes and here you
see dreams of being pursued and then she says:

P: There was this dream where in a situation with lots of firing going on. A man is
trying to kill me and then we are running together, my husband and me. This
person is running behind me trying to kill me with a gun or a knife.

L: the theme to be chased or pursued. Then

P: I am running, hiding, and we are all running away. There are a lot of people, all
are running because of the fear of this one guy.

L: So this is very allocative of a typical herd running, being pursued by one

predator animal and I say:

Talk 43 Animal Kingdom – 7 : Mammals - 1 5

D: How do you react to animals?
P: I am not too fond of animals. I find they are all very dirty, very unhygienic. I
feel yuck! dirty, garbage. Yuck! Dirty feeling.

L: I find in Mammals that this dirty is coming very strong compared to in other

Feeling to be very dirty

Needing to be very clean

D: How do you react to plants, flowers and greenery?

P: I like grass especially if it is green. It should be very well trimmed.

L: And then suddenly co incidentally she just changes the topic and says I like to
munch. I like to pop things in. I like the idea of munching, munch, munch, munch,
munch, munch and then she talks about a fear of one horrible woman, she says:

P: What if this horrible woman comes and possesses me and makes me kill
somebody? And then I would be in a jail, I would be very lonely, very left out, out
of place from everybody else.

L: So the idea is that if you let your impulse take over, if you become violent, you
become ostracized, you become outcasted, you become isolated from the group
and this is an extremely scary feeling and therefore you have to keep your
impulses in check.

So there were the whole idea of this case and she had a marked aversion to milk
which is a very strong symptom of Lac defloratum. In fact that’s the main remedy
in our Repertory Aversion to milk. The main remedy is Lac defloratum and she had
heaviness and pain in the breast before menses which is also a very strong theme
of Mammals which you will see later.

So she got Lac defloratum 1M which was repeated totally 3 times and she did very
well. Her migraines went away, her entire state of depression and irritability went

Talk 43 Animal Kingdom – 7 : Mammals - 1 6

away and she found a completely new way of looking and living life and she could
now tell her people that this is what she wants to be, this is what she wants to do
and that’s what she’s going to do and she found an independence in her life.

So now let’s talk a little bit about the distinguishing features of Mammals:
So Mammals are:

 Vertebrates
 The Females possess glands that produce milk for the nourishment of the
young. The word "mammal" comes from the Latin word "mamma" which
means "breast".
 The Mammals are the most evolved and intelligent creatures of the animal

We will look at only a few characteristics of the physical features of Mammals,

because this information is extensive and a lot of information is available on Vital
Quest database and on the internet.

So one of the main things of the Mammals is:

 The Presence of the hair or fur

 Which provides insulation
 It protects the skin
 It serves as camouflage
And also
 Provides sensory feedback.

The other thing about the Mammal is:

Endothermic or warm blooded and being warm blooded requires plenty of food
energy and therefore mammals eat more than most reptiles.

Talk 43 Animal Kingdom – 7 : Mammals - 1 7

Most of the Mammals give birth to young ones and nourish them with their milk
except a few that lay eggs.

Mammary glands are modified, enlarged sweat glands, they produce milk. The
presence of mammary glands and lactation is the defining feature of mammals.

Small mammals have tendency to have a high-energy requirements and a

high metabolic rate.
Larger animals on the other hand generate more heat and less of this heat is lost
and therefore they can tolerate a slower digestive process.

With regards to the:

Social structure:
 Most of the mammals live in a group/pack/herd/pride etc.
 Mammals can form complex societies.
 In this group, they can form Hierarchy and pecking order especially most of
these groups will have somebody on the top and somebody lower down.
 And most of mammals of course are also territorial.

One of the features of Mammalian behaviour is Play.

 Mammals play. Play is a practice for competition and for training one's skill of
survival. It’s an enjoyable way of establishing hierarchy without killing.

What is interesting of course is all of us like Play and sport is one of the biggest
attractions in human society as well the whole sports section on television and
newspapers shows us the importance of sports and play in Mammalian life.

But you can see the same kind of play whether it be dogs and cats. They play with
each other or whether it be Dolphins or whales, they play with each other and
you can see that happening.

We will talk a little bit more about playing later on in this talk.

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The other thing what the Mammals do is to:
 To replicate what their elders do and they usually learn by imitation.

So imitation is one of the themes. They look what the other one is doing and they
do it.

Possible human expressions of Mammals

Where can we see Mammals expresssed in human beings.

One of the main features is of course

 Is the Need to belong to a group or a herd, and paying the price for that
 So there is Compulsive need to belong to a group, a dependency on a group,
an ability to fend for one self and to be alone and therefore always needing a
pack or a group.
 This group provides a sense of belonging, stability, safety and security.
 Then you have to Comply by the norms of that group.
 And therefore you Lose individuality so you have to pay the price for stability
of that group is actually your individuality.

Now just a thought that comes to one’s mind is:

In patients you can see this as an intense need for dependency on friends, family,
community and always the fear that the group, the community or the friend will
exclude you, that you will be out or outcasted. This need for a group feeling I
believe is one of the strongest reasons for us to have religion. Religion has many
aspects. Religion has a spiritual aspect. Religion has an aspect of altruistic
philosophy like doing good and not doing bad and speaking the truth etc. but the
way religion is viewed by most people today is it gives you a group identity that
you know I am a Christian or I am a Muslim or I am a Hindu or I am a Buddhist
defines your group that you belong to this community or this group and that gives
you stability or security much more even than philosophy or spirituality.

Talk 43 Animal Kingdom – 7 : Mammals - 1 9

So basically I see religion as a kind of tribal unit and then you of course have tribal
wars one religion versus another and tribal territoriality. This belongs to me. This
is my area, you get out of here that all comes as a part of that thing. So religion is
probably only symbolic in a way of our necessity need to belong to a group which
is a part of our Mammalian identity.

So what happens also then when you belong to a group and sacrifice your
individuality in a big way is the:

Issues of self v/s the group- because there is a conflict.

‘Do I have to do what I want to do or do I have to do in order to belong in order to

comply with the group’. This is always a question. There is always a conflict in the
mind of the mammal. As we saw in the case earlier ‘Do I take my space or do I just
do what the others want one to do?’ This was the question of the woman with
Migraine. And also as we see:

Issue of hierarchy:

Who is the boss here? Who is the boss of this group? Who is the top dog for
example? And then

There is a fight for that position of dominance or superiority within the group.
And therefore matters concerning dominance and submission within a group

This is seen in the patients as an issue of 'Superiority and Inferiority', as a Fight for
the dominant position and the feeling that I have to be kind of submissive or
subservient. Either or I have to be superior or dominating.

Another theme that can be seen in human beings is:

The Strong maternal instinct

Also themes, issues related to 'separation between mother and child'. The need
for motherly care, warmth, nurturing, and also the need for mothering or caring
for the other like a mother.

Talk 43 Animal Kingdom – 7 : Mammals - 1 10

One thing I have seen in women who need remedies from Mammals is that they
have problems with menses, pre – menstrual problems or problems with lactation
or problems with breasts especially before and during menses.

Another theme that is related to the Mammal expression in human beings is:

A Conflict within oneself, regarding control of sexuality or sexual guilt.

So often a lot of self-contempt, looking down on oneself comes in Mammals and

this is also expressed as a feeling of dirtiness. I am dirty, I shouldn’t be dirty, I
consider things dirty. Animals are dirty, yucky..

So this idea of dirt, later on we will also see the idea of shit is an expression of one
part of the human being kind of looking down on another part of the human of
the same person. That’s the idea, ‘I feel like shit’. One of the commonest fear in
these Mammal patients is the:

'Fear of snakes'

Also you can have fear of other Animals and also interestingly with the Animals,
Mammals. One can see an intense fondness or an aversion or fear of Animals.
Often it’s an intense admiration or an awe or many many times they can point to
different Animals and sometimes even to the source what they need. But this is
not always.

The other thing we spoke about was:

That most of the Mammal patients who need mammal remedies have this theme
of Playfulness within them and the type of Playfulness will differ according to
which order of Mammals they belong to. We will see that a little bit later.

Mammals can be broadly classified, not strictly just generally into Predator and

Talk 43 Animal Kingdom – 7 : Mammals - 1 11

In the Predator Mammals for example the tiger or the lion or the carnivorous

You will see a theme of:

 Vigilance, stealth, alertness: Patients may express this energy as being
watchful for the right opportunity and then causing harm (suddenly) to the
 Then you have the Open chase
 The Speed
 The Matching of strength, power and challenge.
 The issue is 'My strength versus yours strength'. It’s a open, often a face to
face confrontation, unlike spider or a snake where they have to trick or attack
from a position of hiding.
 Then you have the Pouncing/leaping and the springing suddenly etc. and these
are the commonest words used by patients that reflect the energy of the
predator animals.

I wanted to pounce upon him, I wanted to leap upon him. This kind of energy and
often you have the:

 Desire for meat

Now what is interesting is to distinguish the sudden attack of reptile from the
camouflaged attack or the sudden attack of the predator mammal. And the
difference is as follows:

That the reptile often doesn’t want to be seen, wants to attack from a position of
hiding suddenly. The victim shouldn’t even know till he is actually struck that
there was indeed lurking danger. This is like a terrorist attack. You know
everything is peaceful and suddenly unexpectedly there’s a bomb explosion or
something like this.

But the energy of a Mammal is different. He is hiding but his fun is not in attacking
an animal unnoticed. He has to make a chase, run after that creature and then
there is a trial of strength, who can run faster, who can … he gives him a little
chance to run and then he chases him and then pounces. That’s the beauty.

Talk 43 Animal Kingdom – 7 : Mammals - 1 12

I remember seeing a video on the Youtube. I believe it was of a leopard or a
cheetah. I don’t remember one of the wild cats and there was he or she was lying
down and there was a baby of a may be an antelope or a deer or something like
that. That was just playing you know around this wild cat. That little baby
completely unaware of the danger of this particular animal was going close to it
even licking it, being very very pallive with it. And this one wasn’t doing a thing
because it wouldn’t attack that little thing unless that one ran. It had to run, the
whole pleasure was there, the whole fun was in the chase and then when that I
believe when that little thing started running and then this went and he got it.

Whereas the energy in the Prey Mammals, in the Herbivorous most of them is:

 Fright
 To Freeze, hide
 To Escape.
 To be vulnerable
 To be mild and meek
 And perceive themselves to be too weak to defend themselves, to escape.

Now as far as the miasm is concerned, many of these mammals hover around the
Sycotic miasm. Some can be Ringworm, some can be Malarial and some can be
Syphilitic or near Syphilitic especially the wild cats like Lac Leoninum. The rat I
found is Leprous in miasm.

So if we were to look at the:

Key Words or the source words for Mammals

It would be Groups of words which represents belonging to the community.
- A Herd
- A Community
- A Society
- A group
- To be Safe in a group
- To be Included or to be Excluded
- To be expelled or to be Kicked out

Talk 43 Animal Kingdom – 7 : Mammals - 1 13

And here you have to differentiate it of course from the Liliiflorae family which
also has the theme of included and excluded and you will have to differentiate
also from minerals which of row 3 or row 4 which also wants in a way to belong to
a family or they find security, independency on other people.

The second group of words will include things also Hierarchy.

- The “Pecking order”

- Higher rank/class
- Lower rank
- Superior or inferior

Then there will be a set of words that will include:

Maternal Instinct
- Motherly love/ the warmth
- Nurturing, the caring

And here of course comes very strongly the 3rd row of the periodic table.

Then you have in the predator animals words that represent the attack:

Predator Mammals
- Ferocious
- Leaping
- Pouncing
- Grabbing
- Ripping
- Tearing
- Clawing
- Chasing
- Speed
- Ambush
- Stealth
- Killer

Talk 43 Animal Kingdom – 7 : Mammals - 1 14

And in the
Prey Mammals
- Abused
- Submissive
- Fright
- Freeze
- Flight
- Hide

And some other words which include-

- Secluded
- Rejected
- Security
- Dictatorial
- Dominating
- Oppressed
- Surrender
- Submit
- Subservient
- Overpowering
- Concealing
- Lying in wait
- Sneaking
- Alert
- Escape
- And to runaway

So once we understood that a Mammal should have all these constellation of

words and characteristics and that will define that this patient needs a mammal
remedy. So the question comes which one? And here we need to look at the
classification of Mammals and in the classification we have:

5,800 species of mammals including humans, distributed in about 1,200 genera,

152 families and forty-six orders.

Talk 43 Animal Kingdom – 7 : Mammals - 1 15

And we will look at some of these:
 One group includes the marsupials – which are the Kangaroos and the Koala
bears which have got typically a pouch in which the female rears the young

But then more interesting is the order:


These are the hoofed animals with an even number of toes.

And the weight of the body is equally borne by the third and the fourth toes.
This includes animals like the goat, cows, the sheep, the deer, the antelope, the
hippotamus, the pigs and the camels.

What are the features of this group of Artiodactyla?

 They all have a herd instinct. They cannot be alone and they need the group
 They warn each other of danger.
 They have a herbivorous diet.
 They have a highly developed stomach to digest even coarse and low nutrition
 Many of them they ruminate- which mean they chew on the food they bring it
back into the mouth and then they chew it thoroughly. This is known as
"chewing the cud" and this helps these animals to process large amount of diet
that is low in nutrition.

The woman was sensitive to her son keeping food in the mouth for a long time
and what she liked to do was munch, munch and munch and especially at the site
of grass. So coincidentally she spoke about this munching habit

So what will we see in these patients?

An Intense threat perceived to life. we see -

- Fearfulness, fright and panic.
- A strong Fear of intimidating figures like boss, teacher and husband
- Fear of dark, robbers, of attacked, and being killed

Talk 43 Animal Kingdom – 7 : Mammals - 1 16

And this is what we saw in the dreams of this woman. This panic, this killing, this
running, this attack, to be taken by surprise.

 Flight and flee

 To runaway, to hide, to escape

And all these usually animals are mild, the humans also who need these remedies

 Mild, Submissive, vulnerable, helpless, Docile and Timid.

That’s exactly how the woman was. She was so mild, so submissive, so docile, so
dependent, not a word from her mouth. Just doing what she was told to do.

And the key words that can be used by these people like:

- Lock horns
- Horn in
- Butting
- Ramming
- Colliding
- Pushing
- Jostling
- Knocking
- Crash into

And these are some of the things that these Animals can also do.

In the Homoeopathic remedies we have the:

Family Suidae:
Which is the pig and several remedies prepared out of pig.

Adeps suillus (pig fat)

Cartilago suis (pig cartilage)
Lac suilinum (House pig's milk)
Funiculus umbilicalis suis (umbilical cord of pigs)

Talk 43 Animal Kingdom – 7 : Mammals - 1 17

Hepar suis (pig´s liver)
Pulmo suis (pig’s lung)
Medulla ossis suis (pig´s bone marrow)
Embryo suis (Pig embryo)
Placenta suis (pig’s placenta)
Funiculus umbilicalis suis (Pig’s umbilical cord)
Pancreas suis (pig pancreas)
Sus domestica (domestic pig)

So you have so many pig remedies, they are unbelievable all there in

We also have:

Family Hippopotamidae:

Family Tylopoda:
Lac cameli (camel’s milk)
Lac lama lama (Lama’s milk).

Family Girrafidae:

We have in the deer Family Cervidae:

Dama dama (fallow deer)
Lac aclesum(elk’s milk)

Family Bovidae:
Lac caprinum (goat’s milk)
Lac defloratum or
Lac vaccinum (skimmed Cow’s milk)

And in the
Family moschidae:
Moschus (musk deer)

Talk 43 Animal Kingdom – 7 : Mammals - 1 18

The family Bovidae which includes:
- Mammals like gazelles, Antelope, buffalo, mountain goats, cattle, sheep, and
goats have no canine teeth.
- They usually move in large groups. Lot of them crowded in a group.

The patient said so many hundreds of children were put all together.
 They are non-territorial but have a distinct pecking order in their setup.
 They try to wrestle their opponent into a vulnerable position and they
sometimes use their pointed horns to strike.
 They can interlock horns, lock horns
 Rumination is seen in most of them.
Possible Human Expressions are
- Docile
- Vulnerable
- The Herd feeling
- The Need to bear a lot of suffering
- To be pursued and escaping
Incidentally the circle she spoke about going around in circle is typical of an Ox or
a bull which is made around to go in a circle which is called an Oil press or it’s
made to go and plough the field over and over again and etc. They are
- Subservient
- Meek
- Compliant
- Conforming
- Abiding
- Vulnerable
- Sacrificing
- Jumped at
- Taken by surprise
- Tamed
- Mild
- Obedient
- Defenceless
- Helpless
- Powerless
- Adjustable

Talk 43 Animal Kingdom – 7 : Mammals - 1 19

I want to talk to you a little bit about some of these remedies. One of them is:

Lac Caprinum (Goat)

Goats are inquisitive, curious, intelligent and playful.
They have excellent night vision.
Razor-sharp teeth.
And They have a well-defined social order within a herd, with each goat being
assigned his or her own place in it. A “superior” one may butt and ram a “lesser”
one, to remind the other of its place. A standard behavior among the goats, to
establish dominance. A goat may also fight in order to “upgrade” its status in the
So when a new goat is introduced, the members of this herd may ram it, till its
position in the herd is established.
· One of the most fascinating things about a goat of course is the way it is able
to climb rocky mountainsides and how daring and how steep slopes it’s able to
climb. It can even climb slanting trees.
· They are goats rarely like being alone, and that is why they stay within a

Among the Patient Expressions you will find mainly

· Qualities of prey mammals – flight/fright, herd feeling
· The Fear of pointed, razor sharp objects:
The neck is very vulnerable (this was seen in Proving of Lac caprinum) I did the
proving also This proving was also done with the same substance by very good
friend of mine called Kess Dam in Holland at the same time and it was interesting
to compare an Indian proving of Lac caprinum with a Dutch proving of Lac
caprinum. Among the proving we did in India, one of the things that I remember
was the idea of the guest.

A guest is somebody who enters into your house and takes up your space and this
was an important theme in the proving and the idea was you have to fight for
your space that somebody would take up your space and you had to really push
him out and really butt and ram out of that place so that you got little bit more
space. You are never going to get all the space but you are going to get a little bit
more. The other theme was of course the theme of being crowded together.

Talk 43 Animal Kingdom – 7 : Mammals - 1 20

There are too many people in too little space.

Another theme was Shamelessness.

Another theme was shamelessness and sexuality.

A lonely feeling


There are many who have published this proving of Lac caprinum and it was very
interesting whereas in the proving of Kess Dam,

Excerpts of proving by Kees Dam

So in the proving of Kees Dam which is:

Published in Homoeopathic Links of the year - 2000

You have the basic feeling that comes up right at the start of the proving is:
 Fright and fear of razor sharp, sure-hit, deadly (canine) teeth and a very
vulnerable feeling at the sides of the throat (where the blood vessels run).
 The Fear is of being taken by surprise;

The main words used were:

Of being jumped at and not having a single chance to escape

Fear of sharp objects.

 Shrinking back from fright
 The idea is to find a safe place; usually it means to have a high position. The
goat will climb to the top of mountains for protection from its predators.
 Low self-esteem and a desire to attain a high social position
 So always there in this theme to a higher position in your group and also came:
 Shameless sexuality

Talk 43 Animal Kingdom – 7 : Mammals - 1 21

That you could just jump. The idea was the impulse to just jump upon the first
female you saw. (Just give us a minute or to or make adjustments over here.)

So we will talk now of Lac defloratum.

Lac defloratum is the:

Cow’s milk and represents the energy of the cow:

 Domestic cows are social animals and live in groups called herds. And they
care for the safety of their herd or flock.
 Most of them are docile, alert and attentive while others show anxiety and
excitability when under duress.
 They are active, compliant and show better response if treated with sympathy
and compassion.
 Cows might become aggressive if there is lack of space for their movements or
due to a new entrant into the herd. They can kick, butt or bellow.

In my practical experience with cases of Lac defloratum and I have many cases of
Lac defloratum, it’s one of the commonest remedies among Mammals that I use. I
find that the patient is mild and gentle, yet quite animated, and wants to be
attractive. They can be talkative and their talk can be animated, expressive and

There is a feeling that they have to do a lot for the community, to work hard
physically for other people in order to be accepted by the community. And they
have to bear silently with a lot of suffering the beating, the abuse, extra marital
relationship of the husband, and continue to do their work in order to belong to
the group, in order to be accepted.

There is a theme of losing their dear ones, especially the mother, or the theme of
adopted children who have been separated from their mother very early on, and
feel forsaken. Marriages between people belonging to different communities can
also be a theme of Lac defloratum. Here the person dares to go against his
community. In India, these kind of marriages are still sometimes frowned upon
and it takes some guts to marry a person from a totally different religion or

Talk 43 Animal Kingdom – 7 : Mammals - 1 22

community. So here is the feeling, first of being forsaken by one’s community,
and secondly to exercise one's own desire and will.

One of the feelings of Lac defloartum can be feeling of dirtiness and another is the
thought of Claustrophobia

 I have done proving of Lac defloratum and these are some of the expressions
that we saw in the provers.
 The need to belong to the community. To do things for one's friends. The need
not to hurt the friends or the community, and help members of the
community and then the feeling is
 The fear of being rejected by the community.
 The fear to being forsaken. To Being abandoned; to being neglected
 To be separated from the mother sometimes
 The need to be attractive. On the other hand, Feeling I am fat, I am ugly or I
am dirty.
 There is a tremendous sense of injustice. A Feeling of being suppressed, of
given no importance, of having no voice. Anger against authority. Being forced
to do things. Of Seeing others of his/her group being beaten or being abused
by someone in authority, and feeling helpless against it.
 Being beaten with sticks.
 The Care for the mother and care by the mother.
 Dreams of being pursued, of being beaten.
 Embarrassment.
 Suicide.
 And Green colour.

You have dreams of:

 Dreams of animals
 Dreams of snakes
 Dreams of being pursued
 Dreams of being beaten
 Dreams of being separated from your friends
 A strong desire or aversion or intolerance of milk; affections of the breast
including poor lactation, pain in the breast before menses and obesity.

Talk 43 Animal Kingdom – 7 : Mammals - 1 23

One of the things what is interesting here is a lot of people have lactose
intolerance. They cannot tolerate milk in any form or any milk product. Some of
them crave milk actually. But I found that one of the main indications of Lac
defloratum for me is this kind of Lactose intolerance, complete allergy to milk and
milk products.

I found the Lac defloratum patients extremely mild, docile and submissive. They
come across individuals who will not resist and oppose anything, nor will they
exercise their own will.

Cows are known for their quality of being adjustable and pliable to different kinds
of feed and climate. The word pliable means 'Susceptible to being led or directed',
'to be capable of being bent, flexed, shaped or twisted'. This explains the essence
of the remedy.

The patients have a quality of being 'servile'. They comply and act in accordance
with other's rules, commands, and wishes.

The feeling, “I have to adjust to someone else's whims and fancies, be at the beck
and call of someone else." The commonest situation is of a woman who gives up
all her likings and desires for the sake of her husband, her children and her family.
She feels dependent on them. She is bored of a very routine life and wants to do
something new and exciting but she cannot do it because she feels she has to
abide by the wishes of the others.

There is a feeling of being troubled and harassed by other people but being
dependent she feels helpless and she has to put up with it.

Lac-can comes close to this aspect but in Lac-can there is a conflict between
whether to be aggressive or to be obeying of the master and being loyal and
What is typical of 'Lac-def' is the complete absence of aggression and the key
word here is to be 'subservient'.

I remember a very very interesting case that I treated, many years ago may be 10
– 15years ago. It was a young woman who was like in her late 20’s and she was
referred to me by a colleague because she had excessive nausea and vomiting,

Talk 43 Animal Kingdom – 7 : Mammals - 1 24

loss of weight, extreme weakness and she could hardly stand. In fact I think I had
to take her history while she was horizontal on the examination table from there
she could just barely speak and her problem was she had a very high Liver
function test, the enzymes were very high and she had hepatitis B and it was she
was in a very bad shape and when I took her history and also asked about her
from her relatives.

I found that she had some problems with milk, but also she was very docile, very
submissive person who had been taken full advantage of by a very dominating
mother-in-law who would really make her do all kinds of chores really make her
work physically, just almost like a slave. And this girl she just took it all so
completely without a word of protest and internally she was feeling so much
victimized and dominated, it was quite unbelievable how she took all that and
based on this and the experiences and the dreams that she had especially of
being pursued or being killed or being beaten, or being helpless, or being
separated, or being forsaken.

I gave her Lac defloratum and there was quiet a miraculous almost recovery
within a few days, within a month, two months. Her energy came back, her Liver
function test improved and what was happened ultimately was that her Hepatitis
B antigen went away completely and that was quite … she became from positive
to a negative.

So the Key words, the source words for Lac defloratum:

 Docile
 Mild
 Gentle
 Subservient
 Submissive
 Sacrificing
 Claustrophobic
 Fear of narrow places

There’s a very interesting rubric in Lac deflortaum:

There are two interesting rubrics:

Talk 43 Animal Kingdom – 7 : Mammals - 1 25

One is that she feels that all her friends have gone to the convent and that she is
left alone and the other rubric of course is that she has got fear of shut doors.
When the doors get shut, her anxiety increases. So they can bear a lot of suffering
quite silently and feel quite closed or confined or locked in.

Now having studied something about the Artiodactyla which are the even fingers
or toes animals. We can study the Order Perissodactyla which is the other big
group and :

 The word perissodactyl means "odd-number of fingers or toes." These are

odd-toed ungulates which are the hoofed mammals.
 They consists mostly of fast runners and they have a reduced number of toes.
 The most well-known of all is the horse.
 The third toe becomes dominant and forms a hoof which carries their weight
mainly on the middle toe of each foot, which makes them very agile.
 Many of these are also “beasts of burden”.
 They generally live solitarily, except horses and donkeys which are social and
live in herds.

The Homoeopathic remedies from this group include:

Family Rhinocerotidae - rhinoceros

Family Tapiridae – tapirs

Family Equidae:
Horse’s milk
Donkey’s milk
Serum equi (Horse serum)
Castor equi (Rudimentary thumbnail of horse)
Urinum equinum (Horse’s urine)

Now let’s study a little bit about the most famous of these which is the horse.

Talk 43 Animal Kingdom – 7 : Mammals - 1 26

Lac equinum

 The themes that come to us about the horse are:

 They are Graceful mammals with sturdy bodies.
 With a Powerful structure.
 Great swiftness.
 Their ears can turn 360 degrees, enabling them to collect sound from all
 They have A very sensitive hair-trigger alarm system, which when activated
releases an explosion of energy channeled into an instantaneous flight for
 They are very restless. They feel safer moving their feet and the more nervous
or uncertain they get, the more they want to move their feet.
 Horses are able to sleep while standing up.
 They form herds and they have a clear hierarchy of rank, led by a dominant
 They have got a Harem-based social system, with males which are (stallions)
dominating a group of females (mares).
 They get easily startled and want to run away immediately from danger.
 There is a sense of dignity in a horse.
 They are very sensitive to being confined. If they are kept in confined
conditions, they develop ‘stable vices’ which include wood chewing, wall
kicking and other complaints.
 For the horse to accept a leader, (whether it is a human or horse) it is
important that the controller must be able to control the horse's pace and
never betray his trust by causing him fear or pain. This process is called as
‘breaking’. Once they accept leadership, they will become relaxed, obedient,
happy and they will respond very willingly.

 A bond is formed, the human can ask simple responses from the horse. When
the horse delivers what is expected, it is then rewarded by "lavish praises".

 The horse, like a bird, is considered as a symbol of "Freedom".

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Some of the expressions that we see in Lac equinum Patients, I had seen in cases
of Lac Equinum and these are the expressions::

 "Bubbling with energy"

 "Sudden burst of energy"
 "Full of energy"
 " I want to be on the move all the time"
 " I Cannot sit still"
 "I Need to do something or the other"
 " I Find it difficult to be in one place for a long time"
 "I Like outdoor games that involves lot of activities"

In children too we can see hyperactivity, restlessness and fidgetiness

The feeling is of being confined and wanting to break free and also you have the
'Mammal' group qualities like dependency of a group (family, friends, society),
feeling of safety within the group, the issue of hierarchy, the maternal extinct.

The feeling is of:

 "I Don't like to be reined"
 "Don't like to be restrained, chained or imprisoned"
 I want to flee, to run away

And then of course, comes the issue of speed. And we see in patients we see this
as fascination of speed e.g. liking for races (like cars, bikes, horse racing etc.)

So we can take a case example here

Case Example-3
(Lac equinum)

This woman age thirty-three years

By Profession:A Dental surgeon
She comes in 2007 with the following complaints:

Talk 43 Animal Kingdom – 7 : Mammals - 1 28

Chief complaints:
1. Backache
2. Falling of hair.
3. Hirsutism.

She said
P: Backache stared about seven years ago and she also did a lot of aerobics and
squash. And Last year the backache became very acute and it started radiating to
the left leg and the calf with tingling and numbness.
She says
Now is excruciating, I can’t even sit on a chair, I can’t walk properly. I feel

I used to be very active; but now I have quietened down; and I feel very
restricted. I wouldn’t like to be alone. When you are fifty years old or so, your
parents won’t be around then I want to feel warm and care for.I used to play
badminton and table tennis at the national level. And to do this well you need
stamina, power and presence of mind. I like playing for long hours, for running,
cycling and jogging. But now I feel weakness and tiredness.

And when stressed she says I feel a tightness in my chest (hg), as if it has been
tied. I don’t feel free. It is as if pulling you, catching you or weighing you down.

L: At the time when I was doing her case, there was going on in the newspaper,
the discussion about a murder case of a young woman called Jessica Lal. Our
patient was very sensitive to this case and she said:

P: The accused should be caught and put behind bars. Why is this man living a
free life?

The sister of this woman has fought the case for her. She was courageous and
stood all alone and had a fighting spirit. She says One should have that spark and
spirit inside; a driving force (hg), an energy, a force that can’t be laid back. A force
that will sustain you through the long hours. A force that is a focus and you are
moving forward that puts a spring in your step; and that step is in the right

Talk 43 Animal Kingdom – 7 : Mammals - 1 29

L: So here we found all the qualities, as if something is pulling you, something is
restraining you and then you have to go forward with stamina, with speed and
with strength and with direction to go ahead. Interestingly, there is a rubric in Lac
Equinum that says:


Rx: Lac equinum 200

And the only remedy is Lac Equinum. I gave it to her and she did very very well
and within the first dose itself of Lac equinum 200, she … her backache and
everything got better and she responded very quickly and very positively to this
remedy both mentally and physically.

I recall one very interesting case, one more case. It was of a woman who had
come with Bronchial asthma. I remember this woman quite well because she was
quite animated in her way of talking. And the main sensation she had like in our
previous case was of something in the chest that was pulling back. She described
it as centripetal and centrifugal forces acting at the same time pulling me,
restraining me, holding me back and she says, ‘I feel choked’.

This was one part of the case and the other part of the case which was very very
interesting is that her husband was a kind of high Government official and he had
many enemies obviously. And some of them came to her house and at this time,
she was pregnant. And they actually took a knife and they stabbed her in the
abdomen and she lost her baby. But what was interesting was that having been
stabbed yet with that bleeding she went behind these men and actually managed
to catch one by his collar and held him so tight that he couldn’t escape. Now this
was a … I mean this is an image that I am not able to forget and she got Lac
equinum because she very strongly described all the qualities of running, of
power, of speed, of energy and she described very beautifully the grace and
energy of a horse…. actually describe the Animal.

So I found that unlike a cow, the horse retains a certain amount of independence,
courage, dignity and does not get so submissive as we see in the cows. The horse

Talk 43 Animal Kingdom – 7 : Mammals - 1 30

will work full hearted but only by its will. Only when it has accepted you as the
master, not by domination. He has to feel the love and affection from you then he
can accept you.

A dog is much more dependent, a horse will think before coming to you. There is
that sense of dignity and the important thing is that he cannot be confined
whereas with a cow, you can keep them inside. A horse can get very agitated and
can get choking and constriction. So I believe that horse in fact my colleague Dr
Mahesh Gandhi also says that a horse is more towards Leprous or a Tubercular
miasm rather than the Malarial miasm that we find often associated with Lac

We can talk of another Animal, of this group and that is the ass or the donkey. So
we have the remedy:

Lac asinum
 Donkeys are more surefooted and agile than horses, and that makes them
better on rough mountain terrains.
So what horse has is speed. The donkey has in stability or sure footedness.
They are:
 Known as "beasts of burden" because they carry loads and they pull carts.
 Donkeys are friendly, playful, intelligent, patient, cautious, versatile and eager
to learn.

So one of the things is they are very cautious, they will not put their foot unless
they are assure of their steps.
 They are herd animals and can become deeply depressed if left alone or when
 During the mating process, the male resorts to biting, kicking and chasing the
females till it submits.
 When asked to do something, donkeys contemplate everything carefully
before doing it, and hence come across as being stubborn at times. However, if
assured that there is nothing to fear, they will comply with your wishes.
 They have a highly-developed sense of self-preservation, which is also
interpreted as stubbornness. Once they trust you, they can be companionable
partners at work.

Talk 43 Animal Kingdom – 7 : Mammals - 1 31

In Human Expressions
the chief features that denote the energy of this animal that:
 They are known as "beasts of burden" and they carry loads. This is the image
that the patient gives you.
 They don't liked to be confined

So the words that come to are:

- Overburdened
- Weighed down
- Loaded
- Laden
- Confined
- Bound
- Restricted
And the other words are-
- Resilience
- Endurance
- Stamina
- Strength

One very interesting case of this remedy that I saw:

Was a woman in her fifties who had come with psychiatric problem. The problem
was She was having a lot of sexual fantasies and she was feeling that somebody is
forcing her to masturbate or have all kinds of weird sexual activities.

For example: She is a Catholic person. She went to a priest and she said that she
felt that priest wanted to have sex with her.

And she told him that and it was quiet embarrassing in a way. So this was one side
of the story where I mean one might think even of remedies like Hyoscyamus with
Shameless sexuality and whatever.

But I asked her what is her experience of having these fantasies and these
thoughts. And she said the experience was that there was some strong power
that is forcing her to do something, that she doesn’t want to.

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I said describe this.
“ forcing me to do.”

She said I feel as if a heavy thing is kept on my shoulders and I am carrying a

weight and something is adding on weight and more weight to it so there is a lot
of pressure.

D: Describe this pressure.

P: That’s exactly what I feel when I attend any social event because like if it’s a
picnic or a party and I go to that picnic or party then I find myself doing the
dishes. I don’t understand it she said. How I get into this position? But I keep
doing all the unimportant, all the dirty work and the other people are having fun
and I feel this whole thing as if there is a weight and the weight is just pulling me
and I can just feel it on my shoulder.

So here were all the features of one doing to the other – the Animal Kingdom; the
thing with the group, the being under … inside the group. But being the
dominated one, the submissive one and then being the ‘Beast of Burden’ feeling
weighted, feeling burden put on you. Therefore, I gave her Lac asinum and the
rubric is interesting.

Delusion imagination, work, does dirty and unimportant: lac-as

The only remedy is Lac asinum.

My colleague Dr Jayesh Shah observed in his cases of Lac asinum that:

Ø Lac asinum patients are very indecisive as to what they want to do but once
they make up their mind then they just stay with that and don’t change their
minds for years and years.

For example:
They choose which Doctor, which system of treatment to go. But once they
choose the doctor and the system, they are not going to leave you. They are very
sure, then they will not move. That’s what he found.

He gave an example of one of his patients whom he referred to a modern medical

doctor for an opinion and she got very anxious because each Doctor she felt gave

Talk 43 Animal Kingdom – 7 : Mammals - 1 33

a different opinion and she was very confused what to do. It took a long time to
decide and once she decided, she completely and steadfastly follows that path.

The moment they are not sure but once they make up their mind then they
become secure and sure.

Dr. Mahesh Gandhi my colleague and Psychiatrist suggests that Lac asinum may
be indicated in cases of a Psycotic breakdown, he also says that it could be
leprous miasm remedy, because here we see in a Psychotic breakdown a lot of
sexual perversion, exploitation, and a dirty and unfortunate feeling which he says
happens in cases where there is a breakdown in a patient with Leprous miasm.
Some of the other rubrics of Lac asinum include:

 Abuse, ailments from

 Delusion exerts himself
 Delusion, stupid he is
 Delusion worthless, he is

I want to go to another order of Mammals which is the Order Rodentia.

The Homoeopathic remedies include:

Family Castoridae:
Castoreum (secretion from preputial sacs of beaver)
Mus musculus (House mouse)
Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)
Rattus rattus (Black rat)

So we can study a little bit about:

Rattus rattus
It’s a remedy we know decently well.

 The senses of a rat are Poor in sight and are colour blind, and they navigate
around by tactile investigation with the help of their whiskers.
 They are Avid climbers
 Gnawing and chewing are important activities of rats
 Predatory behaviour involves chasing, biting and killing of the prey.

Talk 43 Animal Kingdom – 7 : Mammals - 1 34

 They live in a social group that involves a single dominant male with several
other males and females under him.
 Group are polygynous; a dominant male mates with the many females of his
social unit.
 Females are more aggressive, active and playful than males
 There is a 'Communal nesting' - two or more mother rats raise their litters in a
single nest for the safety of their young. Even the milk is shared with the
offspring of one or another mother
 They are very energetic; they are nocturnal in activity they keep hiding,
grooming, moving around, shredding soft material, gnawing on harder
materials, inspecting and exploring all kinds of new places

My colleague Dr Jayesh Shah proved the remedy Sanguis Soricis (Blood of Rattus

Some symptoms from the proving:

Insensitive: Want of moral feeling, want of conscience, stealing, lying,
irresponsible, non-committal.

These are exact symptoms you see in the patients.

- They are Fun-loving: they spend money freely ( these are the proving
symptoms) ; desire for picnics, feasting, perfumes, bright and fluorescent
colours and fancy clothes, highly seasoned food, variety of food; making silly,
sexy jokes and gestures.
- Lustful, insane appetite, craving for very fancy food: Constant discontent with
the taste of food, always in search of tastier food.
- It’s like they want to nibble a little here, a little there. That food is more tasty
may be that is more tasty. This kind of impulse is strong in the proving.
- Desire for variety in sex: Increased desire of sex with reduced morality. Desire
for extra-marital sex.
- Intense, acute, paroxysmal mental affections [especially existential fears]
alternating with an insensitive and happy mood.

Fear: Fears and dreams of animals, giants, gangsters, terrorists, riots, being killed,
getting lost, terminal illnesses, narrow and high places.

Talk 43 Animal Kingdom – 7 : Mammals - 1 35

One of the things that he brought out very nicely in the proving is the Momentary
rush. A momentary need of excitement of pleasure, a temptation. And from this
temptation They can also get caught like in a mouse trap.

So I want to talk to you about a case where all this is expressed so beautifully.

Case Example-4
(Rattus rattus)

The case is of a 45 year old female who came to me with a lot of problems. She
had following complaints:

1. Gaseous distension of abdomen

2. acne on the face
3. P.M.S.: Irritability
4. Vaginal infection, etc.

But her main problem was emotional. I remember her as a, she is a dark woman,
very striking to look at even at the age of 45. She had retained her figure and her
appearance very nicely and very well dressed, animated. Her eyes were bright,
her speech was very expressive and vivid; very friendly also in a way.

So she said:

P: I want to become calm. I would not like to get angry ever. It’s weird sometimes
I want to explode, I want to attack (Hg: hands 1st together and then going away
from her body)

I said
D: Describe your anger a little bit more.
P: I guess, it is a surge from down, which comes up here and there, it is in my
chest it goes somewhere else. It’s a surge. Sometimes it is a sort of black out in
my head, a sort of an explosion within…. and I just need to say something. I am
(Hg) very restless. The thought comes that I can murder somebody, if I have a
knife in my hand. Sometimes I have also felt that I will kill myself.

Talk 43 Animal Kingdom – 7 : Mammals - 1 36

L: So what she describes is this momentary rush of impulses coming like a rush.
She says,

P: As if like two people inside me. One is out of control and one is telling me, by
doing this impulse you are not gonna achieve anything and then I have to go out
of the house and I am okay.

If I am in the house, the whole thing is too much.

L: What is very interesting in these Animal cases is that the real thing doesn’t
come out till much later on. You start getting the hints of it. You start getting
pieces of it, expressions of it. Like you know in the case of Lac defloratum how she
talked about things going in a circle and coming back to the same place and you
are not able to go forward. Now this expression of a headache was just one
expression of her whole being which include dependency, which includes
submissiveness, which include so many other things. Similarly you saw in the case
of Lac asinum, how she came and talked to you about sexual fantasies and this
several sexual fantasies was a very small expression. You had to go very deeper
and then it came out to being dominated by somebody else as if the symptom
was an expression of a deeper concept, of a deeper experience of domination.

So here you find her anger when you describe the anger, it’s an impulse. It’s a
rush and what it is actually an expression of two sides of her. One side which is
impulsive and rushing and the other side which says keep quiet. It shouldn’t come
out right now. And that is really one of the main proving experiences of Rattus.
The Rattus Rattus what was proved or the Rattus norvegius which Jayesh proved.

So she says:
P: It’s like two people, one is one I would love to be and one is I am not. I want to
be something which I can’t be. I would like to be sensible and then she gave a
whole story of her childhood which was quite a terrible childhood. Her father and
mother fighting a lot. Her father throwing the mother out of the house and so
many things. The responsibility coming on her and so many stories and then she
getting married out of the community.

Talk 43 Animal Kingdom – 7 : Mammals - 1 37

She being a Muslim, she married a Hindu. The In laws wanted her out of the
house and there was a lot of problems and so and so forth. And then she comes
back to the anger.

So you hear some story and get back into the experience and the experience she
says was, is of:

P: Rage and helplessness. You are angry and there is nothing you can do. It is like
(Hg) being put in a box, tied up and left there (Hg).
I said

D: Describe that experience.

P: I feel (smile) very claustrophobic. (Hg) small spaces scare me a lot. Heights
scare me a lot, I am very very scared. Its feeling that you are going to die that
there is no hope. There is something awful. It’s like a monster.

A monster is using force with his hands to throw you around. He Chucks you (Hg)
he chucks you (Hg). He picks you up and throws you (Hg) and then you are falling
into a bottomless valley.

And then I said

D: What are the things that you are sensitive to?
P: Especially when it’s to do with children and with their mother, this relationship
I can cry about it.

D: About dreams In her childhood?

P: Yes I used to see snakes pretty often.

L: and then suddenly she said out of nowhere

P: I don’t like rats. They are (Hg) furry and they are yukky! I find them very yukky. I
had to dissect them. I felt so nauseated. It’s such a horrible, such a creepy feeling.
I don’t even like (smile) Mickey Mouse. They are stupid, these little rats - why do
they have to make them into a cartoon?! They disgust me.

L: And all this came completely out of nowhere because I had just asked her to
mention some dreams from her childhood. And then she says:

Talk 43 Animal Kingdom – 7 : Mammals - 1 38

P: What can she do in her anger?

P: For example: in the family, somebody says you can’t take a holiday, you can’t
go out etc and then I feel that I could may be go and scratch the person’s car or
break or do something or cheat something or do some damage to the person. Like
if he has a favorite painting, I could go and put a scratch on it. It’s a momentary
impulse she says and then there comes a fear to be caught because it is so
shameful, so embarrassing. You would like to be on another planet.

D: Give me an example of this.

L: Now she does something that Animal remedies tend to do a lot and that is they
try to speak in the 3rd person as if it’s happening to somebody else and it’s not
them and she says:

P: It’s like suppose you go to a book-stall or somebody goes to a bookstall, and

then you just steal a book, you put it in your bag. You just put it in and you walk
out of without paying for it. It’s a horrible situation to be in it. You can afford a
book, but the big thrill is to steal it. And put it in secretly in your bag that gives
you an adrenaline rush.

But then if you are caught you are totally get embarrassed. It’s like you are
naked. It’s like people are looking at you, extreme embarrassment. And you want
to just (Hg) shrivel up and die…

L: And then I ask her to describe any stories or any situations or any incidents that
she is particularly sensitive to and she came up with a strangest one. She says:

P: I love the story of Pied Piper but all those rats there in the story. I feel sick.
How could those people live in that town with all those rats running around? It
feels horrible I want to hang myself in the ceiling if the rats get in. I don’t want to
be associated with rats. I won’t touch them or I wouldn’t see them.

L: And so I gave her the remedy:

Remedy: Rattus rattus 200 one dose.

Talk 43 Animal Kingdom – 7 : Mammals - 1 39

And I followed her up for some years afterwards and she has done so well on this
remedy mentally and physically. It’s quite unbelievable.

We will talk one more order

Order Primates

Primates comprise of all species commonly related to lemurs, monkeys, and apes
(which also includes humans).

The greater apes (belonging to family Pongidae) include gorillas, chimpanzees,

bonobos, and orangutans. This groups split off from the lesser apes (belonging to
family Hylobatidae) consisting of gibbons, the siamangs which this happened
nearly 20 million years ago.

What are the Characteristics of primates:

One of them is
 That They possess five fingers which is called pentadactyly.
 Like we saw artiodactyla and perissodactyla. In Primates, you have
 Opposing thumbs, short fingernails and long, inward-closing fingers.
 Forward-facing, colour binocular vision which is precise in judging distances for
 Their diet is chiefly vegetarian and only a small percentage of it consists of
 Primates are social and they live in groups.

What is the Advantage of living in groups:

 Primate mothers as well as older, also experienced folks of the group teach
their children to competently deal with each other and the environment; these
social skills are very useful for their survival.
 In groups you also avoid intimidating predators successfully.
 You have Greater chance of finding newer food sources.
 And you can divide the work among members of the group.

Talk 43 Animal Kingdom – 7 : Mammals - 1 40

So you have
- ‘Mother and Baby' Group
- 'Monogamous Family' Group – like we see in humans, gibbons
- 'One Male and Several Female' Group – which is the most common.
- And 'Fission-Fusion' Society –where they smartly develop short term alliances
which is generally seen in chimpanzees.
- There is a Dominance and hierarchy here. The dominant animal has the first
access to mates, space, and food, while lower animals get a chance only later.
- Baboons and chimps exhibit 'Machiavellian Intelligence' wherein they
deliberately indulge in social deception, influence emotions of others in the
group by bluffing or plotting. This is called politics in human language.
- Primate behaviour is fundamentally learned rather than genetically inherited.

Another quality of primates is:

- Altruism – which means increased sensitivity to the suffering of others and
console them in distress or fear.
- Sitting close to each other, touching and mutual grooming (allogrooming)
conveys care and affection, and keeps the primate social structure together,
reduces group tension, strengthens male-female partner bonds, and friendship
- Because of the hand thing they can use Simple tools and weapons and so
many tools are used by gorillas,chimpanzees, bibeonors,orungutans.
- pes have a huge unusually large brain to body size ratio and are significantly
more intelligent than many other Animals.
- So they can make simple tool and inventing new techniques, learning human
sign language
- Threat-displays by male gorillas including roaring, screaming, beating the chest
are interesting expressions.

What are the human expressions of primate behavior?

Some of them are

Curiosity to explore and investigate new things, secondly the ability to solve

Talk 43 Animal Kingdom – 7 : Mammals - 1 41

Thirdly to learn a lot of things through imitation, through questioning, through
exploring, by copying.

Another important quality is:


Sometimes, these creatures can even starve themselves or risk their lives to save
their kin which is very much strong than in other animals.

And therefore you can see:

 Helpfulness
 Helping hand
 Compassion
 Nursing
 Nurturing
 Assisting
 Supporting

Playing like in Mammals, you have a lot of playing here. Like wrestling, tickling,
poking and play biting etc.

In the Homoeopathic remedies you have the:

Family Cercopethicidae:
Lac macaca mulatta (Rhesus monkeys milk)

Family Hominidae:
Lac sim (chimpanzee milk)
Lac humanum (human milk)

So let us talk a little bit about this very interesting remedy which I think is the
most interesting of all remedies that I know. And that is Lac humnaum. And why is
Lac humanum interesting? Because when I did a proving of Lac humanum, I have
done proving of Lac humanum three times and I did more than any other proving

Talk 43 Animal Kingdom – 7 : Mammals - 1 42

or more than any other life’s experience. The proving of Lac humanum helped me
to understand, ‘Who I am as a human being? And what is it that it really means to
be human?’

But I think rather than going into that aspect now, I would probably do it in the
next talk because it would require full attention and it will be really an experience
to go with me into the experience of what it is to be human because that I think
forms the basis of how we understand other things. We say many times non-
human specific expression or a non-human specific word. But what is human

And I think that experience can be a very important experience as far as

understanding one’s self is concerned. So the next time we will talk about
Lac-humanum and then we will talk about other orders for example: the Cetaceae
which includes the whales and the dolphins. And of course then we will talk about
the two big groups the Canines and the Felines, the Dog family with the Wolves
and the Foxes and the Feline family with the Cat – the Tiger, the Cheetahs, the
Lions etc. And next time with us we will have a guest, my colleague
Dr. Sujit Chatterjee will join us with experiences of more Mammal orders.

So with that I wish you Good bye and

Auf weidersein, Aurevoir and all the very best!

Talk 43 Animal Kingdom – 7 : Mammals - 1 43

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