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Far Eastern University

Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts


Activity 1 with Module 1: House Design Types per Buildings Laws in the Philippines
Assessment Title: Single Detached VS Single Attached VS Duplex
Criteria Maximum Allowable Points Actual Points
1. Well executed presentation of drawings and 30
explanation of thoughts and insights. (Single Detached)
2. Well executed presentation of drawings and 30
explanation of thoughts and insights. (Single Attached)
3. 2. Well executed presentation of drawings and 30
explanation of thoughts and insights. (Duplex)
4. Timely submission 10
TOTAL 100 pts

I. Draw manually the 3 (three) types of houses: a.) Single Detached; b.) Single Attached; c.) Duplex. The drawing can
be an elevation (2-dimension) or perspective (3-dimension). Differentiate and explain the advantages and
disadvantages of each housing type. (Minimum: 300 words). Paper size will be A4. You may use pencil, pen or mixed
media in the presentation of drawings.

Canvas Submission: File Upload (PDF)

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