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Received: 27 September 2018 Revised: 2 April 2019 Accepted: 3 April 2019

DOI: 10.1002/jcaf.22389


Data-driven auditing: A predictive modeling approach to fraud

detection and classification

Nitin Singh1 | Kee-hung Lai2 | Markus Vejvar2 | T. C. Edwin Cheng2

Department of Operations Management,
India Institute of Management Kashipur,
India This article develops and empirically tests a predictive model for audit of fraud
Department of Logistics and Maritime detection with practical applications for audit operations. By analyzing real-life
Studies, Faculty of Business, The Hong
accounting data, the proposed model can identify anomalous transactions and
Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom,
Kowloon, Hong Kong directly focus on exceptions for further investigation in real time, thus offering a
significant reduction in manual intervention and processing time in audit opera-
Kee-hung Lai, Faculty of Business, The
tions. Our approach is a highly desirable supplement to the existing rule-based
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung models, given the growing use of information technology for analytics in auditing.
Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong, People's The proposed approach is based on classification. Following the tenets of the prin-
Republic of China.
cipal agency theory, we discuss how our approach can help to reduce monitoring
and contracting costs, disincentivize fraud, improve auditor efficiency and indepen-
dence, and increase audit quality. We contribute to the current literature by dis-
cussing the implications of data-driven audit on the moderating role of auditors in
principal-agent relationships and providing practical insights into the operational
aspects of financial reporting and auditing, modeling of fraud-detection classifica-
tion models, and benefits, barriers, and enablers of implementing data driven audit
in companies.

accounting, business analytics, data driven audit, fraud detection

1 | INTRODUCTION material, the auditor will still provide a clean opinion on the
financial statements. He/she might make a reference to the
Let us first state the purpose and role of audits. Audits are system of internal control. While technological break-
ways to detect fraudulent behavior within organizations, and throughs in information technology and data analytics open
the importance of deploying proper auditing techniques and up new methods to detect fraud, issues like audit efficiency,
tools has significantly increased over the last few years due data driven audit and the operational aspects of a data driven
to a rise in fraud (e.g., asset misappropriation, corruption, or audit process have a potential to be discussed more in the lit-
financial statement fraud). Association of Certified Fraud erature, particularly when it comes to practical applications
Examiners (ACFE) maintains that corporate fraud has with real-life data.
become a major issue worldwide and is rapidly increasing in The two critical mechanisms to improve audit efficiency
both scale and scope (ACFE, 2016). This is the case for the are technological interventions and audit analytics. Audits
auditor's opinion on the annual financial statements, only if serve the basic purpose of reinforcing trust in financial infor-
fraud causes accounting numbers not to be found reliable. mation. An actor is motivated by being monitored if the
However, fraud committed by employees is detected but in benefits exceed the related costs when delegating decision-
the context of the financial numbers of the company it is not making power to one party. Furthermore, audit services are

64 © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Corp Acct Fin. 2019;30:64–82.


required to reduce information risk for financial statement (Carnes & Gierlasinski, 2001), technological progress and
recipients. As management is exposed to liability, the ability gradual increasing demand for forensic auditing skills drive
to shift the financial responsibility of the reported data to an the further development of the field (Bierstaker, Brody, &
auditor reduces the expected losses from litigation and settle- Pacini, 2006; Roberts & Whited, 2012). In this regard, a data
ments to various stakeholders (Wallace, 1980). Hayes, driven approach in auditing is a viable way to achieve more
Dassen, Schilder, and Wallage (2005) discussed four theo- efficiency and increase objectivity of the process. Forensic
ries of auditing, namely the policeman, lending credibility, auditing is a small subpart of the general audit literature and
inspired confidence, and agency theories. In this regard, the also has a very specific purpose. The articles that we refer in
agency theory is an insightful and powerful theoretical lens the literature relate to audit, specifically on external auditing.
to better understand and analyze audits and audit processes, External audit refers to the audit of financial statements
as it is most relevant for analyzing situations of information whereby the external auditor provides an opinion as to
asymmetry. The typical relationship in the agency theory is whether the financial statements provide a true and fair view
that between a principal (owner) and an agent (manager), in in accordance with IFRS Standards (Europe) or represent the
which the former hires the latter and gives them the authority situation in a faithful way according to US GAAP (United
to manage decisions. Agents engage in an employment con- States). This type of external or “traditional” audit is not
tract with principals who are less/not actively involved in the equal or synonyms to forensic auditing and the focus of the
company operations, thus trading their management exper- former is on whether or not the accounting numbers repre-
tise and skills for financial compensation. There is the likeli- sent the underlying economic situation in a faithful way. A
hood of conflicts of interest caused by the separation of forensic audit has the purpose to detect fraud and can be exe-
ownership (principal) and control (manager; Eisenhardt, cuted in the frame of a general external audit. This is the
1989). Both parties are assumed to be inherently self-interest case only for all US listed companies that need to comply
seeking, and the agency theory postulates that the principals with Sarbanes-Oxley. For all other companies, being the
are unable to perfectly observe the behavior of their agents large majority of companies in the world, forensic audits are
(Davis, 1991; Jensen & Meckling, 1976). The agents then more likely to be conducted on a regular basis by the man-
become less interested in protecting the assets of the princi- agement or the internal control or audit function in a com-
pals and lose efficiency in their work at the expense of their pany to detect fraud committed by top managers as well as
principal. Therefore, it is suggested that in view of informa- by employees.
tion asymmetry and self-interest seeking behaviors, the prin- The accounting and audit failure at Enron and WorldCom
cipals have little reason to trust their agents. in the early 2000s witnessed substantial shareholder value
The principals then attempt to address these issues by adversely affected due to fraud and loss. As a consequence,
using mechanisms so that the interests of both the principals the question remained whether more efficient audit opera-
and agents parallel and minimize the capacity for informa- tions would have prevented such massive economic damage.
tion asymmetry and self-interest in their relationship. Thus, While these incidents have aroused increasing practical and
audits are placed within this principal-agent relationship as a academic interest in finding ways to identify and prevent
mechanism to counter the mistrust, but auditors themselves management fraud (Benston & Hartgraves, 2002; Shen,
are also inherently agents too. Therefore, this arrangement Tong, & Deng, 2007), a comparably small part of the litera-
raises concerns of their objectivity, thus constituting the ture focuses on the operational aspects of the fraud detection
need to find other approaches or mechanisms that would process; or, more specifically, what differentiates a “good”
align the interests of the principals and agents involved; fraud detection process from a “bad” fraud detection process
i.e., shareholders (principals), managers/directors (agents), (Bonchi, Giannotti, Mainetto, & Pedreschi, 1999; Kirkos,
and auditors (agents). Contractual clauses (e.g., incentives or Spathis, & Manolopoulos, 2007). The implementation of
penalties [Fama & Jensen, 1983; Gibbons, 2005]) are there- fraud detection systems opens up a multitude of operational
fore necessary to align interests, and produces the need for problems: Based on which criteria should transactions be
external auditing services for independent assurance and to flagged as fraudulent? How could loopholes that allow
govern the conduct of corporate management (Baiman, fraudulent exploitation be detected and closed? How can
1990; Cohen, Krishnamoorthy, & Wright, 2002). While tra- principals ensure that their fraud detection systems are
ditional auditing usually performs this role, the surge in cor- appropriate and efficient? And how would these systems be
porate fraud and asset thefts has gradually increased the implemented without compromising the efficiency of other
importance of forensic auditing techniques (Carnes & operations?
Gierlasinski, 2001). Consequently, the ACFE1 was In this regard, an important research stream discusses the
established in 1992, and while forensic auditing is still in its role of audits in fraud detection and prevention (Francis,
infancy compared to the more traditional auditing methods 2004) with particular attention on the role of audit quality

and the implications for audit failure (Chaney & Philipich, to the existing literature by discussing the implications of
2002; Sikka, 2009). We have also seen considerable practi- data-driven audit on the moderating role of auditors in
cal efforts to improve the regulatory framework of auditing, principal-agent relationships. We also exhaustively present
its methodological rigor and the growing efforts of risk man- and deliberate on data mining papers related to management
agement to detect and prevent fraud (Baesens, Van fraud detection. In terms of methods, we first compare pre-
Vlasselaer, & Verbeke, 2015; DeFond & Francis, 2005; dictive modeling techniques (binary logistic regression
Ravisankar, Ravi, Raghava Rao, & Bose, 2011; Xu, [BLR], ensembles, decision trees, neural networks, etc.)
Pinedo, & Xue, 2017). These developments highlight the where we can compare and contrast the results of various
potential of auditing in fraud detection over the past years. models. Next, we present a baseline benchmark that is used
New developments in information technology further boost for comparison purposes and allows us to show the benefits
the availability and efficacy of auditing, and as a result, data of the BLR approach in the context of our study. We also
analytics has become an essential tool for auditors (Baesens discuss the relative benefits of and differences to the rule-
et al., 2015; Kumari Tiwari & Debnath, 2017). Data analyt- based approach which relies on the definition by experts
ics refers to insights that are taken from operational, finan- who define a set of (if-then) rules. Finally, we provide prac-
cial and internal or external electronic data sources and used tical insights into the operational aspects of financial
for analysis. It is increasingly viewed as a definitive “value- reporting and auditing, modeling of fraud-detection classifi-
addedness” in auditing (Toon, 2015). To achieve effective cation models, and benefits, barriers, and enablers of
financial reporting and monitoring through data analytics, implementing data driven audit in firms. To summarize, the
both competence and independence are required (Alles & study contributes knowledge in three distinct ways. First, it
Gray, 2015; Law, 2008). examines relevant studies in data driven audit with a focus
Given the growing importance of rigor in auditing and toward fraud risk and identifies certain gaps in traditional
the increasing availability of data, we examine the applica- fraud identification methods that can be overcome with data
tion of data analysis to audit to better understand the efficacy driven techniques. Second, this study demonstrates the
of business analytics as a tool to support auditors. By focus- application of classification method into purchasing systems
ing on the operational aspects of auditing, we offer both the- to identify fraud risk. Third, it provides insights into how
oretical insights and managerial implications. Practically, classification-based methods can facilitate firms and auditors
efficient data driven audit methods can support external to reduce fraud risk.
auditors in identifying fraudulent transactions and help to
save money and time and enable internal auditors to improve
2 | L I T E R A T U R E RE V I E W
audit efficiency and quality. Theoretically, discussing the
role of the external auditor as a moderator of the conflicts of
2.1 | Classification-based models
interest in the principal-agent relationship can help to pro-
vide a better understanding of the intricacies of corporate Fraud schemes keep on changing and are dynamic as some-
ownership and contracting costs. As a result, we develop body seeking to perpetrate a fraud would find newer
and demonstrate a predictive model for anomaly detection schemes. So, newer rules would have to be developed con-
by using the collected data of a purchase process, which can tinuously to keep track of new fraud schemes. In such a sce-
flag anomalous transactions and helps to focus resources on nario, it is vital to have a classification-based approach
the detected exceptions (or flags) for further investigation. which is able to identify flag-off anomalous transactions. It
Based on our understanding from the agency-theoretic per- is not always possible to rely on rule-based approach. There-
spective, we formulate propositions that highlight the poten- fore, a classification-based approach is highly needed that
tial merits of data-driven auditing to alleviate the innate can help track anomalous or fraudulent transactions in the
conflicts of ownership and agency in companies, detect man- absence of rule. This approach is not necessarily dependent
agement fraud in real time, and improve audit quality by on rules. Single classification methods (or classifiers)
improving the efficiency, independence, and objectivity of develop a (single) classification model. Logistic regression,
auditors. neural networks, decision trees are single classifiers. Logistic
This article focuses on the employee-vendor fraud for regression classifies the dependent variable into two catego-
which the developed method is an efficient detection tool. ries (0 or 1) directly based on independent variables which
The merits of this developed model go beyond listed firms could be continuous or categorical. A decision tree estimates
in the United States and can be explained in the context of class conditional probability which is then converted into
all firms for reducing fraud risk. There is a cost/benefit posterior probability by Bayes theorem. A decision tree or
framework at work here as auditor efficiency is increased by random forests partitions the data recursively to separate
the application of data driven method to audit. We contribute classified variable (into 0 or 1) through certain testing

conditions (e.g., is purchase quantity ≥ specified threshold) independently or in a dependent manner. There are two clas-
which are identified and encoded in the model a priori. Like- ses of algorithms—bagging and boosting—which derive
wise, there are set of condition or rules that build the trees. base models from samples of data. Bagging algorithms build
The decision to branch a node is based on minimizing indi- ensemble by deriving independent base models from the
cators such as the Gini coefficient or if there is a gain in data samples (Breiman, 1996). On the other hand, boosting
information (Baesens et al., 2003). Such a scheme depends algorithms build ensembles in a dependent manner by
on the set of conditions or rules that will build trees recur- adding base models iteratively such that the current ensem-
sively. In this study, we, however, attempt to use a classifier ble is improved by adding any base model (Freund &
which does not depend on the set of rules or conditions. A Schapire, 1996). These algorithms have also been researched
semi-parametric method like neural networks or support vec- and extended further in various studies and business contexts
tor machines works similarly while supporting different (Breiman, 2001; Friedman, 2002).
functional forms of underlying data. In both the cases, An ensemble of multivariate logistic regression is applied
nonlinear optimization is done to estimate the parameters of on genetic data to classify Alzheimer gene expression. This
resulting model. They, however, require the selection of one method is found to perform better than random forests in
specification a priori. In the case of this study, the selection terms of classifying gene expression (Zakharov & Dupont,
of a specification (“fraud” or “no fraud”) cannot be done a 2011). In the insurance domain, audit is intended to spot eva-
priori (Baesens et al., 2003). Under such circumstances, we sions of tax and fraudulent insurance claim. It is critical that
find that logistic regression is the most appropriate approach audit strategy is planned well and is supported by
for the problem objective and the dataset under consider- classification-based technique to support audit plan strategy
ation. The outcome is “fraud”’ or “no fraud” (binary depen- (Bonchi et al., 1999). A comparison of ensembles and single
dent variable) that needs to be classified from the underlying classifiers has been done in few other studies in a different
data which is transactional accounting information. In sev- domain. Ensembles of artificial neural network and logistic
eral applications, the complexity of ensembles compared to regression were applied on patient data. These patients had
a single model is a significant limitation (Finlay, 2011). reported chest pain and were admitted to emergency depart-
Some studies suggest that ensemble models perform better ment. In this case, ensemble was found to have an advantage
than single classifiers (Zhang, Patuwo, & Hu, 1998). How- over single classifier (Green et al., 2006). However, this was
ever, this is not true in all the cases. In some cases, neural contextual to healthcare domain and the results could vary in
networks or logistic regression can perform better as single a different setting. Nevertheless, the question still remains as
classifiers unlike other single or ensemble classifiers which to the best methodology for classification. There was a study
are kernel-machines driven. For instance, neural networks done on genetic data to analyze single nucleotide polymor-
can generalize from data to act as functional approximators phisms in multiple genes. Four methods—random forests,
(Zhang et al., 1998). logic regression, classification tree, and logistics regression—
A single model can have very few variables and parame- were applied to compare results for gene interactions. In this
ters to analyze whereas an ensemble may have complex case, random forests and logistic regression performed corpo-
interactions within parameters and, also, there could be thou- rately better than other classifiers (Yoo, Ference, Cote, &
sands of parameters in an ensemble. Consequently, the Schwartz, 2021). Studies also indicate that ensemble models
behavior of such systems is very difficult to understand. do not always perform better than single model classifiers. It
Their application in areas like the one which is being studied is contextual to underlying data. In some cases, single model
in this article is difficult where single explicable model is classifiers like Logistic Regression (LR) or Neural Network
required (Finlay, 2011). We do not use ensemble classifiers (NN) classify better then ensembles in terms of classification
in this case as the objective was to test a classifier method in rates (Orimoloye, 2017).
the context of this study (with reference to transactional data Data analytics has been found to be useful in identifica-
in accounting) with respect to its applicability, classification tion of factors associated to financial statements which are
ability, and validity. It is worthwhile to extend this study fraudulent. A study was conducted to specifically identify if
with the pooling of classifiers and apply ensembles. At this management fraud is done by analyzing financial statements.
stage, it is beyond the scope of current study to do so. Over In this case, classification methods like neural networks,
the recent years, ensembles have also been used in certain Bayesian networks and decision trees were applied on finan-
situations to improve predictive accuracy. In the case of cial ratios computed from the financial statements (Kirkos
ensembles, multiple base models are pooled to form ensem- et al., 2007). Classification models to detect credit card fraud
ble classifiers. It has been shown that pooling of models have also been studied (Shen et al., 2007). In their paper, the
may improve predictive accuracy (Finlay, 2011; Paleologo, ability to detect fraud is investigated through three
Elisseef, & Antonini, 2010). Ensembles can be built methods—neural networks, decision trees, and logistic

regression. This study suggests that selection of a model is ownership model is simply not suitable for most corpora-
contextual to underlying data. It also provides a framework tions. Furthermore, he found that the agency dilemma
to select an appropriate model when there is a risk of credit increases the demand for high-quality auditors in the market.
card fraud (Shen et al., 2007). This study introduces the con- Law (2008) discussed the role of auditor independence from
cept of fraud analytics by description of descriptive, predic- the perspective of the principal-agent theory and concluded
tive, and social networking methods. It is prescribed that that a high level of competition and the provision of non-
analytics is an important tool to detect fraud. It is also dis- audit services negatively affect auditor independence. Other
cussed as to how and why analytics complements rule-based studies provide insight into how auditors need to consider
(expert views) fraud detection. Subsequently, a high-level corporate governance factors in their audit strategy (Cohen
step-based process to implement fraud detection system is et al., 2002), accountability and auditing in multinational
presented (Baesens et al., 2015). enterprises (Luo, 2005), the effects of contingent monitoring
systems on audit policies (Fagart & Singlair-Desgagné,
2007), and performance incentives in audit processes (Mohd-
2.2 | Agency theory and auditing
Sanusi & Mohd-Iskandar, 2007).
The agency theory (Adams, 1994; Baiman, 1990; Cohen,
Krishnamoorthy, & Wright, 2008) explains the inherent con-
2.3 | Fraud detection and auditing
flict between ownership and control in modern firms, in which
ownership can often belong to many individual shareholders. There is a stream of literature examining different manage-
Due to this diluted ownership, the shareholders as the princi- ment approaches to detect fraud in business auditing. For
pals need to hire agents to conduct daily business on their instance, there are applications of data mining techniques for
behalf, which gives the latter control (Jensen & Meckling, identifying companies susceptible to financial statement fraud
1976). However, the separation of ownership and control cau- (Ravisankar et al., 2011). To reduce financial loss as a result
ses a dilemma: if both parties act primarily in their own self- of fraudulent transaction, Caldeira, Brandao, Campos, and
interest, and if both parties have asymmetrical access to infor- Pereira (2012) developed fraud detection models for
mation, there are strong incentives for the agents in particular predicting fraudulent transactions via the Internet with a spe-
to optimize their business activities for personal gain, rather cific focus on credit card operations. Similarly, Sahin, Bulkan,
than protect the interests of the shareholders (Eisenhardt, and Duman (2013) argued that a fraud detection system is
1989). The act of the agents in maximizing their own self- important for prevention particularly for those transactions
interests on the cost of the principals is generally referred to as related to online credit cards and proposed a cost-decision tree
a “moral hazard” (Holmström, 1979). To protect their interests approach for this purpose. Utilizing network-based features,
and investments and avoid moral hazard, shareholders need to Van Vlasseler et al. (2015) develop a system for detecting
rely on contractual designs, for example, incentives that align fraud in credit card transactions. Their system is capable of
interests or penalties to disincentivize dissent (Baiman & identifying fraud transactions and lessens related crime for
Demski, 1980), particularly as the complexity of assigned fraudulent business card transactions. More recently, De Sa,
tasks increase and measurements become more difficult and Pereira, and Pappa (2018) design an algorithm to improve
costly (Eisenhardt, 1985). The design of these contracts and credit card detection with data classification and economic
their supervision are usually connected to so-called contracting efficiency considered. In the broader financial institution con-
costs that reduce the potential pay-outs for both parties text, the cause factors, consequences, deterrence as well as the
(Fama & Jensen, 1983; Milgrom & Roberts, 1992). The prin- ways for preventing corporate frauds are investigated (Bonsu,
cipals therefore place audits within the principal-agent relation- Dui, Muyun, Asare, & Amankwaa, 2018). They found that
ship as a mechanism to regularly supervise performance and fraud is damaging for corporate financial performance and
behavior of their agents so as to minimize opportunity for advocated the use of fool proof deterrence and prevention
fraudulent behavior and maximization of self-interest (Cohen methods for curbing its occurrence. These studies highlight
et al., 2002; Mohd-Sanusi & Mohd-Iskandar, 2007) by hiring the growing managerial attention on fraud detection and the
auditors. In this regard, auditors act as reputational intermedi- use of the technological approach (e.g., big data analytics) in
aries between principals and agents, and provide important auditing research and practice (Gepp, Linnenluecke,
monitoring and reporting services. O'Neill, & Smith, 2018).
The recent literature offers different solutions to the
principal-agent problem from an auditing perspective. Clive
2.4 | Anomaly detection and data driven audit
(2005) discussed moral hazard based on management own-
ership and audit firm size and surmised that while full Based on the agency theory, we develop a data-driven
management-ownership solves the agency issue, this approach to data driven audit that helps to address the

principal-agent problem by reducing the contracting costs objectivity to reduce fraud risk and alleviate information
and information asymmetry. Contextual and collective asymmetry between executives and investors. The PCAOB
anomaly detection techniques have been increasingly was established to oversee the audits of public companies in
applied in several domains (Green & Choi, 1997; order to safeguard public interest by promoting accurate and
Jayasimhan & Gadge, 2012; Khattree & Naik, 1999; Knorr, independent audits. The PCAOB audit standards maintain
Ng, & Tucakov, 2000; Ravisankar et al., 2011; Singh, that financial statements as published by issuers are required
Cheng, & Lai, 2017). In this regard, anomaly detection is to be accurate and presented in a manner that does not con-
the process of finding patterns that do not conform to expec- tain incorrect statements. They are also required to study and
tations (Bolton & Hand, 2002). In the domain of accounting report on the extent that off-balance transactions result in
and auditing, practitioners deal with different types of issues, transparent reporting and determine the meaning of any
such as omission errors, fraud, waste, and abuse (DeBoer, result with the generally accepted accounting principles for
Eimers, & Elsa, 2014; Hansen, McDonald, Messier, & Bell, reporting purposes. Furthermore, data-driven audit can
1996). These issues include fraudulent behavior like making improve the responsiveness of regulations to current market
false statements,2 concealing facts, misusing benefits, imper- requirements by providing information in real time. From
sonation, violating standard business conduct, and so forth. the perspective of firms, compliance with key regulatory and
The capability to detect these issues is critical in protecting legal requirements is critical to sustaining business opera-
shareholder value, yet the quality of traditional audits is tions. For example, the “Sarbanes-Oxley” regulations specif-
often diminished by shortcomings in skill and technological ically mandate enterprises to certify that financial statements
resources (Borthick, 2012; Cecchini, Aytug, Koehler, & are free from fraud and material misstatements (DeFond &
Pathak, 2010; Power, 2013). Normally, forensic audits are Francis, 2005). Simply employing an independent auditor
performed when there is fraud or alleged fraud. They are would hardly fulfill this requirement. This issue therefore
neither regular audits nor firm-wide audits. The agency that compels top management to add forensic accountants to the
is investigating the crime narrows down the areas of fraud audit team. Titera (2013) discussed the issue of required
and an audit is performed in that particular area. The process revisions to audit standards, whether for public or private
is more of one that is collecting evidence. For example, if an company audits, and showed how certain types of current
investigating agency suspects the crime of siphoning of audit standards inhibit the use of enhanced data analysis and
funds, the forensic audit investigation would center around continuous auditing techniques by external auditors. Data
transfer transactions of high value funds. In a computerized analytics is found to be useful in statutory and internal
environment, there is no paper trail and hence auditors need audits, as well as forensics. Earley (2015) found that auditors
to have some basis for investigating transactions. This makes can capitalize on data from the business activities of the
their job very challenging and data related analytics can be enterprises themselves, as well as external sources. This
therefore very useful for tracking anomalous transactions. In helps to generate valuable new insights into internal audits,
conventional manual audits, auditors would examine provide greater assurance, and achieve a higher degree of
vouchers (either all or a sample). efficiency compared with traditional auditing techniques.
Analytical procedures play a vital role in audit planning Although it is difficult to manage massive volumes of
for extracting financial information, anticipating the results, data, data analytics holds great promise in auditing practice
and identifying relationships among the different variables and research. Data analytics can be used to more effectively
of financial data with relevant nonfinancial information. test transactions, maintain audit quality, and detect fraud
They also help to provide a better understanding of the busi- (Earley, 2015). Data analytics techniques help auditors to
ness of clients and identify risk areas. Evidently, risk and understand the business of their clients when there are large
fraud detection are challenges for auditors, so new audit risk volumes of data, and when it becomes difficult to differenti-
standards are defined to assess performance and the suitabil- ate financial from nonfinancial data. Data analytics also
ity of auditors, and to have control over the risk in misstate- helps to create new forms of audit evidence and its methods
ments. To implement such risk standards, it is also necessary are found to be useful in planning and developing proce-
to understand the internal control processes, including dures to identify risks by analyzing fluctuations and fraud.
proper planning and supervision. An important tool for For this purpose, skillful and technologically apt auditors are
accounting reviews is internal control which is used to fol- required (Murphy & Tysiac, 2015), even though evidence
low a process and can control risk and detect fraud from the suggests that auditor education might be lagging behind
early onset (Fogarthy, Graham, & Schubert, 2006). (Crawford, Helliar, & Monk, 2011; Rezaee & Burton,
Regulatory institutions like the Public Company 1997). Furthermore, data analytics is also recommended by
Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) have called for regulatory bodies as a rigorous auditing tool to detect and
approaches and methods that increase audit rigor and reduce fraud incidents, and the PCAOB has urged auditing

companies to leverage data analytics in the audit process abreast with the new methods of fraud (Ceresney, 2013). A
(Elder, Akresh, Glover, Higgs, & Liljegren, 2013). rule-based modeling approach embedded in data analytics
can help to keep up with new methods of fraud as they are
detected, as the inclusion of new rules in an existing model
is comparably simple.
BLR has the property of classifying and providing out-
3.1 | Modeling approach
come probability. If the classes are linearly separable, we get
Our modeling approach followed the steps suggested by useful insights in classification and probabilities. Random
Shmueli (2010) of goal definition, data collection, data prep- forests are also used on similar data for classifications, but it
aration, exploratory data analysis, variable and method requires specification of conditions (or rules) for building
selection, and model evaluation, validation, and selection. the trees. They perform implicit ensemble among trees on
To apply data analytics for fraud detection and auditor sup- random subsets of the data. Ensembles of different methods
port, we defined the system that is to be modeled with data (BLR, decision trees, neural networks, random forests, etc.)
from a procurement process. To properly represent the audit can provide good predictive accuracy as heterogeneous
approach in practice, we design our model to follow a set of models have complementary strengths. In the present study,
rules that “flag” suspicious transactions for a closer inspec- explanation of classification is as important as prediction.
tion by an auditor (Dionne, Giuliano, & Picard, 2009; The output of BLR is probability and classification which is
Green & Choi, 1997), thus reducing manual sampling efforts very beneficial to the issue we are studying. The results of
while improving the objectivity of the results (Eining, BLR could also be utilized as the baseline before using other
Jones, & Loebbecke, 1997). Consequently, we need to methods. As a result, we present a BLR based on historical
employ the same data and rules that an auditor would follow data that classifies purchasing transactions as fraudulent or
and consider the indicators that would prompt an auditor to nonfraudulent, as it has been found to yield accurate results
flag a transaction as possibly fraudulent. This might include for classification algorithms (Baesens et al., 2003, 2015;
Ngai, Hu, Wong, Chen, & Sun, 2011; Ravisankar et al.,
transactions with unusual amounts of items purchased,
2011). A major advantage of BLR is that it does not assume
unusual types of items purchased, unusual prices, or other
any specific shape of density in the space of the predictor
irregularities. In this regard, anomaly detection methods like
variables. The invoices and other accounting data can there-
unsupervised outlier detection could be considered (Campos
fore take any shape of density in their variables. The BLR is
et al., 2016); however, for the course of this study, we
based on the maximum likelihood estimation and estimates
decided to employ more salient indicators as discussed in
the probability of group membership. By its very nature,
the audit literature. Exhibit 1 presents an overview of the
logistic regression is an appropriate classification tool if the
indicators for suspicious transactions and possible underly-
underlying objective is to classify the data into two or more
ing management frauds (Singh et al., 2017; Tackett, 2013).
categories. In addition, with no requirement for within-group
However, it is vital to note that fraud detection rules are
covariance matrices of the predictors, the BLR is not as sen-
not static and need to be developed dynamically to keep
sitive to outliers as other regression techniques. In the extant
literature, logistic regressions have been used to provide
EXHIBIT 1 Overview of fraud indicators and fraud
decision aids to detect management fraud (Bell & Carcello,
risks 2000; Dechow, Ge, Larson, & Sloan, 2011) or other fraudu-
Indicator Possible fraud lent behaviors (Summers & Sweeney, 1998), but such appli-
Unusual quantity Embezzlement, inflated quantities to exhaust cations are rather limited in scope.
of items budget or accrue vendor kickbacks Mathematically, the BLR can be presented as:
Unusual items Embezzlement, items purchased for personal
purchased use or reselling p = ProbðY = 1jX = xÞ, ð1Þ
Unusual vendor Bid rigging, vendor kickbacks, “dummy”
selection vendor to siphon funds 1
1 −p = , ð2Þ
Unusual price Manipulation of costs to fit budget, siphoning 1 + expða + bxÞ
paid per item of funds
Unusual Embezzlement p
ln = a + bx, ð3Þ
delivery/order 1 −p
Unusual amount Theft, embezzlement where a is the intercept, b is the slope, exp or e is the expo-
nential function (e = 2.71828…), ln is the natural logarithm

with ln(e) = 1, p is the probability that the event y occurs 3.2 | Data description
given x ranges between 0 and 1. b and x can be either real
The next step in modeling entails defining the data set ana-
numbers, or vectors of real numbers. 1 −p p is the “odds ratio,”
    lyzed and variables used, and how these variables relate to
ln 1−p p is the log odds ratio, or “logit,” and ln 1−p p = one another. We consider variables related to accounting
a + bx means that as x increases by 1, the natural log of the data in purchase processes, namely vendor invoices, vendor
odds ratio increases by b. The odds ratio is related to payments, goods receipt notes (GRNs), purchase orders
the probability of the occurrence of an event. For example, (POs), purchase requisitions, and general ledgers (GLs). The
the probability of a transaction being fraudulent is 0.33. The data set resides in the enterprise resource planning (ERP)
odds that the transaction will be fraudulent is 1−0:33 and transactional systems of enterprises. ERP systems are a
0:33 = 1/2 or
2 to 1. There are other techniques for analyzing data with type of business-management software that integrates orga-
categorical dependent variables, including probit linear dis- nizational applications in order to collect, store, manage, and
criminant analysis, and log-linear and logistic regressions, interpret data from many business activities, including prod-
where the predictors are assumed to follow a multivariate uct planning, purchasing, manufacturing, or service delivery
normal distribution (Darlington, 1990). However, the BLR (Dechow & Mouritsen, 2005). ERP systems are vital to sus-
is commonly used due to its high classification accuracy taining the success of large enterprises in particular, as they
(Lim, Loh, & Shih, 2000) and accessibility compared to can help to continually monitor and improve internal pro-
more complex algorithms. cesses (Stratman, 2007). For instance, most known ERP sys-
In classification models, correctly predicted flags are tems handle datasets in financial accounting and controlling
called true positives, while correctly predicted nonflags are modules, which are extracted through various transaction
referred to as true negatives. There are two potential errors codes as defined in standard operating procedures.
for logistic regressions, namely a flag is not flagged appro- Our data set consists of sanitized real-life purchase pro-
priately (false negative) and a nonflag is falsely flagged cess data of a firm in the telecommunications industry with
(false positive). Consequently, the overall performance or an annual turnover that exceeds USD 1 billion. This was part
percentage classified correctly by a BLR can be evaluated of the external forensics auditing for the company conducted
based on two measures, namely sensitivity, which denotes by a consulting firm, which provided us with the information
on whether a transaction was found to be fraudulent. The
the percentage of true positives in the sum of true positives
factual details of the firm have been masked for confidential-
and false negatives, and specificity, which is calculated as
ity. Our data sample includes 32,117 transactions from pur-
the number of true negatives divided by the sum of false
chase processes that were directly taken from the firm's ERP
positives and true negatives. Thus, sensitivity measures the
system. Several times, we observed that data imported into
performance of the model in predicting flags, whereas speci-
databases from ERP systems have issues with data format,
ficity measures the accuracy of the model for predicting non-
alignment, and duplication. The data were therefore appro-
flags (Viaene, Derrig, Baesens, & Dedene, 2002), which are
priately formatted, and consistent duplicate entries were
expressed, respectively, as follows:
Furthermore, the data were post hoc for analyzing inci-
true positives
Sensitivity = , ð4Þ dents of fraud that was committed in the telecommunications
true positives + false negatives company. Subsequently, a consulting firm was called in to
conduct forensics auditing to ascertain the quantitative
true negatives nature and perpetration of fraud. The company also sought
Specificity = : ð5Þ
true negatives + false positives to find out if there were other collaborators (both employees
and vendors) who were participating in the fraud. The
Both the sensitivity and specificity of a BLR are heavily “flags” which were identified in the data were marked as real
influenced by the cutoff value (or classification threshold) of fraudulent transactions. These have been corroborated by the
the dependent variable, that is, how decimals between 0 and company. So, the flags are not prima facie but real-life
1 are rounded up or down in the classification. A high cutoff fraudulent transactions. Specifically, 1,978 (roughly 6% of
value generally lowers the number of flags, whereas a low cut- the sample) transactions were flagged this way. Exhibit 2
off value increases both the number of flags and false positives. gives an overview of the information provided per transac-
Plotting the overall performance in terms of sensitivity and tion, Exhibit 3 shows the descriptive statistics of the scale
specificity for different cutoff values yields the receiver operat- variables, and Exhibit 4 gives an overview of the potential
ing characteristic curve of a model, which is a useful tool for values for the nominal variables. Exhibit 5 provides an
analyzing the performance of a model based on different model excerpt of the transactional data employed (shows selected
parameters (Provost & Fawcett, 2001; Swets & Pickett, 1982). data only).

EXHIBIT 2 Overview of variables

Variable Description Type Format

PO_Number Purchase order (PO) number; PO for a single Nominal 10-Digit unique identifier
Year The year that a PO is issued Nominal 4-Digit year
Invitem Item number on invoice Nominal Numerical identifier
Vendor invoice quantity Quantity of items per invoice Scale Number
Vendor invoice material Material group of item Nominal Identifier consisting of letters and numbers
Indicator: updated PO Binary indicator whether the PO had been Binary 0/1
changed in the past
Total value Total value of the PO Scale Number
Bill of lading Bill of lading for transaction Nominal 7-Digit unique identifier
POItem Type of item delivered in PO Nominal Numerical identifier
Changed on Date on which PO was modified Nominal Date
Net price Price per item of transaction Scale Number
Net value Net value of single transaction Scale Number
PO quantity Quantity of items delivered in PO Scale Number
Price date Date on which PO was settled Nominal Date
Flag Binary indicator whether transaction had been Binary 0/1
flagged by auditors before

In addition to the variables present in the data sample, we fraudulent. As omitted information could be a strong indica-
defined additional indicators per transaction that could pro- tor for fraudulent behavior, we defined a binary check that is
vide us with further insights into whether a transaction is 1 when the cell values are blank, and 0 otherwise
(CheckCompleteness). To further investigate the degree of
EXHIBIT 3 Descriptive statistics of scale variables data completeness, we created a string variable that counts
Vendor the number of empty cells (DegreeCompleteness). Further-
invoice Total PO more, we created a string variable that counts the number of
quantity value Net value quantity days between our two date variables to check for unusually
Unit Number Local Local Number long or short periods of time (CheckDate). As a result, each
of items currency currency of items
Overall EXHIBIT 4 Potential values for nominal variables
Mean 2.766 21.395.928 26.949 5.399
Median 900 548.440 6.000 1.200 name Format Possible values
Min 1 547 3 80 PO_Number 10-Digit unique identifier 27 unique POs
Max 150.000 279.347.644 850.000 17.000 Year 4-Digit year 2010, 2011, 2012
Flagged Invitem Numerical identifier 45 unique item
Mean 2.979 29.628.216 13.569 2.714 identifiers
Median 750 1.001.618 7.500 1.500 Vendor Identifier that consists of 7 unique vendor
invoice letters and numbers materials
Min 152 3.082 7.500 1.500
Max 90.000 164.102.669 50.000 10.000
Bill of lading 7-Digit unique identifier 21 unique bills of
Nonflagged lading
Mean 2.752 20.966.707 27,827 5.575 PO_Item Numerical identifier 99 unique PO item
Median 900 534.570 5,650 1.130 identifiers
Min 1 547 3 80 Changed on Date 83 unique dates
Max 150.000 279.347.644 850.000 17.000 Price date Date 14 unique dates

Abbreviation: PO, purchase order. Abbreviation: PO, purchase order.


EXHIBIT 5 Snapshot of transactional data

Direct ERP output Auditor

invoice PO PO Net
PO number Year quantity Total value item Changed on quantity value Price date Flag
1100000491 2010 192 650,271.29 1,030 July 20, 2010 700 3,500 February 0
23, 2010
1100000567 2011 945 15,862,945.71 470 May 25, 2011 1890 9,450 August 12, 2010 0
1100000567 2011 1890 15,001,429.21 490 May 25, 2011 1890 9,450 August 12, 2010 0
1100000610 2011 2000 15,001,429.21 220 September 5,000 25,000 October 7, 2010 1
23, 2011
1100000642 2011 15,000 130,089,459.4 70 November 5,000 25,000 January 31, 2011 1
21, 2011
1100000645 2011 8,640 28,204,470.4 120 December 7, 2011 1890 9,450 February 3, 2011 1

Abbreviations: ERP, enterprise resource planning; PO, purchase order.

observation in the data sample was described by using combine multiple classifiers and the number of classifiers to
18 variables, that is, the dependent variable “flag,” and be combined.
17 independent variables. The objective of the proposed model is to detect anoma-
We used the Relational Data Base Management Systems lous transactions (“flags”) in the auditing process. Each flag
to store, manipulate and manage the data sets (Kriegel, should coincide with a potential fraud, based on accounting
2011). For statistical analyses, we used the statistical soft- knowledge and following the same set of rules as used by
ware SPSS. To further prepare the data set for the BLR, we the auditors. Logistic regression is similar to linear regres-
randomly split the data set into two parts, with 21,297 (70%) sion but with two main differences. First, the outcome or
and 9,535 (30%) observations each. We split the complete response is categorical, which could be yes/no,
data in a stratified manner and used the larger data set as the approve/reject, responded/did not respond. Second, the out-
training data set to train the logistic regression and the come is expressed as a probability of being in either group.
smaller data set as the test set to validate our results. In our case, if the transaction seems to be “fraudulent,” the
dependent variable will be 1, and 0 if the transaction is
4 | M O D E L AN D R E S U L T S “nonfraudulent.”
Our initial Model 1 includes all the data variables pres-
4.1 | Model ented above, and expressed as follows:

There have been studies reviews of classification techniques

in different areas like bankruptcy prediction, default predic- log odds ratio = intercept + c1 * POnumber + c2 * Year
tion and others. In one such study, exhaustive review of clas- + c3 * InvItem + c4 * VendorInvoiceQuantity
sification different techniques like logistic regression, by + c5 * VendorInvoiceMaterial
using neural networks, support vector machines, decision + c6 * IndicatorUpdatedPO + c7 * TotalValue
trees, and so forth. in the context of bankruptcy prediction
+ c8 * BillofLading + c9 * POItem
(Tsai et al., 2014). In this study, baseline classifiers are used
+ c10 * ChangedOn + c11 * NetPrice
to compare and contrast the relative differences. In literature,
+ c12 * NetValue + c13 * POQuantity
various classification techniques have been studied by using
single classifier like logistic regression, decision trees and + c14 * PriceDate + c15 * CheckCompleteness
combining multiple classifiers approach. In majority of stud- + c16 * DegreeCompleteness
ies, combination of classifiers has been found to outperform + c17 * CheckDate
many single classifiers. However, in terms of constructing ð6Þ
classifier ensembles, the context of study (fraud detection,
bankruptcy prediction, behavioral prediction, etc.) can affect where c1, …, c17 denominate the coefficients that we want
their performance. Also, the affect would also depend on the to train. After initial testing, we confirmed that only a
classification technique adopted, combination methods to few variables are significant based on Wald test-scores.

Consequently, we removed the nonsignificant covariates. EXHIBIT 6 Model selection criteria

We express the revised model as follows:
Model 1 Model 2
df (k) 51 49
log odds ratio = intercept + c1 * POnumber
−2 log likelihood (logl) 6,781.372 7,017.389
+ c6 * IndicatorUpdatedPO
Sample size (n) 32,117 32,117
+ c7 * TotalValue + c9 * POItem
AIC 84.35613 80.28771
+ c13 * POQuantity + c17 * CheckDate:
BIC 511.5903 490.7676
Abbreviations: AIC, Akaike information criterion; BIC,
However, the second iteration of the model still did a poor Bayesian information criterion.
job of accurately predicting flags in both the test and training
sets. Consequently, we changed the PO_ Number to a cate- criterion balances model flexibility to choose among the dif-
gorical variable, following the rationale that the propensity ferent models. For logistic regression, the AIC is calcu-
for fraud might be correlated with certain PO numbers. Also, lated as:
it could be that certain PO numbers have high values and so
we converted the PO_ Number into a categorical variable to AIC = −2x ln ðlikelihoodÞ + 2k, ð9Þ
specifically identify distinct POs. We included the interac-
tion effects to enhance our understanding of variable rela- where k is the number of covariates included in the model.
tionships and capture such relationships in the model. The Model 2 showed a lower AIC, and thus the information
first interaction included is between the PO_Number and lost in Model 2 is less than that in Model 1. A possible rea-
POItem, which checks for unusual purchases of items in son for this could be that fewer variables are included in
POs. The second interaction included is TotalValue and Model 2. All things being equal, we could comparatively
POQuantity, which looks for problematic relations between select the model which has the smallest value for the AIC.
the value of a PO and the number of items purchased. The The relative likelihood of Model 2 shows that it has less
new Model 2 is given as follows: chance (0.13 times of Model 1) of estimated information
loss, thus Model 2 is favored over Model 1. Also, we noted
log odds ratio = intercept + c1 * POnumber ðcategoricalÞ that Model 2 shows a lower BIC compared to Model 1. The
+ c7 * TotalValue + c9 * POItem difference in the BIC (20.82) is greater than 10, thus affir-
ming that Model 2 has more validity than Model 1. As both
+ c13 * POQuantity + c17 * CheckDate
the AIC and BIC values comparatively favor Model 2, we
+ c18 * POnumber * POItem
considered Model 2 to be the more appropriate model.
+ c19 * Totalvalue * POQuantity:
4.3 | Model validation
We first tested whether one of the basic assumptions of the
4.2 | Model selection criteria BLR—a linear relationship between predictors and depen-
The predictive power of the model in a BLR can be evaluated dent variables—holds, or whether a polynomial formulation
would improve our model. Following the Box-Tidwell test,
by the model selection criteria. In this case, there are
we assessed the significance of the interaction effects of the
n independent variables (or covariates) with a binary outcome
scale predictors with the natural logarithm of the scale pre-
variable. Covariates are a mix of categorical and continuous
dictors, that is, TotalValue * Ln(Totalvalue), POQuantity *
variables and we wanted to choose the “appropriate” model to
select which covariates to include in the model. An appropri-
EXHIBIT 7 Overview of the models
ate model with minimum information loss could be selected
through the Akaike information criterion (AIC) and Bayesian Model 1 Model 2
information criterion (BIC). The AIC and BIC are presented Chi-square 3,441.943 3,175.926
in Exhibit 6. The model selection criteria (or analytical audit df 51 49
of the models) require a parameter (k) and a likelihood func- Sig. .000 .000
tion (logI) which are taken from Exhibit 7. As the sample size −2 log likelihood 6,781.372 7,017.389
is large, there is no need to apply any correction.
Cox and Snell (R-squared) .141 .132
As we wanted to evaluate the model that is of substantive
Nagelkerke (R-squared) .386 .361
interest to us, we applied the AIC since this information

EXHIBIT 8 Classification accuracy

Ln(POQuantity), and DateCheck * LN(DateCheck). The sig-
nificant results of these interactions indicate that the relation- Model 1 Model 2
ship is nonlinear. Indeed, both POQuantity and DateCheck
Training Test Training Test
show nonlinear relationships, and a quadratic formulation data data data data
(DateCheck^2 and POQuantity^2) fits our data better
True 1,330 606 911 420
(Jaccard & Lewis-Back, 2011; Pardoe, 2008). Second, to
better understand how our covariates relate to each other, we
False 2,310 1,041 2,306 1,040
check our model for multicollinearity. Multicollinearity
refers to close correlations among the predictor variables,
True 18,813 7,939 18,817 7,940
which lead to inflated significance of the independent vari-
ables, which in turn, causes a skewed or biased model out-
False 17 6 436 192
put. The variable inflation factor (VIF) provides evidence as
to whether multicollinearity is a concern in a model; gener-
Sensitivity 98.7% 99% 89.1% 88.4%
ally, VIF values of over 2.0 are considered to be problematic
(see, e.g., Hair, Anderson, Tatham, & Black, 2006). Calcu- Specificity 89.1% 88.4% 67.6% 68.6%

lating the VIF for all the independent variables, we find high Accuracy 89.6% 89.1% 87.8% 87.2%
VIF values (>20) for POItem and POQuantity. This is not
surprising, as for nonfraudulent transactions, POItem should Lemeshow, & Sturdivant, 2013). Given the size of our sam-
be closely related to PO_Number (certain items are usually ple and the overall good results on both the test and training
purchased in the same PO), while POQuantity is supposed data, we expected our model to be an exception to the rule.
to be correlated with TotalValue (more items ordered indi- Exhibit 7 provides additional test statistics. While the Cox
cate highervalue of the order). As a result, we removed and Snell/Nagelkerke R-squared values are comparably low,
POQuantity and POItem as we had met the requirement of a they are at an appropriate level for a data sample of our size.
strong theoretical motivation for the elimination of predic- Furthermore, very high R-squared values could indicate
tors to reduce multicollinearity that is called for in the extant overfitting (Cox & Snell, 1989; Nagelkerke, 1991). Given
literature (O'Brien, 2007). After removing POQuantity and that our model retrieves comparable results for both the
POItem from our model and recalculating the VIF values, training and test data sets, we concluded that overfitting
we confirmed that multicollinearity is not a major concern in (or underfitting) is not an issue. Furthermore, the −2log like-
our model (VIF < 2.0). We have considered VIF values for lihood is significantly decreased when compared with the
further investigation into multicollinearity. The variables initial model that includes all the variables, thus implying an
with VIF values exceeding 5 show signs of serious improved fit with our data (see Exhibit 7). When assessing
multicollinearity. In such cases, the variables were removed the significance of the predictors and interaction effects, we
from the consideration set. saw that they are all significant at the p < .01 level, with
The final model is formulated as follows:
considerably high Wald test scores (Greene, 2012; see
Exhibit 9).
log odds ratio ¼ intercept þ c1 * POnumber ðcategorgicalÞ We considered the issues of model endogeneity, that is,
þ c7 * TotalValue þ c17 * CheckDate^ 2 the correlation of the dependent variable with the error term
þ c18 * POnumber * POItem
(Greene, 2012), but they are not of major concern for this
þ c19 * Totalvalue * POQuantity^ 2:
particular model. The three main issues for endogeneity are
ð10Þ omitted variables, simultaneity issues, and measurement

While the new model shows a smaller overall percentage EXHIBIT 9 Predictor statistics (categorical variables
classified correctly compared with the original model (see indicated by [cat])
Exhibit 8), we are confident that the results are significantly
more robust, as the model has adequately addressed the Predictor Wald df Sig.
issues of multicollinearity and includes polynomial expres- PO_Number (cat) 249.136 26 .000
sions. We also conducted a Hosmer-Leme show goodness- TotalValue 28.212 1 .000
of-fit test to see whether the model fits our data. This test POItem * PO_Number (cat) 543.083 20 .000
indicates a good fit if the results are not significant. In our CheckDate_squared 369.772 1 .000
particular case, the test yielded significant results; however,
TotalValue * POQuantity_squared 83.786 1 .000
the test might yield significant results for models that have a
Intercept 89.581 1 .000
good fit when applied to a big data set (Hosmer,

errors for either the dependent or independent variables EXHIBIT 10 Overview of different cutoff values and
(Roberts & Whited, 2012). Due to the framework of our results for the test data
research question, omitted variables should be of no con-
Cutoff value 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
cern. While there are certainly predictors that might help to
Nonflag accuracy 88.40% 93.10% 98.50% 99.10%
reach a higher automatic fraud classification, we seek to for-
mulate a model that is working with the same data set as Flag accuracy 68.60% 30.40% 26% 22.90%
provided to an auditor—in this case, PO transactions. All of True positive 420 186 157 140
the data attributes were extracted from the ERP system of False positive 1,040 616 139 80
the focal firm and included in the first iteration of the model; True negative 7,940 8,364 8,841 8,900
only significant variables were retained. As a result, omitted False negative 192 426 455 472
variables that cause endogeneity are unlikely to do
so. Simultaneity refers to reverse causality between the inde-
both. Overall, we found that the classification accuracy of
pendent and dependent variables, which is not an issue due
our model is significantly improved by a series of different
to our approach which uses a BLR. While it can be the case
steps as follows. First, deriving additional variables from the
in nonbinary multiple regressions that the dependent variable
data can help to improve accuracy. In our particular case, the
affects the independent variables rather than vice versa, our
time difference in days between a change of quantity or
dependent variable is a binary flag that is allocated after the
value of a PO and the date it was settled proved to be a
transaction is drawn from the ERP system, that is, transac-
potent predictor regardless of whether fraudulent behavior
tions are flagged ex post, and reverse causality is thus impos-
was involved. Other derived variables included complete-
sible. Finally, endogeneity can be caused by measurement
ness, sum, and value checks. Second, categorical implemen-
errors. Our dependent variable is a binary flag that was allo-
tation is particularly helpful for nominal variables like “item
cated by an auditor. Even if the flag was unjustly allocated
number” or “purchase order number.” Checking for fraudu-
(false positive through human error), that should be of no
lent behavior based on these categories helped to signifi-
concern to the actual performance of our model. Similarly,
cantly boost both the specificity and sensitivity of our
the independent variables were drawn directly from the
proposed approach. Third, a polynomial formulation can
ERP—any measurement or value errors in the ERP itself
help further improve the model by increasing the fit with the
were exogenous to our model and, in fact, additional evi-
data; however, higher-degree polynomials should be treated
dence of fraud detection.
with caution to avoid overfitting.
Looking at the classification threshold, that is, the “cutoff
5 | DISCUSSI ON OF R E SUL T S value,” of our model, we were able to analyze how a change
in the cutoff values would affect our results. We settled on a
In this section, we discuss the implications of our predictive comparably low cutoff value to better reach our goal of fraud
model. We used a BLR model to classify PO transactions classification, following the rationale that the economic
into fraudulent and nonfraudulent transactions based on ERP effects of a false negative (a fraudulent transaction is not
data. As will be elaborated below, we showed evidence that found) significantly outweigh the economic impacts of false
data analytics can provide considerable support to both inter- positives (a nonfraudulent transaction needs to be double-
nal and external auditors. For internal auditors, a major ben- checked by an auditor). We observed through the tests that
efit of our approach is that the model is able to predict there are very few false negatives compared to false posi-
whether a transaction is fraudulent in real time. As soon as tives (false positives are far more in number). This makes
the transaction takes place, this model is applied to the data sense in a fraud context. Indeed, while a cutoff value of 0.1
to determine its authenticity. If the model judges the transac- showed promising results of around 70% specificity and
tion to be fraudulent, then a flag is raised immediately, and 88% sensitivity, the efficacy of the model quickly dimin-
further steps can be taken. For external auditors, a data- ished as the cutoff value was increased (see Exhibits 10 and
driven forensic audit approach can greatly reduce manual 11). While increasing this value would improve the overall
labor and improve the objectivity of the findings, as the ini- accuracy of the model, a disproportionate decrease in speci-
tial sample of the transactions to be put under scrutiny ficity would not warrant this change.
selected by the model is significantly smaller.
5.2 | Auditing and contracting costs
5.1 | Modeling implications
By casting our empirical findings in the agency theory
In our model, we used a number of explanatory variables framework discussed in the literature review, we formulated
that are either quantitative or categorical or a mixture of propositions on how data-driven auditing can affect the

EXHIBIT 11 Prediction accuracy of test data for different cutoff values

0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25

test data non-flag accuracy test data flag accuracy

current relationships among the agent, principal, and auditor. fraudulent activities, as they are aware that all transactions
Adams (1994) proposed an agency theory framework for can be objectively monitored by the system in real time,
internal audit functions, and the appointment and perfor- which in return should make it easier to align the interests of
mance evaluation of external auditors. Audits are highly the agent and the principal (Hatzakis, Nair, & Pinedo, 2010).
complex social processes, and subject to the conflict of Consequently, we conjecture the following:
divergence of interests between shareholders and owners,
which might affect auditor performance and independence Proposition 1 A data-driven approach to auditing can
(Arya & Glover, 2014; Suddaby, Gendrom, & Lam, 2009). reduce contracting costs by reducing asymmetric informa-
Singh and Best (2016) demonstrated the technical feasibility tion and the incentive of agents toward fraudulent behavior.
of implementing multiview visualization methods to assist
auditors in reviewing the integrity of high-volume account-
ing transactions. In connection to these findings and our
5.3 | Auditing and auditor independence
prior discussion of the principal-agent dilemma and the
underlying risk of moral hazard, we argue that an approach As elaborated earlier, there have been a variety of studies on
that helps to analyze, identify, and visualize data in a better various aspects of data-driven approaches to auditing. In par-
way reduces information asymmetry by making the data ticular, classification techniques like clustering have been
more accessible to both the principal and agent. Indeed, reg- applied to data to find transactions that are anomalous
ulatory institutions (including the PCAOB) make a strong (Cecchini et al., 2010; Thiprungsri & Vasarhelyi, 2011).
case for an approach that increases rigor and quality in the Overall, such techniques can help to identify patterns and
auditing process. It would be useful to explore and adopt an predict future criminal activities (Bagchi, 2016). Objective,
approach that would make the audit more efficient and thus data-driven evidence can also help support auditors in their
help auditors be better agents in this process. An improve- judgment and contribute to their position as an independent
ment in efficiency in identifying fraudulent transactions monitor (Adams, 1994; Law, 2008). In addition, audit assur-
greatly improves a forensic audit process. It clearly reduces ance needs periodic reviews to investigate past transactions and
information asymmetry and brings transparency to the prin- financial statements. Auditors are therefore necessary interme-
cipal (shareholder in this case). The argument about a more diaries between investors and management and providing reli-
efficient audit makes sense since perpetration of fraud is able and trusted financial statements to the general public.
itself a highly costly matter for the principal. A data However, auditors are still human—and in this role as suscepti-
analytics-based model detects fraud (and not just the risk of ble to fraudulent behavior as managers. Therefore, there is an
fraud through flags). To reduce the information risk of inves- increasing call for technology-based auditing techniques to
tors, such objective and data-driven tools are appropriate reduce the subjective judgment of auditors (Loughran &
methods to achieve this aim. However, improved data avail- McDonald, 2016). Continuous auditing and measuring provide
ability and monitoring procedures can also benefit a com- a regular framework for positive assurance in audits (Corona &
pany in many ways. Internally, it should disincentivize Randhawa, 2010; Kuenkaikaew & Vasarhelyi, 2013). As our
agents from engaging in self-interest maximization and model shows, data-driven approaches to auditing can reduce

manual intervention and avoid subjective judgment. Further- requiring continuous investment in data analytics expertise
more, an exhaustive review is possible since the entire data set within the company; this might include the creation of addi-
can be tested continuously, which leaves out the necessity for tional positions within the company that are in charge of
sample vouching. As a result, our findings suggest that auditor data and model management. Furthermore, managers need
independence and autonomy in reporting are improved by to improve their data literacy to ensure that they can make
data-driven auditing, and we correspondingly postulate the full use of the model output and generate appropriate busi-
following: ness insights accordingly. Similarly, auditors need to
improve their understanding of data analytics (which has
Proposition 2 A data-driven approach to auditing can important implications for the training and education of
improve the independence of auditors by providing objective future auditors), and data analytics experts need to be added
data that reduce manual intervention and the need for sub- to auditing teams that plan to apply data-driven auditing.
jective judgment.
5.5 | Limitations of the study
However, there are a few limitations to our research work.
5.4 | Managerial implications
First, there is a positive correlation between data and predic-
Our findings indicate that data driven auditing techniques tion accuracy; as the size of the data set increases to a certain
yield significant value for practitioners. Apart from the sample size, the prediction accuracy is likely to increase as
potential to ease the conflict between ownership and man- well, after which the learning curve will gradually flatten
agement, and improve the efficacy and independence of out. As a result, all models are limited by the availability of
auditors, the proposed model offers several additional bene- real-life data. While our data set has a sufficient size to make
fits for managers. First, the model offers a high degree of good predictions, the accuracy could be further improved by
flexibility. As new fraud techniques or suspicious behavior increasing either the size of the data, or enriching accuracy
becomes apparent, the algorithm can be easily and quickly with further data attributes, for example, from GRNs, GLs,
adapted to account for the changed environment. It is also and so forth. Second, there might be many types of fraud
flexible in terms of the data used; while our presented exam- possible that we are unable to detect with our model. How-
ple is based on PO data, other ERP output could also pro- ever, given that we use the same tools and rules as an audi-
vide a good base for further fraud detection, for example, tor, and come to similar results, it is highly unlikely that an
GRNs, GLs, and so on and so forth. Furthermore, the model auditor would have detected these fraudulent transactions.
can be easily adapted to changes in the regulatory frame- Third, our data set is generated from a single company. We
work and auditing standards as well. Second, the model purposely choose to emulate the setting of an external audit
offers fraud detection in real time, as transactions can be (i.e., ERP output from a single firm) as closely as possible to
checked and flagged as they are processed by the system— investigate the benefits of data-driven auditing. For external
this has significant psychological repercussions for managers validity, our model could be tested by using the ERP outputs
who intend to carry out fraudulent behavior, as they might of different companies. Fourth, while the data are thoroughly
have to face immediate consequences when detected. Fur- checked to account for any corrupted or faulty entries, we
thermore, real-time application has the positive side effect of cannot guarantee that all of the erroneous entries are
improved classification accuracy, as more and more data are removed, particularly minor errors. Furthermore, given that
added to the model. Third, apart from supporting companies the data are collected directly from the ERP system of the
in fraud detection, the model can help to generate business focal company, there might be input-related issues affiliated
insights from the data that it processes; in this way, man- with the data. However, given the size of the data set and the
agers with appropriate data literacy and business acumen robust results, we argue that this is not a major issue. Simi-
can identify sources of vulnerability and inefficiency, and larly, the same line of reasoning holds true when it comes to
improvement potential in their internal system. nonjustified flags in our data set.
However, these benefits cannot be reaped without a cer- Furthermore, it should be noted that, in today's business
tain degree of investment. Companies need to ensure that where the audited financial information of enterprises is
their data are complete and well-maintained, and of high available in the public domain, other factors also might
quality to enable predictive models to work at full efficiency. affect these relationships, and it is vital to acknowledge that
Subsequently, the model has to be set up and fine-tuned in this is not the only exhaustive theory to explain the auditing
an iterative process to emulate the underlying realities as process, as other economic theories can also be relevant for
closely as possible. After initialization, both the data and analyzing audits. A single agency theoretical lens for analyz-
model need to be maintained, improved, and adapted, thus ing audits is unlikely to provide all the answers.

6 | CONCLUSI ON S all such contexts, there could be variety of modeling tech-

niques that can be applied. As a future research direction, it
The occurrence of management fraud increases as the sepa- would be useful to perform comparative analytics of various
ration of ownership and control in modern companies pro- classification techniques that are used for fraud detection.
vides strong incentives for managers to act in self-interest. We have not done a comparative analysis of different classi-
While fraud techniques are evolving, so are regulatory fication techniques but attempted to illustrate how a particu-
frameworks and auditing processes in order to detect and lar technique can be applied for fraud detection in a specific
disincentivize fraud. Information technology is an important context of accounting data. Since there are limited, relevant
enabler to improve this relation. While agents might use studies examining multiple classifiers and combination
loopholes in IT systems, and the massive volumes of data methods in fraud detection, there is an opportunity to do fur-
generated and stored to mask their fraudulent behavior, prin- ther research study of comparing classification techniques
cipals (and, by extension, auditors) can apply data analytics including Logistic Regression, multilayer perceptron, neural
to detect fraud in real time. Consequently, there is a strong networks, support vector machines, decision trees and
need for continued research on data driven analytical others. As a future research, it would be useful to conduct
methods in auditing to improve fraud detection capability. exhaustive accuracy tests on the test and data. Prediction
Thus, we present a model for predictive analysis in
accuracy of test data for different cutoff thresholds can be
auditing, based on real-life accounting data. The proposed
checked at different levels. The cutoffs can change, how-
predictive model complements the rule-based approach
ever, depending on the context of study accounting, cyber
while also extending the ambit of detection by using multi-
forensics and others.
variate analysis. In the presented case, we find logistic
regression to be a very effective approach that can facilitate
to reduce fraud risk. This approach offers a variety of bene-
fits over traditional auditing techniques. Most importantly, it
makes information more accessible, thus alleviating the con- URL:
flict of interest between owners and managers, as fraud is 2
more likely to be detected and consequently disincentivized.
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actions in real time with less manual effort. As a result, mon- REF ER ENC ES
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