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Students Corporates

Majority of the responses that we received said that they had Home cooked food or healthy
food. One of the main reasons of this was COVID crisis as everyone was stuck at home and
had to eat homemade food which was the only option left to cook and eat at home. Also,
homemade food is healthier than others as you know what kind of ingredients are used in it.
When we asked about the various factors they investigate while buying food from food truck. Most
people agreed that they paid attention to hygiene quality of food ingredients and taste of the food.
This is something we need to work on as people perceive food trucks to be hygienic and hence, we
must always maintain the hygiene. Taste and the quality of ingredients used. People were moderate
on the payment options. This means that they are indifferent to the payment methods offered. And
also, the place of the food truck was important to them. In the corporate responses they gave more
importance to hygiene, quality and the taste which was in line with the student responses. As the
students, they were indifferent to the type of payment method.


Students Corporates
When the respondents were asked about the preference if they were given an option for food being
ready when they went to pick up. Almost 69% of the students said yes and 88% of corporate
respondents said yes, they would like pre prepared food. This is a benefit for us as we have planned
to take pre order meals from app itself. And already we are getting a lot of people who are willing to
buy by pre ordering from pre order.
Students Corporates

When the respondents were asked about the budget that they would be willing to spend for a meal.
Almost 66% of the student respondents wanted to spend amount between 100-300. This is a added
advantage for us because our meals cost 250/-for breakfast and for lunch it begins with 180/- which
is in the limit.

When the corporates were asked about the finances, there were around 6% of them who were
willing to spend 150-350 for a meal. This is also good as it is the amount we have allocated for our

Students Corporates
The corporates and students when asked if they would buy a at a food truck near you, the reply was
yes. We are planning to place our food truck near the colleges and corporates itself so that it’ll be
easy for them to buy by coming to the food truck. Every person wants a hot and fresh food that is
just made. Placing our food truck near the corporates and colleges will help in this.

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