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Case Report

Oromandibular Dystonia: A Rare Clinical Entity

Shailaja B, Suprakash Chaudhury, Shalesh Rohatgi1, Daniel Saldanha

Departments of Psychiatry Oromandibular dystonia (OMD) is a chronic, disabling focal dystonia involving

and 1Neurology,
Dr. DY Patil Medical College,
masticatory, facial, pharyngeal, lingual, and lip muscles. OMD interferes with
Dr. DY Patil Vidyapeeth, normal orofacial functions, such as deglutition and speech leading to impaired
Pune, Maharashtra, India quality of life. Cosmetic disfiguration and social embarrassment faced by these
patients owing to the perturbing nature of movements leads to anxiety, depression
and social isolation. There are very few reported cases of OMD in Indian
literature as the disorders are often misdiagnosed. We present two cases of OMD
who were initially misdiagnosed but later responded well to appropriate therapy.
A comprehensive evaluation and a holistic approach are crucial for the prompt
management of OMD.

Received: 03‑08‑2018
Keywords: Blepharospasm‑plus syndrome, botulinum toxin type A, geste
Accepted: 16-01-2019 antagoniste, oromandibular dystonia

Introduction and ill‑fitting dentures. Task‑specific OMDs were seen in

wind instrument players, auctioneers, and bingo callers.
O romandibular dystonia (OMD) is a disorder of
movement affecting the lower part of the face
and the jaw. It is characterized by the involuntary,
The most common secondary type is tardive dystonia,
developing as a side effect of long‑term treatment with
paroxysmal, sustained, or intermittent movements of jaw antipsychotic drugs. Due to high‑clinical variability and
and tongue with facial grimacing produced by spasms rare occurrence, OMD poses diagnostic and therapeutic
of the masticatory, facial, pharyngeal, lingual, and lip challenges.[1‑8] In this case series, we present two cases
muscles of variable severity. These movements can be of OMD.
patterned, twisting, or tremulous. OMD is classified as
jaw opening, jaw closing, jaw deviating, lingual, and
Case Reports
mixed types. OMD presenting with blepharospasm once Case A
known as Brueghel syndrome or Meige’s syndrome is A 54‑year‑old female presented with gaping of mouth,
currently included in blepharospasm‑plus syndrome due spontaneous, repetitive, spasmodic movement of the
to the imprecise nature of the eponyms. OMD generally lower jaw, facial grimaces, bouts of belching, frequent
appears at middle age or beyond. It is twice more blinking and difficulty in opening eyes fully for the
common in women than in men. More than one‑third last 2 years. Due to the inability to close the mouth
of the patients with OMD have dysphagia, dysarthria, completely, she used to wrap a scarf tightly around her
impaired salivation and few suffer from dental attrition, face to close the mouth. She used to have spontaneous,
headache, and facial pains. Cosmetic disfiguration and repetitive, painless movements of the lower jaw muscles
social embarrassment faced by the patients owing to throughout the day, and bouts of belching slowly
the perturbing nature of movements leads to anxiety, subsiding over 5–6 h which were socially embarrassing.
depression and social isolation thus hampering the quality Though she could not exercise control over the jaw
of life. OMD is either primary reflecting a dysfunction in
Address for correspondence: Dr. Suprakash Chaudhury,
the basal ganglia‑thalamo‑cortical circuits or secondary Department of Psychiatry, Dr. DY Patil Medical College,
to medications, essential tremors, Parkinson’s disease, Dr. DY Patil Vidyapeeth, Pimpri,
Huntington disease, neuroacanthosis, Wilson disease, Pune ‑ 411 018, Maharashtra, India.
Lesch‑Nyhan syndrome, oromandibular‑facial trauma,
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DOI: How to cite this article: Shailaja B, Chaudhury S, Rohatgi S, Saldanha D.

10.4103/mjdrdypu.mjdrdypu_123_18 Oromandibular dystonia: A rare clinical entity. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth

370 © 2019 Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil University | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
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Shailaja, et al.: Oromandibular dystonia

movements or belching, it used to subside to a certain The neurological evaluation showed intact cranial
extent, whenever she engaged herself in conversations. nerves, coordination, motor and sensory functions.
She used to find difficulty in swallowing and chewing Ophthalmological examination, including slit‑lamp
due to which, liquids were preferred over solids. She biomicroscopy, was normal except for blepharospasm in
would use the straw to drink. Over the span of 2 years, case A. Routine investigations and serum calcium level
she had lost almost 8 kg of her body weight due to were within the normal limit. Computed Tomography
altered food habits. Her speech had several pauses and Scan and Magnetic Resonance Imaging revealed no
breaks. Although she could fetch a fairly good amount neuroparenchymal abnormality. Case A was diagnosed
of sleep as movements used to temporarily disappear on with oromandibular dystonia and was given botulinum
falling asleep, sleep onset would often be delayed due toxin type  A injection and clonazepam 0.5  mg on SOS
to the troublesome nature of the jaw movements. She basis with which patient showed dramatic improvement
would blink often. At times, it would be difficult for her within 2 days. This was assessed by the neurologist
to open her eyes fully, so she would manually open her based on complaints and clinical examination. On review
eyes. The aforementioned symptoms had an insidious after a month, she remained symptom‑free. Case B was
onset and progressive course. Over the last 2 years, she diagnosed with oromandibular dystonia and was started
had consulted multiple physicians and psychiatrists and on tetrabenazine 25 mg/day which was up‑titrated to
was diagnosed with the dissociative motor disorder and 50 mg/day in a week and trihexyphenidyl 4 mg/day with
was tried on a various combination of selective serotonin which 30% betterment was reported. She was lost to
reuptake inhibitors, benzodiazepines and low‑dose follow‑up thereafter. Thus, in both the cases, a regular
antipsychotic medication with no improvement. and long‑term follow‑up was not possible. Hence, the
sustained benefit with treatment could not be ensured in
Case B
these cases.
A 76‑year‑old female presented with complaints of
spontaneous, repetitive, painless spasmodic movements Discussion
of lower jaw throughout the day, pursing of lips and
Few of the clinical features of the above‑mentioned cases
bouts of belching lasting for about half an hour for
were suggestive of dissociative motor disorder such
the last 1½ year. Her speech had long pauses. The jaw
as movements subsiding, whenever patient engaged in
movements used to subside to a certain extent whenever
conversation, temporary disappearance of symptoms with
she would engage in conversations and would disappear
sleep. However, the symptoms of OMD can be worsened
completely with sleep. Despite multiple consultations
by emotional factors and can be relieved by sleeping,
with physicians over a year, there was no improvement
relaxing, and talking. The gesteantagoniste  (GA) is a
leading to psychiatric referral.
voluntary procedure that briefly mitigates the severity of
In both the subjects, there was no significant stressor dystonic movements. GA may either be a sensory trick,
in temporal relation to the onset of illness. Bouts of in which patients may temporarily reduce dystonia by
belching experienced by the subjects were thought gently touching the face or neck, biting the toothpick/lip
to be secondary to aerophagia caused by open mouth or as a forcible trick, like applying counter‑pressure in
breathing. They were distressed by the burdensome opposition to the dystonic head turn, may be necessary
nature of the symptoms, altered food habits, difficult for severe forms of dystonia. The tactile/proprioceptive
articulation, cosmetic disfiguration, and social sensory gating modulating the sensorimotor integration
embarrassment secondary to it and were disappointed and diminishing abnormal dystonic motor output
with the undue delay in the diagnosis and treatment. explains the antidystonic effect of GA. Points against
There were no primary or secondary gains. There the diagnosis of dissociative disorder were the late age
was no appreciable drug history before the onset. of onset, the absence of significant stressor in temporal
No relevant past or family history of any medical/ relation with the onset, absence of gain and good
psychiatric illness could be noted. Premorbid personality premorbid personality. In addition, there was no account
was well adjusted. Mental Status Examination revealed of the comorbid or history of psychiatric disorder. The
distressed affect, and somatic preoccupation. Both diagnosis of OMD is based on history and clinical
the subjects were well oriented, alert, and attentive. examination and there is no gold standard test to confirm
Intelligence, memory, and abstraction were satisfactory the diagnosis. As a result, it is often misdiagnosed as a
with fair insight and judgment. Psychiatric evaluation temporomandibular joint syndrome, hemifacial spasm or
did not reveal any psychiatric comorbidity. The cases psychological disorder, and subsequently, there is a delay
were then referred to the neurologist for an opinion. in treatment or patients are managed incorrectly. It is
The general physical examination was unremarkable. essential to exclude all secondary causes such as drugs,

Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth  ¦  Volume 12  ¦  Issue 4  ¦  July-August 2019 371
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