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Colloquium 1 (20 points)

Task 1. Killer flu virus mistakenly sent worldwide ( 2 points)

A lethal influenza virus that has the potential to trigger a global pandemic has been accidentally
sent to thousands of laboratories around the world. The World Health Organization has urged the
labs to “immediately” destroy samples of a flu strain that killed almost 4 million people in the
1957-58 Asian influenza pandemic. The mistake occurred when the College of American
Pathologists included the deadly H2N2 virus in testing kits that laboratories use to determine
their ability to identify various viruses. The samples were sent to 3,747 laboratories in 18
countries. The WHO has asked that, “any case of respiratory disease among laboratory workers
be investigated and notified to national authorities”.

WHO concerns about a pandemic are real because the strain of flu is highly contagious,
especially among those under 36 who have no immunity to it. It has not been included in flu
inoculations since 1968, which is when the H2N2 virus vanished. The WHO said it “is taking
steps to ensure the rapid destruction of this material”. Its website* says the danger of a pandemic
is low: “The likelihood of laboratory-acquired influenza infection is considered low when proper
biosafety precautions are followed. The risk for the general population is also considered low.”
However, the WHO delayed posting the error on its website until after the affected laboratories
were informed, to avoid the threat of bioterrorism.

1.1. TRUE / FALSE: Look at the article’s headline and guess whether these sentences are true
or false:

a. A lethal influenza virus was mistakenly mailed to people’s homes.  T / F

b. The virus killed 4 million people in the late ‘50s.  T/F
c. The virus has been sent to 118 countries.   T/F
d. The WHO has quarantined laboratory workers as a safety measure.  T / F
e. The strain of flu is highly contagious.  T/F
f. People over the age of 36 are safe – they are immune to the virus.  T / F
g. The WHO said the risk of a global pandemic is high.  T/F
h. The WHO was worried about the threat of bioterrorism .  T/F

Task 2. Read the story and then answer the questions (3 point)

Processed meat causes cancer, says WHO

A new report from the World Health Organisation (WHO) says processed

meat causes cancer. Processed meat includes bacon, hot dogs, ham and

sausages, as well as canned meat and meat-based sauces. The report

was made by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). It

said it was important to tell the world about the danger of processed
meat because of the large number of people who eat it and get cancer.

The report says that eating just 50g of processed meat a day increases

the chance of developing certain types of cancer by 18 per cent. Fifty

grams is just two slices of bacon or one sausage. The WHO also said

eating red meat carried a risk of developing cancer.

Although the WHO warned people about the risk of eating too much

processed and red meat, it did say that meat had health benefits. Meat

has many important vitamins and minerals. The WHO said people should

cut down on the amount of processed meat they eat. People should also

eat more food that contains fibre, such as fruit and vegetables, so they

have a balanced diet. The meat industry is not happy with some of the

details of the report. It does not like the fact that the IARC put processed

meat in the same group as tobacco and alcohol. A spokesperson said

processed meat is not as harmful as alcohol or tobacco. The North

American Meat Institute said the report would unnecessarily scare


1. What kind of sauces did the report say could cause cancer?

___ The report say meat-based sauces could case cancer___

2. Who did the IARC want to tell about the danger of processed meat?

____ IARC wanted to tell the world about the danger of processed meat_

3. How much would 50g of processed meat a day increase the risk by?

_ Eating just 50g of processed meat a day increases the chance of developing certain types
of cancer by 18 per cent _

4. How many slices of bacon is 50 grams?

_ 50 grams is just two slices of bacon ____

5. What other meat did the WHO say could cause cancer?

_ The WHO also said eating red meat carried a risk of developing cancer _
6. What kind of benefits did the WHO say red meat contained?

_ It did say that meat had health benefits _____

7. What important things did the WHO say meat contained?

__ Meat has many important vitamins and minerals.__________

8. What kind of diet did the WHO suggest we have?

__ People should also eat more food that contains fibre, such as fruit and vegetables, so
they have a balanced diet ____

9. What did the IARC put processed meat in the same group as?

___ The IARC put processed meat in the same group as tobacco and alcohol __

10. What did a meat institute say the report would do to people?

__It said the report would unnecessarily scare people.

Task3. In each sentence below, put the verb in brackets into the Present
Continuous,Present Simple, or Present Perfect., Present Perfect Continuous, Past
perfect ,Past continuous in each sequence,use each tense once only. (3

1. I____have just cut_______(just cut) myself and I___am bleeding_____(bleed) a lot. It


2.I don’t think he__has____(have) any broken limbs, but he_has had____(have) a nasty shock,
which is why his blood pressure__has been going____(go) down.

3. I____got________(get) this dull ache in my back.I think I__have twisted_(twist) myself

somehow in my sleep and nothing __seems____(seem) to relieve it.

4. Jeremy____is eating________(eat) solid foods now. Normally he____doesn’t

have__________(not have) much for breakfast, but he__did not leave__________( not leave)
cereal and toast and fruit on his tray today.

5. The wound____healed___(heal) really well, even though you____have slashed_(slash) your

arm badly.It___looks________(look) really clean.
6. I __removed_______(remove) the sling and he ___is feeling_________(feel) fine, but he
still___needs__________(need) to be careful.

7. __Have_____ I ___recovered______(recover)? Well, the consultant

thinks__________(think) it’s OK for me to go home, so I ___am waiting________(wait) for
someone to come and collect me.

8.Daniel___attended_________(attend) the clinic since last summer. He’s certainly been

improving recently. This time last year he had been lying _______________(lie) in the intensive
care unit very ill. ).

9. He collapsed__________(collapse) just outside the supermarket when he __was

coming_____________(come) home from work. He had not complained____________(not
complain) of anything before this. It came as such as a surprise.

Task 4.a Use the cues to make questions. (3 points)

1. Where you when the problem start?

__Where were you when the problem start? ______________

2. the phlegm yellow or green?

___Is the phlegm yellow or green?________________________________

3. What else you worry?

____What else do you worry about? _____________________________

4. What think cause the rash?

___What do you think is causing the rash?_________________________________

5. Could describe bit more how all happen?

____Could you describe bit more how all did happen? _________________

6. you pain?

___Do you have pain?_________________________________________

7. bang knee something any time?

___ _____________________________________________________________

8. how long you have headache? (looking at the patient holding her head )

____How long do you have headache? ____________________________

Task 4.b Identify the types of question in 4 .a using these descriptions:
a. a closed question 6, 7

b. an open question 1, 4

c. a leading question 5

d. a patient-centred question 8

e. a family-/work-related question 3

f. a prejudicial question or question suggesting the answer – 2

Task 5 .Match these items with corresponding words and phrases (3 points)
1. bullae l f. to wet yourself

2. .A warning sign e h. to twitch

3. (adhesive) capsulitis j a. after the attack

4. Post-ictal a g. lying flat

5. To be incontinent of water f i. to discriminate

6. hyperkeratosis m b. seizure

7. Fit b l. blisters

8. Supine g m. calluses

9. torticollis d c. to soil/mess/dirty yourself

10. To be incontinent of stool c n. faint

11. To tell the difference (between) i k. boil

12. paraesthesia o d. wryneck

13. To go into spasm, but not really jerking h j. frozen shoulder

14. furuncle k e. a prodrome

15. syncope n o. tingling (pins and needles)

Task 6. Match the parts of the sentences to form six sentences and questions. (3 points)

a. Less shallow than before g. he said the pain was

b. His breathing is h. he’s been attending the clinic
c. I have ever been in i. were the stairs
d. Was the attack j. considerably sharper this time round
e. This is the best hospital k. easier to climb
f. Shorter than before l. more irregularly than before

1. This is the best hospital I have ever been

2. His breathing is less shallow thank before
3. Was the attack shorter than before?
4. He said the pain was considerably sharper this time round
5. Were the stairs easier to climb?
6. He’s been attending the clinic more irregularly than before

Task 7. TranslateintoGeorgian( 3 points)

Autismin U.S. Children on the Rise

Autism among children in the USA is rising. This is according to a new report from the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention. It estimates that 1 in 110 children in the United States
suffers from the developmental disorder. It also says boys are four times more likely to suffer
from autism than girls. Researchers compared the statistics of a 2002 report into autism with
figures for 2006. Lead author of the report Dr Catherine Rice gave one possible reason for the
increase. She said: “Some of the increases are due to better detection, particularly among
children who may not have come to our attention in the past.” She had no simple explanation
for the rise and added that “a true increase in risk cannot be ruled out”.

Autism has been the cause of great concern for many years now. The disease can hold back
learning and have a negative impact on a child’s social interaction. Scientists understand very
little about it compared with other medical conditions. It is extremely difficult to diagnose
because it means a careful analysis of a child’s behaviour. Different tests on the same child can
produce varying results. Autism specialist Geraldine Dawson said more money was needed to
better understand autism. She explained: “The point is that we need to better explore both the
role of genetics and environment, and how they may interact with each other.” She was
worried that no one had answers for the large increase in autism.

აშშ-ში ბავშვებში აუტიზმის შემთხვევათა რიცხვი იზრდება. ამის შესახებ

დაავადებათა კონტროლისა და პრევენციის ცენტრის ახალ ანგარიშშია ნათქვამი. მისი
შეფასებით, შეერთებულ შტატებში 110 ბავშვიდან 1 აღენიშნება განვითარების
აშლილობა. ასევე ნათქვამია, რომ ბიჭებში ოთხჯერ უფრო ხშირად გვხვდება
აუტიზმი, ვიდრე გოგონებში. მკვლევარებმა შეადარეს 2002 წლის ანგარიშის
სტატისტიკა აუტიზმის შესახებ 2006 წლის მონაცემებს. მოხსენების წამყვანმა
ავტორმა დოქტორმა კეტრინ რაისმა მიუთითა ზრდის ერთ-ერთი შესაძლო მიზეზი.
მან თქვა: ”ზრდა გამოწვეულია შემთხვევათა უკეთესი გამოვლენით, განსაკუთრებით
იმ ბავშვებს შორის, რომლთაც შესაძლოა წარსულში არ მიექციათ ჩვენს ყურადღება.”
მას არ ჰქონდა უბრალო ახსნა ზრდისთვის და თქვა, რომ "რისკის ნამდვილი ზრდა არ
არის გამორიცხული".

აუტიზმი უკვე მრავალი წელია დიდი შეშფოთების მიზეზია. დაავადებამ შეიძლება

შეაფერხოს სწავლა და უარყოფითი გავლენა იქონიოს ბავშვის სოციალურ
ინტერაქციაზე. სხვა სამედიცინიო მდგომარეობებისგან განსხვავებით მეცნიერებს
ამის შესახებ ძალიან ცოტა რამ ესმით. უკიდურესად რთულია დიაგნოზის დასმა,
რადგან ეს გულისხმობს ბავშვის ქცევის სიფრთხილით ანალიზს. ერთსა და იმავე
ბავშვზე განსხვავებულმა ტესტებმა შეიძლება მოგვცენ განსხვავებული შედეგები.
აუტიზმის სპეციალისტმა ჯერალდინ დოუსონმა თქვა, რომ მეტი ფულია საჭირო
აუტიზმის უკეთ გასაგებად. მან განმარტა: ”საქმე ის არის, რომ ჩვენ უკეთ უნდა
გამოვიკვლიოთ როგორც გენეტიკა, ისე გარემო და როგორ შეიძლება ისინი
ურთიერთქმედებენ ერთმანეთთან.” ის წუხდა, რომ არავის ჰქონდა პასუხი აუტიზმის
დიდ ზრდაზე.

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