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Slimane Chawki Mokadem

Faculty of sciences, Departement of sciences nature and life, University centre El-Bayadh, Algeria
200 Logements number “M” BTM 141, Sidi Bel abbes, Algeria

Wednesday 23/11/2022

Dear European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (EJCMID),

I wish to submit an original research article entitled “Antiviral activity of probiotics in the prophylaxis
and therapy of respiratory infections linked to Coronavirus (COVID-19)” for consideration by European
Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases.

I confirm that this work is original and has not been published elsewhere, nor is it currently under
consideration for publication elsewhere.

In this paper, I report on eating probiotics within the recommended amounts according to
(WHO&FAO,2001) can produce positive effects for the human body, specifically in microbiome
intestinal, and this is significant because in a small example, COVID-19 disease caused by coronavirus
like SARS-CoV2, this last exists in the form of several strains, and each strain characterizes by its form its
genome and the important by its symptoms ; In various body systems, according to the state of
progression of the disease in the patient, the most important of which are respiratory infections and
malfunction for microbiome intestinal who caused the diarrhea and here we find the benefit of
probiotics in that it repairs this imbalance caused by microbiome with a group of many vital functions.

We believe that this manuscript is appropriate for publication by (EJCMID) because this journal devoted
to the publications on infectious diseases of bacterial, viral any way most of them are in the design of
clinical studies.

My paper is that it is a statistical study, in particular, a meta-analysis, which is based on a group of

randomized controlled trials studies that collect the results of these clinical studies belonging to the
authors mentioned in my paper, and the study is concerned with evaluating the degree of effectiveness
of probiotics in the prevention or treatment of respiratory infections caused by SARS-CoV2 which we all
know is an epidemic that caused a world crisis.

And after collecting the data of the various studies, a general result was given that translates in a
statistical way how the R cells (immune and some functional cells in the blood) in the body were working
to fight the disease.

And I think that this is appropriate for the journal, as it specializes in clinical studies, epidemiology and
microbes like my example virus SARS-CoV2, the most important now it is an honor for me to become a
publisher in your magazine.
I have no conflicts of interest to disclose.

Please address all correspondence concerning this manuscript to me at

Thank you for your consideration of this manuscript.


Slimane Chawki Mokadem

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