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Realizing our potential

The human body and mind have immense energy and potential. One cannot harness this entirely
because the mind gets distracted and begins wasting the energy in mindless pursuits. From an
impressionable age, the mind is coached to function and behave in such a manner that it
conforms to the prevailing social teachings. They are more to do with being competitive to find
relevance and constant validation.

In this entire process, the mind and the Self are neglected and begin the phase of inner turmoil
which is manifested in the behavior and also in the character while facing challenging situations
in life. Until and unless an individual learns how to control the mind and realize the immense
potential of life, chaos will prevail and will be manifested in the world. The harmony of life is
compromised and results in stress.

Our education is institutionalized and does not prepare an individual to concentrate on the human
potential. We are equipped with fragmented knowledge and are clueless about true nature of life.
We are busy comparing and taking uninformed decisions which impact life in a haphazard way.
We have known the art of surviving by destroying everything (nature and its equilibrium) around

Destroying nature also weakens the human body. Rather than believing in the immense energy
which can keep us healthy we are leading a lifestyle which makes us weak and then seeking a
quick-fix solution to repair.
Are you a business with a turnover in excess of £36m, or a supplier of goods or services to such
a business? If so then you have an obligation to complete a Modern Slavery and Human
Trafficking Statement.

In 2014, the Walk Free Foundation estimated there were 35.8 million victims of slavery in its
many forms worldwide. In 2013, the Home Office estimate that there are between 10,000 and
13,000 victims of modern slavery in the UK. Since July 2014 the Home Office has tried to clamp
down on the perpetrators with this statement the latest in a line of efforts.

The statement should include the details that your organisation has taken during the financial
year to ensure slavery and human trafficking are not taking place. There is not a set format for
the statement, but important parts to include would be your due diligence process and any
measures you have taken to ensure slavery and trafficking are not taking place, as well as
detailing the ways you will continue to monitor the situation into the future.

If you take no such measures, you are also required to publish a statement to that effect.
Obviously admitting to this could cause some embarrassment, not to mention loss of business. If
you feel no need to produce a statement, the Home Office could compel you to do so.

The completed and formally approved statement should be published on your company website
with prominent links to highlight it from your home page. This should be undertaken as soon as
possible with the obligation to do so already in force, with the need to update the statement every
financial year.

For more information, visit GOV.UK.

Please note: This article is a commentary on general principles and should not be interpreted as
advice for your specific situation.

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