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Technology for Teaching and Learning 2

Marasigan, Marione John B.


Lesson 1: Activity 1

• What is the impact of technology to you?

Personally, there are numerous impacts of technology to my daily life.
It helps me to learn new things like baking, how to troubleshoot
computers and cellphones, edit and make graphic designs, it also
helps me in making my school works or requirements. Technology
also allowed me to communicate easily to people from distant
places, for example – my father that works abroad. I am updated
with the latest news and happenings here and around the world
because of the technology we have today. Technology has a really
great impact in me, because it makes me sane every time I am sad
or anxious. Basically, technology makes my life easy.

• How does it affect you as a learner?

As a learner, technology helps me to make my school works
efficiently. It helps me to learn more, especially if there are concepts
discussed during the class that I didn’t understand well. During this
time of pandemic, it affects me as well. Technology, internet
specifically, is the number one means of studying because of the
distant learning, so almost every time I am in front of my laptop or
cellphone attending online classes or finishing my school works.

• Interview your parents or guardian about how technology affects their lives
then compare it to you. Is there any difference? Make a reflection
regarding this.
As I interview my parents, they told me that they use technological
devices solely for communication and entertainment. Well my
parents are tech savvy as well, so there’s no so much difference in
how technology affects me. I think the only difference is that, I use
technology almost every time for almost everything, while my parents
do use technology only if necessary.

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