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The SPx So ware Family
Cambridge Pixel’s SPx so ware is a collec on of applica ons and
development libraries for radar capture, processing, simula on and

RadarView for Radar Visualisa on RadarWatch Mari me Display

A Windows applica on for the visualisa on of A flexible situa onal awareness Windows-based
primary radar video, along with graphics and display for mari me applica ons, including port
secondary data. and harbour control, coastal surveillance and
simple vessel traffic monitoring.

SPx Server for Target Tracking ASD-100 Air Situa on Display

This is an applica on for Windows or Linux that An integrated Windows display applica on for
provides the func ons of radar recording, the acquisi on, display and tracking of primary
network distribu on of radar video, plot and IFF targets.
extrac on and target tracking.

SPx Development RDR Data Recorder

This is a package that supports the development A mul -channel, mul -format Windows record
of custom server and client radar applica ons. and replay applica on for primary radar video,
You can add radar processing capabili es into tracks, AIS, ADS-B, video, naviga on data,
your exis ng so ware and build servers and screen capture and other network data formats.

SPx Radar Simulator VSD Security Display

This is a Windows applica on for the simula on A Windows-based applica on for the processing
of primary radar video, along with secondary and display of radar and camera video, including
sources and naviga on data. Simulated data can camera control, slew-to-cue and integrated
be output via the network or as analogue signals radar and video tracking.
using the HPx-300 card.

SPx Fusion Server USVx Radar Display for USVs

This is an applica on for the fusion of primary A Windows applica on that provides radar
and/or secondary (AIS, IFF, ADS-B) sources. It is visualisa on from a remote unmanned surface
available for Linux or Windows. vessel (USV).

02 - Cambridge Pixel
RadarView for Radar Visualisa on
RadarView is a ready-to-run Windows-based primary radar
visualisa on client, which supports the display of mul ple radar
videos in mul ple windows with maps, overlays, targets and
camera video.
l Two channels of radar video l Overlay graphics (range rings, compass,
(network or HPx input) targets)
l Up to 5 radar windows, each l AIS and ADS-B display
with up to two radar videos
l PPI, B-Scan and A-Scan displays
l Radar processing
l Radar control
l Record and replay
l True/rela ve mo on support
l Underlay maps
l NMEA-0183 naviga on input
l Radar analysis tools
l Heading-up and north-up op ons for
l Track display including ASTERIX CAT-10 moving pla orms
and CAT-48
l Camera video display and control
l Radar input as ASTERIX CAT-240
l MSSR data monitoring and display
l User-definable maps
l Windows 7, 8 or 10

Radar Product Summary - 03

SPx Server for Target Tracking

SPx Server radar processor interfaces to a wide range of

radars to provide radar processing, plot extrac on and target
tracking. Widely deployed in command and control,
naviga on, security and mari me applica ons, SPx Server
provides a wide range of advanced capabili es, for primary
and secondary radar processing.

Ÿ Radar processing
Ÿ Plot Extrac on
Ÿ Target Tracking
Ÿ Distribu on Server
Ÿ Primary and IFF radar
Ÿ Recording

04 - Cambridge Pixel
Ÿ Receipt of radar video from network Ÿ Record and replay
(ASTERIX or proprietary interfaces) or Ÿ Local display for set-up and
radar signals (HPx series hardware) maintenance
Ÿ Processing (filtering, masking, clu er Ÿ Windows or Linux versions
processing, interference suppression,
Ÿ Remote control from host
Ÿ Supports redundant radar input with
Ÿ Plot extrac on with plot merging auto selec on (with HPx-400 card)
Ÿ IFF decoding and plot extrac on Ÿ Widely deployed and field-tested
Ÿ Mul -hypothesis, mul -model target
Ÿ Highly configurable tracking engine
Ÿ Area-dependent tracking parameters
Ÿ NMEA-0183 input for moving
pla orms
Ÿ Distribu on of radar video as ASTERIX
Ÿ Distribu on of tracks as ASTERIX
CAT-48 or CAT-10

Radar Product Summary - 05

SPx Development
The SPx Development package is a toolbox of libraries, tools,
u li es, sample applica ons and comprehensive documenta on
that supports the development of server or client applica ons
using Cambridge Pixel’s radar processing so ware.

“We chose Cambridge

Pixel’s solu on because
of their advanced
so ware solu on and
flexible product
- BAE Systems

06 - Cambridge Pixel
Ÿ SPx include files and libraries for Windows Ÿ Filtering, gain control, thresholding, scan
or Linux integra on
Ÿ Collec on of examples and sample Ÿ Area-based processing
applica ons with source code Ÿ Plot extrac on
Ÿ Comprehensive documenta on Ÿ Target display rendering (AIS, primary,
Ÿ Technical support from radar and secondary)
so ware experts Ÿ Graphical widgets
Ÿ Radar acquisi on (signals, ASTERIX) Ÿ Range rings, EBL, VRM, parallel index lines
Ÿ Test pa erns and scenarios Ÿ Map display
Ÿ PPI scan conversion (mul radars) Ÿ AIS receipt and decode
Ÿ B-Scan display Ÿ NMEA-0183 receipt and decode
Ÿ A-Scan display Ÿ Camera interfacing and control
Ÿ Overlay/underlay display mixing Ÿ C++ so ware interface
Ÿ Record/replay Ÿ .NET and Java interface (restricted
Ÿ Compression/decompression func onality)
Ÿ Network streaming Ÿ Visual Studio 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015 or
Ÿ Clu er processing and clu er mapping 2017

Radar Product Summary - 07

SPx Radar Simulator
SPx Radar Simulator provides a capability to generate synthe c
real- me radar video, along with tracks, secondary data and
naviga on data.

Ÿ Radar output in ASTERIX CAT-240 or Ÿ Track simula on (ASTERIX CAT-10, CAT-

signals with HPx-300 card 48, TTM and mul latera on)

Ÿ Define complex scenarios with moving Ÿ Generate primary, IFF or MTI video
targets and moving radars
Ÿ NMEA-0183 naviga on data in and out
Ÿ Mul ple radar support
Ÿ Synchronise to external simula on
Ÿ Terrain modelling and line-of-sight generator if desired
considera ons
Ÿ Generate video from external track
Ÿ Configurable radar characteris cs inputs

Ÿ Overlay synthe c targets on real radar Ÿ Full graphical edi ng of scenarios

Ÿ AIS or ADS-B targets Ÿ Runs under Windows 7, 8 or 10

Ÿ Racon and SART support

08 - Cambridge Pixel
SPx Fusion Server
The SPx Fusion server is used to combine primary tracks (e.g.
from SPx Server) and secondary tracks in any combina on.
The Fusion Server is a ready-to-run Windows or Linux applica on.

• Receives ASTERIX (CAT 1, 10 or 48) tracks

• Support for AIS (NMEA-0183)
• Support for ADS-B (ASTERIX CAT 21)
• Combines tracks from overlapping radars
• Hands over tracks from adjacent radars
• Consistent track labelling
• Op ons for 2, 4, 8 or higher sensor inputs
• Configurable weigh ng and priority
• Moving pla orm support
• Remote control over network interface
• Windows or Linux versions
• Primary and IFF radars

Radar Product Summary - 09

RadarWatch - Mari me Threat Detec on
RadarWatch is a flexible situa onal awareness applica on for
mari me applica ons, including port security, harbour control,
coastal surveillance and simple vessel traffic monitoring.

RadarWatch provides an integrated presenta on of radar video, tracks, camera data, AIS, mapping
and alarm processing, offering a powerful, flexible and cost-effec ve mari me informa on system.
RadarWatch works with a wide range of radar sensors and cameras, allowing system integrators to
specify the right sensor for each applica on.

RadarWatch Alarms Augmented Vision

RadarWatch includes a comprehensive RadarWatch supports Augmented Vision, which
capability for defining alarms that occur on is the overlay of target informa on onto live
configurable events. Alarms can be camera video to aid interpreta on of the scene.
triggered on targets entering user-defined
areas, targets passing through a controlled System Configura on
gate, or targets being in proximity to another
target or to a reference point. RadarWatch is designed to work with related
so ware components from Cambridge Pixel,
including the following:
Video Management
Mul ple daylight and thermal cameras can Ÿ SPx Server for target tracking
be incorporated into RadarWatch.
Ÿ SPx Fusion Server for fusion of tracks and AIS
Ÿ RDR for data recording
Mul -screen, Mul -window
RadarWatch supports mul ple display
Ÿ SPx Camera Manager to control mul ple
screens, with windows for PPI display,
camera, videos, track table and alarm
controls. Windows can be resized and
reposi oned across one or several screens.

10 - Cambridge Pixel
ASD-100 - Air Situa on Display
ASD-100 is a so ware applica on that supports the
receipt and display of primary and IFF radars for air
situa on awareness.

l Primary and secondary (IFF) radar input l So ware Defined Radio support
l Primary and IFF radar video display l Touchscreen op mised
l IFF Decoding (Using SPx Server)
l Safety alerts (ASTERIX CAT 4) using SPx
l Target tracking (Using SPx Server) SafetyNet
l ASTERIX CAT-48 (tracks and CAT-240
(video) support l Mul -operator support
l Primary + IFF fusion (Using SPx Fusion l Windows 7, 8 and 10
l Built-in screenshot saving
l Map display op ons
l History trails l Mul ple radar support
l Target label display (configurable) l QNH informa on display
l Rulers and intercept calcula ons
l Configurable bu on panels
l Flight plan handling
l Selectable units and coordinate formats
l Track filtering by al tude/speed/area
l Status display
l Automa c range rings

Radar Product Summary - 11

RDR - Data Recorder
The RDR Data Recorder provides a mul -channel, mul -format
record and replay applica on to support a wide range of recording
requirements. Supported inputs include radar video, tracks, AIS,
ADS-B, camera video, network packets, audio and computer screen
l Record and replay of radar and related l Audio recording
data l On-request or scheduled recordings
l Radar recording from signals (with HPx l Timeline display supports quick-look of
card) or ASTERIX CAT-240
recording and replay
l Track input (ASTERIX CAT-48 or CAT-10)
l Event recording (user-generated, network
l Camera video (H.264) messages, automa c events including
l AIS input (serial or network) radar failure, mode changes etc.)
l ADS-B input l Control via web interface, local GUI or
l Recording of remote computer screens remote API
l Naviga on messages (NMEA-0183) l Database storage with SQL Search
l General network packets (TCP or UDP) l Windows 7, 8 or 10

12 - Cambridge Pixel
VSD - Security Display
VSD provides an integrated display of radar and camera video for
security applica ons.

l Primary radar input from network or l Camera control (PELCO-D) from on-screen
signals or physical joys ck
l Mul ple radar support
l Slew-to-cue of camera from radar tracks
l Radar display
l Map underlay l Video tracking (from thermal or daylight
l AIS or ADS-B input to screen friendly
targets l Alarm genera on on targets in areas,
l Automa c target tracking crossing gate or coastline approach

l Receipt and display of mul ple camera l Touch-screen op mised

l Logging of tracks, alarms and operator l Windows 7, 8 or 10
l Built-in Help

Radar Product Summary - 13

USVx - Radar Display for USVs
USVx is a so ware applica on to support the visualisa on of radar
data from a remote unmanned surface vessel (USV).
Radar and track data may be sent from the vessel to the USVx
so ware, which shows an integrated picture comprising radar
video, tracks, maps and overlays.

l Receives and displays radar video l Displays tracks and AIS targets
l Receives track reports from tracker on l Fusion of primary tracks and AIS (with SPx
USV Fusion Server)
l Tiled map data
l Shows USV and own-ship posi ons
l Remote control of radar (selected radars)
l Alert genera on (proximity of target to

14 - Cambridge Pixel
HPx Hardware
HPx-200 – Radar Input Card
Ÿ PCI bus
Ÿ 2 x analogue video in
Ÿ 8 bits digital video in
Ÿ Trigger (RS422 or single ended)
Ÿ Parallel azimuth
Ÿ 50 MHz sampling

HPx-250 – Radar Input Card

Ÿ PMC bus
Ÿ 2 x analogue video in
Ÿ 2 bits digital video in
Ÿ Trigger (RS422 or single ended)
Ÿ Parallel azimuth
Ÿ 50 MHz sampling

HPx-300e – Radar Output Card

Ÿ PCIe (x1) bus
Ÿ 2 x analogue video out
Ÿ 8 bits digital video out
Ÿ Trigger (RS422 or single ended)
Ÿ Parallel azimuth

HPx-400e – Radar Input Card

Ÿ PCIe (x1) bus
Ÿ Dual channel radar input card
Ÿ 2 sets of video, trigger, azimuth
Ÿ 8 bits digital video in
Ÿ Parallel azimuth
Ÿ 100 MHz sampling
Ÿ Supports redundant radar configura ons

HPx-346 – Radar to Network Card and Enclosures

Ÿ Self-contained radar in, network out
Ÿ Compact, low power
Ÿ ASTERIX CAT 240 output

Radar Product Summary - 15

Cambridge Pixel is a specialist UK-based
developer of advanced radar processing
components and applica ons. We are a
Queen’s Award-winning company with
exports to over 40 countries. Customers
include radar manufacturers, who embed
our technology in their sensors, and system
integrators who incorporate Cambridge
Pixel’s components into security, military,
FS 547061 ATC, VTS and mari me radar applica ons.

Your Local Distributor

New Cambridge House, Litlington

Royston, Her ordshire, SG8 0SS UK

T: +44 (0) 1763 852749


16 - Cambridge Pixel Document Number: CP-16-110-103 V5.0

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