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Name: Sarah Grade: VIII-D Date: 27-August-2021

Q.1: What does the word “Kausar” mean? How did Allah the Almighty bless the
Holy Prophet PBUH with Kausar?

Ans: 1- The word “Kausar” is an Arabic Word which means “Abundance”. Surah Kausar
sums up the belief of spiritual riches through devotion and sacrifice. This Surah was
revealed in Makkah when after the death of Prophet (SAW)’s sons, he received
contemptuous remarks by the pagans and that saddened Our Holy Prophet (SAW).

i) Highlight the reason for revelation.
ii) What does the word “Abtar” mean? How did Allah the Almighty make Holy
Prophet’s PBUH enemy, Abu Lahab suffer?

Ans: 2- i) This Surah was revealed in an especially difficult time in the life of Prophet
Muhammad (SAW), for it was the time the enemies of the Prophet used to call him
‘Abtar’ which mean the one cut off due to the fact that both of his male children from
Hazrat Khadija (RA) had passed away. Through the verses of these Surah Allah the
Almighty consoled the Holy Prophet (SAW) by promising him ‘Abundance’.

ii) The word ‘Abtar’ means a man without progeny. Abu Lahab suffered with a skin
disease and the Holy Qur’an says “He will die on disbelief” and he died on disbelief. He
was a very bad enemy of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) as he said “May you perish. I can
see nothing in you of the things that Muhammad says.” He was cursed by Allah (SWT)
for his sins.

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