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Islamiat Notes

for 9th

Purely based on the Islamiat notes (NOT from elsewhere)

History and
Importance of
the Quran
1. History and Importance of the Quran:
Q) Write an account on which ways the Quran was revealed to the Prophet (SAW) between 610
and 632 AD. (10)

Intro till first revelation:

 Prophet (SAW) 40 years old
 He would spend days meditating and pondering in the cave of hira
 One day an Angel appeared {till surah Alaq, which marked the beginning of prophethood}
 22 years, 5 months and 14 days of revelations
Fitrat ul Wahi (The stop in revelation):
 In response to the Prophet (SAW) scared and rapped in a blanket, it was revealed; “O you wrapped up
(in a mantle)! Arise and warn! Glorify your Lord!”
Compilation (Makki and Madni):
 All the revelations came to the Prophet (SAW) according to the situations
 The revelations were later compiled into a book form of Makki and Madni surahs.
 Makki surahs (610-622 AD) which focus on Oneness of Allah, articles of faith and the opposition by
the disbelievers. Are shorter and have more intense language.
 Madni surahs (622-632 AD) which focus on social duties and religious obligations such as the pillars of
How it came to use:
 “Therefore declare openly what has been revealed to you”
 Surah Ikhlas revealed to answer Quraysh queries
 Surah Kauthar as a response to the Quraysh calling the Prophet (SAW) abtar (cut off from heir)
 The Prophet (SAW) would guide the Muslims through battles with the help of divine instruction
 Allah addresses all sorts of issues in the Quran and the Prophet (SAW) would infer the explanation of
them to the companions (RA)
How revelation came:
 The Prophet (SAW) would receive his revelations in different ways; “It comes to me sometimes as the
ringing of a bell, and that is the hardest on me, then he leaves me and I remember from what he says,
and sometimes the Angel comes in the shape of a man and talks to me and I remember from what he
 “I saw revelations coming down upon him in the severest cold and when the condition was over,
precipitation ran down his forehead.”
 In Mira’aj the prophet (SAW) would directly receive revelations
Q) What does Prophet’s first experience of receiving revelations tell us about the nature of
Prophethood in Islam? (4)

 Prophethood was the biggest honour in Islam

 Allah blessed it to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
 Allah chose prophets according to his own will and decree
 Emphasizes that prophet hood cannot be achieved through personal efforts
 Often, beginning of prophet hood was marked by a miraculous event
 Prophet hood would leave the prophets fearful and give them anxiety
 Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was in a state of fear and anxiety when he saw Gabriel
 Prophet Musa (AS) was shocked and fearful when he heard Allah for the first time
 Angel Gabriel has always been a link between prophets and Allah

Q) Describe how the Quran was written down and recorded during the Prophet (SAW)’s
lifetime. (10)

Quran’s compilation intro:

 Revelations continued for 22 years, 5 months and 14 days
 Prophet (SAW) used to instruct the way in which it should be arranged
 Although the Quran was not compiled during the lifetime of Prophet (SAW) , it was preserved in a
prescribed manner
How it was preserved:
 The Prophet (SAW) received a revelation, he recited it immediately and stored it in his memory, never
forgetting it
 “We will make you recite so you shall not forget…”
 He would dictate it to one his scribes to write down on thin tablets of stone, leather, wood, bones,
branches of palm trees and camel skin etc.
 The scribe would then recite it back to the Prophet (SAW) to check for any errors.
Zaid bin Thabit (the principal scribe)
 Zaid bin Thabit narrates his experience while writing revelations; "The Prophet used to go on dictating
and I used to write it down. When I finished writing, he would say, “Read!” & I would read it back to
him. If there was an omission or error he used to correct it & then let it be brought before the people."
Copies of the Quran:
 No complete copy existed during the lifetime of the Prophet (SAW)
 One copy of all the revelations was safely stored by the Prophet (SAW)
 Abdullah bin Masud (RA) had his own copy
 The companions used to compare their copies for accuracy and for the order, with that one copy that
Prophet (SAW) had, especially during the month of Ramadan.
 There were many Huffaz (Muslims who memorized the Quran) at the time of the Prophet (SAW), as it
was method adopted by the majority
Q) Explain the significance being revealed over a period of time. (4)
 There were several reasons why it proved to be helpful
 The verses were so powerful and weighty for Prophet (SAW), that episodic revelations gave time to
him to absorb them and reduce burden on him
 It allowed the followers of Islam to understand it gradually and completely, memorize it and apply it in
their lives and portray the teachings in their daily life actions. It gave them the time so that they would
not go astray
 Time to time revelations also provided Prophet (SAW) guidance and a path
 The verses were revealed at specific events in response to specific conditions
 At times they were revealed to console the Prophet (SAW), and at times to guide him
 It would have been difficult for the scribes to write the complete Quran if it was revealed all at once
 Hence it was important for the Quran to be revealed time to time
Life of the
Prophet (SAW)
till Madinah
Life of the Prophet (SAW):

Life in Makkah

Q) Write a descriptive account on the conditions of Arabia at the advent of Islam/during the first
revelation. (10)

Intro to Arabia’s worship:

 The people in Arabia were the progeny of Ismail (AS), and the followers of Ibrahim (AS)
 From among the 360 idols, their first idol was Hubul, which was brought by the leader of Khuza tribe,
Amr bin Luhayy
 They believed that the idols they pray to would intervene and communicate to God on their behalf
 ‘We only serve them in order that they would intercede on our behalf.’
Intro to Arabia’s politics:
 Divided among numerous tribes
 The people were extremely loyal to their tribe and to their leader
 The leader was their king who was to be followed
 The most famous tribe was of, Quraysh, in Makkah
 They owned the Kaaba
Society in Quraysh:
 The Arabian border was with Yemen and the regions Palestine and Syria were under the control of
Romans. The financial position made the Romans and others uninterested in Arabia
 The Nobles (Ashraf), had the power of using all the power and money (like Abu Jahl and Abu Sufyan)
 The Slaves (Al-Abeed), were the needy and tormented ones (like Bilal (RA))
 The Allies, were the ones under the guard of the Nobles (like Prophet(SAW))
The rights of women:
 There were only few women who had any right
 Girls were buried alive as soon as they were born in some families
 They were treated as slaves and sold in trade
 Men were allowed to marry as many women as they want
 Women were not entitled any part of their husband’s property
Other main points:
 There was extreme fighting among the tribes over various issues
 Kaaba was visited by a lot of people for prayers
 People used to do business through the routes of Syria and Yemen
 Many people used to rely on their farming and livestock
 The economy used to grow because of the trade with other areas
 The habit of drinking, gambling, adultery was common in the region of Arabia
Q) Life of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) up till the first revelation. (10)

 Monday 12th rabi-al-Awal 570 AD
 His parents were Abdullah (RA) and Aminah (RA)
 Abdullah (RA) passed away before the Prophet (SAW) was born
 His mother named him Ahmed
 Muhammad was the name given by his grandfather, Abdul Muttalib (RA)
As a child with Halima:
 Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was entrusted in the care of Halima Sa’adia (RA) of Banu Sa’ad
 Halima Saadia was very worried of how to take care of the baby with limited resources
 With the Prophet’s arrival, her household were surrounded by an abundance of food and milk
 He learned pure Arabic
 The Prophet (SAW) said, ‘Verily I am the most perfect Arab amongst you, my descent is from Quraysh
and my tongue is the tongue of the Banu Sa’ad.’
Shaq-e-Sadr (opening of the chest):
 In 575 AD, when the Prophet (SAW) was 5 years old, Gabriel came to him, opened his chest, took out
his heart, from which the he removed a clot of blood after which the heart was washed in Zam Zam
and placed back in his chest
As an orphan:
 In 576 AD, he was reunited with his mother
 Upon the journey back to Makkah, Aminah (RA) fell ill and passed away at Abwa
 The Prophet (SAW) was brought to his grandfather, Abdul Muttalib (RA) at the age 6
 He took care of him but in 578 AD too passed away, when he was 8 years old
 After so his uncle Abu Talib (RA) started taking care of him like his own
 ‘Did he not find you an orphan and give you shelter (and care).’
Abu Talib and Bahira:
 Abu Talib took him on a trade journey to Syria where they met a Christian monk Bahira in Basra
 Bahira had noticed Prophetic signs, e.g. the cloud-cover on Prophet (SAW)’s caravan and the tree
shade on him
 He was honoured to meet the Prophet (SAW)
 Bahira departed with words of love and for Abu Talib (RA) to take good care of him and protect him as
the Jews will harm him if they find out about his Prophethood
The first witnessed war; Harb-ul-Fijr:
 A war broke out during 580 AD and 590 AD at a fair of Ukaz, between all tribes of Arabia
 Harb-ul-Fijr broke out between the Quraysh together with Banu Kinanah against the Qais ‘Alyan
 The Prophet (SAW) took an indirect part by helping in collecting stray and giving them to his uncle
 Harb-ul-Fijr continued for years ending when Quraysh were finally victorious
 Zubair (RA) one of the Prophet (SAW)’s uncles suggested forming a league to prevent such in the
house of Abdullah bin Jadan
 The alliance of the tribes came to be known as Hilf-ul-Fudhul which was between Banu Hashim, Banu
Taym, Banu Asad, Banu Zuhrah and Banu Muttalib
 The Prophet (SAW) took active part in the league and said, ‘I was present in the house of Abdullah bin
Jadan at so excellent a pact that I would not exchange my part in it for a heard of red camel; and if
now in Islam, I were summoned into it, I would gladly respond.’
Prophet (SAW)’s Noble Character:
 Muhammad (SAW) was known for truthfulness and honesty or as Sadiq and Ameen
 He was never tempted nor involved in any wrong act
 This contributed to Prophet (SAW)’s noble character of being kind, patient, forbearing, considerate,
and a man of principles
 During the annual pilgrimage, he would supply water and look after the needs of the pilgrims
 He was known to be fair and honest in his business dealings. His partner says, ‘I was a partner to
Muhammad (SAW) in business and always found him to very honest in his dealings; he never picked
quarrels, nor made any false statements.’
Khadijah (RA):
 Khadijah (RA) hired him for trading and the Prophet (SAW) earned her a lot of profit
 Khadijah (RA) impressed by the man he was proposed him through Nafeesa
 The Prophet (SAW) consulted Abu Talib and Hamza (RA) and then went to her father, Khuwalid (RA)
to ask her hand in marriage
 The Prophet (SAW) was 25 and Khadijah (RA) was 40
 They had 2 sons that died in infancy, but blessed with 4 daughters: Ruqayya, Zainab, Umm Kulthoom
and Fatimah; (RA)
Black Stone (Hajar Aswad) Dispute:
 In 605 AD, a flood swept Makkah and the Kaaba was damaged
 The Quraysh decided to rebuild it, but a dispute arose as to who would place the Black Stone
 The eldest man advised the chiefs that the first person to enter the mosque the next day would decide
 And it was Muhammad (SAW) with who the Quraysh were pleased as he was well-recognized
 The Prophet (SAW) averted the crisis by placing the Black Stone on a sheet of cloth and asked all the
tribal chiefs to lift the cloth to the level where the stone was to be placed and then himself did so
Before the revelation:
 The conditions of Makkah were bleak and so the Prophet (SAW) at the age of 40 would retire to the
cave of Hira
 He would ponder over the conditions of the people of Makkah
 In 610 AD, the first revelation of the first 5 Ayahs of Surah Alaq, were revealed, marking the beginning
of Prophethood

Q) Why was Prophet (SAW)’s relationship with his wife, Khadijah (RA), important for him? (4)
 The Prophet (SAW) after marrying Khadijah (RA), who put all her wealth at the disposal of his, would
not worry about making a livelihood
 With their marriage, the Prophet (SAW) was relieved of the burden to earn through trading and have
more spare time to meditate in the cave of Hira
 ‘He found you in need made you independent. ’
 Khadijah (RA) was also a mature woman of age and at times, able to console Prophet (SAW) through
hardships and fear like when he received the first revelation
 Khadijah (RA) also, never complained about the hardships
 She empowered Prophet (SAW) to have faith in Allah
 She was the most beloved to the Prophet (SAW) , which showed in how he did not marry another
woman during her lifetime
Q) Give an account of Prophet (SAW)’s first experience of receiving revelation. (10)

How the first revelation came:

 Prophet (SAW) used to retire to the cave of Hira
 He would contemplate on the moral, social and political regression of his people
 One day in 610 AD, Angel Gabriel appeared {till Surah Alaq}
 After so he was in a confused and shocked state of mind
 Hurrying back after the revelation, Gabriel would show up on every turn as a giant figure with wings
that reached beyond the horizon, saying, ‘O Muhammad, you are the Messenger of Allah and I am
Khadijah (RA)’s role:
 He came to Khadijah (RA) and said, ‘Cover me! Cover me!’ ‘O Khadijah, I fear for myself’
 Khadijah (RA) said after hearing him, ‘There is no reason for you to feel any fear or worry. Do not feel
sad God will not embarrass a servant like you; you always speak the truth, performed duties that have
been given to you and safeguard that has been entrusted to you. You interact closely with your
relatives, you help the poor, you open your doors to strangers and entertain them as guests, and you
help the community during disasters and tribulations. By God I hope that you are this communities
 She took the Prophet (SAW) to his cousin Waraqa Bin Naufil
Waraqa Bin Naufil’s role:
 Waraqa after listening remarked, ‘This is the same one who keeps the secrets (Angel Gabriel) whom
Allah has sent to Moses. I wish I was young and could live up to the time when your people would turn
you out’.
 Prophet (SAW) said, ‘Will they drive me out?’
 Waraqa replied, ‘Anyone (any man) who came with something similar to what you have brought was
treated with hostility; and if I should remain alive till the day when you will be turned out then I would
support you strongly.’
 After a few days, Waraqa passed away

Q) What is the significance of Angel Gabriel and Waraqa bin Naufil in this event? (4)
 Angel Gabriel and Waraqa played a very important role
 Gabriel was the one who introduced Muhammad (SAW) to his Prophethood and revealed verses to
 He was performing the same task, as he had done for other messengers
 Revelation by him proved that it come from God and are authentic
 Waraqa the cousin of Khadijah (RA), declared and eased him that he is the chosen one
 He explained the importance of this event and about how Angel Gabriel appeared to others
 He made the Prophet (SAW) realize his duty as a Prophet

Q) Was it significant that the Quran was revealed to someone who could not read or write?
Give reasons for your answer. (4)
 Yes, it was significant that Quran was revealed to someone unlettered
 It acted as evidence that Prophet (SAW) couldn’t have written the Quran
 The Arabs also had sharp memories and fond of all the poetry and literature which shows that even
Arabs found the Quran unlike anything
 Someone illiterate could not authorize such a text
 The scribes of the Quran who recorded it also became witnesses to the Divinity of Quran
 Prophet (SAW)’s lack of formal education
Q) Describe the main stages of preaching Islam in Makkah during the early Prophethood. (10)

Intro to revelations and first converts:

 After receiving the first revelation Khadijah (RA) comforted him and took him to her cousin Waraqa bin
Naufil who confirmed his Prophethood
 {Fitrat ul Wahi} One day he saw Gabriel sitting on a chair, in the sky
 Scared and terrified, he hurried back to his home and asked Khadijah (RA) to cover him
 ‘O you wrapped up (in a mantle)! Arise and warn! Glorify your Lord!’
 And so he gathered all his close family and friends and told them about Allah and his Prophethood
 Among them, Khadijah (RA) was the first to embrace Islam
 After her, Ali (RA), and among his close friends, Abu Bakr (RA) accepted Islam. Zaid bin Harris, the
freed slave, also initially accepted Islam
 After so, the revelations were sent frequently
Private preaching:
 For 3 years, the Prophet (SAW) continued preaching discreetly and this resulted in 40 converts
 Among which were Zubair (RA), Talha (RA), Saad Bin Abi Waqas (RA), Usman (RA), Abdur Rehman
bin Auf (RA), Abdullah Bin Masud (RA)
 All of these people were devoted and believed in the Prophet (SAW)’s honesty and aware that he
would never lie
Public preaching:
 ‘And admonish thy nearest kinsmen.’
 After this revelation, the Prophet (SAW) called his relatives and asked them, ‘Allah ordered me to call
you to Him, so who amongst you will help me in this affair and be my friend, my adviser, and my
 On listening to him, everyone started walking away, laughing on the Prophet (SAW) except Ali (RA)
who said, ‘O Prophet of Allah! I shall be your helper. I will fight him who fights you.’
 Immediately after this, he received another revelation, ‘Expound openly what you are commanded,
and turn away from those who join false gods with Allah.’
 And so on the mount of Safa, he invited the people to Islam
 On this, people again started mocking him, and shouting that, ‘You have gone mad.’
 Abu Lahab shouted, ‘May Allah destroy you. Did you assemble us for this?’
 They all walked away, some laughing, and some furious
 But the Prophet (SAW) did not stop his efforts and continued to preach the Muslims, in public as well
as in private

Q) Write a detailed note on the persecution of the Prophet (SAW) during time in Makkah after
call to Prophethood. (10)
How the persecution began:
 The Prophethood began in 610 AD but it was not until 613 AD that he received the command to
preach in public
 With the revelation ‘Expound openly what you are commanded and turn away those who join false
gods with Allah,’ the Prophet (SAW) called the people to Islam
 Everyone left laughing or raging at the Prophet (SAW)
 Abu Lahab cursed the Messenger (SAW)
 And from that day he and his followers faced intense physical and mental persecution
 The influential people of Makkah like Abu Jahl, Abu Lahab, Abu Sufyan etc increased their
mistreatment towards the Prophet (SAW) and so did the general public
 Initially oppression was only verbal; being mocked, rejected and ridiculed, but soon the persecution
became physical
Physical persecution on the Prophet (SAW):
 Uqba bin Muayt placed filth on the Prophet (SAW) when he was prostrating, and even attempted to
strangle him while he was praying
 Abu Lahab’s wife Umm-e-Jamil would lay thorny bushes on his path
 An old woman used to throw rubbish on him every day
 Abu Lahab forced his sons Utba and Utaiba to divorce Ruqqaya (RA) and Umme Kulthoom RA,
daughters of the Prophet (SAW)
Verbal persecution on the Prophet (SAW):
 The commoners would call him names like; a magician who separates families, a poet or a madman
 The magicians did magic on him and the Poets wrote poems to mock him
 Most people of Makkah were not taking the message seriously
 At the death of the Prophet (SAW)’s second son, the Quraysh, started calling him ‘Abtar’ (the one who
is cut-off), to which Allah revealed Surah Kauthar to console the Prophet (SAW)
 ‘For he who hates you, he will be cut off.’
Tries to stop the Prophet (SAW):
 Seeing the Prophet (SAW) steadfast and focused the pagans tried to bribe him by offering luxuries,
wealth, leadership, and promises of marriages to fairest
 When he rejected these offers, the persecutions were doubled
 Abu Talib (RA) threatened Muhammad (SAW) who replied, ‘O! My Uncle, even if you put the Sun in
my right hand and Moon in my left, I will not give up this mission (of spreading God’s word) until I die.’
 The people feared that their customs would be wiped off if Islam spreads
 They tried to propose to the Prophet (SAW) that he worships their Gods and they would worship his
God to which Allah revealed ‘You have your religion and I have my religion.’
 When all attempts failed the pagans boycotted them
 The Prophet (SAW) and his family went to a valley called Shib-e-Talib outside Makkah, for 3 years
 After Abu Talib (RA)’s death, Abu Lahab became the chief of the clan and increased the persecution
against the Prophet (SAW) and his family
 To find refuge and a place to preach Islam, the Messenger (SAW) went to Taif, however, he was
rejected by chiefs and driven out by stones being thrown at him
 The wounds were of such severity that his shoes were filled of his own blood
 Afterwards, the Makkans even tried to assassinate him when he was migrating to Madinah

Q) Write about the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)’s interaction with the Quraysh while he lived in
Makkah. (10)
The character of the Prophet (SAW) before Prophethood:
 Before the Prophethood began, the Prophet (SAW) was known as Sadiq and Ameen
 He was known to be kind, forbearing, and patient
 He was praised for his excellent character and an example for the people
 The Makkans entrusted him with their belongings
Prophet (SAW)’s services:
 During Pilgrimage the Messenger (SAW) would give water to the pilgrims and look after their needs
 During Harb-Ul-Fijr, the Prophet (SAW) only gathered stray arrows and gave it to his uncle
 He never took active part in the war but later took an active part in the League of Virtuous, known as
 He would never cheat and would always be fair in his dealings as a businessman
 His business partner says, ‘I was partner of Muhammad (SAW) in business. I always found him very
honest in his dealings; he never picked quarrels, nor made any false statements.’
Khadijah (RA):
 Impressed by Prophet Muhammad (SAW)’s dealings in business of Hazrat
 Khadijah (RA) hired him for trading and the Prophet (SAW) earned her a lot of profit
 Khadijah (RA) impressed by the man he was proposed him through Nafeesa
 The Prophet (SAW) consulted Abu Talib and Hamza (RA) and then went to her father, Khuwalid (RA)
to ask her hand in marriage
 The Prophet (SAW) was 25 and Khadijah (RA) was 40
 They had 2 sons that died in infancy, but blessed with 4 daughters: Ruqayya, Zainab, Umm Kulthoom
and Fatimah; (RA)
Black Stone (Hajar Aswad) Dispute:
 In 605 AD, a flood swept Makkah and the Kaaba was damaged
 The Quraysh decided to rebuild it, but a dispute arose as to who would place the Black Stone
 The eldest man advised the chiefs that the first person to enter the mosque the next day would decide
 And it was Muhammad (SAW) with who the Quraysh were pleased as he was well-recognized
 The Prophet (SAW) averted the crisis by placing the Black Stone on a sheet of cloth and asked all the
tribal chiefs to lift the cloth to the level where the stone was to be placed and then himself did so
Physical persecution on the Prophet (SAW):
 Uqba bin Muayt placed filth on the Prophet (SAW) when he was prostrating, and even attempted to
strangle him while he was praying
 Abu Lahab’s wife Umm-e-Jamil would lay thorny bushes on his path
 An old woman used to throw rubbish on him every day
 Abu Lahab forced his sons Utba and Utaiba to divorce Ruqqaya (RA) and Umme Kulthoom RA,
daughters of the Prophet (SAW)
Verbal persecution on the Prophet (SAW):
 The commoners would call him names like; a magician who separates families, a poet or a madman
 The magicians did magic on him
 Poets wrote poems to mock him
 Most people of Makkah were not taking the message seriously
 At the death of the Prophet (SAW)’s second son, the Quraysh, started calling him ‘Abtar’ (the one who
is cut-off), to which Allah revealed Surah Kauthar to console the Prophet (SAW)
 ‘For he who hates you, he will be cut off.’
 When all attempts failed the pagans boycotted them
 The Prophet (SAW) and his family went to a narrow valley called Shib-e-Abu-Talib outside Makkah, for
3 years
 After Abu Talib (RA)’s death, Abu Lahab became the chief of the clan and increased the persecution
against the Prophet (SAW) and his family
 To find refuge and a place to preach Islam, the Messenger (SAW) went to Taif, however, he was
rejected by chiefs and driven out by stones being thrown at him
 The wounds were of such severity that his shoes were filled of his own blood
 Afterwards, the Makkans even tried to assassinate him when he was migrating to Madinah
Q) Describe the difficulties faced by the followers of Prophet (SAW) when they lived in Makkah.
Public preaching:
 ‘Expound openly what you are commanded, and turn away from those who join false gods with Allah.’
 And so on the mount of Safa, he invited the people to Islam
 They all walked away, some laughing, and some furious
 But the Prophet (SAW) did not stop his efforts and continued to preach the Muslims, in public as well
as in private
 The influential people of Makkah like Abu Jahl, Abu Lahab, Abu Sufyan etc increased their
mistreatment towards the Prophet (SAW) and so did the general public
 Persecution on the followers:
 Sumayya (RA) with her husband Yasir (RA) and son Ammar (RA) converted but they faced
persecution by Abu Lahab
 Sumayya (RA) was tied with two camels made to run in opposite directions and then Abu Jahl struck
her with a spear and her body split into two, due to which she became the first martyr of Islam
 Bilal (RA) converted so his master, Umayya bin Khalaf made him lie on hot sand in the heat of the sun
and placed heavy stones on his chest
 Though persecuted, Bilal (RA) always chanted ‘Allah! The One, Allah! The One.’
 Abu Fukaiha (RA) was dragged by his master, Safwan bin Umayya on hot sand with a rope
tied to his feet.
 Zinra (RA) was beaten mercilessly and blinded by her master
 Khabab bin Arat (RA) was a blacksmith, and his own tools were used to brand him and then he was
thrown on burning coal
 Abu Bakr (RA) was pulled by his beard and dragged on the streets of Makkah as he was protecting
the Messenger (SAW)
 Abu Bakr (RA) and Talha (RA) were tied with ropes by Nawfil ibn Khuwalid and laid to the ground
 Usman (RA), the first of the Umayyads to convert, was tied with ropes and beaten by his uncle
 Harith bin Abi Hala (RA) was killed protecting the Prophet (SAW)
 Suhaib Rumi (RA) was beaten so intensely that he became unconscious and lost his senses
 Lubna (RA) was continuously tortured till her master, Mumil bin Habib became tired
 Nadiya (RA) and Umm-e-Unays (RA) were tortured my their masters
 Abdullah bin Masud (RA) would be severely abused whenever he attempted to recite Quran loudly
 Abu Zar Ghaffari (RA) made speeches on temple grounds in Makkah and so the pagans restrained
him and got beaten up badly.
 Many companions of the Prophet (SAW) were deprived of work.
Migration to Abyssinia:
 In 615 AD, the Prophet (SAW) gave permission to some of his followers migrated to Abyssinia, where
they found freedom
 They were followed there by the Quraysh
 The Quraysh demanded the King Negus to send the immigrants back but when he heard the speech
of Jaffar bin Abu Talib (RA) he refused
 The pagans boycotted the Prophet (SAW), his family and followers to Shib-e-Abu-Talib for 3 years
 They were deprived of basic necessities and food
 Children cried of hunger
 The Muslims were not allowed to worship at the Kaaba
 Livelihood was taken away and their possessions came under the control of the Quraysh
Q) Explain how the Muslims’ reaction to these (persecutions/difficulties) can set an example for
Muslims today. (4)
 Early Muslims had strong faith and belief in Allah, regardless of the severe verbal, physical or
emotional punishments
 This should inspire Muslims today, to remain steadfast
 Persecution continues in various countries like as Kashmir, Syria, and Palestine
 These Muslims must always remember Allah, and should not lose hope
 ‘Verily, with every difficulty, there is ease. ’
 Islamophobia is on the rise; many countries discourage the wearing of a headscarf
 Muslims in Palestine, Myanmar, China, and Syria get targeted due to their faith and are held in
concentration camps
 Muslims facing hardships should remember the persecutions of the Prophet (SAW) and the followers,
of how they stood strong
 Muslims should stay united in these times of peril, displaying courage and patience
 There is morning light after every night; ‘And truly, Hereafter will be better for you than the present. ’

Q) Was it significant that the Prophet (SAW) began preaching the message in secret? (4)

 Yes, it was significant that the Prophet (SAW) chose to preach the message in secret first
 Islam was unfamiliar to the idol-worshippers of Makkah, so he needed to make sure that the converts
could get familiar with the new faith
 The Prophet (SAW) also did not know what the reaction of Quraysh would be
 Thus, in case it was a negative, he needed to make sure he had garnered sufficient support
 Also the Prophet (SAW) wanted a sign or command from Allah to public preaching
 Discreet preaching also indicates the importance of spiritual and mental Jihad
Q) Give an account of the first migration of Muslims to Abyssinia. (10)

Public preaching:
 ‘Expound openly what you are commanded, and turn away from those who join false gods with Allah.’
 And so on the mount of Safa, he invited the people to Islam
 They all walked away, some laughing, and some furious
 From this point the persecutions were increasing day by day
 Sumayya and her husband Yasir died due to these persecutions.
First migration to Abyssinia:
 Allah supported the idea of migration when it says, ‘Good is for those who do good in this world, and
Allah’s earth is spacious. Only those who are patient shall receive their rewards in full, without
 In 615 AD, the Prophet (SAW) allowed some of his followers migrated to Abyssinia, where a just king,
Negus ruled
 The first group included 11 men and 4 women with; Usman (RA) and his wife Ruqqaya (RA), Zubair
(RA) and his wife Saudah (RA), Abdullah, Ubaidah bin Jarrah (RA) and Abdur Rehman bin Auf (RA).
 They found freedom here
 False news about the conversion of all the Muslims of Makkah made them return back
 That was when Surah Najm was revealed and the Makkans got so affected by it they all prostrated,
though they hadn’t converted
 Second Migration to Abbysinia:
 The Prophet (SAW) allowed a second group of 83 men and 19 women to migrate to Abyssinia, Jaffar
(RA) being their leader
 They were followed by the Quraysh with two delegates; Amr bin Aas and Abdullah bin Rabiyyah with
gifts for the King to convince him that he would send the Muslims back
 When the king heard the speech of Jaffar (RA) he refused

Jaffar (RA)’s role and speech:

 Jaffar (RA) said, ‘Your Majesty, the King, we were ignorant people. We worshipped the idols. We ate
dead animals. We did bad actions and abandoned our relatives. We mistreated our neighbours. The
strong oppressed the weak. So, Allah has sent us an Apostle. We know his ancestors and his
truthfulness. We know that he is pure and trustworthy. So, he has invited us to worship the Only Allah.
He has ordered us to avoid what we and our fathers had worshipped. He has ordered us to be truthful
and to give the trusts to their owners. He has ordered us to visit our relatives, to be good neighbours,
to stop bad actions and shedding blood. He has prevented us from killing, falsehood, taking the
orphan’s money and speaking evil of the married women. He has ordered us to worship Allah only and
not to be polytheists. He has ordered us to pray, to give alms, and to fast. Your Majesty: The King,
we’ve believed him and followed what he has brought from Allah. So, we’ve worshipped Allah only-
we’re not polytheists. But our people have aggressed against us. They’ve tortured us. They’ve
prevented us from our religion to worship the idols again. After they had persecuted us, we came to
your country. We’ve preferred you to others. We want to live in your country. Thus, Your Majesty, the
King, we ask you to treat us justly.’

 Abdullah bin Rabiyyah opposed him by saying the Quran contains blasphemy against Isa/Jesus (AS
 Jaffar (RA) replied that it’s not true; the Quran has a whole chapter regarding him
 The king asked, ‘Have you anything of what your Prophet (SAW) has brought.’
 Jaffar (RA) read some verses of Surah Maryam which brought tears to the King’s eyes which were;
‘He said: I am only a messenger of your Lord: That I will give you a pure boy. She said: When shall I
have a boy and no mortal has yet touched me, nor have I been unchaste? He said: Even so; your Lord
says: It is easy to me: and that We may make him a sign to men and a mercy from us; and it is a
matter which has been decreed…’
 The King after hearing these verses said, ‘By God this and Gospel are the lights of one candle.’
Najashi returned the gifts of Quraysh and turned them away and warmly accepted the Muslims.
Q) Give an account of the boycott of Banu Hashim. (10)

Intro to boycott:
 When all attempts failed the pagans boycotted them
 During 616 AD till 619 AD, the Prophet (SAW) and his tribe, Banu Hashim were boycotted
How the boycott came to be:
 When Hamza and Umar (RA) converted, the Makkans knew they had to do something to contain the
spread of this religion
 Murdering Prophet (SAW) would fuel tribal warfare
 Abu Jahl asked Abu Talib to let kill Prophet Muhammad (SAW) or agree to a boycott of Banu Hashim
 Everyone of Banu Hashim agreed to bear a boycott to protect the Prophet (SAW), except Abu Lahab
Document to the boycott:
 Ikrima bin Amir wrote the boycott document with terms that; no one was to marry, no one was to do
trade, provide, or even treat Banu Hashim in the same way
 No interactions were allowed
 It only allowed them to enter Makkah for Hajj, after which they were to return
 It was signed by 40 members and hung inside the Kaaba
 Many condemned it like Mutam bin Adi, Abu ul Bakhtari bin Hashim, Zamah bin al-Aswad, Adi bin
Qais and Zuhair bin Abi Umayyah
 Banu Hashim and Banu Muttalib’s were made to go to Shib-e-Talib
 The valley was a deserted place outside Makkah
 The whole valley echoed with cries of children
How they survived:
 People suffered these hardships for 3 whole years
 They relied on leaves of plants and burnt leather for survival
 Saad ibn Waqas (RA) said that he couldn’t stand properly for 3 days due to the intensity of his hunger;
He found a piece of leather burnt and ate it, thanking God
 Some would sneak out and smuggle some food back, even Abu Bakr (RA) tried to gather food
 Khadijah (RA) tried to help by making use of her contacts outside of the clan
 Hakim ibn Hazim was caught by Abu Jahl while he was smuggling a sack of wheat
 Hashim ibn Amr (RA) along with Zuhair (RA), also gathered people to protest outside Kaaba
 Chiefs of the tribe of Banu Hashim, along with other relatives stood up against the boycott
The end of the boycott:
 In 619 AD, Abu Jahl saw that he could no longer continue this
 They found out that the boycott document was no more inside the Kaaba, as it had been eaten by
termites; only the word ‘Allah’ remained
 By the end of the boycott, Islam had become more well-known
 More people were converting due to this boycott
 But Khadijah (RA) died due to of the 3-year long boycott
 Thereafter, Abu Talib also died and the leadership was given to Abu Lahab
 This year came to be known as ‘Am-ul-Huzn’ or ‘Year of Grief’ to the Prophet (SAW)
Comprise after boycott:
 The Quraysh made an offer that the Prophet (SAW) accepts their Gods for one year, and they would
accept Allah for a year
 When rejected, they decreased the condition of exchanging religions from, 1 year, to just one time
 To this it was revealed; ‘For you is your religion and for me is my religion’
Q) Describe events of Prophet (SAW)’s visit to Taif. (10)

Desperate situations:
 In 620 AD, after the passing of the Hazrat Khadijah (RA) and Uncle Abu Talib;
 The persecution of Muslims increased tenfold
 Makkah became very inhospitable for the Muslims
 Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was in constant danger
 The reason was that Abu Lahab, after leadership of Banu Hashim, had withdrawn protection over
Prophet (SAW)
 No tribe was to fight in defense of Prophet (SAW)
Intro to Taif:
 Taif had the greatest number of people belonging to Banu Thaqeef
 The Prophet (SAW) had high hopes regarding those people
 If they were to convert, it would open a new chapter of Islam
Went to Taif:
 Prophet (SAW) went to Taif alongside Zaid bin Harith
 He invited three chiefs Abd Yalail, Masud and Habib, and their father Amr Bin Ummaya Ath Thaqafi to
accept the word of God
 All three replied negative
 They said, ‘In case you are the chosen one of Allah it will be inviting torture to refute you and if your
claim is false you are not fit to be talked to.’
 He kept preaching to the common people for 10 days
 When the elders were informed, they got angry and asked the boys of the street to throw stones at the
Prophet (SAW) and Zaid (RA)
 Zaid (RA) tried to shield Prophet (SAW) but was also injured
 Their wounds filled their shoes with blood
Outcome of the calamity:
 They took refuge in an orchard outside Taif
 Prophet (SAW) prayed to Allah ‘O Lord! I present my weakness and lack of strength before You. You
are the kind Nourisher. You are the Helper of the Weak. To whom are You abandoning me?’
 The garden belonged to non-Muslim brothers, Utaba and Sheba
 The condition of Prophet (SAW) and his companion made them show sympathy and allowed them
shelter in their orchard and sent grapes to them, through Addas who converted after conversing him
 Gabriel appeared and said ‘Allah has heard what your people said to you and how they replied to you.
Allah has sent the angels of Mountains to you so that you may order him to do whatever you wish to
these people.’
 The Angels of mountains appeared and said, ‘O Muhammad! Order what you wish, if you like, I shall
cause mountains surrounding Al-Taif, to fall upon them and crush them into pieces.’
 The Prophet (SAW) replied, ‘Why should I pray for their destruction, for I hope that there
 shall be among their children those who will worship Allah alone, and will worship none beside him.’
 He prayed; ‘O Allah forgive them and guide them for they know me not.’
Back to Makkah:
 On the way back, the Prophet (SAW) stopped to pray at, Nakhla
 A company of Jinns heard the Namaz, and joined them
Tawaf of the Kaaba:
 The Prophet (SAW) ordered Zaid (RA) to seek protection from the nobles of Quraysh
 They asked Abd Yalil ibn Abd Kalal, Akhnas ibn Shariq and Suhail ibn Amr who rejected him, but the
fourth one, Mutim ibn Adi agreed to give Prophet (SAW) protection
 Mutim asked young men of his clan to put on armour, and march towards Kaaba displaying that any
action against him would invoke war
 Prophet (SAW) performed the Tawaf, and then brought back to his home

Q) How can Muslims practically apply lessons learnt by Prophet (SAW)’s conduct in Taif? (4)
 The Prophet (SAW)’s visit to Taif was an embodiment of tolerance that sets us an example
 To reflect the same patience in times of difficulty
 Muslims to remain faithful during hardships and should have complete trust in Allah’s plan like the
Prophet (SAW); ‘Allah is the best of planners’
 Muslims like those in Kashmir, Palestine, Syria, etc. should have Tawakul in Allah
 We should remember, ‘with every difficulty there is relief’
 The Prophet (SAW) prayed for the guidance of those who stoned him even when he had the option to
take revenge with the Angels to take revenge
 Believers should not seek revenge, but supplicate to Allah that He guides the wrongdoers
Q) Give an account of the events of the Prophet (SAW)’s Night Journey and Ascension (Isra wa
Mi’raj). (10)
Intro to Isra wa Mi’raj:
 One of the greatest miracles of the Prophet (SAW) is the miracle of Night Journey (Isra) and
Ascension (Miraj)
 This took place on 27th Rajab
What happened:
 On the call from God and guided by Gabriel
 The Prophet (SAW) went from the Kaaba to Masjid Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem (Isra) and then to the sky, to
the high realms (Miraj) and to the presence of God
 It happened in one night
 Quran mentions in Surah Al-Isra; ‘Glory to (Allah) Who did take His Servant for Journey by night from
the Sacred Mosque to the farthest Mosque whose precincts We did bless in order that We might show
him some of Our Signs: for He is the one who hears and sees (all things).’
 And in Surah Al-Najm; ‘While he was in the highest part of the horizon: Then he approached and came
closer, and was at a distance of but two bow-lengths or (even) nearer; So did (Allah) convey the
inspiration to His Servant (conveyed) what He (meant) to convey…’
 Isra and Miraj started from the house of Umm-e-Hani where the Prophet (SAW) was sleeping
2nd Shaq-e-Sadr:
 Though before, the Prophet (SAW) had the 2nd Shaq-e-Sadr; his chest was cut open, heart was
washed and re-sealed back into the chest
 The Prophet (SAW) said, ‘while I was lying in Al-Hatim, suddenly someone came to me and cut my
body open… then he took out my heart. Then a gold tray full of belief was brought to me and my heart
was washed and was filled and then returned to its original place. Then a white animal smaller than a
mule and bigger than a donkey was brought to me. It was Buraq. The animal’s step reached the
farthest point within the reach of its sight…’
 The Hadith also describes Buraq, the animal that he rode
 Buraq was a heavenly creature, bejewelled, with wings
 White in colour
 One individual step was so big, that it made it land on the horizon (or till the eye-sight reaches)
Journey’s details:
 The Prophet (SAW) and Gabriel made 3 stops, praying 2 Rak’ahs at each place
 They stopped at Taiba
 Then they went to Koh-e-Tur (Tur-e-Sina), where Allah spoke with Musa (AS)
 The 3rd place was where Isa (AS) was born
Nations the Prophet (SAW) saw:
 The Prophet (SAW) was shown nations who did wrong
 Those who committed adultery were being punished by only being able to eat rotten food
 Another nation had big stomachs that were being filled hot burning coal, since they indulged in usury
 Another nation was cutting on their own tongue and lips, for preaching Islam falsely for their interests
 They reached Jerusalem where Gabriel tied Buraq with a ring on the door of Masjid-e-Aqsa
 The Prophet (SAW) was presented with bowls of wine and milk
 He reached for the bowl with milk, at which Gabriel said, ‘You chose the natural one; if you had
chosen the wine, your Ummah would have gone astray after you. You were led to the natural state by
choosing the milk; your Ummah was led to the natural state, too. Wine was rendered haram for you!’
 Inside all the other Prophets were in wait for him
 He led the prayer there which gives him the title ‘Imam-ul-Anbiya’ (Imam of all Prophets)
 He also heard the words of Azan here
Further up into the 1st heaven:
 Then they went to the mosque Sakhara, which had a ladder reaching out to heavens
 The Prophet (SAW) and Gabriel ascend
 Gabriel asked for the gate of the heavens to be opened, it replied, ‘Has Muhammad (SAW) been
called?’ When confirmed, it said, ‘He is welcomed. What an excellent visit his is.’
 On looking, the Prophet (SAW) saw Adam (AS) towards his left, crying for those in hell, and towards
his right, laughing out of joy for his descendants in heavens
 He met Adam (AS) and greeted him
2nd heaven:
 He met Yahya (AS) and Isa (AS)
3rd heaven:
 He met Yusuf (AS)
4th, 5th, 6th and 7th heaven:
 He met Idrees, Harun, Musa and Ibrahim (AS) respectively
 Ibrahim (AS) was leaned against the Bait-ul-Mamur (Kaaba of the Heavens)
 Last point was Sidra-tul-Muntaha
 Here, Angel Gabriel left the Prophet (SAW) to continue further on his own, as he could not traverse
beyond this point, for it would burn him
 The Prophet (SAW) saw Gabriel in his true angelic form
Meet with Allah:
 Prophet (SAW) met Allah here and was given 3 divine gifts; the last 2 verses of Surah Baqarah;
promise of Alah that He would forgive all the major sins of the Muslims if they did not commit Shirk; gift
of 50 obligatory prayers
 On his way back he told Musa (AS) about this gift o 50 prayers
 Musa (AS) asked the Prophet (SAW) to get the number reduced, as his Ummah would not be able
 to pray as much
 He made 5 revisits to Allah, and each time reduced 10 when the number was reduced to 5 o
 Musa (AS) still consisted, but Prophet (SAW) said, ‘I have asked my Lord till I am ashamed to face
Return back:
 Prophet (SAW) also got to see the heavens and hell, and the 2 rivers of Paradise
 This all happened so fast that the Prophet (SAW)’s bed was still warm
 The lock on his door was still moving as if he had never left the house, and no time has passed at all
 When he told about this to the Quraysh, they made fun of him, calling him a madman
 He told them about the trade caravan returning to Makkah from Syria, which was later came true
 Abu Bakr (RA) was the first to testify this experience for which he was entitled Siddique (the truthful)

Q) How did this journey help the Prophet (SAW) in his mission? (4)
 This event gave a new direction to Prophet (SAW) and strengthened his motivation
 He realized that God had not forsaken him even when he was in the midst of hardships
 It made him realize his importance in the Muslim world and the rest of all Allah’s Prophets for lead
them in prayer, being the ‘Seal of Prophets’
 The 5 prayers, reassured him that his followers would be inclined to the right path
 The divine gifts renewed his and all Muslims’ hope to strive for Islam even more
 This miraculous journey was a display of affection of Allah towards Prophet (SAW) too
Q) Describe events following the death of Abu Talib that led to Prophet (SAW)’s migration to
Madinah from Makkah (Pledges of Aqabah). (10)
(Yathrib: Old name of Madinah)
Intro to persecutions:
 Ever since public preaching in 613 AD, persecution to the Muslims increased
 Sumayya (RA) and her family became the first martyrs of Islam
Events before migration:
 Some Muslims migrated to Abyssinia to seek refuge under the protection of King Negus though the
Quraysh tried bringing them back, they failed
 During 616 AD till 619 AD, the Prophet (SAW) and his tribe, Banu Hashim were boycotted
 With the death of Abu Talib (RA), the Messenger (SAW) had no protection on him
 Conditions in Makkah for Muslims became harsh
 He went to Taif and invited the elders of Banu Thaqeef, but they not only rejected him but also
persecuted him
 So the Messenger of Allah (SAW) came back to Makkah in the protection of Mutim ibn Adi
 To console the Prophet (SAW), Allah blessed journey of Isra and Miraj
Preaching at Aqabah:
 He started to sit at a place called Aqabah
 In 620 AD, 6 pilgrims of the Khazraj tribe from Yathrib coming to Makkah heard the Prophet (SAW)
spreading the message of Islam
 They recognized him as the Prophet mentioned in the Jewish scriptures
 Upon further education, they converted
 They later invited their friends and family to accept Islam
 In this way Islam spread outside Makkah
First Pledge of Aqabah:
 In 621 AD, the First Pledge of Aqabah took place
 12 people from Yathrib came to the Prophet (SAW) and converted
 They took the oath (Bait-e-Nisa) to believe in Tauhid and abstain from evil
 They vowed that they will not associate partners with Allah, whether it be in worship or His attributes
and to follow the Prophet (SAW). They would not steal or rob anyone; they won’t commit adultery,
fornication, or indulge in any other indecent act. They would not kill infants or children whether a girl or
a boy. They promised to not backbite anyone. They would always side with truth and justice and would
not be afraid of disgrace or blame for the cause of Allah
 After the First Pledge, Musab bin Umair (RA) went and preached Islam in Yathrib
Second Pledge of Aqabah:
 In 622 AD, Second Pledge of Aqabah took place
 73 men and 2 women came with their leader, Barra, to meet the Prophet (SAW) and converted
 They pledged to spread the message of Allah (Bait-e-Harb)
 They promised to obey Allah and all His commandments, to refrain from Shirk and all other sins, to
spend in plenty or in scarcity in the way of Allah, to defend the Prophet (SAW) and sacrifice their lives
in the name of Islam and not be afraid of anyone except Allah
 In return he promised them paradise if they followed all the rules. They also invited the Prophet (SAW)
to Yathrib, to live with them and preach Islam
 They also said that they would make him their leader,
 Mutim ibn Adi, who had given protection to the Prophet (SAW) died and so he agreed to the offer of
protection from Yathrib
 Islam began to spread rapidly in Yathrib
 The Makkans increased the persecution tenfold and because of this the companions of the Prophet
(SAW) had to migrate to Madinah secretly
 Everyone except the Prophet (SAW), Abu Bakr RA, and Ali (RA) travelled to Madinah
 The Qurayshites, under Abu Jahl, held a meeting in Dar-un-Nadwa, and made a plan to kill the
Prophet (SAW) by selecting one person from each tribe to attack, so that Banu Hashim would later not
be able to take revenge
 Allah informed his messenger of this plan; ‘Remember how the unbelievers plotted against you, to
keep you in bonds or slay you, or get you out (of the home) they plot and plan, and Allah too plans.
But the best of planners is Allah.’
 The Prophet (SAW) left in the night with Abu Bakr (RA) to migrate to Yathrib while Ali (RA) slept in his
bed as a decoy

Q) In your view why should Muslims provide a safe haven for others? Give reasons to support
your answer. (4)
 Muslims are taught by Islam to provide for those in need
 Prophet (SAW) said, ‘Allah will not show mercy to a person who does not show mercy to other people. ’
 Muslims should care for people like those being persecution in Palestine, Yemen etc.
 Those who have lost livlihoods and families due to wars or natural disasters should be aided and given
shelter like how Muslims of Madinah did for those of Makkah
 It was this helpfulness of the Ansars that they are mentioned in the Quran, proving the prestige of
those of the believers who help
 The Prophet (SAW) said, ‘I and the man who brings up an orphan will be like this in Paradise ’, and he
pointed with his two fingers, the index finger and the middle finger
 The Hadith proves that the Prophet (SAW) would be close to the one who takes care of another
Q) Give an account of the Hijra from Makkah to Madinah. (10)
Second Pledge of Aqabah:
 In 622 AD, Second Pledge of Aqabah took place
 73 men and 2 women came with their leader, Barra, to meet the Prophet (SAW) and converted
 They pledged to spread the message of Allah (Bait-e-Harb)
 They promised to obey Allah and all His commandments, to refrain from Shirk and all other sins, to
spend in plenty or in scarcity in the way of Allah, to defend the Prophet (SAW) and sacrifice their lives
in the name of Islam and not be afraid of anyone except Allah
 They also invited the Prophet (SAW) to Yathrib, to live with them and preach Islam
 They also said that they would make him their leader,
 Mutim ibn Adi, who had given protection to the Prophet (SAW) died and so he agreed to the offer of
protection from Yathrib

 Islam began to spread rapidly in Yathrib
 The Makkans increased the persecution tenfold and because of this the companions of the Prophet
(SAW) had to migrate to Madinah secretly
 Everyone except the Prophet (SAW), Abu Bakr RA, and Ali (RA) travelled to Madinah
 The Qurayshites, under Abu Jahl, held a meeting in Dar-un-Nadwa, and made a plan to kill the
Prophet (SAW) by selecting one person from each tribe to attack, so that Banu Hashim would later not
be able to take revenge
 Allah informed his messenger of this plan; ‘Remember how the unbelievers plotted against you, to
keep you in bonds or slay you, or get you out (of the home) they plot and plan, and Allah too plans.
But the best of planners is Allah.’
 The Prophet (SAW) left in the night with Abu Bakr (RA) to migrate to Yathrib while Ali (RA) slept in his
bed as a decoy
 The Prophet (SAW) requested Ali (RA) to return people’s belongings that he had
 When he stepped outside his house, the enemies had gathered to kill him, so he threw dust at them
 The Quran says, ‘And we have put before them a barrier and behind them a barrier and covered them,
so they do not see.’
The Quraysh failure to kill the Prophet (SAW):
 Upon Ali (RA) coming out he was asked where the Prophet (SAW) was but he replied that he doesn’t
 They went to the house of Abu Bakr (RA), from where his daughter, Asma (RA) appeared and upon
being asked whereabouts of him, she also said that she doesn’t know
 They launched a search for him setting a reward of hundred female camels for whoever finds him
Rest in the cave of Thaur:
 During the travel, the Prophet (SAW) and Abu Bakr (RA) stayed in the cave of Thaur for 3 days
 When the Prophet (SAW) was sleeping on his lap, Abu Bakr (RA) was bitten by something though he
tried to fill every empty hole in the cave
 He tried to remain quiet, but a tear from his eye fell on Prophet (SAW)
 The Prophet (SAW) woke up and used his saliva to heal the wound
 Abu Bakr (RA)’s daughter, Asma (RA) would secretly bring them food and his son, Abdullah (RA)
would keep them updated about the Quraysh
 The slave who Abu Bakr (RA) had freed, Amr bin Fuhai (RA) would provide them with milk and also
erase the footprints of the Prophet (SAW) and Abu Bakr (RA) by herding his flock of sheep near
The Quraysh find the cave:
 Once, it so happened that the Quraysh came just outside the cave
 A miracle took place when a spider built its web on the entrance of the cave, and when a pigeon laid
eggs on the branches it had brought
 The Quran says, ‘For Allah did indeed help him when the unbelievers drove him out; he had no more
than one companion. They were two in the cave and he said to his companion, have no fear Allah is
with us.’
The journey continued:
 After 3 days, the Prophet (SAW) set out to Madinah
 Suraqa bin Malik, an expert in tracking people, almost caught them but his horse stuck in mud due to
divine protection
Milk incident:
 On the way, they asked a Bedouin woman, Umme Mua’bd, if she could give her goat’s milk
 She replied that the goat hadn’t yielded a drop of milk for years
 Insisting, the Prophet (SAW) started milking the goat and miraculously large amounts was milked
 The Prophet (SAW) arrived in Quba, a place near Yathrib, on 23rd September 622 AD, after 6 days of
Visit at Quba:
 They stayed in Quba for 14 days and built Islam’s 1st mosque there
 The Prophet (SAW) actively participated in the construction
 Ali (RA) joined the Prophet (SAW) in Quba
First Friday sermon:
 Thereafter, they resumed travel to Madinah
 They prayed Friday prayer in congregation in the quarters of Banu Saleem and delivered the 1st
Friday sermon
 80 people from the tribe of Banu Aslam also accepted Islam
Reaching Madinah:
 When Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was close to Madinah he heard the children of Madinah singing,
‘The full moon shines down upon us from Thaniyat al Wada. We must all give our thanksgiving all the
while praising Allah; you whom Allah sends among us, what you bring, we will obey, you have
ennobled Madinah. Welcome now! Guide us to His way.’
 The first person to see him was a Jew
 People of Madinah cheered and enthusiastically invited the Prophet (SAW) to stay at their place
 It was decided that the Prophet (SAW)’s camel, Qaswa and build a mosque there; ‘Let it go its own
way, it is under orders.’
 The camel came to a stop in front of the house of Banu Malik Ibn al-Najjar and knelt at a place which
belonged to 2 orphan boys, Sahil and Suhail, of Banu-Najjar
 The Prophet (SAW) paid for this land and they started building it, now known as Masjid-al-Nabwi
 While the mosque was being built, the Prophet (SAW) stayed at the place of Abu Ayyub Al Ansari (RA)

Q) What was the significance of this journey? (4)

 This Hijra is reflected in the fact that, this event was used to mark the beginning of the Muslim Hijri
 It changed the fate of Hijaz for the rest of its existence
 Hijrat was the time when the Prophet (SAW) was truly able to establish his stronghold and and alter
the course of history through his preaching of Islam, from Madinah
 It reshaped the Arabian Peninsula socially and politically, through the outreach that Islam had after the
settlement in Madinah
 Madinah was the place where the Muslims were able to garner enough support to be able to practice
their religion in liberty
 Many Quranic laws were revealed which acted as tools the Prophet (SAW) used to organize his
followers into a disciplined community
 This journey became a big part in the spread of Islam
 Muslims were able to unify into a nation that became the focal point of growth in all spheres of life

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