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IKEA should opt for industry-wide reaction to combat child labour through organizations like

“Rugmark Foundation”.

Child labour is very serious issue currently prevailing in particular countries and industries. Carpets
and rugs from South Asian countries like India and Pakistan are of prime quality and fittingly serve
the IKEA’s offerings of complete house decoration products. Taking effective measure to overcome
child labour in its supplies or imports will positively affect IKEA’s reputation all over the world.

How should IKEA response to the issue of using child labour in Carpets and rug industry?

Child labour is one of the most serious social issues which some countries are facing. It’s as society
our collective responsibility to fight this bad practice and ultimately eliminate it from our society.
When it comes to use of child labour in particular industries like in this case carpet industry here
businesses dealing in such activities must take decisive course of action to make sure that child
labour is not used in their business products at all.

As IKEA imports most of its carpets and rugs from India and Pakistan here in both countries child
labour is very much reality and a big social issue. In this regard IKEA should join hands with other
participants in the industry to form an effective strategy to wipe out child labour from carpet
manufacturing. Rugmark foundation is a collective effort to make sure that child labour is not used in
carpets manufacturing and it labels and trademarks carpets of producers which are totally labour
free. More ever it’s a joint effort by human rights organizations, consumer activists and trade unions
so that can play vital role in moving governments to take the issue of child labour seriously and to
take corrective actions.

Carpets and rugs are important to IKEA because of the company’s nature and style of business. IKEA
just not sells furniture but a complete package of home decoration which includes carpets and rugs
as well. IKEA is known to its customers with its array of products which fit in all sort of house
decoration. So without carpets and rugs that house decoration array of goods will be negatively
affected and it can lead to customer switching from IKEA to any other company which is offering
complete package of products for house decoration. So in order to maintain its image in customer’s
mind IKEA should keep on offering complete array of goods used for house decoration including
carpets and rugs. Apart from this fact carpets and rugs imported from south Asian countries are cost
effective as well as good in quality so they suit IKEA.

Taking steps against child labour will significantly improve IKEA’s reputation as a company in the
world. Businesses must participate in such practices to eliminate these social issues because
ultimately they will be thinking beyond their own benefits. If IKEA decides against taking any action
regarding child labour issue it can lead to its defamation all around the world and people can stop
purchasing from IKEA. Because in western world such unethical practices are treated very seriously
and consequences for involved businesses could be very harmful.

Utter elimination of child labour from developing countries like: India, Pakistan and Nepal are only
possible by massive scale initiatives taken at government level. Governments in such countries
should cooperate with international and national organizations working against child labour.
Legislation must be done to completely erase this curse from society.

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