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Book Review for The Kite

Runner by Khaled Hosseini

The novel, ‘The Kite Runner’ by Khaled Hosseini is

an emotional and spectacular story of betrayal and
redemption. It is set in the pre and post-war
Afghanistan and the author has brilliantly
described the conditions one lived in during that
time. It is about two boys, Amir and Hassan, who
are the closest of friends, as good as brothers.

Amir is desperate to win the local kite- ghting

tournament as he yearns for his father’s affections,
and his loyal friend, Hassan is by his side to help
him. But, the act committed by Amir shatters both
his and Hassan’s life. After Afghanistan is invaded
by the Russians, Amir and his father are forced to
ee to America. Amir then realises that he has to
return to Kabul, to seek what his new world cannot
grant him, redemption.

This novel is a powerful one, and is capable of

moving the hardest of hearts. It has earned world


wide praise for it’s devastating and inspiring story.

The story is fast paced, and there is hardly a point
where it gets boring. Amir becomes a writer
himself, and vividly describes his experiences. We
are taken through his stages in his life, and we
experience everything he did. This book has
taught me a lesson that it’s okay to do a little bad
to serve a greater purpose in life.

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