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“ HIV”

A 35 year old man with the initials Mr. K, often mutually unhealthy partners,
sometimes also involved in drug abuse using unhealthy needles. Currently Mr. M was
admitted to the hospital with complaints of coughing, coughing, diarrhea that did not
heal, mouth sores and high fever. On physical examination and anamneda, the body
temperature was 39 ° C, body weight decreased to 15 kg, sometimes blurred vision,
oral infection with fungi, enlarged lymph nodes, an enlarged liver (hepatomegaly) and
lymph enlargement (Splenomegaly). In the laboratory examination, the patient's CD4
T cell count was 100 cells / mm3 and then asked to be hospitalized and a follow-up
rapid test was carried out to detect the presence of HIV. Patients suspected of having
HIV will then be subjected to antiretroviral therapy.

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