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Boudjemaa Mohammed Abd El Hadi

27 years old

Foreign languages instructor.

Lesson 1: Approaches and methods.

Task 1: Definitions

 Drilling means listening to a model, provided by the teacher, or a tape or another student,
and repeating what is heard. This is a repetition drill, a technique that is still used by many
teachers when introducing new language items to their students. The teacher says (models)
the word or phrase and the students repeat it.
 The main difference between inductive and deductive reasoning is that inductive reasoning
aims at developing a theory while deductive reasoning aims at testing an existing theory. ...
Inductive reasoning moves from specific observations to broad generalizations, and deductive
reasoning the other way around.

 TPR or Total Physical Response, or TPR, was created by American psychologist Dr. James Asher
and is based on the experience of how humans learn their first language. You see, when
children learn their mother tongue, their parents and carers are very physically involved in
imparting language. They demonstrate and instruct, and the child responds in kind. No one
demands or requires very small children to speak at all: only to listen and understand, which is
to say, to comprehend.
 The result is that we acquire our mother tongue, rather than learn it as we do additional
languages. Therefore, the idea of TPR in a nutshell is to create a neural link between speech
and action.
 The Grammar Translation Method: (1800s- 36 dominant up to 1940s) :The teacher
presents grammar rules by explaining them using the learner’s mother tongue. Learners
practise the rules by translating. sentences both from and into the target language.
Learners are expected to learn lists of words in the target language with their mother
tongue equivalents. Speaking practice is not very important.

Task 2 : Comparison

Main 1.Reading Oral practice
techniques comprehension and
used . 2. Deductive production,
application of presentation,
rules. controlled
3. Fill-in the practice, free
blanks. practice
4. Memorization. “interactive
group work,
WH questions.
Teacher’s Authority Partner, they
role help each
Student’s Passive :they Active
role master Students
grammar, develop
develop communicative
reading and skills and they
writing skills practice
and acquire a language in
large number real-like life
of lexis via situations.
TTT Talks more Talks less
STS Talk less Talk more
Teaching Grammar Not
grammar Taught Systematically
deductively taught
Error Immediate Self correction
Correction correction

Task 3 :

Standards-based refers to systems of instruction, assessment, grading, and academic reporting that
are based on students demonstrating understanding or mastery of the knowledge and skills they are
expected to learn as they progress through their education.

*It addresses what learners must know and be able to do with English ( content standards). and of
how close they are to achieving the aims of the course ( performance standards): • It addresses
communication as being not strictly one skil, but a mixture of the spoken, written, auditory skills: • It
is based on the premise that cultural understanding is essential in language education: • If connects
English with other subjects areas such as history and geography, philosaphy, etc: • it is based on the
view that argues that comparing and contrasting our own languages and culture(s) with other
languages and culture(s) leads to better understanding of ours: • It stresses the extension of language
learning experiences from the classroom to the outside world • It is focused on learner learning(i.e.
learner-centered): • It holds all concened parties accountable for the outcomes af learning: • If
requires performance-based assessment.

Its 5C’s are the following :

1.Communication learners will communicate in both oral and written forms, interpret both
oral and written messopes, show cultural understanding and present oral and wnen ine
internersong, interpretive, and variety of purposes Three modes of communication are
involved t presentational communication.
2. Cultures-Leamers will gain deeper understanding of their culturels) and other cultures in
terms of their perspectives (e.g. values, ideas, attitudes. Etc.), practices (pattern of social
interactions), and products (e.g. books, laws music, etc).
3. Connections-Learners will make connections with other subject areas: and acquire
information and use through English for their own purposes.
4. Comparisons-Learners will gain awareness of cross-cultural similarities and ditferences (in
terms of both language(s) and culture).
5. Communities-Learners will extend their leaming experiences from the EFL classroom to the
outside world through activities such as the use of the internet They will therefore be made
aware that we live in a global world

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