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Civics 8


Parent’s Signature:__________________________ Teacher’s Signature:___________________

I. Read each statement carefully. Choose the answer from the box and write it on the space
provided. Write only the letter of the correct answer.

a. Coliseum g. Geography m. Cyrus s. Crete

b. Peloponnesian h. Latin n. Julius Caesar t. Bourgeoisie

c. Parthenon i. Herodotus o. Metics u. Huang Ho River

d. Religion j. Colonization p. Religion v. Crusades

e. Climate k. Italy q. Dravidians w. Feudalism

f. Magna Carta l. Weather r. Law of Twelve Tables x. Chivalry

___________1. It is the study of the earth and the ways people live and work on it.

___________2. It is defined as the weather patterns in areas that are experienced over a long
period of time.

___________3. It is one of the aspects of human geography which helps to answer basic
questions about the meaning and purpose of life.

___________4. The group who first established civilization in India.

___________5. It is the temple for Athena built at the top of the acropolis with the dazzling
white marble.

___________6. It is the battle fought between Athens and Sparta.

___________7. It serves as the backbone of Roman government, carved on stone tablets.

___________8. He is known as the Father of History.

___________9.It became the language in most medieval universities and became the official
language of Rome.

___________10.It is the huge area in Rome where entertainment was held.

___________11.He is one of the great orator and clever politician that uses his military strength
to gain power in Rome.

___________12. It is the document that limits the power of the king and protected the rights of
the people.

___________13.It is the term given to the acquisition of lands for commercial and religious

___________14. It was the place that is known as the cradle of the Renaissance.

___________15. It is known as the series of campaigns led by European Christians seeking to

regain the Holy Land from the Muslims.

___________16. The term given by the Athenians to the foreigner who lived in Athens.

___________17. It is the condition of a place over a short period of time.

___________18. He was a remarkable military leader and wise ruler in Persia.

___________19.It is called as the River of Sorrows.

___________20. It is the largest and most important island in Greece.

II. TRUE or FALSE. Read the statement carefully. Write C if the statement is true and if the
statement is false, change the underline word to make the sentence correct.

_______________________1. Renaissance is a French word that means rebirth.

_______________________2. Third Crusades is also known as Crusade of Queens.

_______________________3. Allah is the founder of the religion Zoroastrianism.

_______________________4. Jericho is the oldest village of Israel.

_______________________5. Plateaus are lands with elevations of more than 1000 feet above
the surroundings.

_______________________6. Gulf is a large bay.

_______________________7. Hera, the wife of Zeus, was the goddess of earthquake.

_______________________8. Law is one of the lasting contributions of the Romans.

_______________________9. Columbus landed in one of the islands of San Salvador and

named the people living there as Africans.

_______________________10. The man behind the Society of Jesus is Bartholomew Dias.

_______________________11. Mesopotamia means land between four rivers.

_______________________12. Homo Sapiens are the group of people who walks upright.

_______________________13. Praxiteles famous work was the statue of liberty.

_______________________14. Sophocles famous work include Oedipus Rex.

_______________________15. Vassal refers to the piece of land given by the lord.

III. Match column A with column B. Write only the letter of the correct answer on the
space provided.

________ 1. Land between two rivers a. Kepler
________ 2. Founder of Greek Drama b. Virgil
________ 3. Introduced the Question and c. Newton
Answer method
________ 4. Lasting contributions of the d. Immanuel Kant
________ 5. Homer of Rome e. Thomas Hobbes
________ 6. Protestants of France f. John Wycliffe
________ 7. Famous Humanists in England g. Socrates

________ 8. Morning Star of the Reformation h. Mesopotamia

________ 9. Mother of Parliaments i. England

________ 10. Believed that man is basically j. Law
________ 11.Author of Leviathan k. Aesychlus
________ 12. Law of Inertia l. Calvinists
________ 13. Established the Science of m. Robert Hooke
________ 14. Discovered the living cell n. Thomas More
________ 15. Developed calculus o. Robert Boyle

IV. Identify the contributions of the different groups.

1-5 Write L if it is Lydians, H if it is Hebrews, A for Assyrians, E for Egyptians.

___________1. They contributed the use of metallic coinage.

___________2. They discovered the purple dye.

___________3. They contributed addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

___________4. Their famous work is pyramids.

___________5. They contributed the Torah.

6-10 Identify if it is Athens or Sparta. Write D for Athens and F for Sparta.

___________6. Citizenship was foremost in their education.

___________7. Only strong babies were allowed to live.

___________8. Devotion to the city is measured by his participation to the war.

___________9. Non-payment of debts was punishable by slavery.

___________10. The right to choose their officials was a practice of women.

11-15 Write M for Mayas, I for Incas, A for Aztecs.

___________11. The warriors can become a noble by killing enemies.

___________12. They developed the ideographic system of writing.

___________13. They trained surgeons who knew how to set broken bones and do brain

___________14. They developed an accurate calendar of 18 months and 20 days each year.

___________15. They are known as the Greeks of the New World.


1-4 Give the four (4) Greek Philosophers

1. __________________________________

2. __________________________________

3. __________________________________

4. __________________________________

5-8 Give the four (4) successive leaders in the Athenian government.

5. __________________________________

6. __________________________________

7. __________________________________

8. __________________________________

9-10 Give the two (2) cities known in India who gave rich information in their culture.

9. __________________________________

10. __________________________________

11-13 Give three (3) good emperors who ruled in 2nd century CE.

11. __________________________________

12. __________________________________

13. __________________________________

14-15 Give two (2) military men wo formed on the First Triumvirate

14. __________________________________

15. __________________________________


Do you think studying the history of the world is important? How? What are the values
that you can share to improve the information that you can gain from Lesson 1?

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