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8, AUGUST 1986

Introduction to the Special Issue on Dynamic Gratings

and Four-Wave Mixing U

A grating is a material with spatially modulated optical

properties. Mostly permanent periodic structuressuch
as surface diffraction gratings, multilayer dielectric coat-
wave through the scatterer, restoring the incident beam
quality. This healing process has been known in holog-
raphy [7j for some time, but the use of instantaneous re-
ings, and volume holograms have been applied and in- cording materials has madeit possible to deal with rapidly
vestigated in classical optics [ I]. An incident light wave time-dependenteffects, e.g. , atmosphericturbulence.
is diffracted, scattered, or reflected at the grating elements Real-time phase conjugation has stimulated a great deal
resulting in secondary waves into certain directions due of interest in four-wave mixing materials recently.
to constructive interference. Theexplicitconsideration of thematerialresponse
Various laser systems with sufficient power, developed forming a dynamic grating allows a simple visualization
since1960, now can be used to modulate the optical of various nonlinear optical phenomena.Many physicists,
poperties of matter in real time. Two intersecting light chemists, and electrical engineers are not very familiar
beams produce a dynamic grating in a material placed in with nonlinearpolarizationandsusceptibilities. They
the interference region. The grating spacing and ampli- often have, however, some understanding of gratings and
tudearecontrolled by theintersectionangle and beam diffraction from work with grating spectrometers or elec-
power. Two excitation beams with different frequencies tron and X-ray diffraction at crystalline solids. With such
result in a propagating grating. Dynamic or transient grat- experience, four-wave mixing can be understood in terms
ings disappear after the inducing light source has been of grating excitation and beam diffraction. Moreover, the
switched off. relate results from acoustooptics [I], [5] and holography
The modulation of the optical properties in a dynamic [7j-[9].Theabundanttheoretical results in diffraction
grating can be described phenomenologically by an inten- theory [l], [IO] can be transferred to nonlinear optics.
sity-dependent absorption coefficient or refractive index. Laser-induced dynamic gratings and four-wave mixing
To obtain a better understanding, the change of the optical have been studied for thepast 20 years and morethan 500
properties has to be related to some material excitation, papers have been published up to 1985. A summary and
e.g., temperature, carrier density in a semiconductor, or introduction into this rapidly expanding field is given in
spacechargeinaphotorefractivematerial. No special [11]. The present issue is intended to collect the most re-
crystal symmetry as in frequency doubling is required to cent results and to indicate directions of further work.
observe such intensity-dependent effects so that gratings Most papers deal with material investigations. Special
can be induced in any material. However, the photosen- materials can be found not only in papers under the cor-
sitivities vary in a broad range. responding index subheading, but are also discussed in
Dynamic gratings have been induced in a large number other places. One aim is to find systems with high pho-
of solids, liquids, and gases, and are detected by diffrac- tosensitivity, i.e. , large third-order nonlinear sucspetibil-
tion or “forced light” scattering of a third probing beam. ities. Also, forced light scattering is now an often-used
Also, self diffraction of the light waves inducing the grat- technique to investigate other material properties and var-
ing is possible. Waves diffracted into the directions of the ious physical andchemicalprocesses, e.g., long-range
incident waves give rise to amplitude and phase changes, electronic energy transport in inorganic dielectric crystals
in particular, beam amplification. Diffraction atpropa- has been detected with this technique for the first time.
gating grating is accompaniedby frequency shifts. Ingen- Technical applications in photonic devices seem pos-
eral, several diffracted waves are observed. sible using beam deflection, modulation, and amplifica-
The Bragg condition implies that onediffracted beam is tion by wave mixing. The technological potential of dy-
dominant using an optically thick grating. The combined namic gratings in real-time holography still has to be
interference and diffraction effect therefore correspondsto exploited. Phase conjugatorsbased on Brillouin processes
four-wave mixing (FWM) in the language of nonlinear and distributed feedback dye lasers are already available
optics [2], [3 j . The process is called degenerate if the fre- as commercial systems.
quencies of the three incident waves and the generated Many people helped to preparethisissue. Special
wave are equal. Degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM) thanks are due to the authors of the papers and the refer-
is a simple method to achieve phase conjugation [4]-[6], ees. The editorof the JOURNAL, Dr. W. Streifer, provided
i.e. , to generate a wave with a phase which is the complex invaluable organizational guidance, Prof. A. E. Siegman,
conjugate of one of the incident waves. Stanford University, suggested the title of the Special Is-
A. phase-conjugated wave develops in a time-reversed sue, and Prof. H. Gerritsen, Brown University, gave a lot
way compared to the incident wave. Wavefrontdistor- of scientific advice. I would like to also thank C. Thiel
tions can be healed thus by passing the phase-conjugated for secretarial assistance.

0018-9197/86/0800-1194$01.00 O 1986 IEEE

QUANTUM VOL. QE-22, NO. 8, AUGUST 1986 1195

REFERENCES AppliedPhys., vol. 20. Berlin,Heidelberg,Germany:Springer,

M. Born and E. Wolf, Principles of Optics. Oxford:Pergamon, [9] H. J. Caulfield, Ed., Handbook of Optical Holography. New York:
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Y. R. Shen, The Principles of Nonlinear Optics. New York: Wiley, ings. London, England: Academic, 1977.
1984. [Ill H. 3. Eichler, D. Poh1;and P. Giinter, Laser-Induced Dynamic Graz-
R.A.Fisher,Ed., OpticalPhaseConjugation.
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demic, 1983. many: Springer, 1986.
A . Yariv and P.Yeh, Optical Waves in Crystals. New York: Wiley,
B. Ya Zel’dovich, N. F. Philipetsky, and V. V . Shkunov, Principles
ofphase Conjugation, Springer Ser. Opt. Sci., Vol. 42. Berlin, Hei- HANSJ. EICHLER, Guest Editor
delberg, Germany: Springer, 1985. Optisches Institut, P 11
R. J . Collier, C.E. Burckhardt, and L. H.Lin, Optical Holography.
New York: Academic, 1971. Technische Universitat
H. M. Smith, Ed.. “Holographic recording materials,” in Topics in loo0 Berlin 12, West Germany

Hans J. Eichler was born in 1940. He received the Diplom-Ingenieur and Ph.D. de-
grees in physics in 1965 and 1967 from the Technical University, Berlin, West Ger-
From1965to1972hewasan Assistant andAssociateProfessor,since1972 full
Professor, and from 1970 to 1978 Speaker of the Department of Physics, Technical
University, Berlin.
Since 1982 Dr. Eichler has been Chairman af the Quantum Optics Association of the
German Physical Society (DPG) and the Society of Applied Optics (DGAO). He has
authored and coauthored three books and about 100 papers in scientific journals on
professional subjects and on gas and solid-state lasers, interferometry, nonlinear optics
of semiconductors, dynamic grating, and optical bistability phenomena.

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