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A.Y. 2019-2020

Names: Year & Course: __________

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Purpose of the blog

Content 40% YES NO
Does the blog have a theme or focus that is interest to the general
Is the purpose of the blog clear?
Were you able to communicate your message well?
Did you provide convincing support for your claims and assertions?

Organization 10%
Have you arranged the main points of your blog clearly and logically?
Are there order and logic in the ideas you presented in each paragraph
and in the entire blog?
Blogging Conventions 40%
Does the blog observe the conventions of blogging?
Does it take a personal and subjective viewpoint?
Does it provide adequate links to related websites?
Is the layout and color scheme pleasing to the general public?
Language and Mechanics 10%
Did you observe proper use of language forms (grammar) and
mechanics (punctuation, capitalization, etc.)?

Checklist for Creating Blog

Evaluated By: Nikki Joy C. Garcia, LPT

Evaluated By: Nikki Joy C. Garcia, LPT

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