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6 Ways to Integrate Technology into

Physical Education
Teaching physical education can be challenging for any number of reasons, from a lack
of equipment to keeping students engaged. To meet these challenges, some educators
are turning to technology to create more dynamic classes that work for students with a
wide range of fitness levels. Here are some examples of technology and how you can
use them in your classes.

Pedometers are probably one of the first examples that come to mind when discussing
technology and physical activity. Measuring steps is one of the easiest ways to measure
physical activity, and pedometers can be used by a wide range of age groups. Another
benefit of using pedometers is they can be used in a variety of tasks, such as doing
household chores or scavenger hunts. One issue to remember with pedometers and
heart rate monitors is that target rates are different for children with different abilities
and activity levels, so be sure to plan accordingly.

Heart Rate Monitors

Heart rate monitors are used to measure a student’s pulse while engaged in activities.
Using these devices allows educators and students to aim for an individualized target
heart rate that is challenging to maintain but not too difficult to achieve. By customizing
student goals, students feel more involved and more empowered to continue with
fitness. Once more, there are different target rates depending on age and ability, so
remember to take those into consideration.

Health Tracking
Taking the data used by heart monitors and pedometers is vital to creating a long-term
plan for advancing health. Some pedometers and heart monitors have connectivity built
in, which makes the process easier. Using tracking programs or monitoring systems
provides educators with tools useful in creating custom goals for the students. Using
these kinds of programs allows for instant feedback that allows students the opportunity
to adjust their goals and how they wish to achieve them.

With the explosion in mobile technology, physical educators have a wealth of tools. For
example, MapMyFitness and MyFitnessPal allow for movement tracking as well as
nutritional help. Some apps also assist with improving athletic activities such as
basketball. Then, the students can compare what they with what the app instructs.
Another idea is to use Google Earth to show students distances and challenge them to
walk those distances—for example, the height of Mount Everest or the distance
between their home and another location.

Video Resources
Sites such as YouTube and Vimeo offer a wide range of tools for educators. If an
educator wants to teach something such as dance or yoga, there is a wide variety of
how-to videos that can apply to any age group. Additionally, some educators create
video projects where student groups create an instructional video to teach something to
the rest of the class.

There is a steady market of “exergames,” such as Wii Sports and Dance Dance
Revolution. To use these for a whole class, have a few students using the controllers
(taking turns is crucial!) and have the rest of the class follow along with them. For these
games, and any video resources, projecting the video on a wall or screen allows
everybody to see what is happening.

Adapting to new technology can be challenging for instructors. Sometimes, physical

education instructors can feel as if technology does not apply to their subject. However,
by embracing technology, physical education instructors create a more varied and
dynamic classroom. They are also able to appeal to the interests of many different
students and ability types. Using technology to teach physical health allows educators
to create more activities and show how important their goals are.

How Technology is Revolutionizing

Sports Training
In the past, sports training required extensive paperwork and post-practice effort from
both the trainer and the athlete. While the athlete practiced, notes and video were
diligently taken and then collated into charts and graphs representing that athlete’s
performance. After practice, trainer and athlete would work together discussing aches,
pains, and thoughts about physical movements that happened much earlier. The
system was grueling, but worked as far as athletes and trainers knew. That is
until recent technology transformed the field of sports training.
Advanced technology has become smaller, more resilient, and less burdensome over
recent years, paving the way for new opportunities, especially in athletics. Now athletes
wear sensors that convey real-time information to a trainer’s tablet, GPS accurately
pinpoints motion, smartphones keep everyone current and wearable tech can prevent
injuries. Compared to whiteboards and post-practice reviews, technology has
substantially increased athletic potential.

Technology is revolutionizing sports training by live-tracking performances, perfecting

athletic movements, enhancing communication and virtually eliminating injuries.

Tracking Performance
Using sensors placed on the body or in “smart clothing” (active wear with sensing fibers
woven in), sports trainers can measure and track performance in real time. Almost
anything about the athlete can be measured, from breathing and heart rate, to hydration
and temperature.

These live metrics can help the trainer determine what aspects each athlete needs to
focus on more. Athletes are unique, and real-time individual performance
measurements can set a more precise and accurate baseline. During practice, trainers
can read live metrics and decide when it’s time to rest, stretch or train harder.

Lasers and GPS have been incorporated into various aspects of the sports training
world. Instead of relying on times and splits, trainers can measure the exact position,
distance, velocity and acceleration of athletes to better understand where they can
improve. Identifying more intricate data leads to improved performance with less stress
and chance for injury.

Perfecting Athletic Movements

Mounir Zok, the Director of Technology and Innovation for the U.S. Olympic
Commission, has watched technology change and mold sports for the better. He claims
that sports technology is so advanced that it can create a ‘digital code’ for winning the
gold medal. What he means is: data collected and compared can ultimately translate
into a gold medal performance. Technology has increased an athlete’s prowess simply
because it magnifies performance-related actions and events that have been previously

For example, cyclists can wear heads-up display (HUD) glasses that flawlessly deliver
heartrate, speed, incline and other relevant cycling information. Metrics such as these
can help the cyclist focus and improve because they can make adjustments mid ride.

Swimmers and divers participate in an extremely technical sport and have adapted
sensors into their practices as well. When swimming or diving, the sensors measure
more than the usual time and effort metrics. They map movements like rotational speed,
dive angle, leg movement and hydrodynamics. Observing movements like this is
groundbreaking, and allows trainers to help athletes perfect their movements. They may
only shave milliseconds off their performance, but a millisecond in a race can be all the

Enhancing Communication
Applications such as YouTube have also enhanced communication during training.
Countless hours of workouts and game plays can be found by anyone and shared just
as quickly through YouTube. To bolster education through watching film or discussing
plays, athletes and trainers can upload and watch the necessary videos during practice
or on their own time.
Communication has been further enhanced by other applications such as My Fitness
Pal, a personal digital health, diet and exercise journal that can be accessed on a
smartphone or computer. Trainers can keep track of athletes by checking their daily diet
via My Fitness Pal, and athletes will have personal accountability to their training. It’s
similar to a social media site except that it’s specific to exercise and athletes, coaches
and trainers can interact with their input health information.

Eliminating Injuries
Perhaps the most important byproduct of technology in sports training is that injuries
have been severely reduced and now can be identified much earlier. Tracking
performance, perfecting movements and enhancing communication are not only
benefits; they actually help create less injury-prone environments.

Training management software can assist coaches and trainers in monitoring all
aspects of training: diet, energy, sleep, etc. When coaches and trainers can define
individual practice for optimum results, they are preventing fatigue and self-created
injuries. Besides outside variables that cannot be accounted for, the future may some
day see injury-free athletics.
Technology is a double-edged sword. Computers, for example, contribute to sedentary leisure-time behaviors (e.g., playing
seated computer games). On the other hand, technology has been used to promote physical activity and change exercise behavior.
For years, pedometers, accelerometers, and heart rate monitors have been used as motivational tools. Newer technologies and
approaches being used to promote physical activity include global positioning systems (GPS), geographic information systems
(GIS), interactive video games, and persuasive technology. Also, experts suggest that Internet-based physical activity
interventions should be used by clinicians to promote and change exercise behavior (Marcus, Ciccolo, and Sciamanna 2009).
Such interventions are more effective if they incorporate behavior change theory, especially planned behavior theory, include
multiple behavior change techniques, and utilize multiple methods (i.e., text messaging) for interacting with clients (Webb et al.
2010). Irwin and colleagues (2012) described how the use of virtual exercise partners and group exercise motivation increases
exercise performance; these concepts may be beneficial in promoting health through active video gaming.


Pedometers count and monitor the number of steps taken throughout the day. Most pedometers
provide a fairly accurate count of steps taken during ambulatory activities such as walking,
jogging, and running. Estimates of the distance walked and caloric expenditure are less accurate.
Some newer devices also provide an estimate of the total time spent when walking continuously
at a moderate intensity for durations of 10 min or more. To provide accurate step counts, most
pedometers need to be attached to a firm waistband; however, some pedometers can be carried in
a shirt pocket, pants pocket, or bag held close to the body. Others can be worn on the ankle or in
a shoe (Tudor-Locke, Bassett, et al. 2011). Studies show that some pedometers provide a valid
(bias < 3%) and reliable (CV < 2.1%) measure of steps during constant- and variable-speed
walking for both healthy and overweight adults when the pedometer is placed on the waistband
(sides and back), in the shirt pocket, or around the neck; however, positioning the pedometer in
the pants pocket or in the backpack decreases accuracy (Hasson et al. 2009; Holbrook, Barreira,
and Kang 2009).


Studies report that pedometer-based walking increases physical activity (Williams et al. 2008). In
a synthesis of studies addressing the use of pedometers to increase physical activity, Bravata and
colleagues (2007) reported that on average pedometer users increase their physical activity by
27% over baseline levels. A key predictor of increased physical activity is setting a step goal
(e.g., 10,000 steps per day) for participants. Pedometer-based walking programs are associated
with significant decreases in body mass index, body weight, and systolic blood pressure (Bravata
et al. 2007; Richardson et al. 2008).


Thresholds for health benefits from walking have been established using pedometers (Tudor-
Locke, Craig 2011). Accumulating 8000 to 9000 steps per day at a rate of no fewer than 100
steps∙min  is equivalent to 30 min of moderate physical activity, the health

benefit threshold. For weight loss, accumulating 11,000 to 13,000 steps∙day -

 is recommended. Using criterion-referenced approaches, youth-specific thresholds for good


health are being established. In the future, minimal levels of steps per day may be used to
identify health risk thresholds for cardiovascular diseases (CVD), obesity, and osteoporosis.
Table 3.4 presents classification of physical activity levels for adults and children based on the
number of steps taken daily (Tudor-Locke et al. 2005; 2008). Additional information about the
validity and accuracy of pedometers is available (Holbrook, Barreira, and Kang 2009; Lamonte,
Ainsworth, and Reis 2006; Tudor-Locke, Bassett, et al. 2011; Tudor-Locke et al. 2002; 2006).

Accelerometers record body acceleration minute to minute, providing detailed information about the frequency, duration,
intensity, and patterns of movement. Counts from accelerometers are used to estimate energy expenditure. Accelerometers have
been used to provide an objective measure of compliance with physical activity recommendations for the U.S. population
(Troiano et al. 2008). Accelerometer data indicated that less than 5% of adults in the United States engaged in 30 min/day of
moderate exercise, 5 to 7 days/wk. This is substantially lower than the self-reported value (49%) from national surveys. Also,
only 8% of adolescents reached the goal of exercising 60 min/day, 5 to 7 days/wk, based on accelerometer data. The relatively
higher cost of accelerometers (about $300 U.S. per unit) compared to pedometers ($10 - $30 U.S. per unit) limits their use in
large-scale, physical activity interventions. In the future, lower-cost units may be developed and more widely used in national
surveys and community-based interventions. Heil, Brage, and Rothney (2012) offer a 7-step, 3-phase algorithm built on best
practices for gathering, manipulating, and conveying accelerometry-based physical activity data.


Accelerometer technology is now finding its way into newer classes of waist-mounted pedometers and smartphones. The
piezoelectric mechanism is sensitive to the vertical acceleration at the hip (Tudor-Locke, Bassett, et al. 2011). Data storage
capabilities of these new piezoelectric pedometers range from 1-day periods over 7 days to 1 min periods over 60 days and hour-
long periods over 200 days. Stored data are transferable to a computer via a USB cable. Nike has designed a piezoelectric
pedometer that fits into a customized indentation in the midsole of the shoe; it uses the ground contact time to derive speed of
motion, total distance covered, and energy expended. These data are transmitted by radio waves to an intermediary device (i.e.,
Apple iPod nano) for display, storage, or eventual download to a computer.



Heart rate monitors are used primarily to assess and monitor exercise intensity. These devices are especially useful for
monitoring exercise intensity of individuals in cardiac rehabilitation programs and highly trained, competitive athletes. Because
heart rate is linearly related to oxygen uptake, it can be used to estimate the individual's exercise energy expenditure. However,
estimates of energy expenditure from heart rate may be affected by factors such as temperature, humidity, hydration, and
emotional stress.



The prediction of energy expenditure during physical activity is improved by 20% when data from heart rate monitors are used in
conjunction with accelerometer measures of physical activity (Strath, Brage, and Ekelund 2005). Devices that simultaneously
monitor heart rate and body motion provide valid and reliable measures of physical activity of children, adolescents, and adults in
free-living conditions (Barreira et al. 2009; Crouter, Churilla, and Bassett 2008; Zakeri et al. 2008). For a thorough discussion
regarding the future directions of multisensor data synchronization and data fusion, see the article by Intille and colleagues


Textiles are being explored in terms of their ability to interface between the human body and physiological variables; these smart
fabrics hold promise for combining electrical and computing properties with nonintrusive monitoring (Paradiso and Pacelli
2011). Such wearable monitoring systems integrate clothing with sensors capable of remotely monitoring physiological responses
during daily activities and sleep (Paradiso, Faetti, and Werner 2011). Baek and colleagues (2012) used a biometric chair to
successfully and unobtrusively measure beat-to-beat ECG heart rate and blood pressure without skin-to-sensor contact and while
their participants were wearing casual clothes.


In addition to being misstated in self-reports, body mass can vary dramatically within any given time period; treating it as a
constant introduces error into the energy expenditure equations. Sazonova, Browning, and Sazonov (2011) presented a novel
integration of insole pressure sensors with a 3D accelerometer mounted on the heel of tennis shoes. The results of their study led
them to conclude that this combination of accelerometry (e.g., motion velocity) and pressure sensor (e.g., body mass) technology
is feasible for the indirect estimation of energy expenditure.


Wireless body area networks (WBANs) are cutting-edge technological concepts for evaluating physiological responses as
individuals undergo their daily activities. WBANs utilize medical-grade sensors (e.g., brain wave, oxygen saturation, motor unit
recruitment, blood pressure, temperature, inertia, and location) that are placed on or near the surface of the skin. These various
sensors transmit physiological data to a small, unobtrusive coordinator node worn on the body. The coordinator node is
responsible for data fusion and integration. These integrated data can then be transmitted either wirelessly via a mobile device
(e.g., smartphone with Bluetooth technology) or existing Internet technology to a central data repository (Felisberto et al. 2012;
Marinkovic and Popovici 2012). Although WBAN applications have evolved through the need to continuously monitor
healthcare patients remotely, this technology may prove to be useful in exercise science research studies.



Global positioning system (GPS) technology uses 24 satellites and ground stations as reference points to calculate geographic
locations and accurately track a specific activity. For example, a portable GPS unit provides information about altitude, distance,
time, and average velocity while hiking. A graph depicting the uphill and downhill portions of the terrain is also provided. GPS
can be used in conjunction with accelerometers to assess and monitor physical activity (Maddison et al. 2010; Rodriguez, Brown,
and Troped 2005; Schutz and Herren 2000; Troped et al. 2008). Some models can compute calories expended (Maddison et al.
2010). Due to the need of GPS units to detect satellite signals through direct line of sight, they fail to record indoor positions
(Cho, Rodrigues, and Evenson 2011). GPS receivers that can be worn on the wrist or upper arm or at the waist are now available.
These units are being investigated in terms of their utility in accurately tracking bouts of outdoor walking lasting a minimum of 3
min (Cho, Rodriguez, and Evenson 2011). In a proof-of-principle study, smartphone GPS with accelerometry technology and
Bluetooth transmitters were found to be a cost-effective method of noninvasively monitoring temporal and spatial patterns of
day-to-day movements both indoors and out (Schenk et al. 2011). As the technology develops, GPS in combination with the
global telecommunications networks may become more widely used to assess and to promote physical activity. However, inter-
and intra-unit validity and reliability should be established as part of any future research project incorporating GPS technology
(Abraham et al. 2012).


The geographic information system (GIS) is a computer system that stores information about location and the surrounding
environment. Using GIS, the influence of the environment (i.e., its form and design) on physical activity can be assessed (Zhu
2008). Detailed information about using GIS to assess environmental supports for physical activity is available (Porter et al.
2004). GIS was instrumental in an investigation of how the built environment (e.g., sidewalks, open spaces, bike paths, nighttime
lighting, and population density per block) influences physical activity and the walkability index in a Houston, Texas
neighborhood (Oluyomi et al. 2012). Combining data regarding environmental features with census data will provide developers
and city planners with the opportunity to design neighborhoods that are more conducive to walking, biking, and active play.

Another use of GIS technology was evident in a study of physical activity patterns in teenagers living in New Zealand (Maddison
et al. 2010). GPS and accelerometry data were synchronized and combined based on date and time. Subsequently, this merged
file was overlaid with GIS coordinates identifying roads, buildings, land use, and home addresses. This combination of
technology was successful in identifying that the teens exceeded the recommended 60 min of moderate- to vigorous-intensity
physical activity per day; however, there was no ability to identify the types of activity in which the teens were engaged.
Differences in their locations and free-living physical activity intensity were also evident based on the day of the week. The fact
that most of the moderate- to vigorous-intensity activity occurred near home and school suggests the benefit of utilizing those
environments for future health behavior interventions (Maddison et al. 2010).



Although interactive video games, like Dance Dance Revolution (DDR), Wii Sports, Wii Fit, Sony Play Station, Xavix, and
EyeToy games were designed to create a more engaging game play, studies show that these games increase energy expenditure
and may produce positive health benefits (Bailey and McInnis 2011; Chamberlin and Gallagher 2008; Graves et al. 2007;
Maddison et al. 2011; Murphy et al. 2009; Zhu 2008). Many fitness centers, schools, and senior centers are now offering
interactive games to promote physical activity of children, adolescents, and older adults. These interactive games are well suited
for playing alone or with others, and they require little training or skill, provide an alternative to exercising in bad weather, and
may serve as a transition to actually participating in sports and physical activities (Chamberlin and Gallagher 2008). Acute bouts
of interactive gaming have also improved children's cognitive processes (Best 2011). Warburton and colleagues (2009) reported
that interactive video game cycling significantly increased steady-state HR and energy expenditure compared to traditional
cycling at constant, submaximal workloads; both forms of cycling (traditional and interactive video game cycling) resulted in
similar ratings of perceived exertion. Energy expended playing interactive video games is significantly higher for games
primarily played with lower body movements compared to upper body movements (Biddiss and Irwin 2010; Jordan, Donne, and
Fletcher 2011). An extensive study of interactive video games monitoring children's energy expenditure with indirect calorimetry
highlights the influence of gender, intensity, and active mass on the overall energy cost of the games (Foley and Maddison 2010).


Exergaming is the term given to interactive digital games in which the player actively moves. Bailey and McInnis (2011)
evaluated the enjoyment and 10 min energy demand of six different exergaming systems and treadmill walking for children of
normal and above-normal BMIs. The associated MET levels were in the moderate- to vigorous-intensity ranges; Wii boxing and
treadmill walking at 3 mph produced the lowest MET levels, while Sportwall and Xavix produced the highest. The children
reported high levels of enjoyment. Interestingly, the children in the highest BMI percentiles reported more enjoyment with the
exergames and treadmill walking; they also expended significantly more energy per kg of lean tissue during exergaming
compared to their lower-BMI counterparts. Although not many randomized controlled trials have investigated the effects of
exergaming, a reduction in weight gain, waist circumference, and blood pressure have been reported for overweight children who
participate in exergaming (Maddison et al. 2011, Murphy et al. 2009).


Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) is a video game with a floor pad controller that has a grid of arrow panels. Because dancing is a
good aerobic activity, DDR has been used to promote physical activity and weight loss in obese children and adults (Epstein et al.
2007; Zhu 2008). As predicted by Zhu (2008), more than 1500 schools in the United States use DDR in physical education
classes, with the state of West Virginia initially taking the lead. Sell and colleagues (2008) reported that energy expenditure while
playing the DDR video game depends on the participant's experience. Although for inexperienced participants, DDR was
equivalent to light-intensity exercise (18% V\od\O2R and 4.8 kcal·min-1), on average, DDR was classified as a moderate-
intensity activity (47% V\od\O2R and 10.5 kcal·min-1). DDR produced an average energy expenditure of 5.4
± 1.8 METs among children of various BMI values; girls reported a higher level of enjoyment of DDR than did
boys (Bailey and McInnis 2011).


Wii Sports is a home video game that uses a wireless, handheld remote controller to detect movement in multiple dimensions
while mimicking sport activities. The games include tennis, golf, bowling, and boxing. Although playing Wii Sports will not burn
as many calories as actually playing the sport, Wii bowling, tennis, golf, and boxing games increased energy expenditure by 2%
compared to sedentary computer games (Graves et al. 2007). Also, energy expenditure and heart rate were significantly greater in
Wii boxing (3.2 METs), bowling (2.2 METs), and tennis (2.4 METs) compared to sedentary (1.4 METs) gaming (Graves,
Ridgers, and Stratton 2008). Boys report enjoying Wii boxing (level 3) more than do girls as performed at 4.2 METs (Bailey and
McInnis 2011). Wii tennis and boxing played in a standing position during a single 15 min session provided moderate-intensity
physical activity (3.7 and 4.1 METs, respectively) for a small convenience sample of chronic (>6 mo) stroke patients
(Hurkmans et al. 2011).


In 2008, Wii Fit was launched by Nintendo. This interactive video game offers more than 40 training activities categorized into
four areas: aerobics (e.g., hula hoops and running), strength training (e.g., lunges and leg extensions), yoga, and balance training.
This exercise game uses the handheld Wii remote controller and a balance board peripheral for some of these activities (e.g.,
running in place and yoga poses). In light of the positive response Wii Sport and Wii Fit have received, many fitness centers,
senior centers, hospitals, and physical therapy centers are now incorporating this interactive technology into their exercise and
rehabilitation programs (Zhu 2008).


While a great majority of the exergaming focus has been on children, it also holds promise for promoting functional
independence, improving balance, preventing falls, reducing premature disability, and maintaining health by increasing the
physical activity levels of adults and seniors (deJong 2010). Balance confidence, mental health, and timed walking along a
narrow path improved for the seniors who completed a 3 mo video dancing intervention (30 min per session, twice weekly)
(Studenski et al. 2010). Older (>65 yr) community-dwelling adults of normal ability and with no previous experience with
exergaming played 9 active video games in 5 min bouts (Taylor et al. 2012). The boxing and bowling games were played in both
the seated and standing positions. The energy expended, on average, ranged from 1.5 to 3 METs and did not differ for
comparisons of seated versus standing gaming positions. Consequently, such activities may be beneficial in helping seniors reap
the benefits of physical activity regardless of their ability to stand and walk.


Virtual reality, or simulation technology, is an exciting advancement of the human-computer interface with potential for
penetration into the interactive healthy behaviors domain. Immersive virtual reality utilizes head-mounted displays, body-motion
sensors, real-time graphics, and advanced interface devices (e.g., specialized helmets) to offer user-specific experiences in a
simulated environment (Rizzo et al. 2011). Nonimmersive virtual reality utilizes current flat-screen (e.g., television or computer
screens) and traditional interface devices, such as keyboards, game pads, and joysticks. Some high-end fitness centers have
embraced the interface between traditional exercise equipment and virtual reality technology to offer more diverse exercise
experiences. Optical motion tracking of human motion is made possible by commercially available web cameras and light-
emitting diodes or strategically placed reflective markers. Although this technology is still evolving, the Xbox Kinect system uses
a depth-sensing camera to capture full-body movement. Since the human body is the interface device, the player can move more
naturally. With further interdisciplinary research and development, this style of interactive exergaming may offer full body -
interaction gaming that further promotes physically active lifestyles (Rizzo et al. 2011).

Factors Affecting Technology Integration in the Classroom Shonta Harrell and Yvette Bynum Alabama
State University and The University of Alabama Abstract Technology is an integral part of our everyday
lives. In fact, students in our public schools are considered digital natives and have become accustomed
to always being connected to their devices and the Internet. In 2013, 71 percent of the US population
age 3 and older used the Internet (Snyder, de Brey, & Dillow, 2016). Given the importance technology
plays in our lives, schools now have a responsibility to integrate it into teaching and learning and
prepare students for 21st Century skills and careers (Cakir, 2012; Luterberbach & Brown, 2011).
Although classrooms may have access to many technology devices, there are several external and
internal factors that affect the proper implementation of technology in classrooms. In preparing
students to be college and career ready, technology integration is imperative. This paper will discuss
factors such as poor infrastructure, inadequate technology, lack of sufficient technological tools,
effective professional development (external factors), low teacher self-efficacy and teacher perceptions
(internal factors) that affect technology integration in PK-12 schools. Keywords: technology integration,
self-efficacy, digital literacy, digital natives, 21 st century.

In today's culture, you will be hard-pressed to find a child of any age not plugged into some form of
technology. Students today are considered digital natives and are immersed daily in the world of
interactive technology such as mobile phones, iPods, television on demand, and other limitless
resources that provide the answer to any question with just a few clicks of a keyboard or taps on a
screen. Over the past few years, technology has become a major tool used in just about every career
field and has provided educators with a valuable resource to support teaching and learning (Mac Callum,
Jeffrey, & Kinshuk, 2014). The traditional model of education with lectures and students sitting in
straight rows is no longer sufficient. Schools now have a responsibility to integrate technology into the
curriculum and prepare students for 21st Century skills and careers (Cakir, 2012; Luterberbach and
Brown, 2011). Practically speaking, there is an obvious need for students to be prepared to use
technology to compete in the 21st-century global economy. Technology is an essential life skill in the
workforce. Students who are technologically savvy often have a better chance of getting a job and
excelling in their careers (Savage & Brown, 2015). However, the task of integrating technology into
classroom instruction in a meaningful and state-of-the-art way remains challenging (Pittman & Gaines,
2015). Although classrooms may have access to technology initiatives, there are several circumstances
that affect the proper implementation of technology in classrooms such as poor infrastructure,
inadequate technology, lack of sufficient technological tools, effective professional development
(external factors), low teacher self-efficacy and teacher perceptions (internal factors). In preparing
students to be college and career ready, technology integration is imperative. This paper will discuss
those external and internal factors that affect technology integration in PK-12 schools.

External Factors Limiting Technology Integration Poor Infrastructure There is a revolution underway in K-
12 classrooms as school districts and boards move to adopt a new style of classrooms and pedagogy
focused on mobile learning. To succeed, the move to anywhere, anytime learning must be supported by
a strong foundation in technology, particularly network infrastructure (Build the 21st Century
Classroom, 2018). By focusing on the right technological advances in network management and security
from the right vendor, school districts can prepare their classrooms for tomorrow’s networking needs.
Too often infrastructure is overlooked when making the decision to purchase technological tools and
how they will be utilized in the learning environment. When making these decisions certain aspects
should be considered such as the range of the devices, duration the device's purpose. Collaborative
classrooms require not only furniture grouped to facilitate clusters of learners, but also a strong Wi-Fi
signal that assures students of anywhere anytime connectivity for a range of devices (Build the 21st
Century Classroom, 2018). Infrastructure can affect Wi-Fi connection and limit internet access to
technology devices. Especially, in rural schools and older building without proper power voltage to
support multiple tech devices. Only 68% of students say they have Wi-Fi access at school (Pearson,
2015). Hence, school districts would greatly benefit from focusing on the best networking management
tools for their system to further prepare classrooms for tomorrow's networking requirements.
Inadequate Technology From the perspective of learning theory, the integration of technology usage
into the classroom serves constructivist and sociocultural principles. According to the constructivist
view, learners create knowledge as a result of their interactions with the environment, building on
existing knowledge and dependent upon the relevance of the content or instructional activity in their
own lives. From the sociocultural perspective, technology provides the platform, and the tools to engage
via numerous media with other individuals and groups beyond the immediate reach of the learner
(Pittman & Gaines, 2015). There is an obvious need for students to be prepared to use technology. In
2013, 71 percent of the US population age 3 and older used the Internet (Snyder, de Brey, & Dillow,
2016). However, due to limited funds and budgets schools don’t have the resources to provide adequate
technology for every student. In the Student Mobile Device Survey National Report: Students Grades 4-
12 conducted by Pearson (2015) it found that 14% of elementary students attend a school with a 1:1
initiative. However, most students access to technology is through a computer lab (37%) or shared in a
classroom (33%). Sixty-two percent of students want to use technology more in the classroom, but the
reality is that the resources are just not available. In schools that implement Bring Your Own Device
(BYOD), it is assumed students will have the devices to fill in gaps where schools lack the resources.
However, only 8% (elementary) and 13% (middle and high) school students bring their own devices to
school for personal use. The opportunity to engage broadly and deeply with virtual environments made
possible by technology continues to lag in education. The practical applications for learners as they
create knowledge for themselves are numerous and growing, as can be evidenced by a simple Internet
search on the subject. As districts continually move toward 21st-century classrooms, it is important to
bridge the gap between utilization and adequate resources.

Lack of Sufficient, Effective Professional Development Even with adequate technology access, effective
professional development remains a reason that makes it difficult to increase the level of technology
integration in classrooms. Little is understood about what these experiences might look like for teachers
‘‘on the ground,’’ during implementation of technology-integrated professional development
(Wilkerson, Andrews, Shaban, Laina, & Gravel, 2016). Research indicates that simply providing teachers
with professional development opportunities related to using technology does not translate into higher
levels of integration in the classroom. It is only when they are provided the knowledge, skills, resources,
and support that they will integrate technology in the curriculum to maximize its effects on teaching and
learning (Papanastasiou, Zemblyas, & Vrasidas, 2003). However, schools are providing technology-
related professional development. Technology integration was the second most common topic for
professional development (67% of teachers) only following training on a content specific area
(Rotermund, De Rocje, & Ottem, 2017). But, of those that participated in training, 59% only received 8 or
fewer hours indicating teachers are left on their own with the daunting task of choosing the most
appropriate technology tool to support teaching and learning.

Internal Factors that Limit Technology Integration Low self-efficacy Self-efficacy is the belief that a
person can perform a task to achieve the desired outcome. It is an essential concept of Bandura's social
cognitive theory (1977) that affects how you choose to interact with society and your surroundings.
Researchers in education focus on the principles of self-efficacy involving performance accomplishment,
vicarious experiences, verbal persuasion, and physiological stress (Howardson & Behrend, 2015; Pan &
Franklin, 2011). It is predicted that digital classrooms, which involve many technological devices, will
improve students’ success level. However, without effective technological integration, it is unreasonable
to claim it is possible to reach these goals without the necessary online technologies self-efficacy
(Ozerbas & Erdogan, 2016). The theory of self-efficacy is “that people process, weigh, and integrate
diverse sources of information concerning their capability, and they regulate their choice behavior and
effort expenditure according to that information” (Bandura, 1977). We have control over our behavior
not control of the outcome. There is also a significant correlation to teacher’s use of technology in the
classroom with their self-efficacy (Li, Worch, Zhou, & Aguiton, 2015). Due to high demands of student
achievement and accountability, if teachers felt the use of technology had a positive outcome on their
students’ learning it was more likely they would integrate it into their practice. However, if they felt it
would not increase their student’s performance they would not use it. Another point worth noting, 62%
of elementary students feel they know more about technology than their teachers (Pearson, 2015)
which may add to some teachers perceived low self-efficacy.

Teacher Perceptions Despite increasing access to technology in schools, teachers are usually portrayed
as hesitant users. They are accustomed to the old standard which can create frustration when trying to
shift to a new paradigm leading them to stray away from the use of 21st-century technological devices.
Teachers who are not digitally literate, able to understand and use information from a variety of digital
sources, will be the ones who integrate technology. They perceive the effort needed to learn the new
technology and practicality or value of it as a significant consideration in whether they use it or not (Mac
Callum, Jeffrey, & Kinshuk, 2014). This is consistent with other research that found teacher’s readiness,
or lack thereof, had the highest total effect on whether teachers integrated technology in their
classrooms (Inan & Lowther, 2009). Teachers also perceive technology integration negatively due to the
amount of time it takesto integrate into the curriculum through additional training and planning.
Technology integration requires preparation, classroom management practices, and demands attention
that is not normally spent in those areas. It is easier to just remain with the “status quo.”

Summary The integration of technology in the classroom is a multifarious process. One of the greatest
challenges for teachers is the link between educational technology innovations, promising practices for
teaching and learning and integrating technology with increases in student achievement (Middleton &
Murray, 1999). Successful student-use of technology in education hinges on knowing how to manage
technology efficiently and overcoming barriers that come with integrating technology. Simply equipping
schools and classrooms with technology is not the panacea for improving student achievement. It would
be necessary to conduct a longitudinal study to suggest if the tools used are even effective and then the
district can construct a plan to help schools address these hindering internal and external factors. Self-
efficacy plays a significant role in the desire to use such tools in the classroom. Therefore, teachers must
be supported and felt that their needs are being met throughout the implementation process. When
teachers are not confident in the usage of these tools, they tend to have a lower perception of its value.
Hence, the tools will not be used to their full capacity creating an internal barrier. Administration adds
to teachers’ low self-efficacy by not providing them sufficient amount of professional development.
Coupled with poor infrastructure, lack of network bandwidth and a shortage of enough devices for
classroom usage may cause teachers to feel discouraged and abandon fully implementing technology
into their practice. Furthermore, hindering the students from receiving 21st-century instruction. As
schools are moving toward college and career readiness, it is imperative that districts address these
barriers, and include them in the process when developing technology plans for new investments and
expansions. As society continues to grow in its use of technology for social reasons it is expected that
education will continue to grow in the usage of such tools as well. Addressing these barriers is a step in a
positive direction in closing this gap.

Physical fitness leads to better athletic performance, and persistent training will usually develop
physical fitness. Detailed analyses of the anatomic and physiological characteristics of famous
athletes show that it is possible to make fairly reliable predictions of athletic performance.
Scores obtained by various static and dynamic tests exhibit various degrees of correlation with
the scores made in competition, and it has been easy to pick out the tests that give the highest
coefficients of correlation. Dynamic tests thus are shown to have higher predictive value than
static tests. Type of physique, strength and power, respiratory efficiency, and cardiovascular
components are among the factors that determine performance, but no two, or three, or four
factors, even when combined in an optimum manner, measure all aspects of fitness. Fitness
tests applied to former champions gave the best results in those athletes who were in continued
training. Endurance training makes marked improvements in cardiovascular function. Ability of
the endurance athlete to use oxygen is related to circulatory and respiratory capacity, but in
sprints, weight lifting, and swimming there are many other important specifics.

Basis of Sports
All activities which are part of human behavior were subject to a long-
term development. Let us take throwing, which is regarded a basic motor
activity, as an example. In the deep past, throwing was necessary for
feeding and defense. At present, throwing has lost its importance as one
of the above mentioned activities but it is involved in different sports to a
great extent (e.g. athletics, handball, baseball, etc.). The task of a
prehistoric hunter was to hit the target precisely to get food. The aim of a
present-day athlete is to throw the javelin as far as possible. The result of
the activity in both examples can be considered a
performance. Performance is understood as an extent to which motor
task is accomplished. With the prehistoric hunter, performance is
evaluated dichotomically: hitting the target or missing and it is not
restricted by any rules. In the case of the athlete, performance is
evaluated following rules of the sports discipline which were set in
advance, it is expressed by the length of the throw and is understood as
a sports performance. An ability to achieve a given performance
repeatedly is referred to as efficiency.
The aim of sports training is to achieve maximum individual or team
efficiency in a selected sports discipline limited by rules.
Reaching maximum efficiency in any activity is not possible over a day.
Efficiency is conditioned by several interrelated areas. Sports training
focuses on reaching maximum efficiency in motor abilities connected to
a certain sports discipline. Supposed performance depends on motor
ability and motor skill which are closely related to the sports
discipline. Motor abilities can be described as relatively stable sets of
inner genetic presuppositions needed to carry out locomotive activities.
They include force, speed, endurance, coordination and
flexibility. Motor abilities are manifested on the outside by sports
skills. Sports skills are presuppositions needed for implementing
performance in a selected sports discipline which is limited by rules.
Such presuppositions are gained through motor learning. It, however,
would not be possible to implement sports skills or develop locomotive
abilities without motivation. Motivation is understood as an inner
incentive to carry out certain activity. The final area needed for
performance implementation is represented by tactical
skills. Tactics means conducting a sports competition in a purposeful

4 Technology Resources That Athletes Can Utilize for

Better Performance - by Sarah Daren

Behind-the-scenes sports technologies are becoming just as important for athletes as the
smartphones and iPads that consumers are growing increasingly reliant on for navigating
daily life. Innovative sports technologies aid today's athletes in achieving new heights of
excellence, and contemporary sports fans benefit greatly from innovations such as real-
time, on-screen markups and highlights, which makes it considerably easier to keep track
of many variables that can affect the outcome of the game. This technology enhances the
viewer experience and has a positive impact on many sports. Furthermore, advanced
technologies help officials maintain integrity in a highly competitive environment. Many of
today's viewers can't imagine watching televised sports without this technology.

Coaches and athletes, however, are using innovative technologies to tweak and improve
their performance in incredible ways that are relatively unknown to casual fans. Today's
sports professionals use a combination of traditional training and the latest technological
advancements. Around the world, remarkable inventions such as video analytics and 3-D
motion capture systems are helping athletes and coaches find previously hidden
opportunities for improvement.

Sports technology engineers create amazing training resources using empirical evidence.
These exceptionally talented hardware and software specialists develop technologies that
fulfill the needs of contemporary coaches and athletes. It takes the collaborative effort of
professionals from many fields to make these innovative technologies a reality. A vastly
talented array of experts, such as biomechanists, sports scientists and computer science
engineers, conjoin to engineer technologies that help athletes improve their performance.
The following sections showcase 4 of the latest technological resources that engineers have
developed for improving athletic performance.

Resource 1: Enhanced Performance and Training Technology

Sports professionals are finding that a regular routine of pushing one's physical abilities to
the limit is not the most effective way of improving athletic performance. Research has
shown that there are more effective and productive ways for athletes to enhance their
abilities. Now, sports facilities around the world feature cutting edge technologies as well
as innovative, unique training methods.

Today, sports professionals can easily monitor and analyze important vital statistics such as
their heart rate, calorie intake and other critical performance variables. High-tech
equipment and innovations help today's athletes succeed and excel. Innovative
technologies provide immediate access to information that helps coaches and athletes
better understand player's health and well-being. This information helps athletes achieve
optimal conditioning and develop a better and deeper understanding of how to maximize
their performance and strengths.
Resource 2: Social Media

Social media is helping athletes get into college and find more opportunities. A recent
survey reveals that 72-percent of advancing high school seniors use social media platforms
to research potential colleges and universities and that 20-perecent of athletes use online
platforms for sports related career networking. Additionally, scouts have shifted from the
old paradigm of using experience, gut feelings and instincts to recruit talent. They can now
use social media and other online resources to research detailed and verified information
about athletes. These technologies allow scouts to discover potential stars who may have
previously gone unnoticed.

Resource 3: Innovative Online Apps and Information Sources

Today's athletes use a combination of trainers, coaches, private lessons and sports tech
to enhance their abilities. Additionally, new technologies offer a plethora of options for
reaching out for this vital support. To improve their skills, performance, nutrition habits
and techniques, many of today's athletes use advanced technologies such as video
projection and swing analysis. These kinds of technologies help professional and amateur
athletes turn their weaknesses into strengths.

Resource 4: Blended Learning and Education

Technology gives athletes pioneering ways to learn and train. They can now choose from a
multitude of ways to improve their performance. Internet connectivity allows athletes to
learn at any time and from anywhere in the world. In addition to traditional methods, they
can now take advantage of online courses and videos and leverage innovations such as
artificial intelligence, virtual-reality and gamified training to learn faster. In fact, today's AI
sports training technologies are nearly sophisticated enough to match human experts.

High-performing and dedicated athletes need more than natural talent. Technology is now
an integral component for enhancing athletic performance. Coaches praise the benefits of
today's sports technologies. Many believe that the information gathered by modern, state-
of-the-art sports innovations greatly complement traditional training. Coaches and athletes
who stay informed about, and take advantage of, the latest training resources and work
hard will achieve exceptional results. With ingenuity, technology and hard work, coaches
and athletes will continue to produce amazing results in the field.
How Technology Changes
Physical Education
For most students, working out or being physically active is a chore.

This is one good reason why PE teachers are turning to a plethora of

electronic devices to energize their students and motivate them. They are
getting more creative and innovative as their students have changed.

Why combine technology

and physical education
Incorporating technology into physical education classes produces an
individually oriented experience for students who feel reluctant about the
subject. Additionally, it also has the potential to reduce stress on the students’
bodies, improves their confidence, and makes them more efficient and
prepared for their classes. It enhances their strategies and skills as well.

Technology makes it possible to incorporate other studies, like geography or

math, into physical education to produce optimal challenges for the students.
With technology, particularly mobile technology, physical educators now have
a wide range of tools they can use to examine and improve their students'
physical skills. The list includes wearable tech, physical education apps,
gaming systems, virtual classes, and monitors and trackers.

Phone applications in physical

Almost everyone has a smartphone, and PE teachers can use such devices to
their advantage in encouraging their students to work out and exercise.
Although they won't probably like their students to be constantly glued to their
mobile phones throughout their classes, when educational benefits are
obvious the use of mobile phones and phone apps should be encouraged.

There are a lot of phone apps available these days designed to track 

movements and offer nutritional guides. Students can access important
information regarding their fitness and diet with just a few clicks. And the best
part is that most of those apps are free. While there are apps that require
some form of payments or monthly fees, the cost can be worth the health
benefits associated to well-informed workout and diet programs.

Online videos
With faster and more reliable internet, streaming videos is more accessible
than ever before. PE teachers can take advantage of this technology to
encourage their students to enhance their skills by checking out online videos
and demonstrations. With the depths of information available online, PE
instructors won't have a hard time searching for videos that can fit every
student's needs.
Teachers, however, need to be careful in choosing videos. They need to
make sure that the videos are age appropriate to the class and grade they are

Additionally, to encourage better learning, teachers can also encourage their

students to create their own instructional videos of any workout they are
passionate about doing. This is more engaging than having students sit and
watch videos that are already on the internet.

Virtual classes
Physical education isn't just about being “physically active.” It's still a learning
process, so students are expected to engage in discussion with their teachers
about their learnings, challenges, and other necessary information for them to
reach a deeper level of understanding.

Virtual classes allow students to express their opinions and views about their
activities. They are also valuable in developing students' writing and
communication skills. They enable students to blend into media and enhance
their creative thinking.

Gaming systems
Video games can change the way students think and feel about being
physically active and competitive. They appeal to their love of video games
and spark their interest in their application to physical education. They even
make a great solution to keeping kids active in bad weather.
With gaming systems applied to gym classes, students can take an activity
associated with inactivity and turn it into something productivity. They keep
students immersed and engaged which can be continued at home.

Monitors and trackers

Since not all students have the same physical capabilities, it's essential for
teachers to be aware of what their students can and can't do. It is important to
adapt a program to a particular student’s body, thus heart rate monitors have
become critical for assessing students' physical stamina and in
setting realistic and reasonable goals for them.

Creating goals that are suited for an individual student will make it easier for
them to feel motivated, and encouraged to stay active and committed to their
fitness routines.

Apart from heart-rate monitors, pedometers have also become an

indispensable tool in physical education. They are excellent and reliable when
it comes to tracking steps.

They can keep track of how active a student is even when they're not
engaged in a workout or exercise. Apart from that, pedometers work even
when used in running errands and doing chores at home.

And if a student's step count is low, a pedometer can remind that student to
keep walking and going. It makes students more aware of their progress and
to stick to their goals.
Smartwatches make a great alternative to the traditional pedometer as a step
counter. They may be more expensive, but they offer more functions.

For example, some smartwatches can let students access their favorite music
and listen to it while working out. Other models have apps that can remind
students to take any medication they are on, track their sleeping hours, or log
their moods. Some smartwatches can log students’ running distance as well
as their speed.

One problem with smartwatches is that they tend to be expensive. And the
more features they have, the higher their price gets. In essence, this simply
means that although smartwatches are handy in physical education classes,
they may not fit every student and instructors need to be aware of that.

Technology, in general, has positively reshaped physical education classes.
With apps, online videos, monitors, and trackers, physical education teachers
are able to create customized and reasonable goals for their students. In the
process, students felt more engaged and committed to being physically active
which is essential in developing healthy habits.

Disadvantages of Technology in Physical Education [edit | edit source]

The goal of physical education is to increase physical activity and fitness levels. When incorporating
technology into physical education curriculum it could decrease the time the class has for students to
be motor engaged. When students have less time of being engaged in physical activity the whole
reason for physical education class is lost.
Is it possible for students to learn physical education with out technology? Yes, it is very possible
and that is what is happening today. With budgets decreasing every year in school systems, some
physical education department's funds are being cut very low or even eliminated. So with little funds
already, buying technology would seem like a step backwards. If it is possible to run a physical
education effectively with out technology, then it is done. Money is very scarce in school systems, so
in what ever way possible teachers need to lower their budgets and with physical education,
teachers stick to the basics to help keep costs low. Using technology in any educational setting is
expensive and due to that fact that useful technology in physical education is so new it is currently
very costly. Being able to provide enough technology equipment for to put into each of your students
had is very costly.
One of the big disadvantages of technology in physical education is that students tend to lose out on
learning team building skills. When things such as exergames are used in Physical Education only
one or two students are playing each game and they are not working as a team. In life, team work is
key and having good team work and communication skills within the work field is important to being
successful. By using technology and decreasing the students chance to work with others as a team
is a disadvantages and a lose of a learning experience.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]
There are many different ways to integrate and utilize technology in Physical Education. There is a
range from the basic tools such as heart rate monitors, pedometers, and GPS, to complex computer
generated sports simulators and exergames. The point is, that technology can be used in physical
education and there may be advantages of that, but at what cost? Using technology may help
students to be more engaged and motivated to learn, but they may not be as physically active as
they need to be in Physical Education. The main goal of Physical Education is to get all students
moving and being physically active. And when teachers try to utilize and integrate technology in their
classes, they use precious class time to set up, turn on, and take down equipment, which means
less time to get students moving. Physical Education is an important class to get away from
technology and learn team work and how to be healthy. If we don't show kids how to do things
without technology, they could become too dependent on it in the future, and not be as active when
they become adults.

How does technology impact

physical activity levels among
Researchers studied university students to determine how
technology has affected people’s physical activity levels.
Adults are encouraged to participate in at least 150 minutes of moderate
physical activity or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week as recommended
by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).  Previous studies
have shown that these levels of physical activity can help to prevent obesity as
well as a number of chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes and
cardiovascular disease. They can also help to prevent certain cancers like colon
and breast cancer improve general well-being quality of sleep, reduce
depression, and increase cognitive capacity.

However, several factors such as technology use, sleep, and sociodemographic

characteristics could affect the recommended levels of physical activity. How
has technology affected people’s activity levels?

Technology use, sleep, and ethnicity may affect physical activity

The increased use of technology might affect young adults’ health behaviour,
including physical activity. It could reduce the cardiorespiratory fitness of the
college students if they consistently use their mobile phones or other gadgets
instead of engaging in active activities.

Studies, however, have shown mixed results among male and female students.
In previous research, sedentary technology use (i.e. desktop computers) was
associated with less activity in males, but not in females.

Additionally, sleep may impact activity. For instance, sleep is vital in

maintaining normal function, but college or university students often experience
sleep deprivation. In this case, short-term sleep loss might be associated with
decreased levels of physical activity.

Physical activity levels may also be affected by sex and race or ethnicity. One
study found higher levels of physical activity among males than females from
years 2000 to 2011 in several US counties. However, during the same timeline,
increasing levels of physical activity were found among females. A study in the
US demonstrated that among both men and women, non-Hispanic white adults
had higher regular physical activity levels compared to all other groups. Each of
these factors is important to examine and understand how they impact physical
activity levels to combat the obesity epidemic and related comorbidities.
A study recently published in BMC Public Health  aimed to identify physical
activity levels among undergraduate and graduate college students who were
enrolled in college and assess the relationship between sociodemographic (e.g.
sex, race/ethnicity) and behavioural factors (e.g. sleep, technology use) that
are associated with physical activity. Many young adults in college or university
are beginning to establish their long-term health habits and the researchers
emphasized that understanding the effects of various variables on their levels of
physical activity is crucial to developing programs for long-term health.

Surveying university students

The researchers conducted a cross-sectional analysis of survey responses during
the start of the fall semester in 2014. An online survey was sent to all enrolled
graduate and undergraduate students and a total of 490 students completed the
survey. The response rate was 87.6% for undergraduate students and 48.4%
for graduate students. The average age of students was 21 years.

The results indicated that on average, students used smartphone technology

most often at about 4.4 hours per day, followed by laptops at around four hours
a day.  They used desktops at about one hour per day and tablets at a half-hour
per day. The students reported sleeping around 6.7 hours per night. The
respondents were predominately male (69%) and 32% identified as a racial or
ethnic minority. The majority of the students (60%) were also within the normal
range for body mass index, with only 12% who were classified as obese.

Majority of students met recommended physical activity guidelines

The results showed that the majority of respondents met or exceeded the
recommended physical activity guidelines. In fact, 85% of the college students
reported having at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity
per week, and only 15% did not. The results showed that the individuals who
reported more than 150 minutes of vigorous physical activity per week were
more likely to be male, and non-Hispanic white. They were also the highest
users of technology and received low-moderate levels of sleep (not the lowest

Technology, specifically smartphone use, may drive physical activity

Based on the results, the researchers found that both a minority status and
being female were the strongest sociodemographic factors that are associated
with insufficient activity levels.
On the other hand, high technology use, primarily by using a smartphone, was
associated with higher physical activity levels. In contrast to previous
assumptions, smartphone use may actually drive the physical activity levels and
not the other way around. These students may be using technology while on the
move, like walking or biking or exercising in the gym, and could actually be
using these devices to monitor their movements.

The study participants indicated that they use their technology devices for
recreation and also for work. In this case, the researchers failed to gather
information about the types of activities that the students were using.

There are limitations in the study that were discussed by the researchers. They
were not able to draw conclusions confirming cause and effect – for example, a
lack of physical activity is due to technology use. This is because of the
observational nature of the study. Because the study was limited to college
students, the findings may not be widely generalizable to other populations. In
addition, the participants reported higher than average levels of activity, which
may not represent other college students.

This important study provides information for policymakers and healthcare

providers interested in increasing levels of physical activity in the population.
Interventions aimed at females and ethnic minorities will be important. With its
ever-increasing use, technology will continue to impact our lives and our health
in sometimes surprising ways.

Written by Alexa Deano

Reference: Town Jr SD, Ory MG, Smith ML, et al. Accessing physical activity
among young adults attending a university: the role of sex, race/ethnicity/
technology use, and sleep. BMC Public Health. 2017 September 18.

17 Disadvantages of Digital
Digital technology has revolutionized almost every aspect of people's lives in recent
decades. Office work, shopping, music, movies, television, photography, travel,
transport, and long-distance communications are just some areas that have been
transformed. In fact it's fair to say that it's become increasingly rare to find any
electronic device or large machinery that doesn't incorporate digital technology in some
Digital technology often means that devices have generally become much smaller,
lighter, faster, and more versatile than they used to be. It also means that huge amounts
of information can be stored locally or remotely and moved from place to place almost
instantaneously. Even the term "information" has expanded to include photos, audio,
video, and other media, rather than just letters and numbers. The information can be
much more easily manipulated, too; photos, music, and movies can be edited, for

However, there are downsides to digital technology, too. Seventeen of the negatives are listed

17 Digital Technology Disadvantages

1. Data Security
2. Crime and Terrorism
3. Complexity
4. Privacy Concerns
5. Social Disconnect
6. Work Overload
7. Digital Media Manipulation
8. Job Insecurity
9. Plagiarism and Copyright
10. Anonymity and Fake Personas
11. Overreliance on Gadgets
12. Addiction
13. Secondhand Living
14. Organization and Storage
15. Depersonalized Warfare
16. Longevity
17. Social Alienation
I will explain each downside of digital technology in more detail below.

1. Data Security
Digital technology means that vast amounts of data can be collected and stored. This
can be private information concerning individuals or organizations. It can be very difficult
to keep this data safe. Just a single breach can mean vast amounts of private
information going into the hands of criminals, terrorists, business rivals, foreign
adversaries, or other malign entities.

2. Crime and Terrorism

The internet is fertile territory for malevolent forces to operate, thanks to its international
nature, vast scale, and the relative anonymity that users can enjoy. Examples of this
include: terrorists using social media to promote themselves and encourage others;
drug dealers using the dark web to trade; pedophiles using chat rooms and other places
to groom potential victims, exchange photos, videos and other information; and
authoritarian regimes attempting to sway or distort elections in democratic countries.

3. Complexity
We no longer understand the workings of the devices and machines that we interact
with on a daily basis. Fixing a modern car now means interacting with a computer; it is
no longer just mechanical. Using a phone can involve tackling all sorts of complicated
settings. Minor glitches in the operations of a laptop can cost both time and expense.

4. Privacy Concerns
It's become much harder to have personal privacy in the digital world and that's on top
of the dangers of your personal data being stolen or sold. For instance, everybody has
the ability to take photos and video footage on their mobile phone, then post it online.
Employers can search for people online and maybe find unflattering photographs, or
see them expressing controversial opinions in social media or blogs. Digital cameras
watch and record our movements in public places. Minor indiscretions can now haunt
an individual for life when they're posted on the internet. Controlling your personal
information is very difficult and sometimes impossible.

5. Social Disconnect
There is an increasing tendency for people to socialize and communicate via digital
devices rather than through real-life contact. This can easily lead to a sense of
disconnect and isolation. Human beings have evolved over thousands of years to have
real contact, so taking that away affects them in all sorts of negative ways that we're
only just beginning to understand. Studies have suggested that the lack of real-life
contact is causing depression and other forms of mental illness in many people.

6. Work Overload
Many modern workers spend their days trying to keep up with the hundreds of emails
that they are sent each week, all of which require reading and some of which require
replies or action. Texts from colleagues in the evenings or on the weekend can mean
that people never fully escape work. Organizing the vast amount of digital data acquired
in some jobs, such as the minutes of meetings, training videos, photographs, reports,
and instructions, can also be a huge headache.

7. Digital Media Manipulation

Digital media such as photographs, audio, and video are easy to edit, making the
manipulation of media widespread. It's not always easy to tell what is real and what is
fake anymore. Photographs can be altered using editing tools such as Photoshop.
Digital audio and video can be doctored. The issues will only intensify as the technology

8. Job Insecurity
It used to be that you had to be physically present at a workplace to do a job, but now
many work tasks are performed remotely via the internet. That means a Third World
worker in a low wage economy can undercut you and take your job. Increasingly,
humans aren't needed at all for many tasks, as computers gradually replace them.
Driving and delivery jobs, for instance, will disappear soon as vehicles become

9. Plagiarism and Copyright

Digital media is remarkably easy to copy and reproduce. Copyright laws are
increasingly hard to enforce, as the music and movie industries have discovered to their
cost. School kids can copy and paste their homework projects without really learning
anything. A culture of "sharing" on social media means that often the original creator of
a piece of media is forgotten, as the piece is adapted and claimed by others.

10. Anonymity and Fake Personas

Digital technology provides wide scope for users to hide their identities. Studies show
that people are much more likely to behave anti-socially if they don't think that there will
be any consequences. Bullying, trolling, stalking, threatening, and insulting behavior
have all increased dramatically with the rise of the internet. People assume fake
personas for the purposes of scamming and defrauding. Pedophiles use fake personas
to gain access to and befriend children.

11. Overreliance on Gadgets

Reliance upon mobile phones, computers, and other digital gadgets has become
common. Many people have all their contact information, photographs, texts, and other
personal information on their phones. If they lose them, or the gadget breaks or runs out
of power, then they are in trouble. Basic living skills, like finding one's way around the
streets of a town, have been replaced by taking directions from a GPS system.

12. Addiction
Social media, computer games, messaging, and dating websites can all be addictive.
Games want you to play so that you will buy the next version. Websites want you to
interact so that they can bring in advertising money. Users end up wasting vast amounts
of time and hemorrhaging money for low return.

13. Secondhand Living

Many people no longer experience real-life events directly. Music concerts or live shows
are videoed on mobile phones, events are photographed, and audio is recorded. Media
is uploaded onto social sites. Life becomes something that is experienced through the
prism of digital media rather than firsthand.

14. Organization and Storage

Digital media can be very difficult to organize. Photos and music, for instance, can be
located on numerous devices, such as mobile phones, tablets, laptops, and portable
hard drives. Individual items can be hard to find but easy to accidentally delete or lose,
and the device they are stored on can be lost, stolen, or suffer catastrophic malfunction.
Digital media can be difficult to store and maintain long term. File formats change over
time. In some instances traditional media can last longer than their digital equivalent.

15. Depersonalized Warfare

Digital technology means that weapons can be deployed anywhere in the world without
any actual human military presence. Drones turn warfare into a computer game.
Intercontinental missiles follow streets and landmarks in foreign countries remotely.
Satellites monitor enemy forces through photographs and video taken from space.

16. Longevity
Digital gadgets typically have a short lifespan and become archaic relatively quickly. As
the technology advances at a pace, devices and machines quickly become unusable
because they are now seen as too slow, or incompatible with other devices, or they
have simply been superseded by newer, better versions. This creates tremendous
waste and inefficiency, as older digital devices are discarded when no longer useful. It
can also become very expensive for users when you have to upgrade every few years
to a new device.

17. Social Alienation

Society continues to become more and more impersonal as digitized machines replace
humans. People shop online, do their banking online, pay bills online, and increasingly
work online. Transport is also set to become automated, which will ultimately result in
taxis and delivery vehicles becoming driver free. Loneliness and a lack of human
contact with a flesh and blood person are becoming increasingly common.
Advantages and disadvantages of
Technology brings benefits to sport, but it also brings disadvantages. Sometimes the technology
needs to be embedded and improved before it is fully effective, often the problems only emerge
after time.

These tables highlight some of the advantages and disadvantages of technology in sport.

For athletes

Advantages Disadvantages

Better performance – marginal gains make the

Invades privacy

Better medical care results in fewer injuries or

Blurs lines between personal and professional time
faster recovery from injury

Feedback from coaches is more focused, Availability and cost – makes sport and success exclusive
objective and helpful to wealthy people and countries

Improved kit is more comfortable, more Tempts athletes and coaches into cheating or unfair
efficient and safer practices

Part of a team, not isolated Puts the sole focus on winning not athletic endeavour

Athletics, Technology in

The differences in skill among athletes who compete at the

highest levels of their sports are actually very small. Mere
hundredths of a second are likely to separate those standing on
the winner's platform from the also-rans after the Olympic 100-
meter dash or 100-meter freestyle swimming competition. On
any given day, the margin of victory of the world's top-ranked
professional tennis player over, say, the 10th-ranked player can
be just a few key points at critical moments in a handful of key
games. The difference between being ranked number one and
number ten is likely to be not just raw ability but the consistency
with which a player exercises that ability from game to game,
even point to point, during a match.
In this highly competitive environment, athletes look for any
edge that will help them win. To achieve that end, they have
enlisted the aid of science and technology. World-class
bicyclists, for example, are as likely to be as knowledgeable
about the latest advances in metallurgy as they are about their
sport so that they can design aerodynamic, lightweight bicycles
that will help them shave seconds off their times. They also
carefully select their helmets and clothing to minimize wind
resistance, again in an effort to eliminate any factor that would
slow them down.

Athletes who rely on repetitive motions—the stride of a runner,

the serve of a tennis player, the stroke through the water of a
swimmer—use any technology that will help make those
motions more consistent and eliminate wasted energy. The
increasingly high-tech tools used include computer simulations,
advanced video cameras, wind tunnels, and sophisticated
mathematical and physics models that enable athletes to break
down their physical motions into their component parts in order
to look for flaws or ways to improve. In a sense, a person does
not have to choose between being an athlete and a scientist, for
increasingly the two fields are merging in exciting ways.
Aerodynamics in Sports Technology

Although virtually any sport could be used to illustrate this new

role of high technology—fencing, swimming, golf, cycling—
tennis provides a good example. In the twenty-first century,
world-class tennis players (and their coaches and trainers) must
have a basic understanding of the laws of aerodynamics in
order to truly understand the sport and gain an edge over
competitors whose abilities match their own.
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
has developed a research program called "Aerodynamics and
Sports Technology." The goal of the project is to examine tennis
—which involves making a ball fly within the boundaries of an
enclosed space—from an aerodynamic point of view, much as
aircraft designers do. Researchers seek to answer basic
questions. How does a tennis ball fly in the first place? How do
its flight and direction change? What is its speed, and how and
where does its speed change? How much does a tennis
ball spin , and how does the spin of different types of shots
differ from player to player? What happens to the ball when it
hits the court? How does the ball interact with the air during its
flight? The results of scientific research examining these
questions provide a good example of how mathematics,
physics, computer technology, and biomechanics can
contribute to athletic performance.
Ball Speed, Ball Spin, and Biomechanics. One of the
questions that interests sports scientists is ball speed. The
usefulness of a radar gun is limited because it cannot measure
changes in the ball's speed at different points in its flight. To
measure ball speed, scientists had to develop photographic
techniques that could freeze the movement of a ball traveling up
to 120 miles an hour. Regular video does not work very well, for
it records images at a speed of 30 frames per second at a
relatively slow shutter speed. For this reason, television replays
of tennis shots tend to be blurry, for the ball is simply moving
too fast and the typical video camera is too slow.
To solve this problem, sports scientists make use of cameras
that have a high-speed shutter. While the camera still records
action at 30 frames per second, a high-speed shutter allows the
camera to take a picture with a duration of perhaps of a second
—or even a mere of a second. This shutter speed enables
sports scientists to get clear pictures of the ball as it moves
through the air and thus allows them to measure accurately its
speed, and the change in its speed, during flight.
A second problem is measuring the ball's spin, and in particular
the various types of spin, such as topspin and underspin . The
difficulty with normal cameras, even those with very high shutter
speeds, is that the ball can spin several times in of a second
over a distance of several feet. To solve this problem, scientists
enlisted a new technology called "high-speed digital recording."
Instead of recording at 30 frames per second, these new
cameras can record from 250 to 2,000 frames per second.
Combined with high-speed shutters, they theoretically could
take 2,000 pictures per second, each with a duration of of a
second, of a tennis ball during its flight. However, practically,
investigators have found that 250 frames per second provide as
much data as they need. With this type of equipment, scientists
for the first time are able to actually see the spin of a ball as it
moves through the air. They now know that during a serve a
tennis ball can spin at a rate of up to 1,000 revolutions per
Armed with high-speed digital recording cameras, however,
sports scientists can also focus the camera not on the ball but
on the player, thus freezing the movements of the player as he
or she strokes the ball. Say, for example, that a player is having
trouble with her serve. Nothing seems to be wrong with the
player's toss, swing, or footwork, but for some reason she's
"lost" her serve. High-speed digital recording might provide
Video taken of the player's serve can be used to create
sophisticated computer diagrams that show the precise path
and speed of the player's racket, allowing the player and her
coach to break the serve down into each tiny movement.
Furthermore, multiple diagrams can be superimposed one over
the other, exposing subtle changes in movement, racket speed,
the angle of the racket head, where the racket strikes the ball,
the position of the player's body and feet, and so forth.
With this information, players and coaches can modify a
player's serve (or other stroke), look for tiny changes in the
player's serve over time, examine differences between first
serves and second serves (which are typically slower than first
serves), and find a service technique that best fits that player's
size, strength, and the strategy he or she wants to adopt
depending on the unique skills of an opponent. Similar tools
could be used by a fencer, baseball batter, swimmer, golfer,
sprinter, or any other type of athlete.
Wind Tunnels and Computational Fluid Dynamics. Airplane
designers and auto manufacturers have long studied what
happens when a plane or car moves through the air, which
creates resistance and drag. They learned early on that their
results remained the same, regardless of whether a plane or car
was moving in space or if the air was blown over a stationary
plane or car in a wind tunnel. Sports scientists enlist the aid of
wind tunnels to model the aerodynamics of baseballs, golf balls,
and tennis balls. In particular, they want to identify what they
call "transition," or the change from "laminar" (smooth air flow)
to "turbulence" (rough air flow).
Wind tunnels, however, can be large and cumbersome, often as
large as, or larger than, a typical room. But the action of a wind
tunnel can be modeled mathematically, meaning that a "virtual"
wind tunnel can be created on a computer. This type of work,
based on the physics of fluids, is called computational fluid
dynamics (CFD). CFD investigators begin by programming into
the computer all of their available data. In the case of tennis
simulations, they need to know the tennis ball's size and the
configuration of its seam (typically an hourglass shape). They
also program in the ball's speed and rate of spin—which they
can now measure accurately using the video cameras
discussed earlier. Because of the immense amount of data, a
CFD simulation can sometimes take weeks to run on the
computer, though tennis simulations take about half a day. With
this information, the computer is able to model how the flight
path of a ball changes during its flight.
These and other high-tech tools will not turn a weekend tennis
player, golfer, or swimmer into an Olympic-class athlete, nor will
they replace drive, dedication, and the will to win. But as the
world's best athletes search for an edge, they provide
invaluable information that was unavailable less than a
generation ago. They also provide yet another example of the
practical applications of science and mathematics.

Current Use of Technology in Athletic

Training Education

Technology education in higher education and the health care professions is found
throughout the literature. Athletic training education (ATE) should mirror that of other
health care professions. The purpose of this study was exploratory in nature to
determine a) how ATE faculty are integrating technology into their classrooms, b) which
they find to be most effective and why, and c) which technologies they hope to use in
the future. A 16-item online survey regarding technology use in their ATE classrooms
was sent to professional and post-professional degree CAATE-accredited programs
soliciting participants from ATE educators. Four themes were found as to why educators
use technology: management of information, supporting a variety of learning styles,
provide visual examples, and engage and prepare students. Three categories were found
as to the most effective technologies being used: specific technologies, general
technology, and technology-related practices for the classroom. Technology for ATE is
being used to enhance education in the classroom; there are opportunities to further
develop what is used in both didactic and clinical education.

Impact of technology on the evolution of

sports training
This research work aimed to analyze through research results in some sports how the
application of technology affects the diagnosis and planning of sports training. within
the methodology, different types of theoretical methods were used, such as analysis and
synthesis, the logical history that, through the findings found in different specialized
databases, allowed us to find different positions and theoretical references that allow us
to affirm that winning in national and international competitions is the product of
conducting a well-planned interdisciplinary work, the use of methods such as quasi-
experimental that is based on the pre-test, the pedagogical intervention and the post-
test was carried out through the use of the technological implementation used in sport
as it is through sport machines such as contact platforms, linear encoders, sports
preparation software, tablets, and mobile devices that facilitate the roles of the coach
and his interdisciplinary group that through technology demonstrates have better
results in the data processing, evaluations, and treatment of injuries of their athletes.
The work allows managing evaluative information of different sports disciplines about
the level of physical, technical, and tactical preparation and other aspects of sports
preparation that access to identify characteristics of sports performance of the athlete. A
descriptive and application research approach was assumed that through a training plan
allows to capture and generate key information for the identification and
characterization of the most important aspects of the control and monitoring of the
athlete as they are actors (individual, institutional, corporate), that includes elements of
personal data, results of physical, technical, tactical tests and thus, having reliable data
that allow us to predict results in different sports competitions As results the specific
requirements expressed in user stories were obtained and the strengths and weaknesses
of the athletes understudy taking into account that the social impact is to be able to use
sports development mechanisms that help the orientation and selection of sports talent
found in the different slums and neighborhoods of the region which will allow through
sport a comprehensive education and environmental care through a sports and
pedagogical process that allows it to grow economically not only in the sale of services
that can be generated with the use of state of the art technology but with the economic
projection of what can be worth a high-performance athlete. In conclusion, reliable
information was obtained, for the realization and control of different training plans
generating inputs for decision-making in the approach of different possibilities seeking
to solve very particular aspects of the computerized and disciplinary management of
sport, the use of technology applied to sports training represents a significant advance
in reducing costs, time and processes in the training of athletes with a view to
professional sports.

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